The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, October 29, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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    OCTODSIl 29, 1903.
,ules from South Omaha..
By Our
Sptciil Correspondent.
..Ilt it ,iown ttiat Judge Sullivan will
rfrriv' a larger majority In South
Cmalia this year than be did six years
Tli" pnfldng houses are falling In
line with the railroad and other great
mural MM1H olid urfciuums Hi ic
(r,.iirli. During the past few weeks
(icuTiil hundred men have been let
, it mill ili" end is not yet. Of course
is nothing significant in thh
,,.i,ciim movement of Ihe corpora-
4m, Tliat Is, If you believe what
liny av. The facta are, however,
tliMi Hi is in a part of the plan to get
evii villi the luhor unions. Last
f,niu' Hi'1 unions succeeded In ralslnf,
tin pay f common laborers from 17
cdiiH ji'-r hour to 19 cents, with f
proportionate raise for skilled labor
tinil Hi'' corporations are bcglnnlni
their iiiiai k on the weakest point.
1 nntd-e that E. Rosewater Is givim
1,1k annua! exhibition of polllicfl
lupnerisv and the performance wosil
inin.'hable were it not for the fac
that iimny people are ho easily foolc
ai ki believe what he says. Nlru
iMdntli.1- out of every year the little cdl
mr will roast the, rorporatlons and
ti(,wl ,'iioiit the Iniquities of the" rev
ciiif liiw and then use all his ener
gies to elect to olliee men' whom he
hnuwH will do the bidding of these
nine corporation. l,ast year he sup
jH.rteil "Our Man Mickey" and a dele
tion of bright lights for the legisla
ture rind this year he Is supporting
Harries for chief Justice, knowing that
hi.' nomination wuh agreed to by the
apentK of the railroads long before the
convention met and, knowing further
that hia pant record, bis education, In
itiation and interests are all with
t!i( corporations.
1'mler the new revenue law the rall
T'.;ifl companies will pay city taxes
1p OniHha amounting in round figures
to JJ I'iii. If they were taxed at the
SHiic rate as the man who owns a llt
tl home they would pay 1280,000.
l ow la this for equality under the
law? it Is not surprising that theHe
u-ir;itlons found it to their Interest
to maintain a corrupt lobby at Lln
eclri dining "the last legislature.
Tim Inquiry Into the wrecking of
the Khlpbui'ders' trust is throwing a
rreai deal of light on the methods of
the tiirat financiers. Wo have had a
FnrtVH of eulogistic articles in the
r aca.iiM'H and papers for the past few
'iirs in regard to such men as Chns.
M Schwab, Clergue and others and
t! is irnpilry shows that the methods
cf the faro-dealer, Ihe three-card tnon
'" man and the tinhorn gambler are
"M" talOe when compared with the
tiieiiioiin pursued by these so-called
Ki '-in captains of industry.
Tim commission men at the Kouth
Omaha exchange are beginning to see
Hi" Ilcht. I have been told frequently
f'S late that competition in the pur-
How to be
Cured of Piles
Don't wait until you are a helplet-t-Invalid,
for a seemingly simple rase
oi hemorrhoids, or piles, may, if neg
l''etei, rapidly lead to worse. The un
iii'iiral formations become tumerouj
find permanent, and tho Inflammation
krows until abscesses form; the c
f burrows into tha tissues, forming
tubular growths which discharge pus;
-!' 'Tons conditions, and general gttu
ku '--o m degeneration appear.
