The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, October 29, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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    OCTOBKR 29, 1903.
ThP September number of Frank
admirable little Blngle tax
"Whv?". Is devoted to a
S H.m of Tom L. Johnson's
S n tbe, January 30,1894,
ropposiiion to the income tax bill,
.tMi however, be supported "under
kh; . a c, olce of evils." He
jarred it to an tariff tax, but pre-
r' ,i i, Kiiiiile tax above all others.
1 . Tn, u liuw 'IviiiK Mark Hanna
t.f bi'St , nr' be Pver had' ,he re
nbil.aimii of his speech Is timely.
1 while in this bead, The Indc
wndent would lil e to ask the single
mm a few rim-stions. All this talk
Lit "taking land values for public
MveiiiM'is" In vague and indefinite
' tn raise doubts as to the sanity of
He neixjii indulging in it. unless we
i loin's I'. i'wt's explanation that
lliutleal expression." Of
iwirw every Mane man knows that
ti' rwil revenues of government are
tjie sendees and commodities used In
Ha operations. Neither land nor land
..iiiM can be used as revenues; but
tidier may be made the basis of com
tiiiaiioti to ascertain how much the
,.lM.wS(ir ol laud shall contribute to
wn! tli Hiipjiort of government.
snii(ysc we admit that the most
suitable assessment of taxed may be
n,'ad'! by h'tiorliiK the value of every
tiiid ol' wciilih produced by man's la
bor, and computing the taxes simply
upon tie value of land holdings IN
WHAT shall the taxes thus com
pitnl be paid? Not In land. Not in
land values. Then what? "Oh, In
money, of course," chorus the single
lint that "money" how about that?
Po you intend to continue the prac
tice f stamping "Ten Dollars" upon
ivory 'I'M grains of standard gold pre
vnH at the mints, for any Individual
who is luel y enough to be the owner
o1 gold, and make the coin bo stamped
tie exilmdve filng in which taxes
nay be paid? Or, do you intend to
confer a I i I o privilege uixn each
binlwl of corn, or wheat, or potatoes?
As The Independent views it, it Is
iron' important to determine IN
WHAT taxes nhall be paid than it Is
to determine ON WHAT they shall
computed. So long as men are
cumHb'd to sacrifice their services
and products In order to procure from
urn? privileged favorite a small disk
of his gold, upon which a palernal
lnic govern meet has stamped Its
money syrnlsjl free of charge and
tt'ii conferred upon that disk of gold
tt'lusive power to cancel tax levlec
W no long will some men be the
taidl.iarlcB of special privileges, and
ihVr men Injured thereby no mailer
talier we have a single tax on land
values or the present chaotic system.
When the populists proposed to loan
ttney at a moderate rate of Interest
k farmers, which never went further
than a tentative proposition provld
"I some better way of relieving the
Mtr8 then prevailing could not be
found, the scheme was not only de
iiounced as absurd, but anarchistic, by
w whole republican press. Now that
"ie government has loaned to na
'"nal bankers $lfi8,0(M),000 without in
t'r!St, the 8ame e,iitor8 not oniy d0
m denounce It, but actually approve
' Vet there are some millions of
We who believe that the republl-
press of thu country la honest
"id uusiibsldued. While the republi
can Party has under 1U control a " pro
letariat' like that, voting for them
i yf'ar af"'r vear- whl,e thou-
wnu,, of f,..nivr8 s(av 1n tnoir fiel(l8
J shuck corn eloctlon dav. we can
nothing clRe than that the pro
u iers of WPHlth wiM ,,,,, im)ft (0 tlirn
or it ver to the millionaires, ex
wl't a bure living.
with which to produce
change wealth."
Suppose, for argument's sake
tor De Leon's construction in
rert- Wf...u.i a.
ii me national owner
ship of railroads be a step In the di
rection of collective ownership? if
not, why not? If national ownership
should be accomplished, wouldn't that
go to prove that "economic determin
ism" compelled it? And if hi. n sin
cerely believe that It Is to their inter
ests to have national ownership of the
railroads, aren't they likely to do what
they can to bring it. about, even if
great socialist editors do cast asper
sions upon their intellectuality? In
other words, bow can one piny fast
and loose with the socialist doctrine
of "economic determinism?"
