The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, December 24, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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    DECEMBER 24, 1903.
A. T 1
A Weekly Resume of the Really Vital News by the Editor . W
The grand jury at Omaha returned
an even 100 indictments, running from
United States senator down to boot
legers -for selling whisky to the Ind
ians and every one of the indicted
were republicans. Vote 'er straight.
Stand pat.
The government has paid to the
friars in the Philippines 17,250,000, or
$18 an acre for their lands. That
Cbtms to be a pretty good price for
nee paddies, timber and swamps. , It
is said that when the friar3 get their
gold they will decamp and shake the
mud of the Philippines from their
Christmas trade this year is not
nearly so large as last year. One of
the great fads now is Indian bead
work for Christmas presents. White
women are at it making belts, neck
laces and watch fob bead work. Elite
society is everywhere adopting an
other Indian custom. Women are go
in& bare-headed. It is said that in "the
eastern cities they ride in the street
cars bare-headed by the score on
their way to the theatres and places
of amusement.
bia has landed troops on an island
near Panama and the railroads and
steamship lines are besieging the
quartermaster general for contracts to
transport troops. If a war was forced
just at the present time on the little
republic of Colombia, it would make
a campaign issue In which the presl
dent would have to fight against great
The death rate among the colored
children in the alleys of Washington
is 457 in every thousand, being the
highest death rate known anywhere
in the world. Washington is the home
oi plutocrats and is a city of mansions
and misery. No one votes in Wash
ington. It is governed by a "commls
elrn appointed by congress. It is the
noei beautiful city in the world and
la it is hidden away the greatest hor
rors' on earth.
Mr. Bryan has been in Russia dur
ing the last week. The papers say
that he had an interview lasting four
teen hours with Tolstoi and also a
long conversation with the czar. Bry
an questioned the czar about the edu
cational system of Russia and the
czar proved well posted with all the
details of it.
The coinage commission has at last
come out with a plain, undiluted pro
position to coin silver at the ratio of
32 to 1. The Independent declared
more than a year ago that that was
the aim of those eminent gentlemen
who during two presidential cam
paings declared that bimetallism was
Impossible. They are now all for bi
metallism themselves. The dishonesty
of these 'men who made the gold
standard arguments for the politicians
and Wall street crowd during the last
two presidential campaigns, is now
very apparent.
Governor Taft is now on his way
home from the Philippines. He will
succeed Secretary Root as secretary
of war about the first of February.
The sultan has apologized for the
attack by the police on the American
consul at Alexandrette and the Stren
uous One will not at present wage
war along the eastern shore of the
Mediterranean sea.
One of the coal companies in the
anthracite region has cut wages 10
per cent in direct violation of the
agieement made with the Roosevelt
commission and it is said that the
other companies .will soon follow.
There is a great row always when a
llor union violates an agreement ar
rived at by arbitration, but so far
none of the great dailies have had
anything to say about the anthracite
coal trust doing that same thing.
It is estimated Jn Washington that
Mark llanna put up the worst Job on
KooKovelt ever played by one politic
Jan on another when he induced him
to go Into this Panama busings In
the mariner that wa:i adopted. CH.rt.
Rev. Dr. J. E. Vance of Chicago, in
preaching upon the increase in crime
last Sunday said: "There Is no dif
ference in principle beljveen holding
up a nation for $1,000,000 at the mouth
of a pipe line and holding up an in
dividual at the muzzle of a gun lor
what he has on his person. The man
who is looked o;n as the most success
ful man in this country is, in the last
analysis, a gambler or highway rob
ber. He is not even a creator of mon
ey, much less of manhood, but a high
way bandit who has held up produc
ers and public for millions. The hero
o"! boys used to be Napoleon. We have
made little progress in Christianity
when the hero of the boys of today is
John D. Rockefeller or J. Pierpont
Morgan." Our readers will recognize
that is the same gospel that The Inde
pendent has been preaching so long.
Senator Hoar's speech last week in
the United States senate against the
Rooseveltian way of making Panama
treaties and appointing ministers
plenipotentiary and envoys extraor
dinary without authority of congress
has again centered the eyes of the peo
ple upon the Massachusetts senator.
Since the days of Daniel Webster,
Massachusetts has had but two sena
tors who have measured up to the
olu Bay State standard, Sumner and
Hoar. Both of them had no hesitancy
in attacking their own party when
they thought it was going wrong, but
there is this difference between them:
Hoar stands by his party and votes
er straight, however much he may
think it wrong, and Sumner had no
hesitancy in leaving the party and
voting against it, both in the senate
arid at the polls,' when he conscien
tiously differed with it. In the opin
ion of The Independent, the greater
of these two is Senator Sumner.
