The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, October 29, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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OCTOBER 29. 1902.
TV untiring vigilance with which
ti-,e Associated press and the hired
,.ri!frs on the great A. llies woik,
(Viou'i command the admiration of
ill Tb- inventive genius is as great
;, their rever-ending activity. Just
it pr-'c lbfy Lave urU,J npw
,ome,hat reeling an old
m ,,,.ed for so Jo that the peo-
pi, uve tired of it. but which did
jroM ev-'-'.fnt senif ior yare. ice
eld 6' b',ni- came to be known as the
-widow and orphan racket." When
jnv attempt was made to resist the
extortion of tbe rlroad t.bey tJway
ull.eJ about the widows and orphans
ho oncj the stock and that their
his must be protec ted. Now they
My teat tne Jaw.rinB man owns we
rrllroads A long dispatch was sent
cut by the Associated press declaring
.v.. ,w .. a tnfllinn nwnr if
u i in-" - - -r
rxllrfisl stock in the United Ftates.
The wat-e-'ori.ers h6d invested their
uvina in railroad stock and the in
ference aa thu the railroads no
Jft.rcr 're owned by the Goulds.
if, Hills and Hairtasnf. but ;
J . - l - A
lite (ined by the wage-workers, and
these srfd moguls were simply trus
ties, op'rating the roads for the ben
fit of the poor wage-workers They
did not po quite as far as Daer and
ofily f !a;rn that they were the trns-t-e
"f Hod. holding the wealth for
tl.i- slery of His name, but they came
vry ii-ai 10 it.. Every household of
the :&r;1 i!) be flooded with that sort
r.f lire: at -:r' in the ; jtnre until the
theme ir worn out and then they will
blrin mrnething else. That is the
sc n of t-'iS the p-ople of this coun
try Las':' n feu upon for t verity-live J j
' a:. i. more of the seme sort will
lc fmrct-hed in the future.
The daihe-s say that there arp a mil
1 or. f'-j isrs'e ownfrg of railroad stock.
W hat of : ? There are Wl,0,000 peo
p! in thi 'ountry and .0(K of them
on M per cent of the wealth.
T!ic unblushing effrontery of repuh-b-an
i,i;;j(ians is worthy of pyschol
Kiol Invfttigation. The Independent
catnot understand the menul make
up of a man who seven years ago c-on-fnded
ith al th strenuity of a
bight and Vgoroug mind Against the
tuaiitiiative theory of money, and who
ill today, without any explanation
'o why he changed his mind, base
ih his argument upon the very foun
dation he denied seven years ago.
The F!,ech of Ellis H. Roberts,
tieasurer of the United States, upon
"The Effects of the Inflow of Gold."
Wore the American Mansers' meet
Ins; at run Francisco Thursday, is a
in po;nt.
In'lepecdeiit readers need not be told
'he republican arguments in the cam
paign of im Everything, save gold,
then re&ponded to the laws of supply ;
"a demand. A big crop of wheat, or
4 r demand for it. or both, meant
k.'l in the value of -vheat other
tlmiiN remaining as before and a fall
1,1 'he price of wheat (which is Ei'm
,! u"' ' value" of wheat etatfd in
t'lrrii- i f mor.tvl i t. anv rrnn r.r a
h' aw
tl r.
I- ',!..
n t
t .
. ., (
t.i t...
t-i "
I ,.l ;
I'- 1 ,
t' t , . .
! .
? -n demand would drive
l-'ces up. i,h republicans
i ..-is agreed upon this. Rut
"!'!ians contended that the
-' ' I I -1 y : lid demaud could not J
a!;ie of gold "bti ause g-M
aii-Jaid. you know." Gold was
t irumutahle as Gtd. There
:: y diffc-rem e but the letter
;hae of the question was ilm
' the JK.piiliblS. t .o .or.u jvl
1 ' .tt'!i"i ui tiave no entp
ra? In the mi-ply of
w-.tkom a corresponding
'' supply of other thitiC.
' v 'y trine aiftut a fail in
t p. .id. Thi toiiM not be
'. hnwevi-r. a. tt etam
. a of an m'm..n m p
' ' . b. ai ft gui I a but'1
' I ti. ally hat e, ami
r y ) very m! jr
' tb total h In the j"
!T ,kl' 10 Me whin lht mr
Further, U,e pop,lUM apphed this
ueiuraj jaw to
contended that r
coined money, and
increase in the de
nominational sum rmt result in a de
crease in the value of eh "dollar "
that as eaefc co;n ,
.tapped upon it the fall iV'theV e
of the -dollar- would be shown or
'in the increased "r,.-j,,.," flf '
i o&rorno$tic given
; the dollar.
in for
Accordingly, if lt rear it squired
jthree bushels of wheat to buy a eoin.-l
dollar; and this year two j,Ushel
iv.ould command it, the rife in the
"price" of w&eat from u ..rc
j l, .B1a miphi be caused hr .r
i1Mn caused r.y one or
nore of several conditions- Tt. i.r..