Populists believe the public own
ership of railroads would undoubted
ly benefit the agriculturists of the
United Slates. Does Mr. De I .eon deny
tnese men the right to want some
thing that will benefit them? Is his
political philosophy so altruistic that
he has any right, to object?
tl I.. a,
ii is, oi course, Mr. uu j.eon s tin
doubted right to believe everybody
fools except, the waee-worl lug class
he professes to rep-escnt, but Is not o
It Is his undoubted right to see the
"cloven hoof In every movement
v.hleh does not begin and end with
Daniel De Leon. It Is bis undoubted
right to play the wnsp on any and all
occasions; hut when he reflects that
(he socialist labor party In 11)02 poll".
less than 54.0'H) votes, after fourteen
years of campaigning, he ought to see
that something Is wrong- either with
his philosophy or the manner of pre
sen ting it.
When the electric trolley lines be
pan to spread out overNew York and
the New Kngland states, The Inde
pendent said that as soon as they
came in competition with the steam
roads they would all be gobbled up
The dallies occupied a great deal
their "valuable space" In telling how
vf were now going to have compel!
tion In the railroad service sure
enough. 1 ast week the New York
dailies announced that the New York
(Vntrsl railroad is planning to estab
h electric trolley lines as suburban
blanches in the central and western
part of New York state in order
t:ave local tralllc, which has been cut
into heavily by the Independent elee
trie lines. There never has been and
rever will be any competition in the
general transportation srvlcc. It
an essentially "public" service and
ought to belong to the public. Every
other nation on earth came to that
conclusion long ago, and this nation
will at last come trailing along be
hind all creation, take over the rail
roads and telegraphs and the govern
ment will own and operate them. That
b the sort of "destiny" that The In
dependent believes In.
people's party. Rutler
The U'ni i.. r... . , . ...
y . """ly i i (ijiic (. I.. I'.), New
"TK, ip. votes n ,...!,..., .u, .,-!..i m
'.lllll T-UillH l(l .U
'"Wills I tin i i ... t
Ii.p n .. . '"-ii uuih in cx-oemi-
...mers recent Interview anent the
""i" or the
lhuKht ttuu-
Tie main f--atnr or the plat
'"rm win lm ,mtlotml ownership
ae railroads, the means of enr-
on mmnierce
tltHiion pnnld'
... ""
'The element
it 1
!' .4!
' '.1
for which the
)s government
or Do I. eon vows show
for which. In a
It. Illti lleln.illu .v.. I.-.
" -'! v . hi hln, i .i .... .i, ...v...
,r r.iher."
"f ''ir., m hi in ply Kdiior iv
"I'tninn. ThTf Is. n.ihv.
"t .r..liil.llli.- , l.'.i.i,., Ii..
"'.. HHU l . ....
t I'S'i'on t. frr..H-
f " ttie omntltiHlolirtl puni
, 'iurM thm Hrr tn
,' ""iiuri to tmiu
J" noti.tini ,omr ,,f int
r 'ti' h t.f In l.istry I he
The Independent has had a good
C(al to say to farmers about their
interest in the supremo court, but
;a'lioad emploves are equally Inter
t-Rted In turning over the supreme
court for the next four years to rail
road domination. When any one of
the:,i gets injured, and their occupa
tion Is verv dangerous, that court will
write a decision depriving them of
the benefits of a verdict obtained in
the district courts before a Jury, or in
case of their death, their widows and
orphans will be told that by the su
preme court they can get no relief,
That court, with Judge Barnes on it
will work "the contributory negll
cence of the fellow servant" for all
there is In it.
the Point of View
Once a knight In search of quarrel
thnt helms knighthood's point of
Met another knightly brother, caraeol
Inir through the dew.
straightway they began to wrangle
ol a sniem
white or yellow
his color yield
words succeeding
to tragedy.
it :ou think that It will answer the
foi subhcribers nent me some time ago
H it square the account, l have sent
tnem for some of my friends.
in, . C- Jl JACKSON.
