THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT r Are Yomv Gee of Our Customers? - v . , , . . . . . . If you have been one of our customers the past year you have had something to be thankful for. If, you have not been one of our customers you still have something to be thankful for you don't know what you've missed. It's a case where 'ignorance is bliss." But we'll not make you feel badly by speaking of it "now; but we'll expect you to be with us next year. Here's a 6tarter for you. . ; , NOVEMBER 26, 190a. ' Furs at Special Prices. To reduce our large stock of furs, we will will make a Special Inducement, for One Week. It will pay you to eee our line be fore purchasing else where. Our $1.00 black Co ney Scarf, 45 inches long, six tails; 7Qp special price.... I Oil Our 81.50 and $1.65 black Coney Scarf, 60 inches long, 2 busby tails; 0 I OR special price., v I i&d Our $2.75 black Co ney Boa, 3-4 length, with 8 tails; 0T AC special price.. wLrrv Our 15.50 black Belgian or pearl hare Boas in Stohl or round style, with cords, full QQ length, a rich fur, special price.. $ft0u Special Discount on all grades of Fur. A BARGAIN III LUSTRAL CLOTH. Black Lustral Cloth, fine finish, full 36, inches wide, regular 20c quality, spe-' I Cp cial price this week, per yard J Uu Colored aiid black Lustral Cloth, in all the new shades, for linings, petticoats or fancy work, 36 inches wide, best mercerized cloth to be had for the price for 25c, spe I Q cial price this week, yard.. I Uu MERCERIZED VESTING CLOTH. 29-inch white, worth 22c and 25c, special I Q price, per yard , I Uu 29 -inch white, worth 40c and 45c, special QKn priceL per yard fJJu 29-inch white worth 50c, special price, QQft per yard 0 Uu 29-inch white and colored, worth 60c, spe- 17 a cial price, per yard .....flu 29-inch gun metal aEd white, worth 75c, f?Q special price, per yard , U u if CASSIMERE PANTS CLOTH. This is a fine all-wool cloth, heavy weight, used for men's and boys' clothing, but many ladies buy it for golf skirts and jackets. It comes in light and dark colors. 29-inch Cassimere Cloth, $1.00 quality,, 7Rft special price, per yard (uu 29-inch Cassimere Cloth, 85c quality,. RQf special price, per yard.... .... .......... ..Uuu Two Specials in WgoI Blankets. The B. B. B. wool Blankets, full 10 size, 00 QQ regular 53.00 quality, per pair. . . . .TvZiOvJ The B. B.B. wool Blankets, full 11 size, f) QO regular $3.75 quality, per pair... .vZiUU A "Warm Proposition" in Comforts. Full size quilted Comforters, dark pat- CI flfl jterns, regular 1.25 quality, special 0 I iU U Full size quilted Comforters, dark pat- - 0 I On terns, reg. $1.50 quality, special price. .0 I fcU Full size quilted Comforters, medium 01 At dark, reg. price $1.75, special price v I it"" Full size knotted or quilted Comforters, in light and dark patterns, regular $2.25 01 OR quality for .yliOJ Cotton and Silk Thread 2,000 yards King's Best Machine Thread . , C, 2 spools for. .Ju 1000 yards Anglo Machine Silk, black, only letters A. B. C. and D. 4c a I flf spool, or 3 (or.... I Uu Zioelina Suitings 52 and 48-inch Zibeline in plain and 07 flaked effects, regular $1.00 quality 0 I u 54-inch Zibelines in plain effects, 01 Qfl regular $1.50 quality... '. 0 li4U 58 inch Zibelines in novelty effects, 01 Cfl regular $2.00 quality 0 I iJU 29-inch, light and dark outing flannel in stripes or checks, regular 10c 7 Q R quality, special price, per yard I 0"fu Leggins and Orcrpiters Hszdqsnters . ggp -y For warm lined Shoes and Slippers. Children's and' warm lined Shoes bizes 2 to 0, 75c and 85c. Infant's all felt shoes, sizes 2 to 5. ... ; , Child's Oxford button shoes, 5 to 8 Child'3 kid warm lined lace shoes ' 01 OE 8Ho 11.... 01 .ZD Misses Kid Shoes, warm lined, sizes 111 to 2 50C 90c .$1.50 Wap Lined Shoss For Women Kid and Kangaroo Calf, lace and button, v with tip or plain toe, sias 3 to 9, 01 cn price $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and. gZ.OU Felt Slippers, sizes 4 to 8, 01 for i 65c, 75c, $1.00 and . . r.. . . g A beautiful line of Ladies' NulJiflers, 0 brown, blue andred.fur trimmed,$1.25& v I Blue Velvet, gold scroll, fur trimmed 01 Cfl Nullliflera, sizes 3 to 8 price I lull Overshoes for men, women and children. Felt boots, German sox, canvas and Jersey leggins. Give us a call. 1 .10 .50 Outing Flannels I 37-inch, nearly twice the ordinary width, in light colors, pink and blue, special price, I fl per yard I Uu BOYS' KNEE PAIITS 40 dozen splendid made up Knee Pants, in Cassimere, Cor duroy or Worsted, double knees and seat, at the following spe cial prices 45c 53c 65c 85c The regular price is 50c, 60c, 75c and $1.00. i ". n 917- M0 AND 921 GyOPPOSITE POST OFFICE Lincoln, Nebraska. FTP 6L0VES AND MITTENS : Lined and Unlined, at 25c 50c $1.00 $1.25 AND S 1 .50 tides, sucji as coal, kerosine oil, and many others continue to advance. The "full dinner pail" for which these wage-workers voted is beginning to show great