march 3, 1904. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT 9 . . . 1 . TO THE OLD GUARD Friends and Fellow Laborers: : The editors and management of The Independent desire to enlist your co operation in making the next National Conventioa of the Peoples Party the greatest in its history. Begin the work now, to make the gathering at Spring- f ield, 111. , ( July 4th one that will mark a new epoch in history. From that date and place let it go forth to the world that the re-united Peoples Party, stronger in the faith that truth is mightier than money, renews with greater energy its battle for the cause of the plain people. The place is a fitting one. The thousands will gather and at the martyred Lincoln's tomb will pledge anew their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor for the ad vancement of the principle that as between the dollar and the man the MAN shall come first. - . It will be a new inspiration to remember that the political party that elected Lincoln was made of essentially the same political elements that "will be gathered there. Barnburners, Abolitionists, Free Soilers, a Whig faction and a Northern Democratic faction united to form the republican party and in a battle for human rights with the patriotic Lincoln for a leader came out victorious. The need for-reform is greater now than then. The problem is not whether the white man shall enslave the black man but rather whether a few -, vhite men through the medium of trusts and combinations shall enslave the American people. Joined in a protest against it will" be the Peoples-Party, the mid-road populists, Independent Democrats aided by the National Federa tion for majority rule, single taxers and many lesser organizations. The - star of the plain people is in the ascendant and will grow brighter, brighter until success is theirs. To the Old Guard Fall in--f ill up the ranks and push forward with ;.. greater zeal than ever before. Help to spread the doctrines of truth and justice to every household. The subsidized press of the country will deride and ridicule-but truth will overcome it. You who have read The Independent know of the fearless battle it makes for the cause of right. You may depend . upon it to continue the battle with greater zeal than ever before. With your assistance the money changers can be driven from the temple of power. Educa tion is the first essential. The people must be taught the truth. Thousands of our readers insist that The Independent is the most valuable educator and are pushing its circulation into every locality. Will you help? To make the work easy we have made a special EDUCATIONAL RATE for trial subscrip- tions. ' : FIVE MONTHS FOR 2b CENTS is a rate that puts the paper within the reach . of everyone. Invite your neighbor to subscribe. Every laborer for, reform should be on The Independent list. He cannot properly do his. duty to the party without it. It furnishes the ammunition information that cannot be had - elsewhere We are counting on the assistance of every Old Guard in pushing this educational1 work. How many new names can you secure at 25c each? How many educational subscription cards shall. we send to you? Fill out the blank below and we will send them to you by return mail. The editor will be glad , to have any information or suggestions from readers as to political condi tions in their localities. All such communications receive his personal at tention and more than anything else serve to guide him in his work. Yours faithfully, THE INDEPENDENT. HBARST AND BKYAN How Hearst and Bryan can find any common ground upon which to stand is one of those things that no pop can Qnd out. Hearst is an imperialist from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet, and Bryan made anti-imperialism the "paramount Is sue" in his last campaign. The para mount Issue in Bryan's former cam paign was free silver, and Hearst has always bceu against that. The next wonting after the campaign Hearst denounced both free' silver and Bty an p campaign most bitterly. lately Hearst has taken to Imper ialism with more energy than ever. Ilia Chicago papers of last Monday came out, as his other papers have been doing of late, for enormous na val expend ilurco. The articles were written after the truo Hearst fctyle, much of them In black-faced type and spread across four columns. They Hartfd out In tab way: "Happily for the country and, In our Judgtrent, happily for the interest of th democratic larty also, the effort made In tho hotio f rcprentatlves to eevetely check tho Ktoftth of the navy .;ut b-Hix defeated, "And dfaWd with the lit lp tf tkmoratlc votes." ' Th Wzk by wMch tula to4 of Im perialism was maintained was cf the school-boy kind that all are famiiiar with who have read any of the Hearst papers. The following is a sample: "The inland population has, in fact, a special interest in the building of plenty of warships. If we arc weak on the sea armies can be landed and the interior of the country subjected to inva sion." On the fundamental propositions of the Kansas City platform Hearst and Bryan arc as much at war as Bryan and ClevelanI are. It is said that politics make strange bcd-feliows, but If Hearst and Bryan can lie down to gether, they will be the stranet bed fellows that ever got under one cover. The republican dallies are all de claring that Senator Allen Is for Cleveland, because, he Bald that Cleve land Is tho lokal candidal of the democratic party. Tho nenator did say thut m far back as tho Denver conference and a rxl many other populist have been ftaylng It for a year or more. That wj the opinion of every populist at the St. Loula tonfercin . Whether Cleveland I th "logical" candidate or not, it U very likely that ho will get the demo cratic nomination when that conven tion ftswmbi'l. mm mm All the leading and best rarleties of choice selected, thoroughly tested need corn, which hare yielded 75 to 1 1 btkU pr ar. ChIi OelytSe Per Aare tor Seed, Large descriptlre catalogue of Corn and all kinds ot Farm and Qarden Beed mailed fr It yon mention thla tnv awn rm Tvva Mnnrv. wn-mrt vmtrv v n A I Ml I if VVii tmmW OVMMk M4a ORDER FOR SUBSCRIPTION CARDS The Independent, Lincoln, Neb.: You may send me five of the Old Guard Sub scription cards for securing new subscribers at the Special Educational Rate Five Months for Twenty-five Cents and roll of sample copies for distribution. Name P. 0.. State Kotk. No cash in advance- is required. Wo trust you. When you havosold tho card eiul in tho payment less coat for postage and exchange.