THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT OCTOBEIl 20, 1 3ns. n-rnoratlon thrown republican of-. i , X j urs have been la oinp1cte con ,1 of the legislative anl executive ramd ea of our Mate government. lAOk at tlx record! Hartley, the b)K iui r of the old realm, par , on ,1 Hl.amr.luK8 extravagance In the Seminar of public money, ao that p floatlm? Indebtedness of the state aa bcenlmreased 3K).0OO; whereas nV fusion control wdj.cod our debt over lalf a million dollars l tvlde aKa.nBt further de; f.clu and to pay up arrears h J the Infamous revenue law whit h leaves the railroads untouched but will result In a great increase In the taxes of the farmer and business man In town. The supreme court, as now constituted, stands as a bulwark acalnKt the awreHHlonH of these c r n.orar.ts of power. The fusion d at i let indues over the state have t'"""fi b.ftdness methods of clearlnK the r doctets of business,, Instead nM old drag-alotiB-delny style which used to prevail. , . Will the people surrender the Ju dicial branch of our Kovernment Into , the hands of the beet sutrar, elevator, ind railroad corporations? The (ues tlon will he answered next Tuesday. I, our men slay In the fields and neg lect to ko to the ikjIIh we w II bo beaten. If they will net up and hustle. wo can re-eieci jm most of our candlda tes for I Writ t judges. J. N. CAMI'IlhLL. Fullerton, Neb. J. M. KABTKUMNO. Editor Independent: The voters of t!,ls county are more Interested In the Issues of this cainpnlun than at any 18'ifl. indications are that our vote will all be polled. Our people are for Judw Sullivan because they realize that he Is a plat lorrri within himself In the Interest of the whole people and not. a class or particular Interest Ills record on the supreme bench Is an Inspiration to our voters. I believe I am correct when I say that h will enrrv a larger vote than the fusion strength In this county. , A large number of republicans with whom I have talked are dissatisfied villi the action of the last legislature and especially the part the railroads took In the nomination of Judge Ilames. Some of them will not vote at all and mnny of them will empha size their dissatisfaction by eastlnp their votes for Judge Sullivan. If the balance, of the stale does ns well by Judge, Sullivan as Buffalo county, he will succeed himnelf. J. AI. EASTKIU.INfl. Kearney, Neb. M. n. SI.OCl'M. Kdltor Independent: I.aKt year the r publicans carried this (Daltoia) county by a majority on state ticket rsrglng from 7 on governor to 157 on land commissioner: but 1 think wo will return Judge Sullivan a majority of 100 this year losing the county jn the rest of ticket. This Is because of some disclosures affecting; Judge Liarnes' record as a lawyer In this county, which have no doubt come to cur notice recently. M. B. 8LOCUM. - South Sioux City, Neb. FRKD A. ALLEN. Kdltor Independent: The reader of The Independent will go to the polls end east their ballots for Judge Sulli van. They can be depended upon to do this because they know the Issues involved. They know that his op ponent was selected and agreed upon by a class Interest. They know that erould Judge liarnes nit upon the su preme bench he will at all times e tonsclons of the fact, that he owes his TCBltion to the railroads, and when hit he pusses judgment upon a mat ter lu which the Interests of tlje rail reads clash with those of the, people, lie cannot be an Impartial judge; fur tteriuore. being the candidate of the railroad Interest, both f r the noiul ..MERE MENTION.. Some Comparisons for tha Benefit of Chairman Harry UndMy. The Lincoln Daily Btar ojiotea the republican state chairman, Harrjr Lindsay, aa uttering tba following inartistic falsehood: 'The peoplo seem to be satisfied with condition and attribute them to the republican party. Accordingly they are going to vote for the republican candidates this fail, for why continue in power a representative of the imo parties whose administrations of the state alTairs are but seldom referred to, and then not by the two parties themselves." Chairman Lindsay is either very reckless in hi statement, or a very careless reader of populist and democratic paper. For hia benefit The Independent, will repeat, in big-, plain type that can be read without apecUcIe, what it ban been saying time and again. TIIK STATE DEBT Thin ftateinent includes state bonds and general fund Ktate warrants outstanding, up to the time whn Treasurer MeHtrvo paid off the Jant dollar of bonda. Today the debt is wholly of warrants. Created by republican extravagance up to the clone of bunine-H, Nov. 801 SOti $2,385,540.35 Reduced under populist administration up to the clone of biiHineHKNov. 