APRIL 21, 1904. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT 13 I Bankers Reserve Life of Omaha j new J j r i ii iz, yy-LUN ft A Weekly Resume of the Really Vital News by the -Editor o Fro 12 Essteni Vfewpsist An editorial in the April is sue of the leading Insurance Journal of Philadelphia is here reproduced. , , . "Make haste slowly" is a familiar little injunction which at first sight looks like a contradiction in terms . Not quite so, however, as its purport is generally understood; the meaning .is perfectly clear; the advice tendered is most excellent; and wise men in variably act along the line suggested Nowhere is its practical wisdom more patent than in the creation and sub sequent upbuilding of a life insurance company. Some organizations of this category have gone upon a different tack; they made feverish haste; their advent was heralded with a great blare of trumpets; where are they now? Relegated (most of them) to the limbo of things dead and forgot ten. They "made haste," but net "slowly;" and their brief career re minds one of the words, "went up like a rocket, and came down like a stick:' In striking contrast to this sort .of thing has been the six years' record of the Bankers Reserve Life Insurance Company of Omaha. Nebraska. Its managers have never swerved from the path of safety; they have rigidly adhered to the wise and sound policy of building up the company's business with an ever present view to its per petuity. If any evidence were needed to prove this assertion, it is abund antly furnished in the extreme uni formity of growth which has charac terized it year after year. To illus trate: The company's premium income for its third year was $70,465; fourth year, $111,312; : fifth year, $179,503; sixth year (1903), $244,343, , By the way, the premium Income of the Northwestern Mutual Life for its sixth year was $97,929; and that of the New York Life for its fifth year was $120,491. Here are a few items of satisfactory progress made by the Bankers Re serve Life in 1903. A gain of $1,677, 000 was made in the outstanding in surance the total on December 31, 1903, being $G,911,500. Increase in premium receipts, $64,835; in assets, $113,768; in amount of securities de posited with the state of Nebraska, $50,000 raising the total of this item to $100,450; excess of Income oyer dis . bursements, $197,954. We give the subjoined extracts from the sixth an nual Statement of the company as of December 31, 1903: "Death losses re ported or unpaid, none. All other ob ligations unpaid, none." The high class character of its business Is seen in the average amount of the policies In force, which Is over $2,800. Presi dent B. II. Robison and his colleagues are to be congratulated upon the com pany's past successful record; also on Kb present healthy condition; and, furthermore, upon Its bright promise of continued prosperity. That Presi- dent Robison recognizes and appre ciates the able ond energetic support of all his ro-workera la attested by (fine of Ma remarks there ancnt, ad dressed to the company i olHcers, field staff and policy holders. Here's an extract from time: "You will kindly accept my thank for the loyal, faith ful, cordial support rendered in the Krand work. The an etc a attained rep resents the combined rneruy, Influ ence and contributions of officer, fklj taff, employe and policy holder, working together to further the in trreata of the Institution. No com pany ever had more loyal, enthusUMia and friendly policy holder." Iimur arte New. Philadelphia, Pa. The Russo-Japanese war is Impress ing the world with the conviction that it portends wonderful changes. For five thousand 'years the colored race&, outnumbering many times the races of a pure white strain, have lain dor mant. The millions of brown peoplo inhabiting India, the illimitable plains of inter-Russia, China, Japan arid tne innumerable islands of the sea thou sands of years -ago, when the white race was few in numbers, and with the exception of those in the Euphrates valley, they lived in caves, went aboiit dressed in the skins of wild beasts, while the brown people were laying the foundation of a civilization out ofJ which grew the great religions of the world.1 These brown people sought to know and understand the unknow able, they delved Into the mysteries that are beyond the comprehension cf the human mind and they left systems and philosophies which induced the people to look to another existence for happiness and advancement and thus brought any advancement here to a standstill. For ages on ages that condition existed, but the white race sought after the things that were knowable and advancement in this world, whatever might happen to it in the worlds that were to come. Not all of the white race slid this. Many of them were influenced by the Orien tal philosophy, and looked upon this world as a wilderness of clear and active brain work, the Ja panese have shown the highest at tainments reached by mankind any where or at any time in the history of tne world. Along with that has gone a modesty of statement, that is as marvelous as anything that they have done. There has been no boasting and no prophecies of what they will do in the future.. After a week of