The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, March 24, 1904, Page 16, Image 16

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MARCH 24, 1904.
Ladies Only,
It Is Women Who
Need Most Relief
From Little Irri
tating Pains
and Aches,
tor. Miles' Anti-rain Pill3 are for
Woman's delicate nervous organism
tingles to the least Jarring influence, and
some ache or pain is the result.
The remedy la at hand
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills.
: They act most marvellously, on worn?
an's nervous organism, and relieve and
cure the pains to which she is a martyr;
Headaches, neuralgiao pains, monthly
pains, and all kinds of pains disappear,
as if a gentle hand had lightly soothed
them avay. Dizziness, Rush of BlQod
to the head, Toothache, Backache are
all cured by these "Little Comforters."
Cured without danger of disagreeable
aftor-e fleets; cured quickly; cured with
out unnatural action on liver, stomach,
or other internal organs.
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills please the
women, and the children take them be
cause they are easy to take and soothe
all their sufferings.
Tor years I had spells of sick head
ache, at times suffering untold agonies.
I could not endure any excitement.
Going to church, and even visiting,
brought on these terrible spells. I tried
numerous remedies without relief until
I tried Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills, and
they have cured me. When I feci symp
toms of sick headache I take a pilhand
ward oft the attack. When I am tired
and nervous, a pill soothes me." MRS.
SARAH WATKLNSON, Blairstown, la.
- Price', 23c a box. Never sold In bulk.
UDPTi Write to us for Free Trial
XvJliXU package of Dr. Mile's' Anti
Pain Pills, the New Scientific Remedy
for Pain. Also Symptom Blank. Our
Specialist will diagnose your case, tell
you what is wrong, and how to right it,
St. Louis Address and Call.
" Py frm Trial
Wl ur It'i U bmt fawWa
trj llMdM.whurOU think. N.
py nttlittMtad. Aobwui ud
Krkia. fend for trki ptea. Calakf
fiw.vlth poultry pip 1 jmt lot,
Dpt S3, D Molaai. la.
Good. Nonitt Incubators made by Johnson.
the incubator man. 3 walls, 2 dead air spaces,
improved copper heating system. Will nse
about as much oil as the old makes. Price
$10.00 for 120 egg size, other sizes in propor
tion. Quick shipments a specialty, lohnson will Bend
you Ms new i ncubatoi and poultry advice book. It shows
how to keep your tgg records. Write for It today. It's free.
iVlonev in Poultry
Our nmw filnnva rhnrnnfflilTr J
viBea ana illustrated book tellsi
liow to make it;also how to feed
breed .grow and market poultry
for lest resultH; plaim for houses
diseases, cures, liow to kill lice i
miteo. IlluntrHtesand describes tlx?
largest pure-bred poultry farm in
country; quotes low prices on pure
bred fowls nnd eggs. Mailed for 4c inlk!
Umps. p. Foy, EoxN , Des
M If! CO
Up-to-date, no night watch
ing. I'erfect regulator, econ
omical heater, price low. Test
it yourself lor 30dayr,it'aours
it you don't want It; lertile
eisgs must hatch. Ppeclal at
tention to bei?lnners. We
pay freight. Catalogue free.
Burr lncubatoCo.,Box 23G,Oinnhaf Nebr
TIFFANY'S Sare Death t
Lke (Powder) sprinkled
in the nest keeps your
fowls free from lice. Sprinkle
hen and the little c hicks will
hate nolle. Tiffany'spa ration
"Liquid" killa mites Instantly.
Sprinkle tw-d for hogs, roonti
for fowls. Box powder for lit
tle turkeys and chicks post
pAldlOn. We want Agent.
Uaeoln. Neb,
V 1 hA
m l
tit tttUtftf Indicata lf-
fact In- of thrru!.i.rd
Ctn. I he aiMl el ths Kanr
I witt iltf(iKntt4t tba f iri
ls4 turn will n U .V i to!v
mo tttati tba ol.Wt aotdv Cut
Only 25 Cants Pit Aero
t tlwi m . wil I rata. T
' mm V Ml. UM I
at tmmm. ami mm la b. A
mri tlfB CO.. Dm MjUm. Ima
We are fundamentally opposed to
the present unjust distribution of
wealth, that creates a system of so
ciety in which the few get, without
working, while the man work with
out getting; a system which must re
sult in either anarchy or despotism,
and the total destruction of our re
public. This condition is due to the
monopoly of natural opportunities and
the creation of special privileges by
We maintain that this government,
which was dedicated by the fathers
of the republic, to freedom and equal
ity of opportunity, shall fulfill its true
mission. We Jemand die opening to
all of the opportuuities of nature and
the abolition of all special privileges.
