The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, November 05, 1903, Page 16, Image 17

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NOVEMBER 5, 1903.
Money and the Taxing Power
All Rights ReserTed
Ants' ii
25 Years' Fuo
cess ul PracUce
in discuses ol tbe
Nose, Throat,
Ftomoch, Liver,
Heart, Paralysis,
Uowels, liladrter.
Wood, rkin, Kid
ney Diseases,
Piles, Fistula,
Diabetes and
V.riphl'u TlM(ma
Younic, anlddlcagad and old MEN, If
you cannot call, write today. Theprlca
f cur dfpands an tbe severity of the
disease. Soma can ba cured I OR $5.oo
Others $5.00 I ER MONTH.
Treatn cat and A'edlcin by mail. Ex
aminntion and consultation tree. Call
or address with stamp, P. O. Vox 224.
Drt dearies & Starlri Kooms 219-220
urs. jearies & Maries, RWiar(Js mkt
mil ana ms., Lincoln, Nebraska
Live iiTgA Com-.
Stock Jr mission
Kye & Buchanan Co.,
Best jossible service in all de
partments. Write or wire us for
markets or other information.
Long distance telephone 2303
V n i mi v
Capital, $100,000.00 2
Surplus, 14,000.00 I
Deposits, 1,350,000.00
John B. Wkight, President
J. II. Westcott, 1st Vice Pres.
t wrj, MiiuwciijO, su T X IDS, jy
P. L. Hall, - - Cashier
W. B. Ryons, - - Asst. Cashier !
Plumbing and Heating
Estimates Furnished
J. c. COX
33 North 14th 5treet, Lincoln, Neb.
A book of thirty-nix lai' paon, disenbiiitf the stan
dard works on nociullsm in tiii liway thu.1 the student
can readily Judge whatiH to be learned from each. An
Inlfochirtoi y essay ly Charles H. Kerr on "Thm
trul Thing in AoeitiM,".dd4 to the value ot
the book for new convert or inquirers. llanUxomely
printed en fine book paper with portrait of Marx,
.nerU. tjknecht, Taiulurvcldt), Carpenter, Whit
man, Blatchforri, ftlraons and other writers. Mailed
for only OSK C'KNT a copy II 00 a hundred.
1UAKJ.K4 II. kt.HU, 10., fuba i lift At, UIHAtiO.
-jwa MKT A LH: front the earliest timet to
M Vlhe present by Alex Del Mar. Second
Tvv '"''Itlnn, cuini'lcte In one volume.
jM- J l'. M'J vn. (loth and frold.fiMKi
, fH Abounds with
and prnctleal ki
'vr Athenueum.
t vivid tl(i. rl'ik)ii
mow lvdge. Loudon
V Keplcte w ith in
KepU-te with Information; evinces
iiiucli care and M tidy. London Aendeiny.
Knew the most eonM'tt nous advance Wy oud
ltl I'redwfKtow. London ti. lievtew.
A work of fjreat wriuhl and cleKimee ol style.
London IVoHomM.
No milt able and txmimlve work Mut e that o!
S HIImih Jaeolt. London MnlUl.
i A t'otii(klo le it book oU the subject. London
1 aid on independent rewart h. London
I n 1 1 V New.
tmhe liik'brM arlenilflo value, yet tvedeble ai
aiil. Nw Yotk rotu nii.1.
t AMIHUIM.L 'cM,, ; w VV r-t St.. N, Y,
Dr. MlttticU' Lumpy Jaw Curt
Ir, Mitchell' I.u.upy Jaw f'ura H
inia ran tort) t ctuo or inonry refund 4.
One Application I tnouF.h. One bottl
U auHUlcnt fir 4 h"l r more, Ydu
curt tmy It At your t!rit?$iist or
crii Rot It from hi Jot.hir. If he
ou't, rli t!a direct n.J w will
end you a hottle for 1.23 dellrrred,
Marshall Oil CompAny, aole aaln agent
for the United States, Maiahalltown,
1 1 Jf 14 IfVpWBSHsp
BOOK 2. Chapter XXIV.
The power to coin money, thus act
ually exercised by congress, instead of
being, as at preseni, abdicated In fav
or of the gold trust, would put an end
to usurious debts both public and
private, by giving the products of the
people the power to perform required
beneficial service, and to such com
modities as all the people can produce,
authority to pay tax levies and judg
ments. ' , '
It would abolish poverty, among tbe
pedple; develop to the utmost all the
resources of the country; give to each
c'Mzen the power to realize the price
of his products or service, and uscer
'.a an era of universal prosperity and
human happiness, such, as the world
has never seen. The gold trust would
dissolve, and every other injurious
combination for gathering profits from
human toll unjustly, by means of mo
nopoly of things universally neces
sary, would likewise vanjsh.