Hilton, Tex.
J hero are several thonsnnds of fam
lies who have acqnlrcd the habit of
buying all their dry goods. nroeereH,
boots and Ss1ion from Kr..,l ..,,l,ii a.
H Is a money-H'lvln;; bablt-a
mat it won .
IK1V VO'l In I.'.
Jinniircds buy by mail every
Ilegln now by sending n trial
See nd. on fitintlu r
kindly mention The Independent when
you write,
o er tue coior
Whether It were
neither would
Swords to angry
soon had led
knight appearing
then was flowering
Winn another
1 nU'hthood
iii... ii...- nslrd to Indue between
then his decision. unaileal''d,
Kavored both the cold snd silver
twus a l.lmetlillie shield'
c..i.....-.-x. ellln'! pot-ment. to pwape
an nwlwird plisht.
When l.eie.n ! suirv Kw.r.l-mn
t , tht I-''" r" l';h,
Ihl M"hl I1N en"e """"
I.I...III I HO" 111 '
iwii t.x a f'"' ,f ''i,",n
i,,i..r Mi.rHl'h In The
for tviotxr
A 5lrr Crlf,
. .i . i .
ters, Atlsntion!
Do you wish to Bell your farm? h
so, send full deserliitlon lownm n.-i,.,
ar.d best terms. Or. If von wieh t,i
buy a farm, ranch or Lincoln home,
write to or call on Williams & ltratt.
1106 O St., Lincoln, Neb.
Farm For Sab
7(! acres, located one mile from cen
ter of l.ealrlee; iiys well; Is of su
perior quality. Six-room cottage, fine
lawn, large barn, youn,": orchard, etc.
Price, 6,000; part on time If desired.
Would trade for larger farm. Must
be of go)J quality, Improved and well
located. Call on or address M. V.
Reynolds, Ileatrlce, Neb.
Elarkwitli Shop Wanted
A thoroughly competent, blacksmith,
12 years' experience, desires to find a
suitable location for a general black
smith shop. Would buy a Bhop al
ready established 'f price and Ioca
tkn are satisfactory. Tor particulars
address Ulacksmlth, care The Inde
pendent, Lincoln, Neb.
Your Troubles
Readers of The Independent who
have troublesphysical troubles IP
nets of any kind or character, should
write to Drs. Searles and Searles of
this city giving a full description of
the trouble. It Is folly to suffer from
a disease that continues to weaker,
the system, sap the energy and event
ually claims your life when you can treatment from specialists who
will cure you In a short time. Many
cases can be successfully treated by
t.-;all, These doctors conduct all their
own correspondence and preserve it
strictly private and confidential All
rrivate lettrs they an'wer personal
ly with a pen an thus avoid the pos
sibility of information getting out
tf-rough the carelessness of a confi
dential stenographer. Tell your trou
bles to Drs. Serle and Searles, P, O.
box 224, Lincoln, Neb., and you will
nevor nave occasion to regret It.
Choice Farms.
A70 1(10 acres, Saunders Co., $9,000.
AP6 2.10 acres, Faundars Co., tlO.250.
AG5 120 acres, Saunders Co.. $t!,000.
AC4 320 aces, Webster Co., $10,000.
A!i7 lr0 acres. Lancaster Co., $8,000.
A58 480 acres, Knox Co., $6,720.
Afil 320 acres, Red Willow Co., $3,200.
A56 134 acres, Lancaster Co., $8,040.
A55 160 acres, Nance Co., $6,400.
A56 1,410 acres. Valley Co., $12,500.
A42 640 acres, Knox Co., $19,200.
A46 360 acres, hed Willow Co., $2.r00.