Rockefeller and his influence is iust
at present a subject of conversation
not only in Nebraska, but erenerallv
throughout the United States. More-
field Story, in speaking of him, says:
"The lawlessness of the Standard Oil
company weakens the protection of
property throughout the land." There
can be no manner of doubt concerning
that fact.
The treaty with China recently con
firmed by the senate opens to trade
two cities which are not now, and
very likely will never will be, under
the control of China for they are in
Manchuria and a Russian governor
presides over them. This opens very
fair prospects of a disagreeable af
fair with Russia. Great is the Hay
Uncle Mark Hanna "he still lay low
and say nuffin'."
Th Op. ftnj. F. Duttty
Yot Irrtlntrnl of rn-frou iltM-mur, !
of wonu-n, rlirunmtlMn, n. in mrlall tu.n
contw ti n (!!-, Alt I lti mi l tlnm.
c rrt'RU uw'til tit tn alMn tu el ), k !
nil ant liyli-l rtilltire. I .U U l Up
t, f'Ul,,,l " liiiltilly
tuHtttlitit niiAii rtuiii In tb MrL Write lur
Dp. UenJ. F. Oallty Sanatorium,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
The president of the united broth
erhood of teamsters denies that the
striking union in Chicago is Interfer
ing with funerals or picketing the
houses where funerals occur. He says
that the whole thing was concocted by
the. liverymen's association and the
pickets were posted by that associa
tion in order to bring the union into
difgrace. It is positively declared that
no union men have Interfered with
funeral. The drivers have simply
struck and quit work, making a de
mand for 12 a day and twelve hours'
The minremo court of the state of
Missouri in order to set the chief hood-
1T free reversed two fr.rtner- decisions
mado on exactly the came polut.
It U amioiwted that Captain Drey
fus H at ht to Jt fully vindicated
nnd appointed to hsh military rank.
In coni!ctin with that matter all
thouj-hu win return to Zola, who
made the hrnvt fkht almost alone.
Arror.UrR to ihf Hallway Age the
total railway mlb-age of the I'nltcd
FtMte on January 1. Itwi, will be
?',.. mi!w. tho jrH rit ytar having
nddd 5,71 milt h. The railroad will
li ahl to icr:a thtlr r rrnu.
Won In the TnlU'iJ Slateu terttt and
tin utate IcgUlattum iomUUuM by
next year. Every 100 miles of new
railroad means another corporation
Bonds and Mortgages announces
that the "syndicate and flotation
craze" has finally closed. Even the
wreckage has been gathered ud. The
"capitalizing of prosperity" has come
to a final end, and that end is Just
what The Independent said it would
Webster County
Commenting on the "Curiosities of
the Election," Editor J. P. Hale of the
Red Cloud (Neb.) Nation says that al
though 2,380 electors voted for county
treasurer, yet only 2,193 voted for su
preme Judge, showing that 187 did not
care to vote for the latter office. Fifty
four also neglected to vote for distric
Judge. In addition to this, he esti
mates that 250 electors did not come
to the polls at all, making about 437
in the county who did not vote for
supreme judge.
"This condition largely prevailed
inrougnout tne state," he continues.
"The Nation trusts that no campaign
will be suffered to pass in this mode
again. A campaign without public
meetings, without oral discussion of
tne issues, serves no useful purpose.
I ne candidates might as well be chos
en by lot as by a still hunt or per
sonal solicitation. It is onlv the ram
paign which arouses the attention of
tne voter, which excites his interest in
Ideas, which wins him by the advoc
acy of principles of government, that
does any service to the public good.
Oral discussion is the pre-requisite to
intelligent voting. When the political
parties allow an election to occur
without such discussion, it looks as if
iney naa notning meritorious to Dre-
sent to the people. So far as the pop
ulist party in this countv is con
cerned, we trust such a campsign of
suence and indifference will never be
permitted again."
An Inconsistent Socialist
An old-time subscriber of The Inde
pendent Who. as he Drofesses rn he-
lieve, has "progressed into socialism,"
every now and then writes us a letter
marked "personal," which usually con
tains some caustic comment which r
too good to be hidden away unpub
lished. The Independent will not give
nis name or address:
Editor Independent: You rpmind
me most forcibly of such "reform" pa
pers as the New York Evening Post
and the SprUigfleld Republican. You
1 A Jt
snow up me aamnameness of condi
tions which confront us: but vou hav
no remedy save the populist party.
xou are a rerormer Instead of a revolutionist.
You cannot reform a eosrjel of Rent.
Interest and Profits. It is impossible.
You are primarily an orsran of ih
farmers. Indeed, you are primarily,
seconuaruy, and tertiarily an organ of
the farms. You are an orean of the
small farmers, of the individual
larmers. You are not an organ of the
10,000, 20,000 and 30,000-acre farmers.
