The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, October 29, 1903, Page 13, Image 13

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    OCTOBER 29, 1303
' .... r.n iVi 4fc- dfSk Am JETZ yi.V2- .v.. , ,. ... 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
to Interest
., w t.-ncy --f-r
Those Mm Wear Clothes,
4 i. AiftfttHIAtM
The roN-ut ., n cnnvntl( w;(Jl llfl r( t,,;,
mnpliH in nrli-tifl Hotliintf that iLdh-mvitn of wooJeniau.1
Uic makers of gftrruentM have ever achieve!.
'II lllllMHrwIu ll ... ... I . I it , .
i n'Mi-nuin i mono pfllcct rlotlie
very one W'lf'clcil mill Inn 1 ..ill. 4 I t. ....
I I .i rtiiu niu it-mmi care-
mtvc ivrti ari'l im; now MoMinr (,,,, il,,..,. ..,.,. ... i.
,t , I 'h '" ""'J nil' 1)1 l Mil III
to tliw who wcr through the inuJiuiu of this ,W Antcri
can Clothing Store.
Von will iifMh-i'xtftnd J,(.tif.r why iliin liotiai! rtijoyamirh
ft triiwjoii fwironae both in this tore aixl through it
mail order tvmvumt when you know how critically and
with what great cart! its htocka are selected,
Our hiiyerH arr; l,uy all tli lime. They are men who
are thoroughly familiar wilh the re.juirefne'iitM of our mi.
Unner and who know clothe vhIiich thoroughly. There
flic no haphazard or alimho(l method in our buying
therefore we have no lij)hol ctulT to hell.
In Men1 Knit and Overcoats there U MiU'ici'-nt vari
ety here to wit icfy any one. Wc luiv splendid valuen at
$7.50 and fciij.erb ohm at $10,00 and $15.00.
In I'oyn' and (Jhildren'H Clothing our jower to cav
yon money and give you complete fat inaction n jut n
great. We fell a boy's good odd knee pant for ',);. At
HIM, $2.18 and $3.50 we fell very choice unit that will
give lasting wear.
flood new ulyle lliiU are o!d for $1.00, $1 50 and
$1.00. At $1.10 we can give you any hape or color fn
Hoft or htiJT hat).
In furiiiftliing! no other ftore attempts to c;jual our range and variety. You have a cordial invitation to
rail and verify our 4aternent. If too far away to do that, write our mail order department
bl (iO(ir CLOTHES Mf-UCIUNTS Inl Ml i?h O Clurrr
y ' ty?
IW fuilopt-iHluBt Hm OIn Wht M
putt It dm lil l Tom Julmtuo at
Agmt Mann
It l lo In- n-arod that the writer of
It follow in Idler hutt let hl ircJtj
ibt IiiH ii-m (- hiu Judgment. The in-C'l'ii'i-iit
luih not bflftit winvlnccd that
tfce aildjiHi.n at ihfl gnKl tax would
Kttlu' all iikj rtforniH that the d
'iai; i Hun policy hope and pre-'i-
H ha-.; held that otiicr thinga
tii! hi' (loiif, Thfl Kovernmi-nt rmmt
wii'iol ihr volume of money, own and
!i"rau rallroadu and tolflphonn
U t.-lcKraili Hum, Tho Independent
w n.-jnaiHiy Hald that it wan will
H l'i try tin- Hlnglo tax a It rould
f't p'leMbly be womb than the pres-W-
Kv;ry j.r.-i.-tl.-at reform that Tom
Wi'iMm iHwH-aii'H, Tlie Independent
lw ln-i ii ; for twelvo years.
'Mia l,i -ii ;, iighu-r for Johimon from
'art in h, hut when It eomos to
' ar,' ii, ,i i... ,,n,,.i.- .........uii inn
Illi I, 1,1 iw.rhilnu luiu llu I ill--
j';';1"' i -II ax tho writer of the
'a -ii -I Hrviin in lH'.e; niul all
ot.-ikf tiK terrlldo HaerKlii'H
11111 li'V. and that thin tnnn
'hi- Huh. hide lt,8ii of free
' l- V tlht WI'iKht AKHlllMt UM.
!; iii- wan tnm thai rumen only
,a " 'f'try for the common l'o
' threw lit laHm-n-e wilh
111 1 Kii-H ih( r was hut
'J; 1 earl of ihft ("IhleiiKo plut
i:, ,i'T i;Tfat fundami'iital
' re ni l forth were the
' 'hat popiillHtH were ill
1 I'vlileiUly the wrlUT hH
'l '" 1 i'f KiiullHm. Kre hll
'' n hicn a il'it iHMite with
,! 1 H inHiir of mere poll' y
1 " ' i of plllirliiie.