A 48 160 acres, Red Willow Co.. $2,00
A37 480 acres, Harlan Co.. $7.(100.
A38 3:10 acres, Harlan Co., $ti,4on.
A30 320 acres, Nuckolls Co.. $12,000.
A31 160 acres. Franklin Co., $2,480.
A33 320 acre, Franklin Co., $16,000.
A34 ti40 acres. Frnnl-lln Co.. $7,000. '
A24 640 acres, Buffalo Co.. $I0,SS0.
A25 160 acres. Red Willow Co . $1,600.
A 29 320 ncres. l.arlan Co., $ 1.800.
A2 160 acres, Hi.rlan Co., $1,800.
All 320 acres, Harlan Co., $7,000,
A 8143 acres, Fillmore Co., $7,000.
A 7320 mres, Fillmore Co,, $I-I.oo0.
1O66-S20 acres, Red Willow, $ !,7uo.
e65 RI4 acres, Ile1 Willow, $i 6r.4.
.15500 ai res, IVmuhis Co., $. 5 .
31 12S0 cres, Lancaster. $:i8,4oo.
IS 320 acres, Lancai-ter, $lrt.0t
sl.1-20 a.res, Lancaster, $n,ooo
2711 2,411 acres deded bind at
$12.50 per acre; also cnt to C40 a. res
chiKil land that runs 22 yetrn at an
nual rental of tX All In the Rcpuhli-
tn River valky, 2 nubn from ship-
piiu iHilnt ; Kpli'tidlit alfulf.i and mo-itr
lut't land. Watered ly aeven HN
kl nuns and th ! publican river. 7"
i re miller i hIiI' allon, ;i a re of
tliii) timber; wheal on thU tuol I !U
ir )iMl 14 li.!u U iu r Scv-
rtal m-ll of Itiiprovi'isieiiU Hill 1t-
yHW Iiihi three irutu If dekiiv, hut
I l a tfol.l mine for tee mm ihn can
unlli tl
rin Wehrr A r'rrn I liuoln.
Cattle Three davs this week hrlnu
27,000 cattle. Crass beef Is In limited
supply and fully steady, and conifed
beef also In IU,b sapply and brings
hliong pi li en. yearling steers seem
to be In belter demand or lute and
choice- finds have sold uh high as
$4.10 from His! hands. Feeders,
butcher stock, bulls, and pIiich all a
sbade lower. Wn uuole. choice corn-
fed steers ?Y(,o i , $:,,:tf,, fair to good
short-fed $l.5o to $-1.90. heavy western
beef steers $:!.7.r. to $4.10. Clmlen
heavy feeders t;t,70 to $1.00, medium
$1.40 to $,!,ii."i, (ouinion grtidcH down to
??.5(). Yearling steers, choice, $3.75 to
$1.10, others $3.25 to $3, 65. Hood fat
cows and heifers $2.50 to $2.9o, stock
heifers $2.25 to $2.0(1, canners $.r.o to
$2.00; milkers and springers $20 lo $35.
Steer calves $3 to $4, veal $1 to $5;
grass bulla $2 to $2.50.
Receipts of sheep nro heavy, and thn
mnri et was lo to 25c lower, hut is
stronger today.
Killers. Feeders,
Lambs $1.25-4.50 $1.00-4.10
Common 3.00-3,50
Yearlings 3.65--3.80 3.4.i- 3,60
Wethers 3.403.60 3.20- 3.40
Nw-cs 2.40-2.70 1.75-2.40
llog receipts -;ht. Market lliictual.
Ing. Range, $-l.l)t to $5.30,
Live Stock Insurance
Why Insure live stock for flro and
lightning only, when you can get In
surance that will cover death from
n .y cause. Three-fourths of the mon
ey paid out for lire and lightning In
surance of live stock Is money wasted
for the simple fact that Ihreefourtbs
of the stock dies from causes other
tbau fire and lightning, and for which
such insurance Is no good.