Miat is ueeded at the start, or at
"'; h,!'Ke la soniethlrg to soothe this
l! ''iiiiic.atiou, rei'ueo tho swelling nmi
b'ion, and a: the same time re
Ml,t" Urn diseased parts to normal con
I 'iiii. These three things are
1,1 I'Mshed permanently by the Ira
"1 I'll Cure. It checks all progress
' 'lie disease, and rabidly returns
'"' arrcit,.,j part., to health, beside
in'! at tuna the pain and fearful
1 1 -alloti,
!'kiui using Pyramid Mle Cure.
n order to maVe mire of a eui"
1 ( tit live pai V lines; for the ;t"t lv
' " s I h:vi tin' been iroubh-d In the
! Hid ?.,t. b.--n bothered f.r
' ": live )nnr. aid hud ''iit mh r
' ' ' lifty dollar fr dift- rcit r-uc-'
' !,'li U tho tint p.rinaiKnl help
1 1 lisd, and no i'imi could I
J . ..t. f . ,h,nn ,(,,," j , M XVII
t'uiuiemii. Otiht.
p i'ild I'tla rur. U 'd I .v dr'is
1 ' ' i" iwrlly f r nftv rrnU a p"1"
" 'f l nil m rTlr.-rs i.i vil''
' " ib' lr"u f.i ttr t.tll, Ml. I. 'or
v ' it .!. 1 nll l ' dm-lU'ln''
1 ' " and ciiris tf il".
chase or stock by the packing housfs
u to all intents and purpoHfs a thing
or th past. And the commission men
are beginning to fear that the final
consummation of the meat tnisn will
mean the elimination of the commis
sion man an a fm-tor in Urn iVP y
ti arkel. The packers aih the p.o
ple "comln' and goin'." They prani
cully control the price of the live Mora
and then control the price of the (lu
ll bed product. j
U' I ' I, ..
: . r, i re.i.i,.t
"""or, Met- l'f,,
K. C. nienrs, Si-f.rclnry.
Vt . N. W4Tmm, 'I'rvMnrer.
Lincoln Business College.
i , n . . .
... . ,rw'" .'" '''I'll"'". Hhnrllmii.l luwl Tvivwrlllnir Tl,r... rn,.. inM.M. .11 n,.
'- !'' ej.tiil.HMnd, III' li ilHlr lui-lltlil wi ll mnl I.uii.IiIi
e(.IMliiet( till 1 . 1 i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 .
knewn Icr tlien.iurl, n.
l'erti nci m m il n.
1 ( ii,.et lil ('riiitiiHlii.' Our lenclii-rMiri' men ef I timIiiI hnalniiw
l'ir Hie mi. Ill m,, 1 I ',"", 1'iiniK Hi.imy. r jeittiiil r,iil, til mid every inrlltiy
nut mi'lU ii.lil,..NtiKli.Uuiiei-im.mli.iii.n.iufc rmmi.KU lie. Wrllu, Aildrew,
Kpabllmn AdiiiluUlrXlaa U Kauiaa
uandra Ilia I'cupU Siihulanc
J nut In Nlirk
The Phillips County Post, Phllllps
urg, Kas., reprints the following
rom the Manhattan (Kas.) Mercury:
"In 1000 the taxes required to pay
xpenses of the ftate government was
'1,7 15,7.'! I. Three years before this tho
axes required by the last and mow),
'esiliseil noiitillKt !uliiiinlHtr:il inti u. ru
'1,3l9,2iiit. In the campalen of ix!tg!
lorton AlliHugh and his slate central
ommittee sent out oceans of lltern
'ire charging this populist ndmlnls
ratlon with extravagance. The flrnt
erm of Stanley's administration saw
in advance of $:!0f!,471 In the taxes
'aken from the people for state pur
poses. In 1903 the Bailey house,
hacked by the Burton senate, pro
vided for the collection of $2,500,000 In
tate taxes from the peoide. Here
was an Increase of -f7M.209 bid ween
'!i00 and l'JOI. It was an increase of
11,150,710 between the lat term of
he populists and the last term of the
republicans. It is the record made by
tho 'personally conducted' stale ad
ministrations since Governor l.eedy
retired from office. Like Roosevelt In
the White house, the republican offi
cials come high in Kansas; but you
I now prosperity Is upon us and graft
ing Is the 'fad. The voters appear
to like it and so long as they are will
ing to dig up tho price, no one ought
to kick."
