Lumb f V flTTOIiKtt 23. WM- THE WFRRAClf A IvnrDr'.mrir. mWmH OOOOAdA AAAAAAAAA ....... a ' v -v vy vy w W WW I o V ft t 4 A p Big Discount to Reduce Our Enormous Stock Before f the Building: Season Closes. Y I If you intend building a house, barn.granary or corn crib we want to give you an J estimate on your lumber, shingles, windows, doors, and mill work. It will cost you roth iD to got our prices and wo can save you money, carrying, a3 we do, a large stock at J Lincoln, and having the most complete planing mill in the state. We make water tanks of all kinds, store flxtures-in fact everything that can be made in this line. No matter J where you live write us for prices of goods delivered at your station. Wo invite a visit and personal inspection of our lumber at our yards, 700 0 street J and of our planing mill and equipment at 21st and Y streets. a , : If you cannot Call, your Order by Mail will receive Prompt and Careful Attention & & Wo Brown Liimber Go. 700 0 STREET, LINCOLN, NEBR. IOWA WPUUSTS of 1 1t I'aopU'l I arty In low lliuuld lmw Tkair Straogth at lb I'alls Nit Taaiday The fonirHt in Iowa this year Is a M'siMimI affair, there loins little taibi of ih,. re-election of Governor Cummins, the republican nominee. Hut jMinT Cuvi rnor Cummins or Mr, Siilllvnn, tin- democratic, nominee, " all U cliM-iod, Ih a matter of no par tlcntnr tiiii. ru to Iowa populists, ' hnvo their own candidate. Hon. H. Weller of Nashua, aud should It may he urged that Mr. Sullivan la J tfxnl man, an ardent supporter of Hryan, ami nil that; hut the fact "mnliN that he was nominated by a i"nv niioii dominated by the same of men who control the republi cs!: party the hlir eniiltnllqiu nn,1 rnr- PrHtiotH oa opposed to the farmers; .me plat form upon which he Is "'ini! his i-ampalKn has been aptly wmh-I?,,.,! hy Mr. Hryan as "a cow- "V Platform, pnrtly good." There Is ' m the situation whleb should populist to vote the demo mmi tirt-,.. i'(Th,m the republican "''Nat!., ,lliiy lm tt uttlo" more fu''y 'oipurauon eontroj than are " mino.rtiu candidates but pop " art' not required to choose be- iu r "vl,s: Thy hav(' 'antll t( ."' ,,u'ir own. wholly untram ti.u .'"V corporation leading " I standing upon a popnl'st """"i: ,.nt. ,f the Old Guard of pop- k neen tried ana nasi not " tn'ih,! It uanthtR. t :l LmKt k .1 m .., i mi. nioiirrn 01 io-ii- W V. ohu an,, ,hl,r , ipMlUts of Iowa, In per- fcci". ''" 'lKv',rl'"lon of the pMplf's . ,lv 'i" tl.'Imi.'rMlM u.. i..uitli'..l t iiiuliTHtiuulinc of the whl.h i-W.. rU.. ill ' 1 ' itii'ntH. With the detiKt ' 1,1 ilUorte.l from t-orpoiai on . ' and ut intltn tmic-"r- " for the treat -m-t opptiMHt to the bits capl no reHHun for the " ! A" t'te atandhiK fr ' ' 1 llen.'V, W Otlisht Hot 1 ' " 'heir loot lie. Th'-V l'l . '' 1 I thy believed to I 'l,t. ' ' a rU-hi to rrltl. i... irlr -.liledneM. Tl.ev eoaiiN-.l r hunt ,( mippoolui; tbii ' wtmld $lve up ifteir tl-tiii ratlv jurty wiltj- out a flKht. Here In Nebraska, the liniiin of Mr. Hrvflu. and locicallv the place of all ol Iters one miKht expect. immediate absorption or tne peoples nnrtv hv the deniocratle. the DOlUtlistS have persistently maintained their own party organization, noiwunstanu lng they Joined hands with the demo ci'&ls In every campaign since iyji. In Iowa, no sooner had the people niiriv prininletclv dlwlntecrated. and (ieneral Weaver, Mr, Kobb and others had pone bodily into the democratic party, than that party was captured by the aRfiits of the big capitalists and irpudiated the Kansas i;uy piatrorm Tlm tuna n foretaste of what Donul- Ifcta mav pxnect. next vear eSDCcinlly If they permit their party organization to bo ansoriicd. it is stmpiy nistory rrppntlnc Itself. Everv third Darty oiganlzation which grew up because there was no sreat party representing- the economic inierests or me commou pr-oplo, has been Killed off tn substan tlnlly the same manner by tne demo ciattc party. The reason for this Is that the re publican party is openly ana noor lcufly the aj;cnt of the hig capitalibts as It has been secretly ever since 1M.8. Confident or us power to noou v ink and fool all the people all the time. It now makes no hypocritical pietensions of standing for anything but the big corporate interests, mil tltfe interests fear the result If the democratic party should openly and honently throw down the gage of bat tle and without anv haU-heartednss efiouse the cauce of the c minon pco- pie S.i they endeavor 10 now eium- cnt coMtrol of tr.e democratic party to cause its defeat at tne pons wnen a man lil e Mr. Hryan U noml m ied, or a si ill more waning de'eat v I oi s'leh a la in