OCTOUEIt 2D 12 I'i2 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT f NRWS OF THE WEEK Z i : . $ i A Weekly flemme of th Reilly Vital New$ by the Editor $ rtwtteT"TTVT'A'-.-.'.- - . . , It I. -.111 I.O fullHfl i!i'iMh minister to Wash lngton Im Sir Michael Herbert. It Is wild lliut Im was selected for the place on ai i uiint of lilt eminent legal ability. Why t lm Canadians should get so pimry over the result of the Alaskan arbitration Ih hard tx,;'oniireIiorid. If liny oim of them hail ever made even a slight Investigation of the subject, they must have found out that Canada mver hud a ghoHt of a claim lo lh disputed territory. The Springfield He publican, one of tho anient papers in the United ,atos, took exactly tho name ponltlon In regard to that claim that Tim Independent did and It h always been a great friend to Canada and reciprocity. That paper remarked at tho t f inn of tho decision that "the only reasonable object for carving out Bitch an appendage to the great Ainu l.on territory won lo preserve tho coast lint) Intact that distance aouth, and tar the coiiii try holding the hinter land from the, sea along tho whole length' of tho llulora." The republicans who are backing I,ow for mayor of New York ft''" turning black In tho faco, they nr mo angry, They say the great municipal (oriK)rnllonn are backing Tammany with their money thin time Instead of putting the money Into the republican till. When one piilla a pig away from the trough, tho pig always squeals. A sentiment for national Indepen dence seem to bo sweeping over Cun nda. ICven tho wily old Hlr Wlirred l.auler has openly expressed regret that (Canada does posHcr, treat y-maU-lng power, II" never would have done that If he had not had hlH far to tho ground and heard tho rumbling, All Kngland la horrified at this ex pression of the great Canadian loader. Thorn Ih a sort of helllshness among tho gold democrats of tho east contin ually cropping out. It wan manifested ii tho disgraceful performance of .lodge Stoddard In tho court In Now Haven which had beforo It the Ben nett will ease. Judge Stoddard called Iirynn a liar and In other ways showed his gold-bug venom. Tho dispatches say that all the way through llryan licpt perfectly complacent and de meaned himself so as 1 1 lommand the respect of all, It would take more than a $itf),fwo boipioat and a gold-hug Icwyor to rattle IJryan, Thn feverish slate of tho public mind In regard to the financial out l;ok Is shown by runa on banks the beginning of this week. One was at a Crosse, Wis., and the others were at St, fouls, At l a (.'rosso the scene was pitiful, Women who had small fums In the bank fought, through the crowds, screaming and crying nnd for hrurs pandemonium reigned. What a pity It Is that the plutocrats won't let the common pecplo have postal sav ings banks as the poor have In other countries? With postal savings banks there would be no such scenes as those at La Crosse and St. Louis, Alice Roosevelt and the Chicago liorHo show Is the thing to'whlch the nasHlve Intellects of tha editors and rcportorlal skill of all the newspapers of. that city was devoted during tho week. The horse show, however, con sists mostly of women and Paris-made towns. The commission sent to Kitrope to "fix the price of silver" has made Its leport, but tho great Washington nnd New York dallies are very shy about printing It In full. From the sum maries that hnve been given to the public we gather that It ha boon agreed that the various countries should not purchase more silver than H required to supply their actual de lusnds, and that then purchase should be at regular Interval. It was pureed tiion the part of ev t Hwcrs-(lermany, trance, the Neth erlands, Mexico and the United State -that th bent method was to benln the tHstiiw of new currency at a (Ned gold jmrlty, whil. upon