reading all the dis patches from the seat of war, it now seems certain i hat the Russian fleet was enticed out of the harbor of Port Arthur by the strategy of Admiral Togo and that the " great first class Russian battleship, Petropavlovsk, was blown up by a floating mine placed by the Japanese the night be fore and that another battleship, the Pobieda, was disabled by the same means, although the Russian authori ties ' have not yet decided whether there is more honor in bein blown up by one of their own mines or by nnn lofrl rvtr tho onomv Tho result of the sea fighting so far is to com-. pletely destroy the effectiveness of the Russian navy In Asiatic waters. On land there has been one or two small skirmishes. The Japanese can now place their armies where they please without fear of the Russian navy. Where those armies are now. woe and no one except the Japanese authori- themselves the travellers through it ties know. It is certain only that to a better land. But others or. tne there Is a considerable force along white race set about trying to make the Yalu river, which is northern this world better. They believed in boundary of Korea. Quite large bodies advancement and happiness here. 0f troops have been marching north Everything that would make life more through Korea. One of the correspou comfortable they seized upon, and dents on the ground says: "Alto- sought to make every law of nature gether the Japanese army is giving contribute to a happier existence in an admirable exhibition of order and this world. Instead of living in cave?, self-restraint. There is no looting cr dressing in sack cloth and pouring robberies, although the soldiers' ra- ashes on their heads, they sought for tions are limited, and the country is better habitations. Out of this re- fUn of cattle, poultry and other pro volt from Oriental philosophy came visions which might be taken." the steam 'engine, the railroad, the telegraph, the telephone and the tens rave Hill caotured the whore thine oi tnousanas or otner tnmgs mat aa- i wew York. He had the convention minister to the wants and happiness niedee the delegates to vote for Judge of mankind. Parker and adott the unit rule. There was a fake fight put up in the conven- . Duriner all these ages there nave tlon by Tammany. That it was a been just as great intellects among fake, any man can tell by reading the the brown people as among the white, speeches that the Tammany - men but their powers have been devoted to made. The Tammany men were ail the occult, they have tried to pierce for Parker, but pretended that they the vale of the spiritual life and to did not want to be instructed to .vote know the unknowable things that lie for him. There was not a Hearst beyond that vale. Had it not been lor delegate in the whole convention. the appearance of another kind of Oriental 'philosophers, the one who They sav that Senator Stewart s said "the kingdom of God, is within retirement from the senate, where Le you" and who taught mankind to has been since 1865, is caused by the. pray "thy will be done on earth," it fact that it is so long since he visited s prooaoie that tne-wnne race woum Nevada, the state which he repit. not have. made the advancement that t sents. that there are now onlv five or HEADACHE IK 11 AM dug Hmn. 25 IW afc rAKktKKS, ATTENTION. Do you wish to "sell your farm? It so, send full description, lowest price and best terms. Or, if yen wish to buy a farm, ranch or Lincoln home, write to or call on Williams Bratt, 1105 O st,, Lincoln. Neb. WANTED SEVER A L PERSONS Oir Cttiati. acter and jrood reputation ineach state (one in this county reqnlred) to represent and adver tise old establlHhed wealthy business bouse of solid financial standing. Salary 2.C0 weekly with expense additional, all payable in cash direct each Wednesday from head offices. Horse and carriage furnished when necessary. "Kelcrencee. Encloseself addressed envelop . Manufacturers and Wholesalers, Dept. 2, third floor, 88 Dear born St., Chicago, . , i ' Then Is butt 4 one way to ten tne reason ofbaJdneu and falling-hair, and that Is by a microscopic e x tui tion of the hail Itself. The articular disease with which your scalp Is aiHktcd muct 1 M uowa before tt tMt be intelligently treated. The use of dandruff caret Sod hair tonics, without knowing: the specific cause of your disease, (a like taking medicine without knowing what you are Crying-to cure, Sea few flallea ksdrs from your combing-, to Prof. I. U. Austin, the celebrated Bacteriologist, who will send you sb lately free, a diagnosis of your case a Doouet on care of iue nair and scalp, and a sample box of the remedy vMca he will prepare especially fur you. enclose zc postage ana write to-aay. mor.j. H. ACBTH, 74 B Ticker', Bail slag, CUaftfe, M. TIFFANY'S Sar.De.t5.lt Lice (Powder) sprinkled in the Beet keeps your fowls free from lice. Sprinkle hen and the little chicks will hare no lice. Tiffany's Paraxon "Liquid" kills mites instantly. Sprinkle bed for hogs, roosts tor fowls. Box powder for lit tle turkeys and chicks post paid 10c. We want agents. THE TIFFANY CO., LiBOOtn. Neb, it Monoy in Poultry" r new thoroughly r. ' it has. All at ' once, one of these "brow n races breaks away from the