The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, February 18, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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    FEBRUARY. 18,. 1904. .
I ne Most stupendous Sale of
Fine Colored
Ever Inaugurated by Any Clothing House in the United States.
This sale is in conjunction with and acts as a special sweetener to our
ZZ Of all Men's "RoW atiH nr,illroVo.r!lrtkJr,, TTno a 1? n m
fp the most important- sale ever put on by this store, for it actually involves
vcij. vuiuicu xress louirt in our rjstaDiisnment.
.All iI-i r ri. j 71 Hn
All Colored Dress Shirts
Which Sold at $2.00, $1.50
and $I.oo, Oo at -
. 47 CENTS
mm km
The Shirts Involved
in this pal are the product and boar the
label of such Bhirt Manufacturer as
. and others of like ckaractor,
What's the Use
of going without a goodly supply of Fine Dress Colored Shirts when we lay
open thi splendid opportunity of "securing the best of this country's1 output
of Shirts which are worth today J2.00, $1.50 and $1.00 at this ridiculously
low price. '
Guarantee to Independent Readers
inirheIndePcndc!Pt 19 Particularly anxious to have Its readers
dLe 1 Va laeot thls Kreat sale. The manager of The Indepcn
srnghadi?enJ0Jth.cse 8h,rU and guaranteed toThe'Arm
Birong Clothing Co., that hundreds of Independent reader would
wikf?m; ?om order-by mall today GIVE !1ZK
rJln? an! COLORINd PREFERRED, and mention The lnd
8ltATwTGHMit0i,'St?Wb,rU you don't consider them THE
ytiHiA i Kb l bll IK r ISA KUAIN you ever saw, return them and The
Independent will Bee that you get your money hack.
Over 200 Dozen
all Sizes From
Which to Choose
Good Clothes Herchants. Lincoln Neb. '
ent needs! Buy Shirts for X
f V
Buy Shirts for your pres
it needs! Buv Shirts fo
your future wants! Buv
plenty of them a dozen
will be none too many.
q - ? 4" V J A4 w V V
It. A. Turner, editor Th nnwn I .
1 1 mmmmm
11. A. Turner, editor ThA nwn
Ellensburc:. Wash.: "I shall ho
nappy io see tne people's party rein
stated, but I am fearful that it can
not be done. We are willing to do our
partjn bringing this about, but our
people seem to have lost all hopes.
They have been twice sold out body,
boots and breeches by the democratic
party. However. l am not 'discour
aged, but many of the best old-timers
are, ana n win oe very hard to rally
the forces, if it can be done at ail.
(jommand me at your pleasure and
rest assured that The Dawn-will edu
cate, agitate and organize to its dull
est capacity."
" "What'i the Use?"
This is the question" the Armstrong
Clothing Co. ask in announcing their
great 47-cent shirt sale. Just what is
meant is apparent after one looks at
the big shirt values offered for even
less than the much advertised 50-cenl
Bryan dollar -"what's the use" of be
ing shirtless? If the Armstrong Cloth
ing Co: were doing business In the
Philippines, these shirts would doubt
less ue advertise 1 at "one dol'ar Mex
lean." worth "one dollar gold."
As a matter of fact, the Armstrong
"t IaII. 1 ft 1 . . .
viuuiiiiK iu. nave nuncueo up a ICt
or several thousand of the most non
ular makes of colored shirts (the kind
that "do UD" with a "fried" bosom tnn
separated cuffa) that formerly sold at
II. i.2a and 51.50, an let you take
your pick of the lot for tha ridicul
ously low price of 47 nnts Two of
them for a silver dollar and enough
lhaiiRe left to mail three IcHem.
The Independent want to, fthow thd
Armstrong Clothing Co. that Irdtpen
dent re.vlera know a good thing when
th.'y ve-c It. It wants its readers to
ly in a tock tf those fchlits while
they lave the chance because the.
oirrr l.t a genuine barnn and not at
al' lk the tn.tny no-ciilcd '(rlfip
f l.' Whetlt-r you order by m.ul
tr tome to the ttor. don't fri;et to
rift. Hon Th Indi'iH'hdvnt. And by
the wy, Just a an ex tlmetu, ff you
mlli rut out thU noth and Ip,iu It
with the Armtron Clothing Co.
Uen yon buy, togfthir with th iJ.
trm of n friend, wr'll nt h!n cr
Iter The lndeMndi-nt wki a
reward for your thoiiKhttulii,
The Whale and His Jonah
Once on a time bold Captain Kldd
bwept all the Eastern lea.
But that was ere J. Pierpont closed
His mortgage on the sea!
