march si; im. per. cent of the profits '"of their labor goes into the! pockets 01 tne iiuie 7 it was naru vjixiea iui uiwv eight years ago, and it is difficult' 10 see how-it Is better times now, for : 41 hana Vioon rrmf irtlinilslV employed, than during the . acknowl edged hard times of a few years ago. As a matter of fact, it is not. The only benefit labor has realized from the adoption by the republicans of the "calamity howler's" theory, that a3 the hard times were produced by con traction, prosperity would inevitably be a result of expansion, is in a re duction in the number of those living on charity. Had some other reform measures been assimilated by the party in pow er, in connection with the inflation measure, the prosperity-, which that has; brought would have been realized and enjoyed by labor a3 well as capi tal, but under the guidance of a plu tocratic steering committee, the only prosperity their lop-sided measures have brought to the country is" the prosperity of the oligarchy. And the dominant party, through whose alliance with these piratical 1 combinations this condition tas been j reached, points with pride to what it. j has done! Against the mob the monopolists believe they have the means to defend themselves, but not against progres sive taxation. They stand aghast at a suggestion tnat laoor snoum resort 10 mis poieuvj this omnipotent weapon of defense against their lawless . practices. They have the wealth of the coun try; they have billions of aggregated loot; they have vaults bursting with concentrated plunder, to hire Pinker ton detectives, to pay iron, police and to buy court-decrees. But the puny and ponderous ballot and the read justing processes it can enact and en force are beyond the reach of their billies and bullets. , ' ; Ah! but touch that magic button in behalf of progressive taxation and we will help them to shudder at the peaceable and speedy restoration of Justice to our vast army of industrial ists. We will aid them to stand aghast at the approach of readjusting measures, that will gradually replevin their stores of plunder, for relieving the oppressed and? lifting the fallen. " Two bills of this nature have been introduced in congress in the past f-n 'years and one or the other has been on the house calendar of every con gress since 1891, until the present con gress. The graduated' property tax bill was. first introduced at the first session of the Fiftyrsecon&f congress and reintroduced in every succeeding one till thA Fiftv-sixth: That was a complex measure and could not be en acted and enforced Without a 'consti tutional nmTtrimpnt ! On this account, as well as. on ac count of the increasing encroachment of corporations on , individual rights, the growing lawlessness and piracies of monopolies, and a general demand for an eradication of the truit evil, I dre"w the graduated corporation license bill ' in 1899 as a substitute' for the earlier bill. This bill, with a petition signed by L. D. Llewelling( (ex-gov.), John P. St John (ex-gov.)', Edwin Taylor (ex senator from Wyandotte county), ani myself (ex-lieut-gov.), was sent tJ Congressman Ridgely oi this district, introduced by him on the 10th day cf January, 1900,, and mummified in tue catacombs of the finance committee with due and modern celerity Taxation is the only peaceable meth od by which the trusts and corpora tions will be called down and the concentrated loot of the multi-millionaires replcvined; and it would furnish the money at once to buy pub lic utilities. It is the only thing plu tocracy fears but the mob. Way back in the early days of corporate vicious ness when the people were confiding and simple, some milder aud better DEAFNESS CANNOT HE CUBED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you roust take Internal remedies. HaU'i Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly on the Mood and muc ous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure It net a quack medicine. It was pre. rcrtbed by one of the bct phylcln iu thl country for years, and U a rriruUr prescription. It is rompom! of the beat tonic known, combined with the best blood purifier, actlnjr directly on tho mucous turf.trra. The pcrfe-1 combination of tt two Injured lent li what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh, Send for testimonials free. 1'. J, CHENEY k CO.. Propt,. Toledo, 0. Sold by druRiiitu, price 73c. lUII'f Katr.ll Piili uro the test. Book I on Dyspepsia . Book 2 on the Heart Book 3 on the Kidneys -Book 4 for Women Book 5 for Men (sealed) ' r Book 6 on Rheumatism Send me the book checked abavt. Sign hett ' To Dr. Sboop, Box 1M0, Eaclne, Wit. That is all. Send you need. I will Dp. Shoop's Restorative Take it a month fails the druggist Don't Wait Unta You Are Woree ' Taken la time, the suffering or this UtUe one would have been prevented. Her mother writes me: "Two yean ago m'j little girl was tick con. tlnuouxlv for six months. We tried many - doctors and thej fatttrt, yt it took only two bottles of your remedy to euro her, and she bisis remained cured. Yon can tell others of ' this cure if you so desire. Mrs. C. H. Avery, Jtockdale, N. V." , lis a pity she did not first write me, before the case was dangerous. 