THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT FEBRUARY 18, 1904. 16 Nerve Fa If You Waste Your Nerve Energy, After Awhile You Will Suffer For It. You can waste nerve force by excess, over-work, worry, anxiety, etc. 'You can weaken yourself by not eating proper food or securing sufficient rest to renew the ntrve energy you use up. -, The proper treatment, In addition to good phosphatlc food, such as wholo meal bread, prepared cereals, etc., Is Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. This is as truly a brain and nerve food as any food you could eat, and be sides, furnishes strength and tone of its own, -which goes to the weakened nerve system, and sets it to rights. . Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine Is a re freshing, revitalizing tonic food-medicine for the brain and nerves; It reconstruct ; worn-out nerve tissue, ' and "fills your , languid, brain with new life and vigor. Dr. Miles Nervine has made so many marvelous cures,. of people so sick the doctors thought they were Incurable, that it is today the standard medicin in many thousands of American homes. The first bottle Is guaranteed to- help you, or druggist returns your money. "The extreme heat, close confinement and lntenso - mental Btrain incident to the banking business, has caused me to suffer' with nervousness and insom nia, it gives me pleasure to say that I have used Dr. Miles Nervine with very satisfactory results In the treat ment of these affections. I am now on my fifth bottle, and cat and sleep well, in fact have almost forgotten that I possess nerves." li. L. DALBY, Asst. Cashier, State Bank, Texarcana. Ark. CUTT1 'Write to us for Free Trial X XiJCilLi Package of Dr. Miles' Anti Pain Pills, the New Scientific Remedy for Tain. Also Symptom Blank. Our Specialist will diagnose your case, tell you what is wrong, and how to right it, Free. DR.." MILES MEDICAL CO., LABORATORIES, ELKHART, IND. 1H INCUBATOR , No night watching because we use pur Mnch Double Wn tor Regulator, all latest im provenients, California Red wood case, copper lank, 30 flays trial. Your money back 11 you say so. Catalogue lree Burr Incubator Co. , Box 23G,Omaha,Neb Ho Guessing You know in advance what will come If theeKKS are fertile when LF I- you use Vie sell-regulating Successful Incubators and Brooders The machines for busy people and thi inexperienced be cause they run tliemwlvej. i nat the unqualified experience of thou sands. The same under all conditions. . Rastrrn nrriers have DromDt shipment k from the buffalo. House. 100 pens of Standard fowls, inrutntor catalogue free, with poultry catalogue ten cenu. Oes Moines Incubator Company, Dept. , 33, Des Koines, la. incubators. 30 Days Trial Johnson's Old Trusty. California Red Wood Cases New oil saving, perfect reg ulating heating system. A five year guarantee with every machine. Write to Johnson, the incubator man, and find out about the Great $10.00 Special Offer. jsew caiaioRiio wnn etrtt. poultry aud inclination record. Keep books with the heua. I'lcnty ol uookt. uuey i eiree. quick hlpmente a 'specialty. 111. m. JOHNSON, Clay Center, Nb "Money In Poultry" Hn Milt fiinntra 1 1 11 r. 1 1 1 ir I I tr n . v viimmi ttiitl liliiHtrrttcxl txxik ieur( IiowtoiiiHkell;n o dow tufocd brvJ.Knwi)ii timrkri ixmliry for first ff huHn; pun (or Ihiuhm cliwfiui"4, ourei. Jiow In kill lire nrld mitf. llluHU-nleftanil ilt-m-rilmithp laru4t inn-ttHl notiltrv fMrm in th" country; uuou-a low urUfH un Dtis 4J bred fowl ami . Mallei for ? InfctAff mi. . m W K ah .a a aS W' . j miux. r, rejr, tt jj , uci moian.ia. y TIFFANY'S Sur Death t Lie (lowJr) prtokled In the nmt keetw your fowl f reo from Itco. Kprlnkl hen and tho litti rhlrka will bT no lie. Tiffany 'vi'sraiiron XUiUM" kiiWmlt'' lnuuiiy, Bpriiikln NhI for hou, roonta rorfowu. itoi iH(irrorht tie turki-ye aotl rhlka xt ftJ lv. V ant anti. THK Tll-.IN V '.. I brill IllkkVl ,lfft, iruU Ittd t lr, ami ttitiit Uir ut wur ifj ftllll Tliril tUrtt trrm tfmrt m hU 111 I Inri.l l'al arrrt. 1 Un ..i f a UUI I Ilk! II , ,Wrvr J U't tlH-Hl Ihfy "! H tum t r ( nut l. imi, u rr aif to'li-v U anl UMi rry li. t a tic ahil SuB I nl kI .' friti no ralrbuty hiiMtm. 1 v t. I lrl"iry. S' EALTIIY TREES KBirWi MM !, laa l" w. M IU iii ' l M M t . ... ! ttf rm V Jin j l. . a mr tl - m a. A Vote In Rips Dr. A. L-Bixby,: collector of "Drift wood" for .the4 Lincoln State Journal, 13 trying his level best to sneak back into the' ranks of the Old Guara of PopulismV where his - ideals really place him,' although "economic deter minism'! in the form of a Journal Company ' pay -check dominates 'and perverts his "egoism" and keeps him doing yeoman service for the Hanaa ites. In. Tuesday's "Paily Drift" vhe vows that "there is something pa thetic In the efforts of The Indepen dent to . bring the old guard of pop ulism back into the middle or tne road for the purpose of making a showing in , the coming presidential camDaicn." And avers, that "if we might be permitted to select from the bunch named (in the prererentiai nai- ot). E. Gerry 3rown would be our first and secord choice." Then the amiable doctor puts the spurs into Pegesus with the following -woeful result: - know not what results may be In this new deal we read about; The pops, I fear, will not agree" To stand alone and fight it out. erhaps a handful; tried and true, Will strive to keep the ranks intact, But when they find themselves so few Can party fervor counteract The Impulse to desert the ship And join the crew where men abound? ' - Will not the ranks disband and skip As roll the summer months around? Could I go forth from town to town, Exultant, on my own accord, And battle for E. Gerry Brown Without the prospect of reward? If any man could call me out To die if need be for the state, E. Gerry Brown, beyond a doubt, Is he the righteous incarnate. - For him this day I cast my vote; First choice is he make note of that For him I want to shed my coat, ixxy vot, liijf Dili fc, ixi j uvu ww, ui; hat! - For him I lift my eavy voice As high as I can boost the same; If he is not the people's choice Who is? Will g6me one speak his name? Don't waste any tears, dear doctor, over the pathetic features of "this new deal." "The handful, tried and true," have had so many hard knocks they rather enjoy the sensation. And right at the present time, wisdom would counsel no hasty disarrange ment of your raiment, even though your first and second choice is worthy of the highest consideration. ,W. E. Gregory, Alleene, Ark., sends in $2.50 to be placed to the credit of Little River county in the coming con test. . Joseph Burr, Leoti, Kas.: "I claim to be one of the Old Guard, as I left the republican party in 1890 and am sorry I did not leave it soonei." D. M. McCounell, Walnut Hill, Ga.: "I have decided to wait no longer to enroll as one of the Old Guard, and as you are giving opportunity for ref erendum" vote, for president, I enclose my vote, hoping for the best choice possible through the Old Guard. see that the enrollment' from Georgia up to date is very small, but 1 wish to say to the boys through The Indepen dent that the Empire State is all O K. 1 If T. E. Watson Is nominatca he will not only carry the populist vote, but a strong democratic vote In the south. I think, Mr. Editor, one reason why, and bo far as I know the only reason why, the southern populists are not more actlvj at this time Is (hat they are waiting to see what will de velop. The rank and fllo of southern populists are opposed to fusion, and, sluoe fusion Is a thing of tho past, let us all 03 reformers unite against the enemies of free and Independent gov ernment." Thou. D. Parks. Colli m. Ala.: "I have not received any of your blanks but am doslrous to have my name en rolled a one of the Old Guard of lipulUm. I will bo 72 years of age Ship Your Hides, Wools and Furs "Thos. WlcCullooh. tBTAUSHCD 1878. lit rMrat raifttlitbtd bid houaa In Nehrarta. T7 hirfhftt nurkat tlcta. !att trouift return. Writt for prica and ibli-jdnw Ui 017 Q STREET, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. In a few days. Am a Tegular reader of the Missouri World. The work of the Denver conference has inspired me in the cause of the party. I could give you many names that would be proud to go on the Old Guard roll, but have not consulted them on the subject." '(Have counted you and sent blanks. -De France.) - "B. S. Almond, Laneburg, Ark.: "I am an old greenback populist and voted that ticket till I found that un der present election laws, with either democratic-or republican officials offi cials in control, that it is useless to hope for fairness in elections. Since then I declined to vote at all." J. W. Banning, Guernsey, la.: "En closed find vote. I have selected for my first choice Allen. Who could we get any better? A man of more integrity could not be found, while no doubt all on the list are good men. I have been a reader of The Indepen dent since 1890 and have to rely upon it for the truth, as one cannot get it out of the old party papers." B. F. Arnold, Nashville, Ark.: "In a few days, yes, as soon, as the much looked for republican prosperity gets here, will sedd you some money to defray expenses. This is absolutely necessary, and I think that the boys in the trenches understand the grav ity of the situation and will come to your rescue. It takes money as well as brains and energy to run a news paper and to gather up at the same time the fragments of a political par ty., I sincerely hope the boys will get out of the trenches long enough to send you money to assist in carry ing on this work. We not only need howling and loud-mouthed populists, but paying populists as well. Ain't that the truth?" (I have always be lieved in the small contribution idea, instead of requiring a few to stand all the expense. Scarcely any man Is so poor that he cannot afford to contri bute a dime, a quarter or half