You also remind me of the labor
unions. You don't believe in attack-
ng fundamentals. You'd worrv alone
trying to usher in state socialism,
while the farmer would still be at the
mercy of the capitalists.
By the way, I haven't yet seen a
review of Simons' "American Farm
er." What did you think of It, any
how? Honor bright, now!
(The Independent of June 4. 190.1.
page, 5, contained a two-column no
nce or Mr. Simons' "American Farm
er." Think of it? Whv It is a lnk
that merits a careful reading by every
popuusi. u contains a mass of valu
able information. But it by no means
follows that the conclusions of Mr.
Simons are well drawn. He expects
ne American farmer to read hla hook.
bo convinced by Its logic, and align
himself with tho proletarian nnrtv
although himself not a member of tho
proletariat. That's tho rankest kind
of idealism and the very opposite of
the materialism upon which modern
socialism Is founded. Suppose we
gram mac the "historic mixtion" of
the waRP-workers nally h to usher
In the ro-operatlvo commonwealth l.v
c-apturlns the political marhlnery of
sovrriwiu. wnat tin that to do
with the farmer, who lit not a wnc
worfcrr and who hot eviitnliil
through the 'Ettrplua nm" formula?
How ran he toomt "da fns loua"
and alljjn hlrtmlf with a (laj party
o wrm n r ue not heions?
"NMlalUt and laborer" Id rorrert
The tndr-ptndvnt 1$ a refotmer and
not a revolutionist; but It l not ready
to arrejd final Mr. x Ullat nd La.
born' Ij-se dUrt that "you cannot
reform a hh.j u( rent, interest and
profit." 'that may be hi opinion
to which he is surely entitledbut It
Is not the opinion of The Independent.
Yes, "primarily, secondarily and
tertiarily," The Independent IS an or
gan of the farmers. Why shouldn't It
be? - Agriculture and manufacturing
are the two great industries of Ameri
ca. The Independent can't represent
both because they have conflicting
Interests. Yes, and an organ of the
small farmers, too, because they are
the only ones that count. Y6ur ten,
twenty and thirty thousand-acre farm
ers are few and far between, and most
of them are men whose real interests
lie with manufacturing; who "farm"
as an avocation and not as a vocation.
If the fundamentals of socialism are
correct, and if the various socialist
parties really advocate socialism, then,
they must work out the "historic mis
sion" of the wage-workers through the
wage-workers. The farmers cannot be
expected. to help. But if these parties
are advocating simply a radical pop
ulism, they have no reason for exist
ence, because there is now a people's
party that fills the bill. Associate
Cancers Cured
Why suffer pain and death from
cancer? Dr. T. O'Connor cures
cancers, tumors and wens; no
knife, blood or planter. Address
130C O SC Lincoln, Nebraska.
Handy Pocket Account Book to ttey
fhowi bow
p ac
count! in t uMnes form sulUMefnr ordinary nwds.
J Irmly, nicely I ound. 1 ocket and flap. lingular prlc
6 c To liit of Jan., 11)04, !0c postpaid. Fend M. o. or
!ic atampa. full dtwertpton on application. Agent
wanted, t. o. Johntoo, Pub.. Marlon, Iowa, tplea
dld i brUtmaa glit lor a gentleman.
lor well t'Mab Me limine. In a lew counties,
railing on retail nierehnntg and agents. Local
territory, Falary i(U0 rer week with expense
additional, all payable in cash each week.
J:onty lor exjfiiMs advanced, 1'ofcltlon per
manent. 1 Uf-lnet meet Ksf ill and running,
btandard IIouKe, 830 Dearborn St , Chicago, 111.
Join the Old Guard of Populism.
Your Covc Willi Pay
bigger profits and you will have
an easier time of it if you use an
Cream Separator,
the easy running, easily cleaned, lonir
lived. iio-repairs machine. Our bookabowt
why it pays yon better than any other.
May we aend you a free copy?
Bloomfield, N.J, Chicago, Ills.
7 ij
Portland, Oregon and Re
turn The Union Pacific will sell tick
eta on January 0, 7, 8 and 9. Stop
oven both directions. Return
limit January 31st
For full information call at city
ofllct 1011 O Htreet.
VL l!.5L0SS0N,
Ot 91 Asent, Lincoln, Neb.
31 ,
(Sanger Oura
t Bc.f, Tumor. urrl Pt , ttttul. '-r
hf- i44n4aiihtitiia. Wiuub In-, Wrli
fr Ulmtrat! W.I hmtfre AJtrtM
DR. BYE, Kansas Citf.Ua