In both of the great political parties
of the nation are to be lound two ir
reconcilable factions, one Jn favor of
governmental usurpation, tending to
the establishment of a new feudalism,
and the other standing lor Industrial
and political llbeity, f
In the people's party of the nation
iies the only hore of che perpetua
tion of popular- institutions.
We , ratify and reaffirm the funda
mental principles of the platform of
the people's party adopted at it3 na
tional convention in Omaha In 1892.
Free speech, frcs press, trial by Jury
and the rights of the people peaceably
to assemble, are the . constitutional
rights of everj American citizen. We
oppose their violation by injunctions
issued by courts of equity.
We hold that the right to issue and
coin money and to regulate the value
thereof is solely a function of the gov
ernment. We demand public ownership and
operation of those public utilities
which are in their nature natural. mo
nopolies, such as the railroad, tele
phone, gas and electric lighting. As
to those trusts and monrpoues which
are not public utilities oi natural mo
nopolies, we demand that those spe
cial privileges which they now enjoy,
and which aloe enable them to ex
ist, should be immediately withdraVn.
Corporations being the creatures of
government, should be subjected to
such governmental regulation and
control as will adtquatciy protect the
public. We demand the taxation of
monopoly privileges, while they re
main in private hands, to tre extent
of the value of the privilegeb granted.
We favor the initiative and referen
dum; the former to the end that the
people "may compel the enactment of
good laws; the latter to th? end that
the people may veto legislative meas
ures. We favor the direct nomination of
candidates for slective pvblic office by
direct vote of the people, and the elec
tion of the United States senators and
federal judges, by the people.
The platforrr. of the people s party
made at Omahajn 1892 was originally
made in a conference ca.led and held
by the labor organizations February
22, 1892. Wc vherefoie invite the
wealth-producers lo take part in the
primaries that shall choose delegates
to our convention, guaranteeing mat
the influence of '.his party shall be
given to advance the Interests of or
ganised labor by the recognition of
the union label on manufactured piod
ucts, as well .is in legislation, which
at last is the onlj? hope of just con
ditions for labor.
Wo criticise as. unfair, illegal nd
unjust, those 'ecisiona of the courts
declaring the labor law unconstitu
tional, and we demana a constitu
tional amendment authoiizing legis
lation requiring the state, ixtunlclpai
itles and public franchiic-owing cor
porations, their contracors and sub
contractors, to pa workmeu tno pie
vailing rales of wages, and that upon
public works, oiKht hours shall con
stitute a day's work, and we demand
the abolition of the contract system
upon public work.
We invite the co-optration of all
reform forces believing in tht'abovt
The Call.
The joint committees of the refotra
fortes, represent Ins the o-ople' party
nf lie United fkates, as cmUed lu the
city of St. Louis. Mo., on the 22nd,
23rd, and 24th days of February, 1304,
hereby call a national convention to
meet in the city ox Springfield, 111., on
Lie Fourth (4th) day of July, 1904, at
12 o'clock noon of said day, for the
j.urpose of nominating a candidate for
the office of president of ti,e United
States, and a candidate for the office
of vice presiden of the United States;
for the purpose of selecting a national
committee of said peopie s party; for
the formulation of a national plat
form; and for the transaction of such
other business as may legally come
before It
. The basis of representation shall be
one delegate frorri each congressional
district in each state, with an addi
tional delegate at large for each 2,000
votes or major traction thereof, cast
for Gen. James B. Weaver for presi
dent in 1802; the jndian .-.Territory and
Oklahoma Territory 5 delegates each;
and 3 delegates from eac'i of the other
territories, as follows, to-wit;
A'abama 52
Arizona 'A
Arkansas 13
California ..... ')
Colorado 30
Connecticut b
Delaware 1
Florida 5
Georgia 7 .. 32
Idaho ,6
Illinois ... 36
Indiana 24
Indian Territory 5
Iowa 21
Kansas 83
Kentucky 23
Louisiana 20
Maine 6
Maryland 6
Massachusetts 16
Michigan 22
Minnesota , 24
Mississippi . . 13
Missouri 37
Montana 5
Nebraska 48
Nevada 6
New Jersey 10
New Hampshire 2
New Mexico 3
New York .. 45
North Carolina 32
North Dakota 11
Ohio 28
Oklahoma 5
Oregon " 15
Pennsylvania 36
Rhode Island 2
South Carolina 8
South Dakota 15
Tennessee ... .....22
Texas , 66
Utah 1
Vermont 2
Virginia 16
Washington 13
West Virginia ..; .
Wisconsin 16
WTyoming 5
Total 927
It is recommjnded by the .national
committees that the call for a state
convention in each state shall be
made by the heretofore wing of the
people's party recognized under tne
laws of such state as a political or
ganization. In states where both
wings have an organization, it is rec
ommended that . a joint .rail be issued.
