The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, March 24, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    MARCH 24, 1904.
Populists in all Parts of the Country at Work Organ
izing for the Springfield Convention
The Independent is gratified at the
general activity o the populists ev
erywhee, in preparing lor the Spring
field national coirvention. It promises
to be the largest and most enthusiastic
in the history of the party. Reform
ers in all ranks are looking to ihat
convention for results that will tell
for the people's cause. They are in
earnest, confident and at work..
.From-the. '-
Editor 'Independent: Am pleased
with the result of theV February 22
convention. Feeling confident that the
Fourth of -July convention will select
candidates for both positions from the
ranks of the . party as it stands today
for populism, I have endeavored to do
some work along the line of your sug
gestion. Spent an hour in soliciting
subscriptions in one town a few-days
ago and as a result send check to pay
for a five months' educational ; courte
for 24 promised readers.
It is understood that you are to
stop the paper when- time expires, if
they do not renew.
l" believe if the opportunity offeis
for the populists to vote for candi
dates whose political faith is unques
tionable the interest in their election
rnl be greater than ever before. We
want no railroad or corporation pet
tr metal money redemption man.
bend a couple dozen subscription
cards. J. G. WOLFE.
Almira, Wash.
The Leaven Working in Nebraska
Editor Independent: I hand you
herewith one dollar for the four trial
subscriptions as per cards enclosed.
Tnese are men who have heretofore
oeen of our most active workers, but
have become lukewarm and indiffer
ent of late, from what cause I will not
pretend to state. Send them each an
Old Guard blank to fill out ; and I
think they will enlist. .
The conditions here in our county
are about as discouraging as any
where, so far as, party organization
goes, but by private Interviews with
the old timers I am led to believe there
is still enough of the : leaven of pop
ulism, ' or self-government, left to
leaven the whole political Jump. I
am optimistic enough to think the
siss of the times point to a condi
tion,. n the not distant future, when
the peoi le shall realize that the 'only
bor? oi preserving anything like a
pcpjiai system of government, is by
the ' installation' of those principles ad
vocated by the people's independent
party, m the administration of our
politic' affairs. When I talk with
cur precent day, self -styled socialists,
in this vicinity, a very brief interro
gation reveals the fact that all the
roost iadicaJ. of them expect to achieve
through their party organization is
rotMng more than populism, pure and
s'-rr.i le. This ought to assist in con
ining them of the futility of divid
ing the forces working for the same
re&ult. A. F. PARSONS.
North Platte, Neb.
Equally encouraging letters are re
ceived every day from all parts of the
country. Limited space makes it im
possible to print them. All are ap
preciated none the less.
Every, reader of The Independent
should join in pushing the educational
work. At the special educational rate
of 5 months for 23 cents you, can se
cure orders easily.; If -you have not
sent for a bloc of five cards, why not
do so at once?' It costs you nothing
to try .Fill out the order blank below
and we will send them by return
mail. 1 v ,
Here are the names ; of "those who
have sent in long lists' and to whom
The Independent and people's party
are indebted for loyal support and co
operation: "
J. G. Wolfe, Almira, Wash.
A- F, Parsons, North Platte, Neb.
Wm. Allerton, Rosenberry, O. r
I. A. Gander, Bunceton,! Mo. ;
G. W. Fifer, Findlay, Q.
J. W. Whipple, Stiles, Wis.
Jonathan H'ggins Cambridge, Neb.
W. T. McDade, Gallman, Miss.
John Salzman, Omaha, Neb.
W. E. Moore, Blossom, Tex.
J. II. Edmisten,. Lincoln, Neb.
John Foreman, New Bellsville, Iud.
H. H. Grover, El Doradj, Kas.
N. Rosenberg, Spannuth, Neb.
C. Sorenson,; Dannebrog, - Neb. ,'
J. S. Bain, Meltonsville, Ala.
A. Reid, Sturgis; S. D.
S. W. Williams, Vincehnes, Ind.
W. W. Finley, Buffalo, Mo.
Wm. H. Shoemaker, Cheney, Neb.
J. S. Jones, uka, 111.
J. E. Pepple, Westoria, Mich.
Geo. Schofeldt, Nelson, Neb. . I
F. M. Stoy, Terrell, Tex. - ,
&'. A. Wright, Springfield, Mo.
E. B. Whitmors, Rochester. N. Y.
L. E. Huggins, Omaha, Neb.
I. JN Teagarden, Hamilton, Mo.
A. M. Hood, Point Isabel, Inu.
C. J. Jackson, Belton,.Tex. . -
F. B.4Lewi3r Penbrook, Neb.
A.' Norelius, Kiron, la.
