rSMiii Vol. XV. LINCOLN NEB., MARCH 10, 1904. No. 42. TRADE V. TARIFF FOR RJEVENUE ONLY. Editor Independent: It is now quite certain that Hearst and Bryan will . control the next democratic national convention. It is equally certain that . the opposition to Bryan and Hearst, in the convention, will unite upon Cleveland; but Cleveland and Co. will not be able to make the platform; and, not 'being able to control the platform, they will not be able to con trol the nomination. It will be im possible for Cleveland to stand upon any platform that Bryan and Hearst will make, and, consequently, . Mr. ICleveland and his friends will have .to retire and leave Bryan and Hearst to run the convention. . . From one point of view it makes little difference which side makes the platform and nomination in the next democratic convention; because, if ' Cleveland is nominated, he will pre- . i 1 tariff reform, or tariff revision,' (all of which mean the same thing), as the parar mount issue; and if Hearst and Bryan or Bryan and Hearst are nominated, they will ajso -present tariff for rev enue only a3 the paramount issue. I ' If Bryan and Hearst do not present the tariff as the paramount issue, they .will talk enough about it and con demn protective tariffs so much that the republicans will be able to make the tariff question the paramount is eue. On this issue the republicans will certainly win and Hearst and Bryan (or Bryan and Hearst) will cer tainly go; down; because the demo- crata- will be foolish enough to open tfie door fof the republicans to bring forth their great doctrine of national nrntntinn nf American industries. . s' They will show that protection of manufacturers not only makes the na tion strong, as' against other compct inV nations but" that manufactures make a market for agricultural prod ucts. With this line of argument they will carry the farmers in the country and the mechanics of the town and city. They will carry every northern A state and nothing willibe left for the democrats except the southern states, where they have been preaching tar iff for revenue only for half a century and more. Free trade is not so deadly a doc ' trine as tariff for revenue only. There are- only two objections to free trade, namely, we cannot get the restof the nations to adopt it and, if we couid, we must adopt some other method of supporting the government before we can think of adopting free trade. For instance, we can open our ports - tlio trarlo ttf nil nntlnna. hnf wa cannot compel any other nation to open her ports to us. Therelore, be fore we can have free trade, we must take all other nations into our Union ana extend our laws all over the world. We can have reciprocal trade by opening our ports to the trade of other nations, on condition that they pen their ports to our trade; but we cannot have absolute free trade until we can, in some way, govern all other "nations. Free trade, then, is a chi mera and cannot be thought of until our laws extend round the world. Again, before we can have free trade we must provide some other method of taxation for the support of the national government. We are now collecting about two hundred millions per annum by way of duties on foreign merchandise at the cus tom houses. If we should have free trade, there wculd be no duties col lected at the custom houses, and the government would lose two hundred millions per annum; and the wheels tif government would have to stop, iirtll some other method of taxation Vvvre provided. As yet, wo have nev er been able to agree, upon any nulh xl of taxation (n iw we should adopt free trade, and, therefore, tree, tiade ha leen an lmjolbimy. Mr. Henry Ceorgfl and his follow rrs rou a single tax upon lar.d aiue a a 'ibtltuie for custom rtotmn taxes and all other kind of taxation; but Mr. (.Torge and his fol lowers have pot been able to eon tlnre the people that their system of tatsllon would prove practical for the support of the national govern ment, much le&s for th support of any local government in our towns or cities. For the above reasons few states men in this country have adopted" the theory of free trade as practical. On the contrary, our statesmen have been divided between the two theories of tariff for protection and tariff lor t revenue -only. And, . yet, free trade is not so deadly a doc trine as tariff for revenue only. It is. a singular thing, and nevertheless true, that nearly all our great politi cal men are divided between Tevenue tariffs and protective tariffs, instead of being divided between free trade on one side and tariff for revenue only on the other. It is also a singular fact that nearly all those who are clamoring for free trade are philan thropists, not practical politicians or statesmen. Consequently, the only thing we have to debate about, so far as the tariff is concerned, I3, shall tariff duties be imposed for revenue or protection ? . . ' , .We cannot, therefore, think about the grand theory of free trade, by people ought to be taxed, not accord ing to the amount of goods they may export or import, or the amount of such goods consumed by them, but ac cording to the amount of their in comes or the amount of property in herited. t These are the, proper y jects of taxation, so far as our H tional government is governed, whe ther the doctrine appeals to the state and municipal governments or not. . No public man in this country has gained a hearing for fiee trade ex cept Henry George. No public man in this country has dared to advocate free trade except Henry George and his followers. And it as safe to say that Henry George, would not have gained a hearing (and followers) if it had not been that he first wrote "Progress and Poverty" in which he set up a peculiar scheme of taxation, indorsed by a great many people and thereby gained a great many follow ers. Had Mr. George's system of taxa tion Internal taxation upon wealthbeen practical so that it could ty seen, by great masses of the coni mon people that the federal govern ment at Washington could be sup ported without resorting to taxation upon imports of foreign merchandise, it is very probable that his system would have found a great many more rv 2 2 ty v v 8 "A bill is in course of passage through congress to appropriate $90,000 to build a stable for the president's horses." which the products of a cold climate can be exchanged for the products of a warm climate, without the hlndr unce of taxation upon exports and Imports, (3orae governments putting duties upon exports as well as 1m potts). We are. In fact compelled to , face powerful, sovereign nations on eveiy square foot of the, earth's surface; and the products of warm and cold climates cannot be exchanged with out permission of these governments. Consequently, philanthropists who want our government to open our ports to free trade of the world muM get all the nations of the orld to open thflr ports for admission of our rchkIs into their lountrlrs, fteo from taxation. In other words, philanthropists rnul teach all the tutlons of the world and convince them that they oi.uht to eae collec ting tmpott ua tics or rxirt duties, tor th sake of Kovernmental revenue only; and that whenever a pwernmcnt wants or eeds revenue It ought to t obtained by taxing the wealth of Its popb In proportion to the amount of their vUlbls wealth found in any nation; which Is equivalent to tajlng that followers. The difficulty with Mr. George's system was and is that If it Is adopted we shall not have free trade, but that we shall have tarlfts for revenue only.'whlch may be high er and a gTcnter burden upon the people, all things considered, than tariffs for protection only. Free trade Is not a dangerous or deadly doctrine, because very few peo ple, comparatively, believe In it and very few people will believe U it as Ion as there are so many Indepen dent national governments on the earth's surfacethat are aU trying to see how much they can get out of the people by fixing tluir food, drink or clothing, Instead of taxing them according to their wealth ind ability to pay and benefit! received, IM us, then, pray not for free trade, but for the abolishment of all Kovernmenta thit are trying to sup t-ort thenmlvcs by tariffs for revenue only. If we can wipe out rt vrnce ttr Iffs and subtl.nte internal taxation upon wealth, we wit) have all the free trade we need and will be good for us. Frcs trade Is pot a dancervus dec trine, because we shall never have U until we c&a succeed la UUMu all tariff duties that are for rVrentw only; and we shall never be able to do this until we can abolish the pres-v ent so-called democratic party In this country. The democratic party seems determined to stand by a tariff for i f,iT'3nue only, whatever position .it may take on other subjects.1 The party may differ within Itself as to . free coinage of silver, the issuance of ; greenbacks instead of bank notes for paper money, and a greafmany other bubjects; but it cannot differ as to the tariff. Both wings of the party are for a tariff for revenue only, which is much farther frm free trade than "protection for the sake of pro- i tection" is. Under such a condition if of things there is no danger from free trade. IC some of our thinking people, who are advocating revenue tariffs, would only see that they are working away from free trade instead of to wards it, they wovild come out for tariffs for protection only, with in come taxes for revenue only. As for the Cleveland wing there is no hope.' They are Joined to their Idols revenue tariffs, gold standard and bank notes for paper money. But as to the Hearst-Bryan wing or the Bryan-Hearst ving, there Is some hope. It may be that they will see the folly of tariffs for revenue only and drop them (before the next na tional -convention of their party) and subtltut3 In lieu thereof income and Inheritance taxes 'for revenue only,' If so, let us pray for them. JNO. S. DE HART. Jersey City, N. J. ' Kansas Election Law Editor Independent: I have been reading The Independent for nearly a year, and am very glad to find an Old Guard populist paper which still , insists upon laws for land, transpor-- ' tatlon and' finance reforms,! together with direct legislation, and kindred progressive measures. I have not changefl my views, from what I ex pressed In The Independent last June, namely, that we have gone too far, and can never again rehabilitate the " - ' people's party, , much as we may de sire it. " ' 4 , :, It the democrats "reorganize" na tionally this year, or make a mean ingless platform, with a -wobbly can didate, I suppose most populists will want a ticket in the national field. But even then, I do not see much to ' be accomplished thereby. Of course, no old-time populist will support "re organized" democracy, nor pluto- -cratic republicanism. . And the social ists may continue too radical for us,, though I do not see the Wide differ ence between them and us populists that The Independent think it sees. They carry public ownership farther than our platforms have done, but hardly farther than many populists have believed and talked for years. ' Of course, a thorough-going public ownership doctrine eliminates largely the money and land questions, be cause the public ownership" of the land, and larger Industries will leave little for the money-lender to con trol, after the plants are paid for by . the public. I am unwilling to refuse to co-operate with democrats, or any other par ty where we can see thereby a way to advance our principles, so I have filled out the Old Guard blank sent me, and Inserted that exception and reservation. I believe In holding up the standard of tho triple reforms, until some other party takes them up In earnest and permanently. I hare never voted any ticket but the popul ist, which hss oftlmes been a fusion with democrats In Kansas, and al ways a fusion In this county except once or twice. I send also a Hat of a few populists of this county. Two years ago the ten showed that very many populists preferred the democratic jarty as a permanent party when we held two . conventions UhoiiKh we fuacd).-Quite a number of populists went lack to the republican party since 1K Oth ers are sothlUit. The plan of nominating randllalts directly y a referendum vote Jul lt me. and I send my preierentul ballot herewith marked. I hop many will tue It 10 as to furnish dsta as to Its feasibility. It U far better ttua a convention, and Jf 8.K would par thlpate, that would beat any ronven tiou ever held ou earth fur truly rvp-