vacuums. Many a family will find it entirely empty before next spring. The steel trust, besides re ducing wages, is discharging thou sands of men. One sign of short supplies among the middlo class in New York city, and everywhere else for that matter, Is the scant attendance at the the atres. It, is said that six or seven of the new plays put on in New York this season havo had to bo withdrawn within ten days, although the best ac tors In the world havo appeared. There have even been thin houses on Jlrst nights, and many days the ad vance sain of tickets has not amount ed to $10. The Uwhcs suffered by thu managers have been enormous. Even h'ro t I.inroln and at Omaha the at tendance upon the theatre has not been enough to pay expenses. dent Roosevelt to remove him. Sena tor Dietrich has followed the good old custom of peddling out offices in return for political support, and by an extremely simple and logical pro cess he has come to see that money Is a more generally available asset than votes and Influence. But for this zeal In discharging his high duties and enterprise in proving that" he was no drone, Senator Dietrich has been prosecuted." DletrU h U a great man. lie has bad hU pit turn printed in all the gnat !allifl. All the blg-alarlod, hired men who write editorial In the rat rrn paper have written about him. The editor of the New York Post aaya: lle la a 1nM man who at thU Junc ture dvTVnd Mr. Hummrr. I'nlled Htatfs district attorney for Nebraska. Heritor Chariot II. Dietrich and an Omaha editor. IMward Hnwatr, ar hot on the trail of that frrlnjj official; aud they have alrcaJy Letougut l'rctl The great pirate Rockefeller went to church aa usual last Sunday. On Monday he advanced the prlco of oil and on Tuesday ho discharscd 3u0 men at Whiting, becauso he said that ho must reduce expenses, Aa far aa the citizens of Nebraska, are con cerned, they would much rather that he would Mve thoso 0 men work through the comlnt; winter than that he thuuld give uu KGG.Ooo.OOO to build te m pica. dally in Haarlem and Delft and in south Holland, lately, and today in The Hague itself a well known insti tution, the Hollandsche bank, stopped payment. In most cases the evil has been speculation in American rails and steel." A continual stream of suits for the collection of debts are being filed against Dr. Dowle (Elijah the 2d) and last week an attachment was filed on his summer home. It seems that he Is nearing his end. Ho has been the most successful fakir of modern times. pany has made somo concessions in regard to the running of the cars, but the question is to go to an arbitration committee. The number of hours that some of the man have had to work is inhuman. They have had no time for meals and some of them have had to woric for 12 and 13 hours with out more than 20 minutes in which to eat. - . During the last few days the fol io wins banks havo failed; Kirnt Na tional of VUtcr, Cal.; State lUnk of Sheldon. la.; Trust company,, Pueblo, Colo.; Iilnieiatlic Dmk, Cripple Crek, Coin. l'lrstt National, Dund.e, III.; EaROtt Htate llank, Eriuui. 8. D.; Hank of Ironton, (ronton. la.; Indltna Na tional Hank, Elkhart. Ind.: t'artntra National Hank. Henrietta, Tex. Hank Bceni to be flolng the name way over oa tho other aide of the ocean, A dis patch from The IUruo Ay: "A treat many batiks have failed, espe- Grand Juries are being overworked in San Francisco, Omaha, St. Louis, Chicago, Milwaukee and Detroit. They ore all upending their energies indict ing the numerous boodlers who havo ben Indulging: in political graft Ins. A great many Indictments havo been found and the court hou;ca are over run with witnesses and lawyers. The age of corruption h upon us. There la but one remedy. Turn the rnscalu mt Of offlce and let then nerve the ttato or peneral government behind barred windows. There hai been a strike on a poi tlon of tho utrtH t cat lines in Chicago which has lasted for two oek with much rioting and many airctn. The papers announce that It ha born iet llcd and the men have pone back to work. From the rejrti it looka iui though the etrlklnj; ar.wworkcr have not gained n thing, Tho cow In Colorado the situation grows more serious each day. The president has rent General Bates of the regular army out there to make an Investiga tion, but as yet the general has made, no report. An infernal machine was placed In one of the raines and the superintendent and another man was killed. All of the state militia are In the field and orders have been la ifcued for the recruiting of two mora regiments. The labor unions have re fined to admit colored men to thlr unions, and It i nropo.u'd to enllt one regiment of colored troops. It is fc.ii.l that the nenrot's are anxious to enlist and In that way ret even with the unn. What all this will end in, :o one can tell. Danger mm WITH SOOTHING, BALMY OIL Caawf, Tunw. raurrb. Vlo Fltu!. tWer l.'vmtftMj ik)) Skin ma Womb L)ie, VVrlv BYE, SW, Ktasas 014,1:1