'i be wife of Omer Andrus of Bayou ( hlcot, La., had been sick for 20 years. or 8 years could do prac tically no work. He writes; When she first started taking the restora tive she barely weighed V) pounds; now she weighs 135, and is able easily to do all her housework." . Twenty "dark" years might have been "bright" ones. J. G. Bllllngsley of '1 bouusvUle, Ua.; for three years has been crippled with disease. Now he Is well. He writes: "I spent (250.00 for other medicines, and the S3. 00 I bave spent with you have done me more good than aU the rest" Both money and suffering might have been saved. And these are only three from- over 65,100 similar cases. These letters dozens of them come every day tome. " 1 How much serious illness the Restorative has pre vented, l have no means of knowing, for the sllgbUy all and the Indisposed simply get a bottle or two of their druggist, are oared, and I never hear from them, Hut of 600,000 sick ones seriously sick, mind you--who asked for my guarantee, 39 out of each 40 have paid. Paid because they got well.- - U I can succeed In cases like these fall but one time ln"40, In diseases deep-seated and chronic Isn't It certain I can always cure the slightly 1117 r ; i process might .Have been possible, but even if so, none, other is now within their reach. . Let us cut the gordian knot of .capital and restore to labor some of its ldst earnings, by the' en gine of taxation and not bequeath to the next generation the shackles , that are cursing this. ' V , The methods by which, the industrial classes can protect themsSlves from the plunderers have been reduced to two taxation and physical force, or revolution. Revolution is the most suddenly effective and simple. Tax ation is the most economic. Which is the best? . The paramount question before the American people now, and until a re adjustment of our economic system is accomplished, is the destruction of the trusts and the scattering of their plunder among the laboring masses. This should bo accomplished by the only peaceable process within our reach: the engine of taxation. "Concentrated capital" Is the tyrant that holds the reins of a usurper in America. It is the great source of in justice, of corruption, of degraded lives and debauched ideals; of frenzied struggles for place and frantic con tests for power; of idleness and crime and poverty. Diffusion of the plunder Is the only remedy for the evila it has brought; tho only prevention of gicat er evils in the near future. The ques tion of diffusion is the one our bailola must say "yes" or "no" on to settle tho fate of the republic. Statesmen who talk otherwise, and partita that resolve to the contrary or that fall to tlazo a way to this result, are heipiiiK to lead tho mascea farther and farther under a tyrant's yoke. WUh one claM it la criminal deception: with tiie other criminal tupldlty. In the nt few yearn th great for tunes of the multl -millionaires. If the mniwca uho'tld continue, to Hand tht drain that Ion??, will f?row faster than ever forp. Th inrtvhtner of the trust wast trudf hften year aso. It hit now been pirfe ted. It is proter rd by various "theme f legislation most of w hi eh r.n piett ruledly box tile, 111 e th Sherman atttt-trtst law. There ate at least M c.f tin-se toriH-oie plunderer at work, "pljlug their o ratlou." Twentv-ou jrari ago, nhn th Standard Oil eompany wm th only trust, the reofh Yim.hHJcd that 0 v 1 F w -y s?5P -V II Cut This Out and Know How to Get Well no money. Simply sign above. arrange with a druggist near you at my risk. If it succeeds the cost to will bill the cost to me. And I leave Why the Restorative Succeeds. You may oil and rub, adjustand repair a weak en cine. It wilt never be stroncer nor do Its work " better, without steam. More power more steam is necessary. And so with the vital organ. Doctor thm as you will. That's mere repairing:. Perma nent cures never come save through treating the nerves that operate those organs. And that my Restorative does. After almost lifetime of labor of study at bedsides and research In hospitals I made this discovery. I found a way to treat, not the or gans themsevles, but the nerves the inside nerves that operate these organs and give them Eower and strength and health. That discovery as shown me the way to cure. It makes my offer possible. I know the remedy. I never can forget the study, all the research, the trials and tests that perfected it, . I have watched its action year after year in cases difficult, discouraging. Time after time I bave seen it bring back health to those poor ones whom hope had almost deserted. I know what it will do. My only problem is to convince you. And so I make my offer. And the bare fact that I make such an offer onght of itself to con vince you that 1 know how to cure. Please read it again. It means exactly what I say. No catch no misleading phrases-in it. Simply this you take the medicine and i wm take tne risk. And you not I decide if you are to pay. its purpose was fraudulent and its methods infamous." Now a majority of the United States senate are be lieved to be allied 'with the criminals through stock ownership. The laboring masses are