THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT OCTOIIEll 2D, 3 John Samuel Paid f J,oo John Kamuel live In Hrowo conn. !y, Kansas, Ma in a farmer thlrly-flve year of age. Ha tame to Kanaaa from the Kast lu '!, brlUKinff a young wife, two children, and soma money, The money hn Invented In 1(10 acre of IhiiiI. Hit iuld a good prlc-slx thousand dol lar, two thousand down and a mort gage buck for four thousand. Dut It wu it well-Improved farm and worth It, There have been fat and lean yeor In Kuniuiu, ami In I1M2 John Humuela Kilil owed threw thousand dollar on lilM place. J!e liiid reduced the. debt oiih thousand dollar, an vtk of out) hundred dollum pee year, and kept the Interest pu,d up, 1 1 1)4 expense In Chased with the growth of hi family. Hi wir' heultli wa not no good of lute, uild b paid Ull occasional doe tor's hill, Home Improvement mid extension must 10 tuudo on the funn Imllillnga. ll would he fortuuute If he could make these additional liecc uuvy expeiidifun s, keep (tin Interest, mill up ii nd continue applying ona hundred dollum per year on the mort gage. tin t'Mill.ed at fhl rate li will ho very old man before Iho farm will he free, from dehl, If hn dies Die home Will hn Hold; pelhap at time when It limy bring little, If any, more thiin the morlgngn, The saving of n llfe limit will hit lost mid the wife mid ehll dreii will Buffer. One day a stranger appeared mid asked permit n to explain Ufa In auranee, Mr, Hamuels listened Intent Jy, conceded It wn Juitt what he need ed, that he would HM ft pulley, If he rould pay for It, hut h owed three thousand dollar on li Im farm, mid It wa ull hit could do to piiy tint Interest Bin) a hundred dollum it year on the principal. Am I ha premium on a pol icy itt hla age would he $ 102 00, lia did Dot Bee how hn could curry It, "rtuppose," wild the agent, "Hut per ron who IioIiIm thlM mortgage on the furm Mhoiild sny to you: 'If you con tinue to puy l he Intercut, a before, hut instead of piiylntc one hundred dollurB year on the prlnelpnl, puy tint $102,01 lu r year, I will, If you did, cancel the morlguge, m I v I ilk your wlfii the farm. If you live twenty year, I will release Hid mortgage, giving the farm to you,' You sorely would accept ouch a propo sition,' Now, Mr, HumuelB, continue paying the Inieritft, hut InBUnd of imydm one hnudreil dollar per year on lh principal, take ihnm thou mru dollar policy In the Old i.ln linnkere l,if inNiirance Company of Nehrka, which at. your thirty five, will (out l02,fio ruch ytur for twenty yearn, If you die, your life In auraine will pay the loan and l"uve your home free of dht. If you live twenty year, your caitli Bcttlcinent, conitlHtliiK of the Kiiuranfei d rimcrvo nd eh 1 1 iiinied urplim will puy the moilKB and leave you 1210,41, You have paid out $2,or2,Mi, and have left 2UM, Unix payliiK a deht of three thoiiKHuil dollurB with $l,Ml.r.r,, or alxty-two cente on the dollar, having irieurmhlle a aunrautee Unit, nlmuld you die, the deht I canceled." For more than a century, fermit and li oin en have hren puld for In thlu in mi ner, by jxillclee In Old Una Inaurnrico Companlca. Permit our aent to ex plain the detail more fully, !f you want more land, auk for Circular No, 1 "How Jone Houaht and 1'ald for a $0,000 Farm." If you are a renter, or JuKt starting In biiMlneH, or working for a Balary, auk for Circular No, 3, allowing how, without security cn your part, you may buy a bond on twenty year' time, guaranteeing to your fam ily a home, If you din, and to your ilf a homo If you live, For further Information addren the DID LINK HANKKIW I ll'K INHl ll. ANCK COMl'ANY of Lincoln. N