And in "states where there Is no legal
organization of the peopte'a party, it
is recommended that the national,
committeemen representing the two
wings issue a joint call for a conven
tion. JO A. PARKER,
Joint sub-committee with plenary
By order of the comm'Uceg aforesaid.
The Independent wan ? it distinct
ly understood t'-at theie will b jop
ulista nominated by the national con
vention to convene on the Fourth of
July next, for president and vice
prenident. If it takes two batteries of
rapid flro guns and a mrloaj of
IjddlU iihrMs to do It.
Hides, Wools and Furs
TOThos. McCulloch.
lb (Id! eUh!i!ifd hid hrui in Nebratlia. Vkj lilhcit market
pier. Makra f rotuft relurnt. Writt for rlc ind thipping Ug
For over sixty years Mrs. Winslow'a
Soothing Syrup has been used by
mothers for their children while teeth
ing. Are- you disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of cut
ting teeth? If so, send at once and
get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup for Children Teething. Its
value is incalculable. It will relieve
the poor little sufferer immediately.
Depend upon it, mothers, there is no
mistake about it -It cures diarrhoea,
regulates the - stomach and bowels,
cures wind colic, softens the gums, re
duces inflammation, - and gives tone
and energy to the whole system. Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup for chil
dren teething is pleasant to the' taste
and is the prescription of one of the
oldest and best female physicians and
nurses in the United States, and is for
sale by all druggists throughout the
world. Price, 25 cents a bottle. Be
sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup."
They" will prow while
you are bleeping; ihey
and shade, and enhance the Value 01 your prop
erty. DIIV TUCII ' direct from tbeprower ol his
DUl ItlLliI local agent. Then you have
ft so"rce of redress should
they iail to Rrow or prove untrue to name. Our
trees are home grown and prices very low. Cat
alogue and due bill good lor 25 cents iree.
rlrbury Nnraarlet. Uox J, Fairbury, Neb
Seed Corn For Sale
Send for free illustrated
circular of different grades
of seed corn.
Seward, Neb.
Two reeular nackcti
oi veenaDie ana one of l lower seeds and ten
' tample packets of wonderful new praln and ,
gras!es, and our catalog. Also a due bill for 60 .
cents worth of seeds to be selected from our cata-,
log, free. All for a dime or 10 cents in stamps
to help pay postage and packing. Catalogue
manual is iree. write tor it. Be friendly.
1 . a. Berry 5QC8.,Boi ig.Clarlndi, I
i (Ban
BvXv- -v 1 H if J mJI II A A. "w. 0 A .
Send 25c
for our great G arden
Heed Collection, or
Z&o for our Great
Blower Seed Collec
tion : 5Uc for both- 10
lull sized packages' It
, eacn coiiectiuu. Za
varieties of either
for 50 cents. The
best seed offer
ever made, Illus
trated, catalog free.
Write for it
Fruit and 0rn
mental, Shrubs.
Roses. Bulbs &
8?nd for Descriptive Priced Catalog MIKE
600 Acres. It Grecnbonses. Established 1S52
C. S. Harrison's
Select Nursery and
Experiment Station,
York, Neb.
Thi9 nursery las
a fine collection
of ornamental.
Hi the result of
more than 30
years experience
nnd onscrvaiiou
CHst and west. Here are the choice all
vcr robed trees ol the Kocklcs SvrinsHS,
Siiircus. Viburnnins, Alliens, W'tselUit.
Hfty kinds of I.llacs-amonic them the
famous tree lilacs or China and Japan.
Thurlow'a Vccpln Willow, the n08'
thrifty and Iwauttt'ul trees. Ten k nd
of, 'loo kinds of l'eonyi
thousands of choice jiereunlali.
SnU for ptlc IUL
WIRE $1.40 i
M rtOI It I: LV A II I n W ! H
I'U l up t'JB fHtl, RSUtfr f I'-fW
II to i'. 1 lKllirutiiiiiigiti
in fi (W I't r looitt. II lf.rt
Hiactr., all U-m r I kiIiai $t,
lf t - t in ir
1") :m. S3 SO. ral'rr Ktln. t tr!4 int., t , !
u .. , Ak to' trro hUn S .
rir.'hiHiMni i k t'rtni,r.iil. ail !. lTrrl. j
(ttltiUtt IMi . , itwa u,tkKa
Cancer, Tumor, Catarrh. l'l!o. riatula. Uls,
Kosmaandal Hktatutd Woinbbliniws Writ
for llluiriod liouli. Knt fra AddrtM
OR. BYE, uS'.'v, Kansas Cltj, lii