dollar. A thousand dimes, too, from a thou sand different persons, from a party standpoint, is preferable to a hun dred dollars from one man. The ideal future organization for the people's party, a3 I see it, is a dues-paying one, where, cvry member who tar- ticipates in the party referendums must be "in good standing," as the lodges have it The dues Should be light, of course, so as not to be a burden to any member, however poor. The Old Guard enrollment is now reaching the self-supporting stage, as far. as concerns the things for which cash must be expended postage stamps and printing. Associate Edi tor.) x Jackson Wright, Harrisburg, 111.: "I . have been faithful to t our cause since Peter Cooper. Am now 83 and can't donate much, as the rich have got $4,000 that I worked for, but you will find 30c enclosed to help pay ex penses." Samuel W. Williams, Vincennes, Ind.: "I note your plan of taking a straw vote and approve it. It is edu cational and will aid the work of en rollment by adding to the interest in the work. I see that contributions to your expense account are not as lib eral as they should be and I send jou an additional dollar." O. A. Olswald, Holbrook, Neb.: -"I enclose your sample ballot. 1 have been an independent since 1889 or 1890; and only enactment of our prin ciples into law, and the failure of such laws to "benefit the people as we expect they would, will change my opinion. So keep right on, and go straight ahead; but seek to avoid bnd names for our opponents, as bad names will educate no one." F. M. Whittlcar, Butte, Neb.: "En closed find my vote. My sentiments are, 'Nothing but populism fusion don't go with me Bryanism . Is a thing of the past and should be for gotten.' I am one of the Old Guard and stand pat." J. A, Sullivan, Alberta, I.a.: "Please enroll my name as on of Ihe Old Guard of Populism, for I have bten one ever lnce the party wass trjan led. I hope tr reo i;nilhm prevail In 1901." Piles Cured Without Pain !fl th Privacy of Your Own Home. The free tr'al package which we send to all who write will give instant relief and start you toward; a peifect cure. After you have tried that, you can get a full-sized package from any druggits for, 50 cents. Frequently, one Mr. Maud Summers Cured of Piles by Pyramid Pile Cure, After all ; Remedies and Doctors had Failed package cures. It is applied in the privacy of the home.. Call iov Pyra mid Pile Cure aad nothing else. All druggists have t, for it has 6ured so many cases of piles and relieved so much suffering and is so populai a remedy that no druggist can afford to be without it The healing process- begins imme diately with tne first application ana continues . rapidly till the sufferer is perfectly cured. The pain ceases at once and you go about your duties without further inconvenience. This is much mpre sensible than be ing cut and tortured with a knife. It jS much-more satisfactory than a hu miliating examination by a physician. It is much cheaper than paying a big doctor's bill for an operation It is a certain," safe and painless cure fcr piles. . Write Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, ) Mich., for free trial package wb'ch will be sent in plain wrapper. After that is used, you can "get full-sized package from ts or any druggist for ; 50 cents. 5 apples, 2 yrs old; 2 cherry, S ft.; 2 plum,3-lt. ; 6 Concord Krape, 1 yr. ; 8 Fomona cur rants, 2yr.; 2 II. P. Roses, 3 yr.; 2 Splrea Van Houttl, 2 it.; 1 Brlowball, 3 It.; 2 Honeysuckle, "Halleantr. ' Keiid for Catalogue. - WAKKF1KLI) NUHSKRT Wakefield, Neb. v NEBRASKA TREES AND PLANTS Complete Assortment of Hardy Stock. adapted to the west. Fruit and Shade trees in large supply. Larxe stock of Nebraska Cedars seedlings and transplanted. An assortment oi other rgrwmi and ornnnaentl stock. 60 varieties ot trawbrrt. 20 varieties Rp bprria. Trices low of lesi tliun halt oi agent'! prices. Send now lor our lree catalog. Men tion this paper. MOK1H RKND NUUSERIEH, North Bend, Dodge County, Neb. Fruit and Orna mental, Shrubs, Roses, Bulbs & PLANTS TESTED 50 YEARS. 8nd forDterlptl?rrloed Catalog FHEB 600 Acre. U Qrcenhouscs. Established 1852. PHOENIX NURSERY CO. JSJtffX Try tho New v riaicstic Tomato i'V"'-Ttl f rnl Hrty cllin to tk tvgnt - $,-!-. BJ " rlu li v kiml Is libtrai t. 1 1 yitl.uj hum uli ,: net out j II. .1 Friinitl! (ll'tccnlt nf lkrt pi.i taV 14 It kuilt tl v.ff n ha tt4t KtttFrn in I M I la tu l trtl !.- ul ' rutin hi H a pat (a W. i lhi l.itiuiimi.L " lieoUta.U rrtt o hi to nu V Mulao, la a a. WHAT $2.00 WILL BUY. r ' rf . T If. tl1 m. ctni ti(h Ilk I i O ' ' wW tmtU l tin .! ! t X "Tti lMlul fta, l J' .-vrt T, fx ;. w i. hi. i it F 4' jJA l "! F 11 f.t -I l.'.i , . X " ! , a iWl ' . , j,' :."Y '"" ' s l-i n U) u I I t ; . i ' . !' t m v I ml i. i : f jj .., .t!uK.t it.t jjkJ , ,' J ;.Miii. i4ini I U U IS I II ' t IUtt. "UMH 1VUAL- I-., VV it IciUta lua U ln.C Vt n. rt mr. mi 4t - tit-ir riMCMUIIIMtftilNth FtWitHtllalt . ! i