tiraitka, w IN INDIANAPOLIS Mr. V urhU 1 hn.wi Hnh n ) A h rvial i'llf (nplii Jwi fe.nil4 - k(illlk Motltil t. Ivlltur Independent: The city of ImltunuptilU hint Juiit piinhiMl ihrtniMh a in iiit iiml i iuiipalr.n and i leciltm tlm .ih iili.ii liU'M of Mhtrli are worthy of (lilmlderntlou, Hl or fceven limlitlm before tlm elec tion the litnimhetii imtvur, wm butt cMitrot of the machinery of tlm reputi IK.ifi party, numr, i oiiv.'iuiim i,i ,e (I lli'it Mini blllini'lf r'lni,Unitl'il, Thu wr renanbd by many et a "iap" tniivemeht ttiul, With ItiaiiV litter tlliwn In hi Hilinhittitraiinii dlnp liHttug ti the puny or' ef and iti 1 1 i,) ,uu'H, created Iniernte Hiattfin Unit thln I tin nartr. Imriiiu the Biltitliier fntio inn lh di mm railc party held a i"tmnti..u to 'tint a ilty thalruma ThU vouwu uoii wa controlled by the very worat Inllui'iicii In the city, anu nmcuni iriau for chalrmon, who came to the city a few yenra kko under a cloud, and who liu ben nnd I now Idcutl Ced with the loeat and vlleat cluaac .i tho city. For ''rul year he Im been lit the bend of ft ','" of city peddler and Im acquired tunnn prop erty, HI reputation ha been unanv ory In ulmoMt everything Mint to make a yood citizen, To tniikn the matter woran, ho la a ao-called deino crut of the rainier and Huckner at ripe. )iiiln 1H!I hn waa Ihn 1I for nil iho dirty political work reported to lu IIiIh city for the defeat of the party to which he now profeBBia to belong. During thut campiilKH b ealub-lli-heil hlmaelf In un olllco In Ihla city from which (being furulahed wllh plenty of money) b" iim rnled to dleor f.niilzn the parly, lie did everything i could to emburruMM uud tlefeut the parly of whh h Im I now n fhalrmiin, It waa an ad of Indecency mi holh aide wh"ti he wn aelected li chairman, mid, If the men who pre Imd to hn HW'h enthualuiiilc iidmlrcrB mid Biipporlera of Mr, llryiui hud ludd ui. their bund with Iho leant eneiv.y, (hfl whohi (llav.ruceful party bHuuiIoii would have been prevented, Ilia un let I Ion wua part of a achemn, and of which Ihn BuhMefiinnt nominal Ion for mayor wa another pari, to nl vo over Into tint hand of the r'orgtmlerg the city organization, A largo per cent of the democrat went dlBgualtfd with the all mil Ion, and not only refuaed to Biipport tlm nominee, but declared it, to be their piirpoB ty mnim tneir vote count two liy voting Ihn repub lican Itd'Ct. Thla wu the all nut Ion when Iho cuoipalKii opened, The dlaatlafled idn ment In both part In went very bit ter, It la u con'Tvtve alaleinent that one-half the voter of each pnrly were dlaantlafled, Ho nut of lhoo In Ihla frame of mind were expected to, and did, dote their eve to every con bIiIkiiiIIoii except party reyulurlly, and did wllh cxpi'cMHlotiM of Inlcinm ilia gnat awnllow tin tlcl eta made for them; hut bo many were openly re belllouH, hunt lie, and delcrmltied that It wa manlfeHl., and admllicd almoat timuilniouMly, that, If the republican candidate wu elected, bit liiuat be elected by deniocraMc vole, and, If Iho democratic caiull'lute wu cl"i id, he iniiMt be elected by republican votea, Under Iho clrctimNlancea, It would atipeur that it wu a good time for l ha auccPM of an Independent tlcM, but In thl Ml ui it lb law have been bo modified, by politician who foru biw dnngnr In an Independent move ment, that every (Mianlhle oliNtncin ha been put In Hut way by leglalullve re Birlcllon to makti It very illlllcult, If not IrnpoiBlhht, lo organlzo auch a n.ovcmeiil. There wn a candhlnie on the pro hibition ticket that wa practically In dependent, hut the party ha never lad over 'I per cent of the poaalhlu vote of the city, and