He financiered a codfish school
lie chartered -Codfish Bank;
J. Pierpont was u Jonah's whale
Until the market shrank.
It ain't so Ions; since Morgan vas
The biggest fish of ah,
But since John I), got in the pool
lie cannot swim at a.i.
Blue Mound, Kas.
e d e o e rj
Innludlnj? 3td Wbet and fd 0Uof all of the
lending and beat varieties and all Grass Seeds and
Clover bdt etc., Alfa fa, Uromut IncrmU, na
dow Htctim, Blue (iraas, Red Top, Dwarf, Esex
Ifape. Millt5. i ane, Cow I'eaae, In short all klnda
or I arm heid benldea a lull and complete stock of
all the Garden Seeds that grow for critical buyera.
Our big 20th Annual Catalog- for 1904 mulled !
if you mention this paper. Ham pica of Aay SaadJ
r-rea on application.
W. W. Flnley, BufTalo, Mo.; "Yes,
I have come ail along down the trail
Rinte 187. I voted for Peter
and every reform candidate since and
hop I may hue an onnortunitv of
voting for several more. Before our
leaders Indorsed the demomi! ran.
didatfs in we polU'i f.'0 nopttlit
ule in thU county, but how many
we could poll now I do not know. I
can see no reao why we should wait
to mh what the tbmoiraU ar colng
to do, for Judfcltiii the Ititure by the
tm we know they tll do what thev
I way a hive d lue-nothiuir. us
ho an nuly ronventiou, iiomltuU
ome hiI an true nun. on a tdjt.
form that will appeal t. the common
en of tho m-wwii of voter and let
that old rt.ttrn hulk ink Into oerdt.
tMu hnr. ji would bv ten how
f the pemd,. nartv had n't hld it
head out cf lh HtyKUn pHd.M
John W. Baker. Chairman Pr-nnip'a
Party, 16th Congressional Dlslnct,
bnyaer, Tex.: "You will please find
enclosed - my vote, expressing my
choice for peonies party nominee for
president. Not only the the names as
marked my choice, but will say that
Watson 13 the rhoice of every populist
m inis district. 1 send you anotner
sncct, some names of tnie blue pop
ulistspopulists that will never sur
render." (The Independent UUlo
"straw vote'' shows that Watson and
Allen are favored generally by its
readers. Associate Kditor.)
Milton Fox, Bicknell. InJ.. "I shall
bo more than pleased to be curdled as
one of the Old Guard of Populism I
am r.ot ashamed of thj prlt.ilnlea of
populism, for thev stive a rleai ion.
acience (politically) to every one that
votes mat way. I fee guru that tho
popullat party N the Ba!t of the laith,
polUI.-nlly upeak'ng. and unlu its
principlea are enacted into law f won't
be lorn? till thin government won'i le
worth , tlalver'i . 1 have no chn!4
for cwn.r. Mte for the ticket,
but 1 want men ho will atand on Jhe
platform with both fe.t; no tti?Un in
mine. '
cpntu fnr
pages ol valuable inlonnatlon. Aff::.!
and full Instruction how to get viIIWISl A12p
..Rosebud Reservation..
Forbes Locating Agency,
Bonesteol, Bouth Bakote.
Imperial Hernia Cure
Rupture radically cured bv
iu a few weeks, without loss of time, or
luvvinvuivmv. vjviiu iur circulars
0. S. WOOD, MfD.
3 ji N. Y. Ufa Bldg., Oman. Nab,
John Fahman. Kanwd City, Mo,:
"I hojm to te you with tnary othr
at the Ht. conleren e on tho
2.M of February."
Thmaa W. Matlo wa, (uford. Neb,:
"I he alwavH been a reformer, but
no fusion believer.
C. 5. MarrUon'i
Select Surf ry anil
tlxpf rimnt Station,
York, Nch.
lbt nunr)r ba
line fol !! ion of
ornamental. It U
tr.c reun of mora
tiian nu year' t-
tervailnn rt an l l. r are Uie rholp
V"' K l'fU tree nf th !.-.- rtna, n ir.a
II ae - in in if lt,-m it, ,u ,...
Mu M J I m n ihurlo. WcMOtrf WlilrtW
h UUt llirHU U.I tx uli!ul lltr ln kn.L.f
liitiak. sln. ul l ,i,nr an.t iht .ni.l, ..i
tt'.ha vrvithint.
nl tr ptU lUt.
ftrt. ttltttt Moftt
... fimfmtk m I H
! Muttoftf t4 !. I.n.t,
, lt4ftM Hah.
t ? i
. :