30, 1000 to . 1,727,4 47.72 Increased under republican administration up to the clone of biwincsH, May 31, 1903, to 1,097,071.98 PopulixtH in four yearn, reduced the debt (158,002.03 Republican, in 2J yearH, increased the debt... 270,2:'4 20 How do you like that "reference," Mr. Lindsayf Oufrht the people to be sat inllrd with that condition? Every dollar of that debt is of republican origin and it grows in spite of a 115 per cent increace in state tales. Do you want to know why? Itecaiise your party today is more extravagant than ever before -even in the palmy days of Tom liunton mid Joe Hartley. Let us see what the legislatures have appropriated the past five sessions: CAT AKR II CANNOT UK Cl'KliD with local applications, as they tun. not reach the seat of the dlcae, ('atari h bt a blood or const national dluease, and In order to cure It yon must tike Internal remedies. Uuir? I'Htnrrh ftirtt tt luken li,trithllv mil ' " " " " H, M acts directly "on th blood and imicous surfaces. Hall s CaUrrh ('urn t not a e,uck medicine, t ,r,.,.,.(j by one. of the best phyMclan lu thli lountrv fir jeaia, and h regular prescription. It is romptiet of th U si kiln ii tonics known, loiublt.-l with the bent Miki.I purtnem, ncftn.; directly on the luiicuiu iilf.ti'e. Th prrfvtt combination nf th t, )... kretnnU U what produc e aui h w. dvfful rutts In lining Catarrh, S-nJ jr ti-Hiiiiiii,'i! fre, I. J. cmi:m;y a co. iv.... T'-le.t.i, O, Pobl bV dniitR'nl. prl.o :,, lUll'a lauuly 1'iiU i tti Lit, TOTAL APLMIOPJUATIONS. ion. ISO 5 1897 Amount Polities. Afipropriated. Ke)tiblican $2,78-1,084.00 Ponulist 2,335,843.40 1H99 Republican ; 2,591,373.00 1901 Republican 2,875,280,51 1903 Republican 3,740,280.70 Ifow does that strike you, Mr. Lindsay? And you too Mr. Taxpayer, who must foot the bill? The republican session of l'JOl wasn't so very economical but it pulled through with about 8'35,(KK) lus than this last one. Your hCHwmn (,f VMM mads orovision for snendimr over 11.40(1.000 in excess of what th i,,i,Miit sion nf lil7 allowed the populist state ollieers to spend. And that isn't all, either. Tor tn populists oki not, use or trie appropriation and let that much lapve into the treasury, nut it looks as though "Holy John ana his asMociales will have no trouble in spending all of that 13,710,000 if they are kept in olllce until Murch III, 11)05- which is hardly likely to happen. Uut they'll have the bulk of it Rone by the lirt Thursday in January, Uwf, when tho populists saiQ take cou trol. And, by the way, do you remember the statements some of your Christian re publican campaigners miulelat fall, that tho republican state offlci-a wot. I, I ,.i,w the books without a deficiency"? Will you kindly note in the Auditor' statement of appropriations f jr 1001 1, pao 24, this item: "For M'lKcellaneoiM Deficiency Claims, $121,287.70." The people have a riht to attribute such conditions to the republican party for it is responsible for sucti reckless spending and still mora rni-klitm iviu!h., a .1.. i ... i i i - - . ; :. .v. (u iim -inHipiu ecciH iu do miurtnou ,ujju urti noui to vote lor tMe republican can ion unciersuKsi numan nature oeiier man Abraham Uncoln did for ic would men seem poesioie w -iooi an vao people an uie lime. nation and the election, It Is to be presumed that he Is In sympathy with their efforts to shirk the burden of taxation upon the other Interests of the state, to maintain excessive rates fo transportation, foster elevator Ousts, etc. It matters not though ho be honest In the belief that some peo ple were born booted and spurred to tide the rest of tho people, holding that view, the greater his sincerity the more daneeroim he will bo, C,Vr tiinly the rallro d Interests would not be ro unanimous In his