1 'ii! n-iiii'iii it hardly In
' tmiuriy and t-mirieoiei
' li;t loretufore lueii e
!H"li! iacr hy Th In-
' i"'I"illiit (Mult tinii nf
; " I'Cim liln? If t,ii. Hie ef-
! Il-t.'f..l., nt to Ki l llie llif
' '".ic 1 1 i will f ill,"
'U, . ii. , i,tl!,.wii-
1 ' 'ii' i ml ti i4 ((iluihiw a
! ' '' Ihit dit1iiM.dty of ttu
''' tin lire h ir (ul will.
Of v
' '"I-
It ;
III ,.
N 111;
Hen ted. Tho dlKfUHnlon of that teie
lion, a of all otherx, hat been d
mitted for liie mo! purpoHe of arriv
ing at the truth. It recoKnlzeit that,
no man and no party can claim (hat
he or it hiiH all the truth. It doe not
claim infallibility, It la always open
to conviction. It object. In lo ben
efit mankind. If any hotieKt, intelli
gent man has a theory to advame
that he tblniot l of benefit to the pen
plo of this country he l alwayn wel
come to the columns of thl paper, riot
to (secure hla good will, lint to help mi
all to arrive at the truth. The letter
1m rh follow;
Editor Independent: I am oiks or
thoKB alngle laxem who wan very
much plermei! with your special Henry
George Kiiltlon and your publication of
nim,'!o tax letters in a Hpecial depart
ment. I thoiiKht, here in a paper
broad enough to aee Rood fn other re
forms oilier than tbosie for which the
paper especially manda for. I led my
self to think that, at least you would
not opiHine the efforts of bIiikIo taxera
to eatabliKh in their own way the re
forms tliey ad vocal e, and I am very
wrry to note your opposition to the
efforlH now belUK made by siufile. tax
trs In Ulilo to eHf.lilUh reforms, which
I am told, are in line with reforms
advocated by you and populism rcu-
etally. , ,
Tom Johnson Is candidate for
ernor of !i!" He, while not advocat
ing the ft'''' sliver idea, Is not what
hi ti-rmed a F.ohl bun. He. with Mr.
Clarke, (ire cipposeil to any 1it!m
llun thai lends to create or maintain
n iiiiiiiiiiHily of money. Hnh of tlew
lin n lndor everyihina In th" Kai.H.
f'llv jdaiform, except the free silver !
-a mid while they dn tmt favor
.,. '.! ih-v l.ave nlie hli h t'i tli-iC i
mind would ft.C4.iupH.di Hie none re
a It hoped fur bv free Mlvrrile
In tlim ailnptl"" "f
Mxrr. '.' ..l-P'.) t. in..oidy "J
upv Mml and i!l itlwav I... f.nmd
.... .1.1,. t i-mUv (inl fb'tit
i. .,.!,,.- .if I'll Vl !;! 'id. Mr .If' II
uiiy rifurml Tnxalfon of corporal topa
on the aame apprulaemem as liell
idoais A ino'ii-nt fare on ali rail
rof.i a. IloncMt Kovcriini' lit, Komethiii
tun r.owa at present.
These are the prlinlpai Isam-H of
this campaign. Do I underntand that
l.4-cai)Mi) Mr, CiuriiO Is fiomlnaled lor
senator, a man who aim; atanda fvr
all of (he nliove and who ban worl.ed
with Mr, .fohiison In bin efforis for
hrpeal, government in (Ilevelatid. and
who renounced his Rold hiii affilla
thins and asalated liryau in lBOu, the
fiopuliMta of the country not only re
fuse to assist the real democrat ticket
in tiio, which, If elected, will eslab
llah above reforms, hut openly op
I'.se It? Do they prefer the election of
lianna and Iierrfck, which means a
ctntlniiatlon of the old bunco pame?
.re they no filled with the money
(I'tehtion as to be sloppliiK over and
incapable of even nhaorhlnir any older
rood thina that offers? Do they think
n.ore of party than principle? If so,
the efforts, of The Independent (i e
i ure lh Rood will of sltje.lo laxera
v-lll fall. Single taxers place their
(ibas above parly. We care not it is democrat, repuHbait or
populist party, if In any liw uljiy a
fU:ht such as JnliriKiiti Ii mnUuR in
Ohio Is made hlnt'le tiiK-rn will he on
I ho rlfchl shin la I hat Ikht.