the part of t.'eat lirltaln and liuxMa there was i!leosiUin to fvor b-glnnliiR on a l!vrr liicU lih tt,i vUw of firet lp!dving tho ccmntrv with a uniform itrrrrmv and then stvlnti It, within a iloit luitrfil, & ftted vlm. The 'intrl.'i havitia tt'twn ieru les or fn Urnti in th (irient hki' 1 a r'i t is to t. Tht rt, howfvrr d '! meet ttti the itrv of t ind ono or two of l, ( other pnwrrs. clllc coast, there It lW be found. The latest dlacovery lins ueen mam m Iowa, gold, Christian Iowa, A grand jury has been at work In Des Moines. The first crop l 1" in'H'tnients of public olllclals fur blackmailing, vice mid crime and tho jury Is still at work, Over on the Pacific count the vidians went after bigger results and slolo a million or two acres of the public, land. Thou were pretending also to be good Chrlsllan men. They were leaders In the churches- the Wilt of fellows who must havo Individual communion cups at the most wilemn service In the memorial of tho death of Christ. There must be something the matter In Ohio. Kvery republican senator who can mako a speech, and there are a good many of (hem who cannot; Is In the Hlato, besides them, there are about two hundred other spell binders, all working night and day trying to "save Ilanna," A labor union can bo fooled Just as euslly as some farmers on thn plains of Nebraska. Tho Amalgamated tap per company out In Montana wanted tu get tho labor unions on their side on account of Its fight with Ilelnzo, Ho they go to work and shut down all their works. Then the labor unions held a great public meeting and rounded things up fur the Amalga mated people. Thousand of men are lillo In Montana, That Is about tho only thing that we aro certain about. There will be distress In Montana tl.ls winter. They have put a livery on the ser vants at the Whlto house. What would Thomas Jefferson think of that? It Is a small matter, but It show tho constant, tendency toward oping tho Monarch tf Kuropo and tho advance of -Imperialism, It seems that tho newly made mem ber of the cabinet, Secretary Cortel you, Is one of the Imperialistic sort. Ha has been running things with such a high hand that a judge out in CreRon has called him clown. The judge says that Secretary Cortelyou Is "guilty of ixceeuinK his authority and of Introducing tyrannical methods of deportation when he imprison Immi grant and orders them deported with out first giving them a satisfactory public hearing." When King Oorge tried to subju gate our forefathers he hired the Hes sians to fight them Into submission, Since that time the word ho been med to describe mercenary soldiers who are hired to fight for pay and not for patriotism. The Colorado militia, who are hired and paid by the mlno owner are simply Hessians and they hnve no right to resent tne applica tion of that term to them. There Is a red hot campaign on down la Maryland, the stato of Gor manGorman tbe great. He Is the One democrat After ('levelnnri thnt ro. publican editor mostly admire. Tho rrpuoiican uauio never tire of tell ing us of the greatness, the shrewd ness, the ability of Gorman. Gorman is greatly Interested In the present campaign In Maryland. He ha made one speech and only one. He will never make more this time. The readers of The Independent, no doubt, would like to read that speech. Po here It Is the whole of It verbatim literatim: '"five president of the United Stato Invited the republican candidate for governor of Maryland to dine with hltn aa . to occupy the same seat which was probably occupied by Hooker Washington. I tell you that no liberty, no safety, remain when von have a dictator or a czar or an emperor In Washington, who can send for Maryland repiibllmns and tell them to harmonize their difforencos to bring the ncgroe to I he poll to sustain him In hi effort to est!.'" nocinl euualltv of ths two races " Af ter reading that, will anv ntnn deny ll at Gorman la ureal statesman? The oh cry, ' H will ruin the Indus, li v, ' whlih has b1w .f.n rn whenever any re Uitlon In rtorliimnt rtuUet hit lu'en su-extf ,1, t.l,,uild find Us finsl qtitwim in ih r..tiiiu , ru ItiK fioin puitm w.al on Id r... i.t t-st wiwr during Ihs rout fmtlntt, t'trt loUl Iim rra In h liipir!.itlm 'f mat mii, pirn h le en 1 Hii'tt;i n it U didn't 'rum thn In,!,,., ity.'' fur til tKirmoe in etiM.rMtinn SISTER: REA! r""'.' i 4"-- j- i Py ' if a T.1Y FREE OFFER Wise Words to Suffers From a Woman of Notre Dams. M I will m&ll, tre of any chrv. ti,i n, . , "" mm,t with full Instruction,, ,Td ti," h mv V" You eon cur. your.rH at I,,,,," i,li m. , lr'"' iiy Mhy.kli.n. It will w.t y..u nthil , traittiit a trisl. anl If -mi M , , , ', Um wliloiiiycoHtyDiiuhdiit twelve itni il wllloiilycOHti)inih(jiit twelve itnin wiiuiotiritwern wilh yeur Wfiik ,r ,,,a ,u .vii, I'll 01 M r hnl' i tbiitls all I tthk. It eurcM ull, j(,U,K , ,, w If you fl a benriniMlcwri in t , lrriiii(llrif evil, fttin In tliu t,iwU im l, lnu fntilln ui tli"Hiliii!, ii i mrc i,,, rv i but Uuhmon, wearinewH. frrainci,t di ni- i vt If ymi hnyn liucorrlien ( White, i, ji or KallluK of tun WumU, I'rofnw, S( i , fr-rlixlx, TuniorM or Jirowtim n, , HUMM KftS, NtI'ltK 1AMK, IMi. r ttlB J-'ltlC TllKA'J'MKMT ttlid Ki l l, I i, I sdiMi it In m , nk. it i'lll, ill H n. ''nwof 1 i, i-lwp "'lili'Mjjr, ' miii.i,!,,, :l.i'-ri,i-r.i w ean,(i(j MltM, M, A. Ir M'liitrwh.iv ,, 'J Tiiniinandii hcMe rnvnelf havo cured thoniwilvo with It, JO VIOIIU.K3 VI 1AlitllllIiKO 1WII1 l!Iilltiri B Bimnio l)im 'J n allli'lii .i andtsffuciuiillycuriiK lumrrita, urtm Hicknrit t! Painful ir Irmnilur Mmtirwi IlKllCM. It Will " "" ou . w..-v,., p iuH,tMt (, I'lliJi.,;,,,.. ..... r,,in,i in mi I, i i . I'l mn nnckH utirl health l wiiyn r'-HUlt f mm Its un, Whrevr you llvalcnn rnfor you to WBll-known Imlluiiof rutirown stntniirr-fiimiv w-i,i, hnnw and will gladly tll say suirrr that this Horn! Trwuriinnt retilly cures all fi.,-nv, ,i .,mM,mii, ,,l cur dcllciiU! feimilooiwwlum, thoroiiKhltr trnthen rtlid mutU and ll(fiiini-nl. ,,,, dlsiilaeviueut, maku women walk Write UnOty, at tula vUut will not lm mini, i,;,,,, A Jt MRS. IT SUMMERS, Boxl69 Notre Dame, lnd., U.S. A 1,0 0 0 -O. 33 1?L X) m Toonyanwl.o wlii rnii wu itoiii,i ,i u wo wwitu r,vMi,tif ii,trrll,nii 1,'iijim : 1 f, every ffiiilf n AttfrU. e, , ton i, i i,,i J.U,I1) hlHtl:l lhirt,,tl,1('li,i. Hmm ii,ttliiiilf Militl'wii knni i,i flriM Bm w will llf-ll'l ytl rig It Iw.ir, ,,r ,, ,r Ii . i If i hi inn ''"I'd II:.! 'II "TV 4 faUiiHl,9 r"liwittlii..'i.),.f III" um wnil ui t)S ,Y all ttmlly uml Oiem, tuia rfnnierifj'rinii,ii-,j n,. 'Hy wn 1 f y'-ti i "'ft!' -I n, 1 1. i.i rw, i. f, in, ., , ),, v irpif M ,,n,-, II..' ii,i ,, ... .1 vi mil Ji r" ' i Bil Jiiir' UM m li. i' I i.'.h' i ' 'A.ti rt ym '0i ll iiir nnd elm iiti I w ,i,,; , , ,a, .,;,.. ctne, Wwilotblf twetn ynit urn) Imm t i .,! i7,m, ,7f,rn, itrMJ W WIMilr"" VllH'ITHUKliiy I' ' l," l,' ,,r,,,l I. r I I I ul I, Um, ,i. 'I lit'Httr&CiiU'A'tt'ifU' M.I, fl I, 01 IMlninuK mmp plftlne. iH,inrr,l-,A ni! Ufl iii.lri , .'iw.ii im Mitf, rTT wmiin. cwn Jan. li.,iir', ,i ,;k i,ii,i, Tli"T ere ueaiUtiWlr oerlo Willi Dine, f rren eiii $nia. in w wuieuw rra M Kf runt. umvuMim ir 'Iiiiku ih. COLONIAL MCDICINC COMKANV, Np, 71 BROADWAV, Dipt. I '! raw york. Corruption rvrrhrr, cilvn a l''"' l"ra thn rrfHtdlt en hnv k,n tubd, from Wahtnu..n to tt. I'a- j la a , ,h at r.-atinx 1 ..t,1 Hamilton, late recretary of state for India, charged Premier Halfour with bad faith In advlaing tho Duke of Dev onnhlre of Chamberlain' reHlgnatlon and withholding the new from other member of tha cabinet, Tbe re-election of Colonial Secretary f.yttleton, liberal unlonldt, to tho houtm of common from Warwick and Leamington by a reduced majority ()!)