favor If they vere not either sure of his sympathy or of iholr ability to control his ac tions. .The readers of The Independent also krow that Judo Sullivan U an hon est, able and upright Jud&o without ell her class prejudice or class control and that nil Interests will be safe in Ms hands. The knowleie of these facts will take the feivlcra of The ltf-tepMf,d-Mit to the polls; b it unfortun ately there are too ninny voters wli, t'liiiiKh they hay us much at slake, lire not wi well Informed, and many of them will not ko to the polls at all except ihroiiKh the persuasion of others, TIih (itl.en's duty Im only partly performed when b, j;oen mid Mies his conviction himself: h trrift b!ho i;ee that h i neighbor who tun be ahown the rinhl shall go and do I keUt. If the citmlrtiue of nit' Inl li lirehU l!e a .at on the siiprcm,. Ifilih It U1 be be, iiusn too unii) c'tlcru Ii.ivk not ,bm their full ! ny. rUVAt A. Al.l.KN', iMUd City, N. b. M T. WtXifift. Fditor lu-b i nili iit : I heenili-s f,. tien ill Vet n N.-i.rk i '. i, Ic. if. thi -r a tn tud t-i a stnr d th-ht IH-t T Rhow the e. I'uhlit aut llitt e nl r f.n ii i.f Ittlr w tH rule, Rud the fti i,.. rmlc c'.tmocrats that the thoughtful rank and file Intend to control the demo cratic party. It should be elected be cruse the extortion and the tax dcriKlng of the railway corporations of the state are becomluK unbearable; and as our last two governors and legislatures have been republican we lave no hope for them to lemedy tho deplorable condition in.o which they heve allowed affairs to lillp, County as.sen.Mors particularly should be fiiHiiinists, as the last rfvenue bill, laving been passed by a republican rnliroad legislature, must be a railroad r.namire, and the people surely do not want, a railroad man to assess them. The only way to take the government out of the handu of the railroads Is to elect fiiKlonlsls. M. T. WOODS. HartfiiKion, Neb. SKNATOIt W. A. WAY. IMItor Independent: I do hope that the voters or the fusion forces will get out and vote this full. There Is no di ubt that they (an elect Jiidse .Kulll vim and nearly all tho district judges If the full vote Is cant. Von cannot make It tt slroiiK, With n flnsiiii lul pun I,. Rittrin tm t,e fece, Should bo prepured to tali" the relnit of government ami so or rrrl'e the flliaiu l Unit ptiiius lll be a thing of the punt. W. A. WAY. Columbus, Neb. HVt'N 11 KNKIt, r iimr in.), pendent: ,,vm r thi btn.i.-,i il-itr (,f ery t-ricnt, ' " ' t citu. ii it, himself to the l llin pt.i. e an o' t is.ii't fluier v.. ii , .f h th "d.m t r,i.k any dlrTreii.e tout ter t-ne v. t-" pirn an reemiuy; riu then f isirr n kl. k ii, t ir,l.i Ucit r,i. ia l, trust and lb II' e. A FAMILY REMtDY. Pe-ru-na In le In Thousanrij of homes. Cx-Covernor Isaac SndJ Juttikc Kbarp, ex-ioveruor nf as, In a letter from li.17 I street, N. I. W.i ii. Inton, I). C, wrllex: can earncitly recommend )ur Peruna as an excellent lunk. In reputation as a cure for catarrh is firmly established by my friends, whv have been benetltea by Its w-c, and the public ahoulU know Its urcat cura tive qualities. "Isaac Sharp. Coiif-rcBSinan II. Henry l'ow -r wriii-t from Morrlsvllle, Vt.s "I'eruna I have used In my fauu'v with Riicees, I can recommend 11 a-an ex cellent family remedy." If you do not derive prompt and to factory results from the ue ol Ivnuia, write at once to fir. Ilartruan, -nui;; full statement of your case mi'I ! wU be pleased to give you Ins vaiiiimle ml Vice Kralts, Address Ir. Martman, Pre-nlcni f Tb Ifarinin Hanitarliim, Cilm"i u. t The Overcoat That You Want' Must satisfy you in ww in looks in warmth lncijiruui t. uur STYLE "B" coui will suit ynu in every way Mini you by LerC, save l;i.'i" cIscwIhto, our priceonly $10.00. J KMC it I I"I K'N: It'll a .eiiu'!'l woel (fotil i eunu.iio' hrsM's I,--1 ii wear, more flneiv Hiuiiei i-hui. ' other Mre' 1 16.14 coal- eeii.-i tullnren. Me ml fur Mitiiipln ( Ilia (limit Ilin-n tor ilcl(, 1'rivo SI0C3 WoninMvoyou tn--t v fin nvorvtliiliL' Vdll m ir- 4 "1 Armstrong Clothing Co i ii mm ' ----- t;et imh aim " hen the ipirtuiiitv ! you do your oii i"! ' ' 'hld nur-.elf Hill 'cir I Clhecvit..' ou lull y ll be? I'lercf, Nb. HEADACIU; IS -.:KUi. 1 ' i r, . i . i : '