J. Ii. Sl'JtiNOICR.
Tticnon, Ariz.
Tim i fiiiilbliifi' iif (tie nrnlilbll 'on i
party In Nel.ran (bin year are- l-'nr
Unlit. if Hilt jjiipr-iee couii, itn i. i
vt riclif or T ( h k : tor reifi-iim in uie
mate imlverclte, It. V. Mnlr of llrown-
..III.. A ll,,fl.,.i ..f I In... tin
HUM U' f
Union Pacific,
Shortcut Line - Foulest Time
, , ,TO. ,
'll t
H.-( - Ii
. i Ii I '
Villi lll"l 's 'U
i rii'iu-iii t"i !
1 ; '. .. II' I '
..,( f..r the U .-l'b !
Cluil . and I i , "'
p. ; . nit. r Ibiiiti i
Sr l.t'i I- 'ti -i i' '
!,.. I'M. I". ''
I ,,. a m ' 11 "
, -I lu
ll of
In ir liw
v In. Ii III
,( l(li .'i "ill'
,. MI.I-'
,iln tn old
I. ii
.i i
: I
Niln i Mnl.r llnri,i.r, l it I it Sir. I,
l licnln, Nt Ii.
M.1U Kt.lf AI'MIM-I Mli'IS HAI V,
.-,ti.- U t.wi-'- iih.ii 0 ..I, Im i iiMimn... of
,. i.-t -I ii... H, ii. ....I ).- i ' t.. ( r ii ,ii..n,
Li 1 1. . .1 on. 1 1 'in. 1 1 . t i.i i .1 1., ii".. 1 1 ... in ,
V t I I J k X lilt.. I.' Ill ItlC ' -I Hi 1-1,
I .. . i O.i ..'! i ll - f.i.l r-lti I . i . l ii 'l, f
,1. Ilfi. .1 II. l U Ii Ih1 Wl I.' I. U' 111
ii ,. ,i lii i 1. 1. I.I. r ii.i . 4n. i i. ii i ii I 1. 1
It ,. I et il fin hi I i-i i.'ii I i.rat
HI it I.I St t. il t. i.n II . li'-t i'i.I it! I', i i lii
).. r, r,. i ii . 'tt-.ii "i " " 1 1'" k I' i' . o.i '"I
.. '-I.- "i ill.t .Ilia t ' ) -! I". ii.
l t, ,l,ii i-i.lii i-. ll i. Mm' I l 'if I. -i- In I
l, I...I, in- ( ' I j hi I' . i..'. 'ml Ul i.t !!
, -I I HI Ml, I " I" ' " '
'.... Ill Ituii.iii. N.t.i-t.. tt.U HO, ilnjr i.t
Hi (,.!... I, 1'
l ! Ill V Sit (I'll,
i, . , -..( I ' .-.- null ul I' y ii. tiv i f
V! Ii i t l !'. il I. i -1
Two Through Trains Daily
mjiii"nu v I'.wi-iei-Ki) ttiiu
Free Krclining f'hair Cnr, Pull
man I'alaeu hleepintc t'srit, Touriiit
Hleepinjt Cam a HpneUlty, lin
inK Carn, MkIs a la carte, Iiiiffet
HiiiokiiiK .V Library t'fK. I'mtneh
I.ipbt, Kteam llet, Lte,
FyliRht ride of 2S) mlifM aloiig
(he beautiful ( 'uluilibi Uiver.
l ull lufoi luatiiui cltenrfully fur
lih lu'd on applicalion to
E, D. SloMon, Gn. Afjt.
Liiii'ulu, Nub.
Thatr County
'I I. r.i r ioniiiy f mluiiiMlH tn m to
V.iiMii.; tip III hue ftlj b', i)i)n one of
(lit CiiiihuI nviirkiTii tture; "Wr had
Mirt df tin laif'-til and liinl Me 'Uiii'
let; tni'ituiM I'l i.l.iv lit th hi--'' V
el o'ir p;iny ami i h p.r nil pdfi.lit
t tlMi'i buu. if . r -s Unit iii-ii and
(. aiim ,ii . ai lint (: ! 4-n tic, Ii. .ii day
to 1 1 ice lu D " houiii iiit',
I'-M'i.aiiy i,,i (ilviii,;, iliiiiiii uie it'in
li .-u, iiu' o lutn Ui i tiiilii -rithlK and
i it I) i.iiii will In dune, Ihut it l'
.hunt, iii I rtiii-; aUnit iiirt. I.o)