() agafuat 831 before) 1 taken a an Indication that tho food tax argu ment of the English free trader will figure heavily In the general election. The zlno mill and mine owner of Galena, Kim., and Joplin, Mo,, have arranged fof a total ubut-down of the mine and mill to force up the price of ore. It l not mated how many men will be thrown out of employ ment, A Wall gireet rumor that the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad will build to the Pacific coant, bring out the following gonulp anent the cut throat game now going on, which In time miiHt reault In a complete merg er of all railroad In tho United States, Only a short time ago Mr, llarrlman joined the Hill-Morgan par tr by entering the Erie directorate and thl move followed a report for which there eom lo be good ground teat Mr. Harrlman had fallen out with the Kuhn-Loeb intercut. Mr. Harrl man and the Hock Island Interests are or the beat of term, and acting to gether, have been heavy purchaner of AtchlHon. by many It 1 believed they are already In control of . the Atchlaon property. Controlling the Northern Hecurltles, the Union Pa cific and Southern Pacific and the Atchlaon, the Harrlman-Morgan-Rock Island Intercut controls evejy route to the Pacific coast. .The St. Paul and the Northwestern and the Gould system are cut off, their farthest western line being the Denver & HIo Grande of the Gould group, which, ends at Ogden. CHEAP EXCURSIONS TO OHIO AND INDIANA POINTS Sept, lit, 8th, Isth.endOct.Mh Utturn limit Oay. . ROUND TRIP RATK8 I W'M ( MaIM OWO-ToMo 2f'..7, t'rliMw ' I fi'-H f.1M, KluntMi I;. 4, jirliitfllri'l si.lwfM ;.7, :ini'llitinl! 117 i,fciiliry -l-'u -4,M, Jicllc'loiiiBtni! f.'fiMf. IMIANA-llati.nitidli7.u.'i.i.i'. ixsnin Ft. Wayoa VUM, Mflli !''' '!' Jrllannpoll t!,V,Ncw I uflie f'.-l ', iMUfAUt fa.(, Hlclirinind V.'hM, Tew llmci- .!.(', u i.'iiiih,iiiI VH.m , Kiikonie V.i.l.n u t,: l.,ortc 120.(0, Irim lofilnxllli' .'! n. r--(! i-e mm Vlneriniinl.W. Kl'.NTt:('KVI,eiili.vlller';.iKi TliUleenlya I'Brtiul Hut id m t'r i.U-fc rut wilt ni'i'ly. Full 'Inlorninllon at Illinois (niiiui 'iimel OlUce. H(W luiiiiiiii ht., (ui.nliii, i f i';" H. I!, Will, IHnt. PM. Al(t., I'liiolm, FRUIT GROWERS. TRUCK FARMERS INVESTIGATE THE 40-Acre Tracts FOR 8ALC ON THE LINE OFTHl The threat of President Stlckney of the Grent Western to give Omaha do cent grain rates seems to scare the other railroad magnate. preiddent Harris of the Uurlington hn gone to Ht, Paul to Induce Htlckney to "mo rtify" his actionwhich Is a polite way of asking him not to Interfere In thn liurllngioti' graft In robbing the Nebraska farmer of the bulk of their producU, The Amalgamated (Vipner comptiny shut down It properties n Montana Thursday night, throwing about tS, oo tuliier out of employment. The Great Northern and other Montana railroad will reduce their freight crew, so that fully 20,000 men will be out of work, A dispatch from Hutte sv ih.it thn streru are lliled with Ihn ?.ho miner thrown out of work tt niKht, Ihiardlng htm lnepeM, torikefntri( and other whoMt the ii Ui rS 00 lii-Sb'ii'J liin Jilnllrtt tiFt M-viiiig yarnUbiiixiii orders, The i-tttiatal.li fl cannot serve tin pa r fit eimuith ami On Jtiiitbn celrks r wott ing ovirtlm flllin tlitin out. Ho fitr thfM bait Iimii n Vltdctii). f J The Aninlcunalrd Htoil down U IN THE CELEBRATED Peach Belt of Alabama. Thl. Im . mm tuinnrllinltv t"f V" f "'', wetiiuMit, If ymi aetdl i' 1 ' r. 4 t.i.rtunlty 1( ru ar .i"kln ' f h'.l.m ami iu.dr lucin- Hi " uutuaud i(M.t'tnlryiiii,'iiu. Tuifotlu Uiuvh, writ JNO. M. IIHAI I . WIOaa'lt'iMiiwiiifor Ageiil " ar. let s, n- teusllilv 1mm ttu u' JnU't" '; 1 eJ the Minnie N H mm. or if Ilt tn ic Hut Itciu Iiiuvh on the pfl of H .r-.ilen if I he iiii'.m' I tut gun In .SUifUrd the ii"'r iik ttM )' r iu. palrvftUe our ad-H' ,i i