a an Indepen dent movement It waa pr-atly hamp ered, For a time It, loot ed a If thl candidate might poll a large vote, but a tho campaign procreBfed tho effort wa mado by both old pttrtlea to In crinae (he belief and fear that a .vote for thl candidate might pimalhly elect the man tho voter particularly dnalred to bent. A before atnted, tho only bopo cither the republican or tho demo crat h. candidate! had of elect inn rented tir-oti the number of iINmhIImIIihI vote that could bo aecureij ftoui the oppoa tng parly, No one could predict the number' who would not, vote nt all, The "atuy nt home vol proved to be )f or iiu per cent of the total voting lopulittlon. and thlb ni't'cnr to have been about equally divided between the two part lea. Tho prohibition-Independent candidate and other tleketii received about 15 per cent of th, poe Bible vole, About I'A or 70 per cent of the total oHhlble vote waa cam for the republican and the democratic candidate. The democrat won by hi out KiHI vol CM, A Btudy of the altnatlon, and of tlm niiirim, mnl e it ipii hiire that one third or more of the vole cnxt for the it'imbMcan were cant by democrat, tind uhoiit the Mi,ine per idit of vole ciiNt for the democrat w. re uh by re publh an. The prohibition cuiidituit v an a man or t b au character, a IiiimI mm inun of ability and lnte!rliy Not u word cteibl be Hubl a un it bin,, nin nine out of ten m.-n rH ready to ad mit that hU fieri hut Mieihl he the best ho the city, Notw!thtandinK th alt nation and hin h g iteru ailmlnsh.tut the r adii Vkan ih ululed Th remit lu both part Ira waa i ureal e, of milt Intense bltterne thut rver (4.n Kblerailun ta thrown .i the wind n upt the ile.lre to beitt ne candidate Hat, ordinarily, (he mtt-r .m,, have UfH evia-ttdl tl eniiimrl. i , ,. im bIv (.tUnittied that tnott T "mi j,t. iH) tbtnoiraU a, Vt.t,n ith aloul (he Biima iiumber of repuldt, m 11m man vlte4 rHeh,., ,n i(,,n Frank lams, $ VP- -i' v ( X'; 'f. : - HI'I.I.O, MV MUNKV fOVI" Welratln are ripe, t un DUInn tr i mile In m . men, but I kANK IA1H Hi'l'H Till! PACK P R 'VIIMIK1 VM OP 5TA.l.'ss. 'Il,,vi, . I'KI'B 1HAIN OP HVI! CM chartered hy I HANK I AM AT A tost 01 j . IAMS' 5PECIAL TRAIN ef Inipnrled flilllhiiiit, delivered AiikikI OT, l(Hi:i, nt Ht, Paul, Neh,, Iriiiu New Yoik in r.n !,!, lime, 'I'liu iinly lmirlatlua ot mullhiliH nwtie( hy oat man triivi'llnti hy prcli fiprr.i Mm. They coinlxl of loo Black I'crclicroii5, Belgians nncl Coaclurs 100 'twit t- five yeiim (.ldo PI! CI.NT M.ACH, B PI:H CI:N T TON IIOH5t:, All .Pn,v,d and ulainptd by Ihf I Mrnpvae invtrnmret. remnually neli-eled hy UflS trom hrrJrrt. ! i,, y nre mild to he tint heit lid of big -boned "Ut DralUra" ami "llluh AwIImk" Cumlifri l.ivin tiUMip III ll3, IAMS 5PHCIAL PKICIE5. (twlng to pour erepi la I'lirope mid lAMh ninny iidvnnliiie lie him ImiiihIpI it,, i,,.,., cheaper llinti ever lor "lep pi)l hrr." M will eil yon h hettcr miilllon m f i.,hi unit I, 11,1111 iiru hlfif folit to eomi'iiiileii nt t:'.,ixw lo f, Thin aiiiiriinleed or lnr- l,Hi uiiii,ii I'.fO a dny tor your tronlile you the Jnde, Ho tiiel nee IA'1., he will va m $i,o lo f,fiooMi uliilllnim imd !,,, y,,,i i, in II,, ii lliun in ft he mitii lu nil luiioriliiK I'drtm In Nehrimku. Vi klllj HH I IM.M tAlAl.oul i: (N I AUDI. Hflrni'fl HI, I'uul Hlnle Hank, Hint Hliile Punk nil, I 1'IMeiiH' Nnlloiiiil liniih , ST. PAUL, NEBRASKA. per cent of the total poaalblo vote, and one-third or more of thl came from Ihn parly to which ho did not belong, The moral purpoto, the deal re for public welfare evldcnceij by BUch vot ing, doe not appear to be encourag ing, Tho very beat purpoae