teachings of the Oriental philosophy. The in six men in the whole state who ever saw him Mr. Carnegie has given ?5,000,000 to establish a "hero" fund. The inter- habitants start ought to learn about est is to be applied to striking medals the things of this life. They drop the to be presented to heroes who have search after the unknowable and try BaVed life at the risk of their own. to possess all the knowledge that has Will any of the heroes who fought at been gamed or tne things .Knowable. Homestead when the Pinkertons ai- Kifty years of the efforts of these lit- le brown people astonishes all man kind. tempted to destroy organized labor receive medals? The Springfield Republican remarks that "there Is something of a foic boding of hard times." It comes to From lt Here, of Irrigated larttl the farmrr can rAll. a um. h nut front m from I'J acre la tue humt.I region. If one had predicted at the DreaK ng out of the war that within three months Japan would capture all of that conclusion from the number of Corea, totally destroy the efficiency of men who are returning to that city the great squadron of Russian war- who have lost their Jobs elsewhere. ships, and do it all with the lews of That same "foreboding" I prevalent ess than a hundred men, and onlv all over the eastern states. one pmall torpedo loat, it would have been thought the wildest prediction The New York Sun gays that on the ever maac by a man supposed to on east side where the poor people live sane. Ana jet mat is just wnat nas rents have risen L'o per cent, while fn happened. These brown men have Harltm where a little better las handled a great squadron of modern live (he Increase has been 23 per tt.it. battle ships, armored cruisers and a The same b true of Brooklyn, tho. lorpeuo nouua. wunout an archiem or nronx and the entire suburban dis any kind, and during that time havo trltt. Along with tho risn in rem often been under the fire of modei'i there ha been an Increase In thv shore batteries and the best type u prh-e of almoHt every article, and et- warships, mcy have destroyed, pat pcdaliy meat, that rnterg into tie out or actum, sunn ana (iisauie.i or rot of living. Some of the papers mo enemy k muis one nrst 4 mm bar- uay that lhee extraordinary tondi tie Phip. two act-onil class battle nhipa, tlon "Indicate a temporary break ouo nimorea uuncr, mree truixm, down of the economic syi'm.- Will, one firm tlan gunUut. three econl they may be at.U Ut hold thins; up rlaaa rrulsfr and three torpedo UmU, until after the presidential rlm-iiou. linn an ui.ii wunout uamage io incir but the Jub grows liardir every day. u mil m-ei mini uiU fMepilOU Ol mo UM of one small torpedo boat, in all tho naval wars of the world tlu'ro h.is never betn anything like iu Oar 1 vised and Illustrated book tell! now 10 malte It; also how to fPed 1 hreed.growanil market poultry 1 for hest rMnlbi: dIhiim for Ixuihm disease, cures, how to kill lire unA mitM. ilhintrafeKarKlrifwi-ilioafh larirmt p tire-bred poultry farm In th country: aiiote lrw nri.-. svn rvi sa bred fowls and eggs. Mailed for 40 in,r -tamps, p. ly,, Bsx , De Moio,la. . n 1 Bulletin of Reduced Rates Travelers of on economical turn of mind will be Interested In these low rates. . They apply from Lincoln. ban t1 ran Cisco Los Angeles Portland Seattle Tacoma f25.00 Today and every day until Apr. 30. Home-seekers 1 one fare f April 5th Excursions to I plus fiOOJ and the West and lor round April Southwest j , trip. , jath. California and mj April 21 to return JHj.wh. rMay, Full information at all Rock island ticket offices or by addressing F. H. Barnes, c P. A. 1045 O St., Lincoln, Neb. While In New York the editor ft The Independent wa told by a re porter that he had been aislsnet! la set an Interview with hotter. Hocke- In the handling of high ntdoslvcs. foller rieht hanit man with r,i.Mt the manipulation of th delicate and to stick to U until hgot u, "If It IhiK comidhated mirhlnery of great mod. all mimmer." He .tl i h had teii ern warship. In mneuverln laro n tin alignment then for ten d.vja s.pivlron under fire and all thing and that h thouiht that in t, w Un indicate stientlfle Knywledg. cimm, J more day ho ould get a far a lUi ers' $10,000-a-year stenographer and typewriter, Miss Harrison. From a recent New York paper It appear that the reporter has at last got at MU8 Harrison by watching her resi dence In Itroo'vlyn and tackling her as the waj about to enter. The re porter turned in hU Interview, and It was m follows: "Mlsa Harriot. V asked the newspaper man. Mtag Hal tUm shot a iiuispU -louav Klance at her Interrogator and bowed atlirmaUvel). "I called to learn If you Intend Rolrs to iKiatoti to testify tn" "On all matter of busluesH, )u will please call at the ollUe,'' Ml Harritm r lUe.l, and h MiKd lh and the iln r wan locked. MUn Harrison l waalid a a witness lu the lu.ston .t and copper ' a!.e. viherw UcH kefellef and Ut;er gatheretl In aUmt flW(0iH),iMj and gaio the teople worthies alack In return. It l not probable that MU Harrison will ever b found witlui the- Jurlsdhtkm of that Host on i-ouru If any one nffer to prcaent to vo 1 stock of a national bank, you had b t ter mk a pretty thorough nventlt;a tloa befyre jou accept Iha gift. iaU