This is hardly so black a record as
the republicans have made in Nebras
ka, but it Is similar to republican ad
ministration everywhere.
Here In Nebraska the 1903 repub
lican legislature appropriated 13,740,
2X0.70 for republican state officials to
expend in the two years ending March
31, 1905. The populist legislature of
3807 appropriated only $2,335,843.40 to
uo expended by populist state officers
In the two years ended March 31,
380!l; and the fact is, that $212,000 of
this amount was not expended at all,
but lapsed into the treasury.
At first blush one vrou'd Incline to
believe that as human nature Is pret
ty much the same everywhere, tho fact
that Individual republicans are ex
travagant and Individual populists the
i;nmi In nersonal matters, that the
lact of one administration being more 4
extravagant than another, or one be
ing more economical than another. Is
simply .accidental and not fundamen
tal. But Investigation into the un
derlying causes which produce politi
cal parties, and the forces behind
them, will show that it Is no accident
that republican officials throw money
right and left In all sorts of wasteful
iiml useless, if not criminal, undertak
ings. It all comes from the Irresistible and
inevitable conflict between the big fel
lows, and the little ones, or, in a
mrasurc, between the industrialists
end the farmers.
The republican party Is the repre
sentative of. and Is controlled by, he
1 lg manufacturing, banking, and
transportation Interests. The officers
elected by this psirty mny or may not
be of these Interests, but they are al
ways FOR them, either as principals
or " npents. For example, Leslie's
Monthly avers that Nelson AV, Aid-
rich Is "th prime mover of legisla
tion favorable to corporations;" Sena
tor Quay, "leader In the fight sgalnt
restricted Immigration on behalf of
the fnrekn temhlp lines;" Senator
KIMns. "hend of the beet sunr loh
bt;" Senntor J. II. Millard. "otMng
friend of the micnr l'et tnmt and al-o
h ninl"'v of the I'nlon rciuV rsll
rmd;" Senator hletrtih. "one of the
foremost upholders of beet sugar and
ruii'e. tor of the present usurpation of
i..l.lle Irtit'K" All of thU H ancient
hb'torv to popnlbiis; hut. coming from
iui' illi" ll' I cole's. It H Il"'
fUnUi"! to (ho e hi.nint r.p'ittlltan
firinem ho plw,d l,,, lr '"',r,y
I,.. it. emi-li'it- nt of nl! that U V'-Tr.
(..'tirtoUe sn ! in"" "l"h.
Now ntiv mi" ho hi studied h
,, ,etion I .. thm Hi"" '' irM.r--,..
e. vr Pv "'-I'' ,,,,,t' "f
i .1 ... I liiidl
)-r 'l,p. in ta"B
Farm Insurance.
Fire, Lightning, Windstorms
On Live Stock, Dwellings,
Out Jluildin ( 8 tf- Content.
Farmers' and Merchants Ins. Go,,
Lincoln, Nebr. Established In 1605.
Losses Paid (o I'atrons Over Three Quarters of a Millioa.
Security to Policy Holders J35U75.51.
No apsfsrnenti. Aspired as.sumea no liability. If there
is no agent in your town write direct to the company.
a Homeseekers' Excursion.
T Gtnral Aaant, Lincoln, tfaraska.
Round trip rata-ONE FARE PLUS 12.00. On sale Oct.
0 and 20, Not. 3 and 17.
Return Limit21 Days.
The low rate will enable you to lnnfeet tht rich and fer
tile land in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North and Hotith Da
kota, the Canadian Northwest. Also many points in Nebraska.
