The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, November 26, 1903, Page 16, Image 16

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    111 " " f
I independent School of Poliucal tconomy 3 jp j'Q '
Lb vTTvCn-,
M::J c-l.- c:i:::3:
Dp d C::a Go.,
Best possible service in U de
partments. Write or wire u:for
markets or other information.
! Long distance telephone 2303
To the Farmers of
ii Wl5lcfrn SStTou Dcan 1
: iwiiuumi get elegant j;
: robes or coats made 1 from the 5e
p.Att hides you aell to 5;
j I local dealer? Write for particu- s
The Independent acknowledges with
thanks the receipt of a short history
of "Monks and Monasteries," by Al
fred Wesley Wishart, sometime fel
low in church history in the Univer
sity of Chicago. The publisher is Al
bert Brandt, Trenton, N. J., who ad
vises The Independent that "Monks
and Monasteries" is for sale in Lin
coln byH. W. Brown, Drug & Book
Co., 1?7 So. 11th St. ; i ,
"Monks and MonasteriesVa duo
decimo volume of 462 pages, is a gen
uine treat for the lover of correct
printing. The type is large and clear,
printed oh laid antique, dull -surfaced,
all rag paper; hand sewed; fully In
dexed; bound in cloth. Price, $1.50
net; postage, 12 cents additional.
An exhaustive note on the Philip
pine fnars has, been added to the ap
pendix. In this' (the second) edition,
adding materially to its . value and
JjariPSS thestibject down to the pres:
5 Henry Helm, Prop. 31
I Inrnln. N
1 3-3 3 O Strft.
; Wanted Oil Aicrnli. ood, reliable, enerBoUo men
to tell ur 1'lgh Crndo line of 1 ubilcntinjr oils,
UrcM!i, 1 eltlntf, slao hoof, Uarn an! luiua J'slnU,
Mhito l ead, etc., either exclusively or at a sideline,
locally or travelling on con mikslon. Specially to the
'Jlireshlmr and 1-srmers 'Jrade.
Address Uue Industrial Ul & tupply Co., Cleveland
Ohio. ' j
Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure
, Dr. Mitchell's Lujipy Jaw Cure Is
guaranteed to cuve or money refunded.
One application is enough. One bottle
is sufficient for 4 head or more. You
can buy . It at your ' druggist or he
can get it from his jobber. If he
won't, write us direct and we will
send you a bottle for $1.25 delivered.
Marshall Oil Company, sole sale agents
for the United States, Marshalltown,
Iowa. -
ccrnstaik poisoning
in cattle and horses
EasIIv presented by feeding National Corn
talk rrmtrtjr with their salt. A $10 package
protect 70 head for the season. Write for In
formation and statements made by reliable peo
ple who have used the remedy, and be con
vinced that you may pasture your stalk fields
with perlect safety.
63 Douglas Itlock, Omaha, Nb.
Poland-China Boars
1 have a" few choice spring boni s of excellent
Poland-China breedinsr taat l am pricing low
to move them at once. First orders will got
the best, except one very select 'expansion"
plg.wluch I am pricing at jwj. wrueioaay.
TtFFANY'5 Sure Death t
Ltce (Powder) sprinkled
la the best keeps your
fowls free from lice, sprinkle
hen and the little chicks will
have no lice. Tlfiany'sParajron
"Liquid" kills mites instantly.
Sprinkle bed for liogs, roosts
rorrowis. liox powder form
tie turkeys and chicks post
paid 10c. we want agents.
Lincoln. Neb.
Ancient Britain, 2: Middle Arcs IS;
AuBUtUus Cfrsnr,:?: Hist. ol Money. An
clem States SliHtst. of Monev. Modern
fcstates. S"2: History of Money, Anier-
lco, Hcicnecoi money, i; Mone
tary crimes. 7'c: Venui di Mlto, We:
History of Prccloti Metals, Ki; Fine
Mticr. icni nowi uinninsa, nauimcueu.
CAMHUOOH PKfcSS, lUx I bo .Yadiioa Square
P. O , Nsw York.
storv In anun'bla3cdmanner: -fcs be-
seems a true student of history, and
he Independent agrees with him that
the "attentive reader of this volume
will have little difficulty in under
standing the essential features of the
Jhillppine friar problem. There is
really nothing new in the conflict be
tween the Filipinos and the Spanish
monks, except the parties to the strife.
Ms the same old play with new ac
tors and different scenery.'"