O. F. Hughes, Litchfield, Ky.
S. J. Dyer; EI Reno, Okia.
' The G. A; Crancer Co: has purchased
the entire stock of pianos, organs, mu
sical instruments . and art supplies of
Arthur Betz and are selling it at real
bargains.' See ad. "page 15and write
at once for what you need. .
Col. Felter Hit Mad Cemplete Ami
nients for the Conrealloa -One of tb
Best Halls In the United States
Editor Independent: It might be
well to state that I have full assur
ance from the adjutant general of Il
linois of the use of the new arenal at
Springfield for the people's party na
tional convention, July 4, 5, 6. Should
the delegates decide to remain longer
ample provision is made for that
event. The arsenal is a magnificent
building with all modern improve
ments. It will be nicely seated, ar
ranged and decorated lor the oc.:a
sion. Hotel prices are from $1.25 to
The Independent, Lincoln, Neb.:
You may send me five of the Old Guard Sub
scription cards for securing new subscribers at the
Special Educational Rate
Five Months for Twenty-five Cents
and roll of sample copies for distribution.
P. 0.
ICotk. No oah in advance is required. Wa
trust you. When you haveold the cards end in the
payment le eot for postage and exchange.
$3 per Jay. There are restaurants
where good meals can be had from
10 to 25 cents. I am acquainted with
all the hotel proprietors and can say
their character is first class. All the
hotels are within one and a half to
three blocks from the arsenal.
Every arrangement for the comfort
and pleasure of our populist friends
have been anticipated and provided
for while they are in the city. Illi
nois populists will do the right thing
and do it nicely. We are looking for a
big 'convention.
. All reform papers please copy.
';. COL. J. &'. FELTER.
Springfield, 111.
' East'and Co., Texas
; Editor Independent: Of course, I
am .one'of the Old Guard. Was sup
porting! the battery that fired the first
shot away back yonder in the Peter
Coopericampaign. And will be found
on the.:;firing line at all times, when
the liberties and manhood, of the
American: people are at stake, as it is
now. and has been since the first po
litical battle was fought by Thomas
Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton in
the adoption of the constitution of
the United States Jefferson for the
masses and Hamilton for the classes
so still the battle wages, only fiercer
and more intense, as the economic
education of the masses progresses.
. If we had .such a paper as The In
dependent Jn each state what a rally
of .the true patriots there would be!
I want: to say Amen to the work at
St. Louis, as so much depended upon
the outcome of that comerence.
I pray that heaven may smile upon
our efforts. One of the Old Guard.
Over the Trail
The letter below, from C. J. Jack-
son; Bell county, Texas, clears up a
little matter we are all interested in.
He sayaj ;
"My Dear Bro. De France: I see
that you say that you are indebted
to Bro. Tibbies for the words, 'Come
over the trail.' A few. years ago I was
writing to The Independent and giv
ing a short sketch of my work in re
form. And after mentioning a good
many "things, I used this language:
So you can see at a glance that I have
come over the trail.' So I suspect that
this is where- the sentence came
from.",,,- , .
Th Cliff Dwellers
Hon.-Gf W. Crook, Camden, W.-Va.:
"I am sorry to learn that Editor Tib
bies hds bid farewell to the "elite
dwellers" for good, as his articles were
intensely interesting to me. Better
keep him there if you can spire him,
for I doubt if you have any more
effective means of educating the peo
ple along these lines. While he is in
easy touch of the. fountain of corrup
tion, his presence would keep them
stirred up to such a pitch that the
people would be able to see what a
vast influence the reform movement
is having upon plutocracy and cen
tralized wealth."
The Gap Too Wide
Mr. John McMilliu, Garberville,
Cal.: 'i enclose $2 to pay lor advo
cating the principles of the people s
party in your paper. . In a nutshell,
my views are those of Peter Cooper
and the Omaha platform, but our lead
ers have betrayed us so ofton, I am
getting discouraged and if the river
was not so wide between our present
form of government and the social
ist doctrines I would make a leap for
that party, but I like the Omaha plat
form best and will stay with that."
Lots In a Name
A New York Subscriber: "The pa
per came this morning. I think it is
fine. Dubbing national bank money
"stock exchange money," an Del Mar
suggests, ought to make a good cam
paign argument there's lots in a
name. "Protection, alias aggression"
would be another. I got two copies of
The Independent and I am Rending
both to others so they can read them."
fiure Uflnio
f Will Cure You So That Yes Will
Stay Cured Women No Longer
Need Submit to Em harassing Ex
aminations and Big Doctor Bills.