R. W. McGinnis,
it i
"capitalized" at $1,400,000,000. Heme,
it paid $2.39 taxes on each $1,400 of
capital, or about $1.71 on eachjmn
f.rcd dollars of property. Now, that
tmli ues every sort of tax, except tha
!ud:.-ect ones. What farmer with a
$1,400 farm escapes by paying $2.39
in state, county, township and school
Well, paying an Insignificant part of
the taxes proportionate to wealth
owned, these corporations care Utile
about extravagance if they can con
trol the taxliif? power. In fact, to
hold their agents in line and keep
them content, they must not only per
mit extravagance, but must encourage
if because by so doing they retain a
lirge force of men always ready to do
fheir bidding in order to share in the
The people's party is made up of the
teally heavy taxpayers. Not that any
one man pays a largo sum, but as a
class populists pay more laxes on
earh S 1 00 of actual value than men In
any other party. Of course, most of
trielr remiblleun "mullet head" neigh
bors are mulcted as hard, but the
leading republicans In every comniun-
l;y the men who no tne campaign
work and shout, "vote Vr straight"
they ftet some sop that evens up what-e-'er
disadvantage they may bo under
it. h matter of taxes.
The real power behind populist of
furs Is the farmer-taxpayer who de
n.imds that government be conducted
l the least possible cost. Hence, co
i rnib at populist administrations In
ttery statu that has tried popiiU'ii."
The real power behind every repul II
in administration Is the corporation
trx shlrVer, who ilehlren extrsvarati-o
In order to Keep hi hen, hmen lrit
iiile. lli'ine, exlraknrant republican
aiinlnistratlona evcrvnere.
Tills Icion nil bsrned iio'iie
(HV br even (fie iP imem rrpui in in
' mullet hea." Ktravai!anca or rnoi
oniv dejierul not upon the particular
ofhiUI, but uiw" tl1 JMo'r b'hlnd
lh Ih'ione Mh ib'liiillSlel lit
(Ion. That W l'v HimltMt rvern
ment U Imarialdy r oiiomli a'U a l
mlniterd and retnl.iiian "rrn
meiit Jut m tuaruhly Mtreant.
The Latest Talking Machine, t
Xh Vitaphone.
Price, $2.60.
Simple. Durable.
And r'y all disk records. Bend for
cine today to help piss away t ha loo
winter evenings. Writ us for oer lare
list of disk records. .alof;u of house
hold speiialtlea and oveltUa free.
P. O. lkn 0li Lincoln. Neb
llnran. T. Hi.h 4tor
iH'urvr K. Wllimimlh I'lullilltt . Jini M. Ir-
In t l nl itr'eiiilmil. lu Jmtm M lrlutul
1 liix l V Wi tr lien tMiili-iil deli D.Unt
V.mi mi. I mi ll nl vxit it lu reiijr iii.iitit. Omt
ell III. ln el ." 'l''r "
innuoli l. UH! Umi mi Unit Kliil ! "! ili l.-i.tiii In llir .lllil. I ii "ll nl I ln .
ter iiiiiii,, llm nl.n l mil imi.t
Kll, ll l h. I. u.-, !.. .rrrUtit 11,11 liatili' Iran
ti Hie li'lli.w in Imni I.H I luiil.lliiii IIiiki ii til
ni l i. mini wll I ! In.ieUr I. it .1", In
1... k iii.inU'i tit im IV rii-lil .i"i ii On" ertKlii.l ,
lotto Iti. illy ultliet.m, l'i"U veuui,.,
In wiirf Hi imm)I i.t .iuii i.ii.k ni curt.
Hit n. llH.f lutii.t,. l l"t il ! n. IK .
Ill) I.. !! Il.vliun I'l III Ii..'"'" 'i I !
I, .1 ... t .'
I iniiiitrt ' (t el Iffm Itn if tn-l
,.t t :. I it'f ! I 't-siO.-B !! m - .
i . r i. oi xi. I ' ii Mtut. tti.n : i It. a
Mil I lo ll 'Ml f.-'l.'t
,,ii .. ., i.i h..r i.tiiiiifii (, i".i, a
ell il Ul.'ll' Hi I 0 ''-I Nfii I" I " '
I.H.,..I I Mil I IMI I ll
I ) II.,?..- f lU'ht C, AUii-u.i.