The sun
ply of wheat this year may have been
; Jess; the demand mar i -
:.v,. . ,. . . ..
nir uuiuuer 01 comca flol ars ti-ibv .h
j freater. gay lust yar there were
tuehels of wheat
2 months to feed,
and 2
coined dollars; this year there
fire only 4 bushels of wheat, hut there
are 3 mouths to feed, and 3 coined
dollars for use in eichanpe Evidently
. . -
the value of dollars" has fallen and
the value'' of wheat ris-en: hm tl.e
dollar is still nominallv - ht.ArA.
. .
cent " dollar.
Giving rtatistics regardinp the rap
ij inflow of gold bullion in the part,
five years, Mr. Roberts said;
"This plethora of the precious
metal in our country presents
three problems interesting and im
portant. What is to tie the effect
on our currency? What on prices
and wares? What on our world
Answerms the first question, Mr.
.'oberta tx ents a "iissible peril." be
es uFe
"Our circulation is undergoing
an immense and continuous infla
tion. In five years the money in
circulation in this jonntrv has
run up from tl.16,516,S;t2 to f2.
404 fiiT.dty. an inc rease of !'..
Ot'M.CT. The strength is that of
this growth t2.r'.Co4,&72 has been
in gold, coin and certificates, an
annual addition in that form of
nearly f 72.'.Ki.Wtrt. We are to ton
front a further increase in our cir
culation, of which gold will con
stitute not far from su.'i.(xhi a
year. That precious metal, in
cluding the certificates standing
for it. is now 42.27 of the total,
and its share advance steadily."
"And gold," says the treasnrer,
"differing from notes of national
banks, is money of final reserve and
redemption, and the credit built upon
it is higher and broader, so that the
potential inflation may be carried fur
ther." But what possible difference
could "inflation" make, if the repub
lican contention of lk was correct?
l-et Mr. Rooms answer:
"Prices of commodities have
undoubtedly been borne upward
by the inflation. Special influ
ences have affected iron; Besse
mer pig, which was 110.25 in Aug
ust, 1S1S. cost $21.75 at the same
time in 3io3; steel billets In the
same interval have rien from
114.75 to $34; No. 2 red winter
wheat, which was 74 cents, became
744 cents; mess pork from 19.75
Jumped to $1 25. and family beef
from $11.50 to $15; cotton from
I 11-10 cents advanced to S9-li
cents. Ohio fleece wool fell from
2S to 27 cents.
"Uy index numbers, the advance
of ail cvirrni'io ii'i s has bfn from
y,jy to .'7'l. or twenty-one
points. On f 1!! examination, the
employers' rmi laiion of Ohleaeo
fin is that the co-t of luing in this
ciiunuy h.M Iinreaa-d 15 per cent
in the year. Carroll J. WripM,
head of the burea.i of labor, with
all the data f the atnhracpt coal
cciiiini!--!"U. dedaren the aJvam
tr N frvim 15 to 17 per cent. Themj
frites may av pt-. as author
' Advar-n in wases fdllow in
,reae in c"t f li'iiig. In re. ent
)-ai n hii t i!. and trocji.
I afi rj.iw iy -nir;""" '
,.. ., r . r'ur.ini rn ha? aided !
j.t r 1 n a? one step to was- paiJ,
t . t, . t the re. . : !!. I !' 1"
,,,t ,.f !iitij 1 he !'!.'; h'l l'n
! nfd id wjivj ffc; ivsi tj
.'. . it hi ! 4 ! 'y
.jm,-.I la i -tf v - it
t,r-b . I. ?. in ' ' W'f,f
l!se Fr't.fal wr.u' my -il
. tU!..l t f'' f" I' t" - ' l,f " ' '
Irr,l. i.t fn I i. cni.i are
The Reliable Store.
e Mi roritirne 4.11 ..
trt . We do Lot L 1 r, veu T t f 1 ' "V'T
! pood n.erit tint ch r,t ) n 5 S T 'T W f fUch
( CfaI,tl0t Iu'T talking .-out tldn.
M J'du to tM ttlptp rrvic
, ,. r
amities for the hon.e-.i;o the w' d""1 in h11
Our Clothing; for Men and Boys t the Bct.
Our Prices for this Clothing are the Best
We hve Suiu-niw, Overer ta
" direct
i vm. r '' '' ''u a p
',. ' "'"5 wr at vi.rioui. pr.ees up to f-voi or i:iO.(o w ;..
1 fUin. t
! lou
i shouH ,, V - i . r
tend U Kuv ii,.t .
. :' --.. "r in uvr you
Youth' OverVo
! Vf'n'("''' - H styles from tXT, up to I12M
H..ys hnee fun's Fuif -double breasted und ft piee tvl,
:l'jr;rn ,s nf,,w v"'n b" bit e het is n-a jWc
!rtid7 We ran ntyououl io th.s
I n t?'!VT
nwUaneou article for the home.
if'ioch f- ite
i I'iu L t 1 -
i rir Sfaov''lfi
i "c,i
i 3CiI'l'J Su,ve Boards.
Always send your Mail Orders to
your money.