This is neither "an Utopian dream,"
tor a dream of any kind.
It has already been partially, but
imperfectly, tried once, and not found
The plan here suggested is simply
the application, on a vaster scale, up
on a grander theatre, of the same
principles which brought world-wide
prosperity, to a small and essentially
barbarous body of freebooters, inhab
iting those insignificant and barren
sand Islands at the head of the
Adriatic sea.
Their only resource was their pos
FCf,sion of two metals, which the su
perstitious ignorance of mankind has
permitted to be clothed by infamous
statutes with a purely artificial pow
er to perform beneficial service for
Under the same system, extended so
as to include all that vast array of
commodities endowed with real
power for beneficial human service,
produced in this country, America
would become and remain the clearing
bcuse of the world.
That Inexpressible Infamy, consti
tuting the master injustice of human
history, called "free coinage," and the
compulsory use of another man's
cemmodity to supply an Imperious and
universal statutory need, at a price
fixed by statute and stamped upon it
by your government, which coldly re
fuses the like favor to you, would
cfase to torment and make miserable
the human race, in order that the
gold trust, by exercising the taxing
power, may own and plunder the
world. 4
Under the proposed system ' man
kind, at present condemned to a worse
servitude than Israel suffered . in
Egypt, would cease to be boDdmen
?nd bondwomen, toiling through a
hopeless life of death to .pay to the
f,old trust the usury upon the bonds
01 the nations, payable in one sole
cemmodity, which they cannot pro
duce, and every ounce of which, when
driven by the bayonet or the knout to
obtain, they must procure from the
gold trust, its indefeasable owner, by
means of bonds of all nations which
hold it in a vulture's clutch.
Under the proposed system, what
ever a man possesses, if taxable, will
pay that tax or any judgment. It
should be tried without :ear of mak
ing things worse, because If Satan had
devised a system with a view to make
n anklnd miserable, he could, not have
made it to exceed the present scheme
in injustice and horror. Its far-reaching
consequences manifest themselves
U the multitude of combinations in
ull departments of Industry, by which
csch useful vocation seeks to protect
Itself from the ruinous competitive
lattle to get the sola trust's gold, the
only means by which they can satisfy
the enormous tax levies against their
vealth, and meet the vast sums re
quired to bo expended In their opera
The competitive system hecot the
koM trust; and It la turn fowls a
uooii arter Its kind.
A tax la the Just tribute the rltUen
Vayn to government as a return for
He protection of hi person and prop
erty. Surely he should te permitted to
; Hides, IV
"Thos. McCulloch.
Th oldest etl!ihed hlda housa In Nebraska. Vj4 highest rntrkat
j ricea. Makn Nniipt rtur. Writ tot price and ahlpidn! Ug.
pay that tribute in something which is
his, and not another's.
Let us now in closing view again, in
panorama, the matters involved in
this investigation, so that the various
points set forth may not be seen as
"through a glass darkly," but stand
ou: distinct ajjd clear and definite as
the white peaks of the Sierras against
a clear, twilight sky.
When we define utility, in the ab
stract, we can only say that "it is the
capability to be compelled to perform
beneficial service for man." This
power is found as an endowment of a
multitude of things, each of which
selfish, greedy man, following the nar
row system of beasts arjd plants, seeks
to reduce to sjection to his own ex
clusive, individual will. Each thing
endowed with Ails power he endeav
ors to bring under his exclusive indi
vidual dominion, and make subserv
ient to his personal control.
As man himself is endowed in a
superior degree with this power, the
crnnibalistic methods of the plants
and lower animals, retained by man(
impel the greedy to seek dominion
oyer others of their own species, as a
means of commanding that power to
perform beneficial service for them
selves. Hence, has resulted, first, can
ribalism; then chattel slavery; then
the modified form known as feudal
Ism; and last, the present system of
wage slavery.
The incessant struggle between men
for exclusive individual possession, ad
verse to all others, of things suscepti
ble to exclusive possession, thus en
dowed, the struggle being carried on
under governments restraining vio
lence, transforms humin enerev. be
ing expended in that struggle, into
the force of demand for those things.
Value," in the abstract, is quantity
or degree of intensity of that force of
demand, just as "length," in the ab
stract, is quantity of linear extension;
and as "weight," in t e abstract, is
quantity or intensity of the force of
Definite quantity of linear extension
is ascertained by the employment of
some concrete implement, and com
parison, by means of that concrete im
plement, of other concrete things with
each other, enables us to determine
relative quantities of linear extension.