Comanche Co., Texas
Editor Independont: I am a reader
of your valuable paper and Ul Kivt
you a few dot of our mirrotttuiinga.
W hav lots of popnlhU In Ibis iouu
ty, n. hart arrll this county sev
eral tlmr. Can tarry it again witU
a little kihhI woik.
Th people party h not dolnis
nuuh Lire now. Them ha Utn no
otit to orKanlu them. I hop thert
will he some move to the woik
Urt'd tin. I IndorM Ihe lertm
inrtuK ami ay It wa a urau4 thing
fur th people party.
To Show Good Faith
and to Prove to You
That I Can Cure You I Will
Send Free a Package of My
Remedy to Every Sufferer
I hold the secret of a discovery i
which has never ianea to cure
wnmp.n of nilfis or femala weak
ness. Falling1 of the womb, painful menstrual
periods, leucorrbca, granulation, ulceration, etc.,
are very readily cured by my treatment.
I now offer this priceless (secret to the women of
America, knowing that it will always effect a cure,
no mutter bow long you have suffered or how t
many doctors have failed.
1 do not ask any sufferer to take my unsupported'
word for this, although it Is true as gospel. II
you will send me your name aud address, I will
send you a trial package absolutely free, which,
will show you that you can bo cured. The f re
trial packages alone often are enough to cure.
Just sit down and write me for It today.
Mrs. Cora 13. Miller, Lox No. 8? Kotoiuo, lad,
No more bowel trouble, no more dead chlclceni. Wht
1 s the use of ralsl og lot of cliickem to die o various all
meuti caused bylmproper food, when you can buy Berry s
Cliiclc Hood at only a little more costf Composed of a
scientific combination of pure grain, seeds, animal matter
and herbs. Guaranteed to give results, or money refunded.
. Costs Loss Than Others.
Send for our valuable book, "Chicken Manual." Full of
valuable 1 nformatlon for every owner of poultry. Send for
our im4 ,'talo(tu. titublt tottwttj tbluni it, Imw
book anrtM for HkUc. MineoaiT. im
ft. . Berry Co., Bom I
The Sanders disc plows always work be
cause they are so simple and strong, light
in weight and draft, rigid with allnecssary
adjustments. They turn both ways. Fully
guaranteed. Sanders makes nothing but ,
disc plows. Makes them by the thousands. '
Get posted. Write for printed matter and
handsome poater to , ,
Liuirtger & Metcalf Co.. Osvali. '
el for well established house in a few counties,
calling on retail merchants and agents. Local
territory. 8alary t'JO per week with expenses
additional, all pavable In cosh each week. Mon
ey lor expenses advanced. Position permanent
Business mceessful and rushing. Manufactur
ers and Wholesalers, Dept. 1, third floor, 804
Dearborn St. Chicago.
Direct From
The Factory
Write lodar.
O 33 to 309 O Street. Lincoln,
Nebraska. X
We guarantee our Linseed Oil Paint
and White Lead In oil superior to any
hlph trade paints In the market. We
would like to have every reader of
The lmlependrnt write lor tree price
list with color cards and loam how
now iinitn tan w saved by buying
paini dirt-el I'rotn the factory, special
price lor linseed oil during February.
Cheap One-Way CotonUt and Round
Trip Homeseekera' Rates via.
Illinois Central Railroad
W ay f Unlet lUtes
Ti point In Montana, Mahn, Wtiiifion,
Ort'Koii, HrllUti t iiliiiuble apd AUwrU lt rrlt.iy.
TU Wrut.ii mI dally untii April AUn. Liberal
To I'oitua to MutnriU, North and SmmI) !
ktite, Manllfba. VWW-ru tn(rl.i, hnkatt he
wen and AlntlU. Ttt'lets utt nl tvrry
1 nr. uy dnrlittf Mart h an t April. ,
To poltlt In IVtlltr, Mttwlppl tarirt .ti.
lane, lit arts iu ! (be M a til ItuwUri
In Merrli an I April.
HsmiHiairi' It an 4 Trip II tee"
To points In Alabama. ;tifiU. Kmtuckr,
MUvtU l'l. LmlUn Nnfth at) I fMtitt i mtvt
Una. IViuirwttr att-l Vlif'n. Tli'lciunt mI
ll and t ln.-a.Urs In March ea t April, at rate
tt n tar lu Kunitm ailurit.
I'urthrr Information t hwtmilf (ht UMrllr
ti. Vrl t o V, M' lamatu H ,tttiha, or
wilt. H. IIHILL, Mil. Ie Acnt.
iMnaba, , h