!6t!i and Dodge
burdf-ned with ihe heivbr cw-t or
living wit bom ar:y offset, as they
hae the bcnei) if a fail in prices
of commodities, when that o;-c:irs,"
Without accepting his fitnres as to
relatives riec-s in cost of living and
In wages, let us bear in mind Mr. Rob
tits' statement that "prices of com
modities have undoubtedly been
borne upward by the inflation " What
inflation? Why none o'her than that
lib millions of gold and silver coin
and national bank notes injected into
the circulation since an increase
o. more than S2 per cent In five years.
Isn't such a change of front, with
out a word of explanation, the most
rrhlushing effrontery? Nevertheless
it is a sincere tribute to the wisdom
of tbe populist position.
Tom Johnson is mailing one of the
bravest fights any man ever made.
Tbe national democratic committee
Las given him no assistance whatever.
There has cot ben a single demo
cratic speaker s?nt into the stale,
while the republicans have rushed in
every available speaker In their party.
Raymond, the special correspondent of
the Chicago Tribune, has been trav
eling with Johnson ani be- reports to
his paper that "nowhere can one find
the slightest trace of any help either
fiom outride the state or from cam
paign orators of recognized note with
in Its borders."
Beside-s that, he also says that the
McLean demo rats are doing al! that j
they can to defeat Johnson and adds
that it "is a ci ruiti'y that half of the
tld line democrats will stay at home
and the other half will vote the re
publican ticket."
What chance there can le for any
cne to hope to ever make a reform
party of the democratic party is pat
it mprehension. Eury time that a
man like Tom J hnon pet a mnr.i
nation, the leader of the party tura
cut and help the republican to defeat
One ttlng 1 certain. If Tom John
ton die win n thl fight, th MI.n
crowd of gold but: will be khked
bar out. '.d the dvmr h kJ a-a:iit
them, ToHl John hi the .c-urhv
!o dc juM tfc' of thtoe.
n Wilt nr
The tl. b-'i' r-t 'r -t fa.v 1
Ihe thir l B4ir til it Icin l re. t !
Ij, Pre. rd.iig It l.e been th
..... , ,
,,,,11 I.. .. n . .
" -TWU ." "r ''hing snout U.em to vonr
l number of different yie and r umtier
.rv.e...bie Su,t or v rc.-nt for IT.Vi or
T u'Kinc 'pfciu, sie price of f lo.(K).
. - 11 juu oo DOT ID-
wfi.r.ri un to ir,.m.
hue no matter Ui v ur " u vT 1
ur fcU,ve ",f" right. Also a Lumber of
i Kitchen Mett i.lWs t
I. "'.....
l'ipe ninp r.
Iron Hridie f,r
Ga!. I'ail
the hoU-e that w.l! sali.fy ou or refund
Sts ., On.hi, Nth.
brfah-up d the asjd.h.'t : u; atiil
the Consoi; 'ated I.a'.e Superior
oon.j.uii.t. The iosm-is to share
holders in it,' - tn:-e -oi p-.ratmns
ha" to:a.leii $l'H,ii-..,(toi, jci
body h;.s bei u pu-'iished. This is
an siaiem. nt of Jat, jet
true.. The ,;sc.n l-t wee-n cor-I-orate
meiho'ls of this kind and
the pn.hihiie.1 busincsia of the
three-card monte n an or the shell
gane men in s dose a to defy
distinction, except that the cor
porations hae had "minent" fi
nancier er.cneed in their manage
ment while tbe other men are noL
And yet the tr .'"'fill public has as
fi;ir an opportunity Jn one as the
Jiher. That punislcnect should
be meted out to somebody can
not be gainsaid, bit the ruined
stockholders are usually unable to
make much headway in this direc
tion. In any event, the duty of
inv ligation should fall on the
government. The policy of Issuing
stock for which no value exists is
a fraud per ee and punishable un
der the common law if uot under
the statutes.
Tlv damage done at this time
consists not orly in enormous
losses or actual ruin to share
holder; i" the defunct corpora
tions. It is the Wow to public
confidence most serious.
Nobody can be sure. ender the
corporate policy of non publicity
and secret market agreements, as
to what it is represented to. The
sooner the federal povernment ex
ercises its riph to inquire and en
forces the policy of publicity, the
batter it will be for public confi
dence and the general business sit
uation. Pittsburg (Pa.) Leader.
Publicity alone will nail nothing
f -nt a national coriKiration law. after
the model framed bv Prof. Hora.k in
bis "Organisation and Control of In
futrial Corporations'' t Equity Series,
I.1") Chestnut st, rhiladelphia),
wouhl po a buiR way toward correct
ing the ewl. Without' doul t it wo.iM
be su.T:. ient after the natural monop
olies are talcn eer govern
ment ownership.
The Or. Btnj. F, Oedey
S A N A T Q W I U M .
y t IM le
I I !J I. i
t of fi'l
. i. I i i
; i i . i
i : I .1 I
i U i
t n .1 ., i
till! VC t j
l.M ,1 HI I"
gt I', l :
:..-:: -.1 ...
Or. Bj 1 Ba.l Senatoriwm,
lleteln, Nkrtk.
' t m.HiVit.'J, whi iot! n j