The author, commenting upon the
fact that there has never been abso-
ute unanimity of opinion respecting
the character and utility of the monks,
calls attention to the fact that "cor
ruption, more or less grievous and
widespread, has stained the annals of
every, monastic order known to his
tory;" but that "indiscriminate abuse
and wholesale condemnation of the
monks has never been warranted in
any era of monastic history," because
of the immense amount of good they
have accomplished. In the Philip
pines "what progress has been made
3 due almost wholly to the labors of
the friars." Arriving at the Islands In
the sixteenth century, the monks
Eound some of the people wholly sav
age; others semi-barbarous; all of
them pagans, idolaters, sunk in the
densest darkness of superstition, slav
ery, and vice. "Today," says Mr. Wis
hart,. "barbarism ha3 practically dis
appeared and slavery has been abol
ished, except In Mindanao, Basilan,
Sulu, Palawan and ' the smaller isl
ands adjacent to them, all of which
are Inhabited chiefly by Mohammed
ans and heathen tribes." Six and a
half million adherents of the Catholic
church attest the monks' good work.
But the Catholic Filipinos them
selves object to the return of the land-
holding friars (who fled when the re
bellion against Spain began). The
reasons for this are neatly summed
up by the author in his closing para
graph: ' "
As was said at the beginning of this
note, it is the same old story of the
mournful circle. The piety and sac
rifice of the early monks gave them a
strong grip upon the affections of the
people. Then came lavish gifts for
the benefit of the 'givers' soul, and to
be used in the prosecution of the
monks' noble work. But with wealth
and power came vice and tyranny.
Unman nature Is much the same. the
world over, and always has been. The
friars could not stand where so many
of their brethren In other lands have
fallen. Prosperity corrupted their
morals and political pdwer trans
formed them into agencies of oppres
Tlic Hotel Walton
Th bent and moat ronvenlent low' priced
boune lu the tlty. lutes M )rdaj and up.
JL Mifc - -w
Cemm . ttrem tto'lr
Milfnur hrwiw truia lu tmet
e4 I' ttutil t fwitM S'ttl MJ
iitKtuuor ti adit.
U 064, t N
Now, as to. that load of potatoes
which had no "value," had they any
utility? Npw,iit Is up to your "util
ity." Will you sustain your conten
tion in concise terms?
Janesville, la. - t
r (What with Henry George and Karl
Marx Editions, the Denver conference,
4'01d Guard" Edition, and a state cam
paign upon us, the editors of The In
dependent have had a busy summer,
and in many instances have been un
able to gather up the loose, ends of
every controversy which has : arisen
over economic terms. Hr. .High's let
ter was written long ago, but his quer
ies are as pertinent now as ever.
If "intrinsic value" Is really the
same as "utility," then good rhetoric
demands that the shorter term be used.
Utility is capability of being used. Jf
no one desires to take advantage of
that capability,-that does not change
theJfaj$thaMt exists. -C&jbllltytorJ
pied with accessability. But those
qualities are not "value," neither does
value depend upon them. "Value" Is
simply human estimation, appraisal,
or "valuation" of the Quantity of the
brce of demand acting upon a given
commodity at a given time and place.
he force of demand arises through
the competitive struggle among men to
secure by. exchange the possession of
services or commodities which may be
utilized by the possessor for. his oyn
enjoyment or benefit; but it has ncri-
ng whatever to do with the amount of
human energy expended In overcomina:
the adverse conditions of nature this
results in the production of things
possessing utility (to a greater or less
We all bow to Webster as an "au
thority" on the meaning of words
generally but has all progress ceased
since the death of this noted man?
Associate Editor.)
Editor Independent: Once more I'l
trouble you, called out by your marked
copy. In your reply you failed to an
swer my question. "What did Captain
Ashby demolish?" You were frank
enough to admit my definition. My
object wns and Is to get pple to
think right, (lire them a rorrect Idea
of the meaning of "Intrinsic value
which will he In use whn yon ant'
your modern economists have reai'
or filled to demolish Webster, who
say. "Intrinsic tnlu" Is thi nme ni
utility. I feel In koo1 company with
h eminent authority!
How to Prpsper
Editor, Independent: Those of your
readers who are continually ompTain-
ng or nard times should take a les
son from Patrick Mahaney of Derby,
uonn. jjy tne exercise of thrift and
rugality Mr, Mahaney has saved
enough to enable him to live without
working. His method Is so simple
and easily followed that no one has
any excuse for complaining of -hard
times. . Mr. Mahaney has worked as
a farm hand for thirty-two years. He
nas always received board from his
employers, and clothed himself in
their cast-off garments. His expendi
tures for the thirty-two years
amounted to $44.90, an average of less
than 12 cents a "nonth, which we are
reliably informed was spent "princi
pally for newspapers." The result of
his strict attention to the virtues of
saving which are inculcated by our
eading, newspapers is seen in the $5,
200 with which Mr. Mahaney joins the
ranks of the Morgans, Rockefellers
and others whose thrift and industry
ajso enables them to live without
working unless they choose to con
tinue to work other peonle as a pas
time. A. C. PLEYDELL.
52 Williams st. New York.
Baby HadiTwp tcQl:
Suf f crcd fTcppiLly
' Doctors! : Failed
Dr. Miles' Nervine Cu?ed
.:'Hi' - .5-' .