The Phoenix Mutual Live Slock In
surance Co, Insures live stock against
death resulting from fire, lightning,
tornado, disease, or accident; In fnct,
from all causes where due care has
been taken to save life and nothing
done to endanger it. (Jood, reliable
f.pnits wanted In every township, For
lull particulars write or call on
Phoenix Mutual I Ive Stock hh.
M6 So. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Good Groceries Cheap
Friends of The Independent will
confer a favor by senllng an order
for groceries to Ilraneh & Miller Co.,
whose ad. appears on another page.
The goods are first class and a great
bargain. Send your order today. If
you are not satisfied you can have
your monev hack. Mention Tho Inde
pendent when you write.
Millions of Aerat of th Finnt Farming
and Craning LancU
Open for settlement. Small taxes,
cheap fuel, good climate, enormous
crops. Lauds sell at $3.50 per acre
and up. payable In ten annual In
stallments. Why rent a farm when
you can buy one for less money than
you pay as rent? Thousands of U. S.
settlers are going.
For 'full Information apply to
Orn'l Agt., Pass'r Dept. Canadian
Pacific R'y, 228 So. Clark street,
Chicago. III.
for ynur Farm, lluiinni,
om er .re.Tty ol any kind
no limlter where loralcd. If
y till tle.lrr a ii!t'k Milf. nen.l
IIH lll'.r!... Hint Tlr.
N.R HWivTraN Hi i-lama
No. SIM Hank ol luuum ivs I.Mif Mill.
HTe --OII a grata. oo1, fa'laMa, mit. lie inra
In aril xur I lull i'l- 1 I"' ' I ut.rl.-atln oiia.
I. r. I rliliia. Ha.- I "'. ' nl mi" I alma,
an 1 i-ail, i-tr , ihr i-ii'iMivKli uru a m'i una,
l.-il uf liayrl ln .a rim a.nau. .k'iilaM u tka
I hrvl.h. and t " n i raua.
Adilrraa Ika lauuooal I II Miilf I u , 1 li-i-;dj,
W, M. Murnlog Jeka J. laHalik, AW
luraafa, Raarni 3IO-3H, Hlvkariia
NhTH Klrsi T
In HHP I tatrl. l I'kiiiI of I aiun.lrr Cnunlv Na
hut-ka, Mar Mll-lli Mmr, .Uii,iii .
Imei-a rU'y Marr. ilrii-ii.taiil. in Jamt
.li r Marr, mm liii nUaiil.
V. ii an lirirl'i ii..Ortf.t dial y.nii ui' Mr
Hi,n! .-lh M..rr ! . 11. . .1 an a. n,.ii
ai-atiti ni in Oil l'tiil. i I I'tm .r I .it. .i,-t
I ,.u hi I . .S rbiali a .'I.I a i all a l. !..( 'IU .-n t
e,vin i . en tin if i. int.. I ..I a cm I m.-ii n.t
at'rfmb-ioert.1 i.ii i..i.r art r. r n,.F,- il.,.tiirt.i
yt-ur lal -al it.'l a'.. ff ltr ria. u i-l
I.ii ei.rl an I t.i I't.iMin II i- i-uttwt if.,iiF iwvi
riiii.trrn 'tiil. i I......"
M ,r at- ti i Uv.1 l. auavi INr UUui I
., 1 14 til a. II li 'H l U oir !.' "ili tf
,.l V..r.i Im ' IH'I . r Oiral.rKatl. l.a II. ,-,. I
ttr liakt n a Olio an t .Iri 'n (i li it ir t a . l l
la. a : a .
V U.V 1 1 1 l I til M U,K
Hi a VI V,. 11.11,4 A J. i it-la in, 1., al
,.l TO..-.1 mi" "
' "'II Ulf l.llHliVt 0ll-
"f ml m uii.i ou
'' !t the ii.it4l miuttltf
Nrb . fT f'lll (n(ornitUii atmul any
..'; ,;.r..a.H,
t thitt l.tiel
)ill,het...- .'yf.'f rr,wn.
... .. In I. IK Mil