Definite quantity of the for:e of
gravitation is ascertained by the em
ployment of a concrete appliance,
called balances or scales, and com
parisons made by its means enable us
to determine relative quantities of the
force of gravitation.
But such 'is the peculiar nature of
t' force of demand that no concrete
appliance can be employed to 'ascer
tain it3 quantity. We accomplish
this end by a mental process of "val
uation" or "appraisal," and so, in the
only possible way, determine quantity
ot that force. Necessarily, all com
parisons of relative quantities of the
lorce of demand are mental acts. No
physical appliance Is conceivable.
When we have ascertained, by the
employment of the yard-stick, a de
terminate quantity of linear extension,
moans of expressing that definite
quantity is necessary.. We employ for
this purpose the term "yard," as a
symbol selected to express not a
yard-stick but that fixed quantity of
linear extension.
When by the employment of bal
ances we have ascertained a f.'eter
minate quantity or the tone of gravi
tation, a means of expressing that
quantity becomes necessary. We em
ploy for this purpose a device consist
ing of the term "pound" as the sym
tol selected to express not a pound
weight but that fixed quantity of the
forte or gravitation.
So. likewise, when by the Inlellert
i'al act of ''appraisal" or "valuation."
w havo ascertained a determinate
quantity of the force of demand, a
means of expressing that quantity, h.
comes necessary. We employ fur that
purpose a device toubtlnsr of the
'pound sterlins or "dollar.1
trie symbol riicwen to fvprrnot
that mental act, tor a roll., nor any
othrr physical object-but that fixed
quantity of the foro of demand.
(Continued Nest Week,)
o o I s and
The Use of Arm,
Heart Trouble.
Could Not Bat, Sleep
or Walk. ,
Dr. Miles Heart Cure
Cured Entirely.
Tf it hadn't been for Di. Miles Remedies
I would not be here to write this letter. Two '
years ago last June I lose the use of my left
arm, could not use it and could only move it
With the help of my right hand. My heart
was so weak I could not sleep nights for
smothering spells. I was out of sorts ail over
and couid eat nothing. I gew so weak that
I could nofwalk without staggering like a
drunken man and my home doctor said he
could do nothing for pie. I was in so muca
pain I was almost wild. I could not take -
morphine nor opium as they mae me worse.
Spigot to thinking about Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure and Nervine and the more I thought
about it the more I wanted to try them. I
wrote to the Dr. Miles Medical Co. for ad
vice which 1 followed to the letter. I can
say today that I am glad I did as I am a well
woman now; can work and can walk two or
three miles and not m'nd it' I can also use
my arm again as well as ever. You do not .
kr.ow how thankful I am for those grand
medicines Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure
and Nervine. I think Dr. Miles' Rmi
are the best in the world, and if I should get
sick again I should take the same course.
The remedies also helped mr daughter Vida.
so wonderfully that I should have written
you before to thank you, but I wanted to be
sure that the cure was permanent, which I
now know to be tbe case." Mrs. Frank
Loomis, Allen, Mich.
All drueeists sell and guarantee, first hnt.
tie Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free, hook-
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address
ur. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart. Ind.
Several hundred finished monu
ments and tablets on hand. De
signs and prices sent free.
Please state whether a medium,
email, or a large monument is
wanted." ,
Get our prices no matter where you want
the work Bent. Address,
for, 15th & 0 fts. Lincoln, Neb.
Csncers Cu red
Why sutler pain and death from
cancer? Dr. T. O'Connor cures
cancers, tumors " and wens; no
knife, blood or planter. Address
13GG O St. Lincoln, Nebraska.
Millions of Acres of tha Farming
and Grazing- Lauds
Open for settlement. Small taxes,
cheap fuel, good climate, enormous
crops. Lands sell at $3.50 per acre
and up. payabh In ten annual in
stallments. Wh," rent a farm when
you can buy one for less money than
you pay as rent? Thousands of U. S.
settlers are going.
Tor full information apply to
Gtn'l Apt., I'ass'r Dept. Canadian
radfic U'y, 22$ Sa. Clark street,
Chicago. III.
Tho Hotel Walton
is ii o ai iik. r.
TI ItMatid Jii.!r,.!tv nlrnt !. f t, p,
liotiie !t the i ty, L 1 J I liny mi I iij.,
Tirr 4NY' J Kara ftal!i (a
l k (lowdtri irtbk!4
ia t&. tmi ki )or
fnt t rM t tu L ....... it-
r4 sn.l lb. IM1 rhu
's kwwn!!sh
1 1 A ,Jkk
I i t I fr It .. reWa
f vtjrT.Qr l riou. tw po.,
"Is 1 Kilt n! Ii
i latul. Nest,