in the clutches of the slickest and greediest band of corsairs the sun ever shone on. As a result, wbile the band plays a prosperity march and a full dinner pail jingle for the glory of the revel ing bandits, there are a larger per cent of the American people living from hand to mouth now than ever before. But a change will ccme ere long, one way or another. W3 are in a John Law period the John Law period ol a republic. It may be. well to pass through it to see what there is on the other side. Bent. Murdock well says: "When the cold wave comes and it will come; when financial distress hits every business man in the land and it will hit; when the seven lean kine are turned loose and they will be turned, all tho blooming idiots who have blown their millions and bil lions into these balloon trusts, will be annihilated as quick as a doll paper house in a Texas tornado, while the distress to be brought upon the coun try will cause If not a revolution something very nearlr approaching one." While Murdock in that article is keen and forcible he does not touch on the worst phase of the situation he, in common with all thoughtrul pa triots and some reflective. politicians, deplores. His sympathy is waiting lo l extended to tlo guilty one and the partlcepg crlmlnls, the "business men and the blooming Idiots In the gieat combine. Instead of the Innocent vic tims of their nvarlee, tho plundered toller, who Hvp years ago were being robbed of fl.ouoooo day. But a change) Is coming, and It re main for u to My whether it wll he directed and controlled In th In terest Hn, for the welfare of l ho toil ing myriad, or whether we will con tinue, to sit by In apathy white the plutocratic usurper continue their work of plunder until patriot jy, V hav reahed the !t where rin.y compel lid to abandon the tuethM and path way of moral ,ianlon for the armament and banner of physUat forte. I'nder MlMIn evnno'nlc eondltlor .WHW5(!'.', ' Tell me the book for sir bottles of you is $5.50. If it the decision to you. All You Need To Do Simply sign the above that' is all. Ask for the book you need, f be offer I make is broad is liberal. The way Is easy Is simple. The Restorative Is certain. i ' , But do not misunderstand me. " This is not free treatment with nothing to pay. Such an offer would be misleading would be little the physician who who makes it But believe In a sick onete honesty his gratitude. That when he is cured, he will pay the cost of the treatment and gladly. , ' I make this offer so that those who might doubt, may learn at my risk. Tell ofit please, to a friend who Is sick. Or send me his name. That's but a trifle to ask a minute's time a postal. He is your friend. You .can help him. My way may be his only way to get well. I, a stranger, offer to do all this. Won't you, his friend, his neighbor, simply write? . . He will learn from my book a way to get well. Perhaps, as I say. the only way to get well for blm. Ills case may be set ious hopeless almost. Other physicians other specialists may hav failed. The matter is urgent, then. : . " Write me ft postal or sign above today.- . ; Address Dr. Sboop Box ldio Raclrie, WlsV the arrogant purpose . and - despotic measures of monopoly the . present political situation the absolute : fail ure of parties to antagonize the trusts, the cringing servitude of congress and the leglslaf ures to these, as yet omnipotent and piratical forces and the cowering vassalage of the couris that cheerfully reverse themselves to. wipe out the historic -decisions of a hundred years at the call of a ramp ant oligarchy there is no tenable po sition for any one who has made anti monopoly a paramount principle fcr the past ten or fifteen years but that of independence. A few try to bring such a project into disrepute by charging that it is "confiscation." - They are right if the acquisition by the sovereign people of their ou through a peaceable and gradual pro cess of taxation Is confiscation, as all processes of taxation are really con fiscation. In this case it is a confiscation at the demand of justice and not a measure of oppression. But the enormous sums paid In dividends by the monop olies and watered stock syndicates, aro robbery pure and simple, without excuse, reason or Justice. Let us meet the illegal and discrim inating taxes of the trust cormorants and watered stock vampires by tho legal and discriminating taxes of gov ernment. The latter are excusable on account of being designed for a j.ublic benefit. But the extortionate ievies of (he trusts are purely for a private benefit. Let us meet the lawless confisca tion of the trust leevhe that aro bloated with ricking in the prohta and possesions of tho Industrial, with the peaceful and lawfjl confuta tion of government levies. Beformer are In favor of .1 rM,l. Jtutiueiii of voforolc eondltp.n. They win to iho prppiletors .f the trio.t, and the court that uphold them; the owner of the corporation, an I the legislature that serve thi:i, take me of their own f..ti. in "Urformera who object to muh a pro test are a sham." rrocresIve t-uatlon and the expen diture of Ua proceed In at public improvement, In the pun n. of puU Hc'utlMIe, u wlplns out monopolies