:...i,Kiii ,.-Z J.
Weak, nervous, fretful; puny children re-
? aire a treatment such as only Dr. Miles'
lervine affords. When neglected these '
symptomi lead to epileptic ht$ pr rpasms. .
Every mother should strengthen her own and :
babies', nerves wit Dr. Miles' Nervine, a true
specific in all nervous disorders. ' Read the:,
following: .... -:'"- - ... -
"When my little boy was iS months old
he had cramps in his feet and bands. They
would be drawn ovt of shape for two or three
days. At first liniment seemed to help but -fa'
abort two wk-eUung tvi g&j (oad;
. : w t. -'-.-4 rj'
doctor but his niedicihe' flicf no good so 4'
changed to another who called it spinal dis ;
ease. By this time the child's body wa'
drawn out of shape; his backbone was curved
to one side and his hands and feet out of
shape. His sufferings were territfle, and he;
was having from two to six fits a day. I was'
taking Dr. Miles' Restorative -Nervine for
nervous trouble and saw it was recommended
for fits, so I thought I would see if it would
help him. All three doctors had given him
up. Onc-hnlf bottle stopped the fits and his
limbs straightened, and another bottle cured
him. He is now a strong, healthy bov going
to school. I have waked to see if the old
trouble returned, beforewriting you, but it
never has. I cannot praise Dr. Allies'. Nerv
tne enough, as I know it saved my boy's
life." Mrs. Uriah Nelson, Lansing, Iowa.
All druggists sell and guarantee, first bot.
tie Dr. Miles' Remedies. - Send foriee book;
On Nervous and Heart Diseases. Addrcsi
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, IncLy
for well established house in few -counties,
calling on retail merchants nni neents. Local
territory, Salary per week with expenses
additional, all payable in cash each week.
Money lor expenses advanced. Position per
manent. HuMness Fuccessiul and rushinsr;
Standard House, B30 Dearborn St , Chicago, 111.
On 30 Qy t r Tr'l.
WS mt It's tiw it InmikKtor md.
TryitmiM. wh.tlOU Ihii-k. N.
p&y nntllitItfiM. Autoutitf ul
MrUln. 6nd(nlU;!u. Olalef
fna.wltb poultry pftpr 1 yew It. ,
Oapl S3, D Molnas, la.
Cancers Cured
Why suffer pain and death from
cancer? Dr. T. O'Connor cures
cancers, tumors and wens; no
knife, blood or plaster. . Address
13G6 O St. Lincoln, Nebraska.
..Union Pacific.
Philadelphia, which Is far more cor
rupt than New York ever was, with
perhaps the exception of the Tweed
regime, is never held up before the
public as a terrible example. The po
lice are just as corrupt, they levy just
as much blackmail, the red light dis
trict is of the same character and
run in the same way that the "tender
loin" Is in New York. Besides that
there is ten times as much corruption
at the ballot box, and hell is nevor
declared only six weeks away when
th Quay machino seats a mayor and
city council. Crafting of all sorts
003 on unmolested In Nebraska. The
whole outfit from United Stales sen
ators down are at It every day In
the year. Th preat dailies never
make any-outcry about the political
corruption In any place where it lub-
serves their Intert'Hti. If 11 threatens
the overthrow of the republican party
that Is - another matter. Then It Is
" A t.vk lMlr . v
lt Wlk l t r
tmm r4ir JJlrf 4 tum . A
IuU.hN. (.! ktM k.
l U fur fIIIIM im(lt lMlwHMtf
rtim4 a vk vit tfc r"'""1 ' .
l.i.utMim iHHti, i-iiur,
. r v'r OVH l i st 'f ! k4r.l
vmkii h fca ,. rU. m r ,
Wools and Furs
Your iiiuuui
oThos. McCulloch.
Th UmI estal.lUbed hid hfu in Nerak. Ytj liighl tnirkel
I tlce. M j re ni j t rrlurn. Writ (of i-rcs and ahlpt In uk'.
$25-00 Every Day.
Daily Tourist Cars. Double berths, ffi.
Accommodations provided lor all closses
ol paBsenccrs. He sure your ticket reuds
over the union raciuc. . ,
. at t in i
Yutt tnformMion chcerftUly furninhixl on f
j j llcaUcn to
11. B. 5LOSS0N,
Ocn'l Agtnt, Lincoln, Neb.
1041 O turret.
Oklahoma and Texas Uxcursioni via.
the Kwk bland System
Tow rate rxcurlon!i Nov. IT and
Dec. t and la. The Hock Island ll
the only Una running through train
from points In Nebraska ti Oklahoma
n. Texas without cbanr. of tars.
Call or wtit for ratf and ottr In
formation; also new Oklahoma look
tcntalnlng county map of Oklahoma
and northern Ten.
F. 1!. 11VUNKH. a l A.
1015 O t. IJurotn, Neb.
ft '