aa Mr. Cleveland ix nominated. Keneite.l peltence demonstrates the fi't'liiv of ee.iini; relief from the .tort ioua of the bltf capitalists H Ihe of either or tne ot.l par vh..neer the denioi rat le vn- fiMut.' n'i.1 pl.i'f'rm are richf. the c.rpoMtUiu M, I of Itie r"V U.'ieim ih, ti.Vet. When wrotiiT. tb remitt in ,!.. Ion N 1'if" a woi'fe dereat. ( IM U:mer tmt ... i - n antihunt e'-e than f e rottf' ,"r 'lho in. t-Vemlnv it.. tr. re U t' ' r tce ii'i t 1 ' . tr,t I ,"' ,h, v"'1 ,'k ,vrtv niiMK ine orctiii-.i....... - 1 ' .. .. iher prill VM .'' "' ' "V '' cirul or agent, can ever become a member of the party; and so that nothing but a straight-ahead, middle-of-the-road course will be possible. Hon. L. II. Weller of Nashua. Ia., the populist candidate for povernor of that state, was born in Connecticut, 1j?3, of German. Welsh, Irish, and French stock of ancestry. At his mother's knee he learned the alpha let. Attended common Bthool; then the state normal at New Uritain, and Rfierward the iiterary institute at S;if ficld. He then taught in the common t-chools and in a private- normal for the preparation of young men and women as teachers. He removed to Iowa In 1858, where ho has since resided. He is a practi cal farmer and for many years has been Identified with, Iowa agriculture, both experimental and practical. For n any years also he was editor and proprietor of the Farmers' Advocate, which was published at Waterloo un til the corporatlonists Bought to drive him from the field by their well krown tactics. This summer marked the approaching end of a long siege of lawsuits forced upon him to recover Ms printing plant from the hands of Us enemies. Mr. Weller was Independent candi diite for state senator In 1877. being supported by the grange and other in dependents, and was defeated by a small majority in a big republican dis trict. In 18S2 he defeated Thomas l'p- degraff. the republican nominee for congress In the Fourth Iowa district, although prior to that the normal re publican majority over all opposition vas about 8 000. Mr. Weller won by 747 votes. He was renominated in 184 and received 3.379 votes more than he did two years before yet the republican returning board counted fn Us republican opponent by -M ma- jtrtty. Mr. Weller opened his present cam paign in a speech at Albia. taVing for his text, "Money and Taxation." He ttf.owed that the money question is the almlchfy, overshadowing one; that equitable state and hh-ui taxation t mes m-xt; and thst the tariff come tiftt. He urgtd that the fanners or (he I'nited State have the power to 0. Htroy etery trust that In now ai- Mrbim; the wealth or tne wori.i, u Ihev will only unite pea-eahlv and Unfully at the ballot Pox and there Illicit their totet for meamiren rath- than for wre men, tcaime men lav fait; but rli-ht mature, n-ver. 1h Indeprtideitt hoK tlt rbe re- turn from lo4 BeU tue.iay may DRUGS -AT- Wholesale Prices. One or & iloren. f-'mue price. Atl.1 I'm lot lioxins mid druyagc outside ol Lincoln. $1 JVruna tic ?1 Kilmer's Swamp Knot '. Mc Sfw CHKtorla (cenulne) 24c 60s i-yrtip ol FIr ysks 2w liromo yuinliic... ..!lhc 2hc Alle.oek's l'tirmn I'lHstcrs l:io 2hc ( arter'a l.lttle l.tver Tills lfo 2.W Jlennen's Talcum I'ottder lftc 1 Coke's Dantlrutl Cure .' 7vo 25c Allen's Foot Ease lye II Ultimo Seltzer .....7m Jl Kooth's Hvomel Mic $1 Hosteller's Bitters 7'ic 2ne Tacker's Tnr Siap Vic hi Ilx Tonic Tablets Mic Hosloni's Arid l'bos KUc fl Ayer's Hair Tonic 711c i'aie Ouiepa Oil $tc 81 Malliiie Preparations ' 7jc We Kadway'a Rellet , ..sic 2fie l'ear'9;iyeerine Soap ..VMS 20e Tear's l usceme.i Sp te It 8evtn Sisiera' llair (irower 1'jc LlyfORS. t DudT's Malt W hiskev.qt ?9c H Idler's Malt Whiskey. it Slc jl Vine Spring Malt W iiiskev, qt ".)c $2 Old rreniias Kyc. lswl, qt' 1.49 J2 Old Prentiss Hourbou, lrj$, t 51 jki f2 (OiKenhetrorr Kye, qi f, 49 11.75 Did Uerinilae Rye, qt 1.2fi crow nourooti. qi jft li.Micnu nine, qi ytk: WINKS. 2 Imported Sherry, qt fl 49 ll.'! frondukuolt Sherr, qt !c tl.;i) Iromiukiiiiil Perl, ql H..t Cuiau Ij. ut 9c 1 (allJorula Vines, qt I'M MALTA 2V Pest Tontr lne 2f' wtillis Tenlo lK! 2hr Kiir Tunic 1 2;k' ilall Nutritii) p'e 2Se iN-litieKler' Tenlo I 2jC llenplUi IoUIC j RIGGS, The Drug Cutter. IStt O St.,, N.b. tow a bis vote fo Mr, Weller and the entir f'Pullft Mtr ticket. The lesult eannut b chained this year, whether that vnte lw eroat or small; tut If a pood hi vote te cast for l.e populist tandhlates. It will not otily a retiut.e Ut de.noi ratlc two-f:ii etln tut aNn art ici-tplratl n 10 the farm-rs f Iowa to uni'e and drive th nioi.ey t hauler out of the temple.