The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, April 21, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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APRIL. 21, 1804.
si-Wa. WWW W-4'
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The Good Thing About
Armstrong Clothing
is the Way Yoin Look
. ; . I n the Clothes.
Armstrong Clothes for men and boys not only contain the limit of good looks but p
lasting wear and are priced from 25 to 40 per cent under what is usually demand
similar oous. -
In Newest Spring Suits for Men
"We are showing hundreds of styles of the most fashiona"
bly cut suits, made from thoroughly tested all wool ma
terials in plain and fancy effects--
$5, 7.50, 10, 12.50, 15, and Bp to $20. '
ed for
g In Boys' Long Pants SuitsAges 14 to 19 Years,
ti We show you scores of the swellest creations, perfect in material,
O ' workmanship and fit, at
S $3.45 $3.98 54.50 $5.00 $6.00 $6.50 $7.50 $8.50 $10.00
In Boys' Knee .; Suits for AH Ages, 2 1-2 to 16 Yrs.
We show every new style for little and larger boys, at
93c $ 1 .25 $ 1 .50 $ 1 .98 $2.45 $2.98 $3.45 $3.98 $4.50 $5.00
Send Today for Our Men's Catalogue.
; ' o '.'".V.-,'- '. . ' ' ' '' ' '
Jt tells all about men's clothes, shows samples of cloth from which the clothes
are made; shows you exactly how much money we can save you. It's free.
J If you have a boy to clothe do not neglect to send for-our Boys' Cata
Cfl' logue. The book shows samples of boys' clothes, tells you all about how they
? are made, and above all demonstrates clearly our claim that we sell better boys' clothes for less money than any
CJ store in the United States. The book is free. Write for it.
i22i to 1227 0 Street
Lincoln, Nebraska
The distress and poverty in New
York was exemplified the other day
in a mast striking manner. A new
department store was to be opened and
had advertised for employes. By 8
o'clock, in the morning such a crowd
had assembled begging for work that
the police had to call out the re
serves. Eight thousand poor girls and
yong men crowded tho fctreet In front,
beg?ing to he allowed to work, and tho
salaries in department storea rant.0
from 3 to $5 and $0 a week. Without
doubt many of these young people
were ona and daughters of mldd'o
class people- from whom the "captains
of Industry" had stolen the last dol
lar by selling th"m worthies stocks.
To remember that not one of these
thieve evrr been prosecuted 1
enoucb to maKe a bishop swear. Some
of the money stolen from thee ixr.
be lplcjj creature I bUng slvcn t
unlvcnsftlfH, rh'irrhcA ard bwpl!iij.
Hut the bUlopn duu't swear. Tl.ey
taKe the inony.
The rblids-tv Minneapolis Omaha
taUrond U l'tna a nw kind uf
Ph. ne wii nt ta Th lndwn
!mt ot!le tn tbm b'lrk of whkh wai
irfulej a mntraft. lunl bv tip one
f'Ht'hhiK li. Th stipulation as
follows r "I Am nt a iiirmWr or em
plov t.f any political i.'imnlttf In
V(i'pin rnr a rndld.ile ffr, or In
ru mU'iU of any or Ulou un
der the constitution or laws of Wis
consin, or under any ordinance of any
town or municipality of that stalq,
and this pass was not requested by,
and rs not for the advantage of any
such person or persons." As that pass
was used in Nebraska and the condi
tions do not apply in this state where
they are most needed, it is somewhat
of a puzzle.
The controversy between the Brook
lyu Eagiu aud the New York World
about which was tho first to suggest
Cleveland, then I', as presiden
tial candidates, U simply a contest
aboirt which is the greatest traitor to
democratic principles and to the
American jxople. The honors are
Our colonial policy has pauprlrd
th pople of orto Mco. Samuel
(iompiTs. iTOHlritnt of the AmerUaii
Federation f I atHr. has just rturnr,
front a HH to the Island and he do
ilarea that whll thotmamla at
drcijd in ras and wtm har -nn'.y
the atmoi)hri and sunshine for gar
ments," that U not the worst or U.
From !". to r.'K ,) every month from
starvation, That Mil country ant
Nrt-rt s h Ktate of NVlrsVa has
a tonrrnmrnt that nrtllioiui and
th t-optn hav not word to say
shout It. Oovnnors, JudH and tdber
otScers Kt from two to (It timrs as
much salary as like officers get in this
state and there are a great many more
of them. It is a carpet-bag govern
ment and it ia wrecking Torto Itlco
just as carpet-bag government wreck
ed the south.
Chicago's notorious Judge Haneey
has Issued an Injunction which nulii
l.ts ail the city ordinances In regaid
to automobiles. They now need not
carry numbers, can run at any rate of
siH'cd that they wish and the friend3
ol the mangled bodies left In their
wi'kf will have no recourse. Why are
net fcomc of thce disreputable and In
famous republican judges Impeached?
The order of the supreme court In
the merger cast, when divested of Us
legal phraseology, n slmiy this: "Mr.
Morgan, Mr. Hill and Mr. Harrlman.
you must dti this thing :n a different
way," ahd thone gentlemen having a
Kreat resprvt for th supreme court,
Immediately proceeded to obey the
mandate of th j court.
The Iowa legislature killed the bid
to piuhlldt ofnetrs of all kinds, st4le,
municipal anl county, from rei rlvum
or luting railroad p,mr killed It so
thoroughly that It U deader than a
d..or nail, and that Is the deadest
thin that snylHMly ever heard of.
What othrr rrrU ctmld on ejMct
from a rrputdhan IrgulatureT
Imperial Hernia Cure
RuDturs radically cured bv nw nrooes!?.
in a few weeks, without ineonvenipnrw
or loss of time in bed. Send for circulars.
0. S. WOOD, M. D.
SJI N. V. Ufa Bldf..
Omaha, Nb.
Lincoln. Neb.
Flattery Is always fioud bait for