that can lie Imagined a choice between evlla. The chance tire that a luivo per cent of vole did not ilae to even Ihla low It vol, but worn caat out of wheer party l lie, not for tho purpoao of electing aonutbody for In benctlt of Ihn city, but lo beat Homebody, In the Intenao bltlcrncaB of the light within the parlle Urn Intercut of tho city wero butt sight of, There la a III tlb encouragement In the hrinllng away from party tven upon thla low n olive, but not enough lu tho general ultuatloii' lo encourage tho hope that In the future vote will bo caat wllh a view lo public lntoi'CHl, Pnrly ties at em bard to break, lkjth of our Culled Hlftte gonatora made speeches In the effort to nave the discredited npitbll'ttn candbluto. Their appeals wtro for party loyalty. They bad not a word to say about loyalty to moral or political principles; not a word aLout loyalty to public Interest! or loyalty to tho right. There are times when loyalty to party means treasou t.'i public welfare, und to every prin ciple of right and Justice, If thla na tion loae II h proud place in the opin ions of mankind, that Iohh will be irttsed by party ' ill y. If It shall bo that thla tuition la to ceuae to be a republic. In everything except name, the hlHlorian will write "party loyal ty" ns the of t lint deendenco. I'T.AVICH J. VAN VUltlllS. iRdlanapulIu, Intl. LORD ALVERSTONE A GENTLMANE I'.vary Anierbaa Take tiri IIU Hat to the Able and l alr-Mlndd ItrltUh Ktprttcnlatlvt oil the ALASKAN BOUNDARY COMMISSION Convinced of the JiiMtlce of the Auii rlian t'tiutentinit, He v.m Uig 1-1 i H and .lu-it HttouHh o Say S. The Uluit iM'Uiitliiry ipiesttou ha been imir or but ineiiai lui! Biuce Hiv. riUry KeWKrd pal-l ItuU T,iaaii tor Ituusttut Aiio rliit, Therit hi nev er been UOli It doubt aUmt the I' riu of the treaty iih lUi-ta, but after Alaaka and tho norlhwem iirrliory bigan to attract nlletulou riinmln iiikI Iho Cnliod Binles have been a iililo Irritable along tho coiihi from Van couver to Mount Kt. 1'11,'ih. When the Klondlko gold, fluids were iIIhuimp'iI tho prospect of friction win prympt ly discovered, Wllh cliaraclerlHlie pxai ICI!H0 , AMKIMCANH AND CANADIANS agreed upon a tenlnllve line atnl i.nli' government has recogiileil thin llu' na the International boundury. I;,r than (wo years we have bhc nlout our business and pml'inly awaited tho conclusion of the matier. Our patience Is rewnrded hy u ruin f ilu victory and the victory In LecuiiHo tho rti'lllsh rcjireMeiitutlvi' mi Ihi commission was broad ciwukIi t do Justice even at the riiili of ofT-tnI-intr a British colony. THIS lUNKIIItS ItKSKUVK i.WK ccngrntulntes Americans upon the f suit of -thla arbitration. H reiiret- ilif ( ir.appolntnient of the friendly iol! m tho norlh, but both shies in a Iwi test cannot win. lu every oiit''st wnged by this aggresahe youiu: lieine company for western Hie f mui'-io i'"5 ns against the life inMuran.e inci. ilu HHiikira Itestrve Idle has lonnd Am-r-bnns favorable to fair deiliiii; J'1"1" tlce appeals to the noUh- lieim" "f Americana and wlu-n U, II. kohison, i i; i 1 1 t : n r sends his elllclclit cani.:.b a. r e u " i nu'lalm the glorious cr -! e Industry In life InsuraM.-e .c. m '' ness generally ntl t " 11 1 ho directs the i"ci 11 rnnlicrs Itenerve 1 He ,.i ' 1 1 und honestly with v others. No other , It nd. through I old H - l l4 a the prln, itde ac.l wioner or biter l,,,rt ' 1 ' Itievit.ltdO. lltiMCSKKKCUS l-t" via tli ; " KtH'K ISLAM " 1 1 o (klili.'Ui.i a"-1 I x " greatly re 1'i.ed rr -N einl . r 3 mu I I " 1 li th. onlv line roio.' rront Nebrk; !' '"" t'" "' 1 imper and full ' ' II llMAt - lilt, 11 t 1 . I .. I