The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, October 08, 1903, Page 13, Image 13

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    OCTOBER 8,-1303. -
Through the Initiative and
The committee on resolutions re
ported the following, which was
adopted by a unanimous rising vote:
- The delegates of, the suited people's
labor partjMof Kentucky in contention
assembled desire to congratulate the
reform voters of Kentucky over the
tendency of organized labor and the
farmers of the country to unite their
efforts to advance their mutual inter
ests. We feel now as in 1902, when
the Omaha platform enunciated the.
great truths upon which the people's
party was founded that "the interests
of rural and civic labor are the same
their enemies aro identical."
We congratulate the united reform
movement upon the substantial prog
. ress of the immortal principles for
which we now stand and have always
stood, namely .
Honest elections the right of every
Htizfcn to cast a free and unrestricted
ballot, and to have his ballot counted
and returned as cast Free ana non
est elections are the foundation upon
which thp. endurine remiblic must
stand. -
, Majority rule, through the initiative
and referendum, dome away iorever
with political machines, and making
the people in fact as well as in name
self-governing and free.
A just financir.l system, taking the
control of the volume of money out
of the hands of speculators and sny
locks, and making money the servant
of the people rather than tne master
Pnhlifi ownershiD the miblic own
ing and operating the great essential
mononolies in the Interest of ail.
Opposition to, land monopoly be
lieving that the land is the heritage of
all thfl neonI from their common
Creator, and not to be . monopolized
by a few and the masses leit nome-
. less. '
Labor legislation preventing child
labor, shortening hours of labor, and
the passage of all laws oettermg ine
conditions of wage-workers, and in
creasing their earnings.
Recognition and advancement of the
union label as the bacge of intelli
gent, well paid, free labor, in contra
distinction from the products of wage
slaves driven by Ignorance and avarice
to toil in sweat shops under cruel mas
ters, for a bare sustenance.
Recognizing that no reform is pos
sible until the majority of the people
favor it, and feeling perfectly secure
in trusting the welfare of this com
monwealth with a fair and unpreju
diced majority of the people, we de
clare the most Imrortant or all issues
to be that of the initiative and refer
endum, or majority rule, providing the
open door through which all other re
forms may be secured; and, without
deserting: or modifying; our position on
any of the great issues we deem nec
essary for the advancement of labor
we recommend that our efforts be cen
tered upon the issue of majority rule
in an attempt to secure its immediate
In this connection it is therefore
Resolved, That in counties - where
there are no reform candidates for
legislative offices, the labor forces or
ganize to secure-practical results, and
agree to vote for no man for repre
sentative or senator who will not sign
the following pledge:
v "If elected to the legislative office to
which I aspire, I agree on my honor
as a man and a citizen of the common
wealth of Kentucky, to vote against
any proposed election law which is not
absolutely fair to all political parties
- and does not guarantee to every citi
zen the full enjoyment of uis const!
tutional rights. I also agree to vote
to submit to the people at the next
general election a proposed amend
ment to the constitution of Kentucky
providing for the initiative and refer
endum, by which not over five per
cent of the voters of the state or any
legal subdivision thereof may demand
the submission of a proposed law to
vote of the people before it becomes
operative or may propose a law and
that the people may likewise nroDO
and secure further 'amendments to the
state constitution." ,
Resolved, That we call upon all la
tor and other organizations favoring
Handkerchief Store
J. Sander, 335 Broadway,
New York City.
rpt. a.
The only txclu -handkerchief
store in the United S'af es.
Will Mail Catalogue en Application ALSO
One fine plain heni&titotaed ladies'
' handkerchief F ' FE as an introduction eft.
Special All Linen Offer
For Ladl6S 3 with yonr initi
worked in wreath and 3 plain hemstitched
For Hen: 5 all linan hsnstitchsd 50a,
the principle to join us in demanding
pledges from all candidates
Resolved. That this pledge te sud-
xnitted to all candidates and where all
feign it and othe-s refuse, that reform
find labor voters be requested to sup
port the candidate willing to so pledge
himself. Where no candidate will sign
this agreement an independent candi
date Bhould be placed In the field and
vigorous campaign waged on tnese
ines; or that reformers refrain from
voting at all.
Resolved. That the support given to
any candidate signing this pledge be
given solely on the ground of prin
ciples involved, and that no division
of offices or other reward be asked for
or accepted.
Resolved, That an executive commit
tee of tnree memuers, representing i
both organized labor and the people's
party, be appointed to organize the
state on these lines and to secure from
the various political parties lists of all
legislative candidates, and that the
above pledge be submitted to ah. with
the information that unless a reply be
received by October 15 it will be considered-that
the candidate failing to
answer Is opposed to the principles set
Resolved, That the names of all
candidates signing the pledge referred
to be published, and copies furnished
to all committeemen and workers
throughout the state and every reason
able effort put forth to elect those
who do so pledge themselves.
Resolved, That under existing cir
cumstances we feel that the nomina
tion of a state ticket would be Inop
portune, but that we recommend to
reform and labor oters to use their
votes in the most effective manner to
purify and uplift the politics of our
grand old commonwealth, and to free
out citizenship from the domination of
political rings, cliques and factions.
Resolved, That we urge upon all
friends of labor the importance of de
manding union made goods when they
go to make purchases, and that they
accept no goods that do not bear the
union label as a guarantee that they
were made by intelligent, fair, union
The following executive committee
was selected and granted plenary pow
er to carry out the resolutions adopt? d
in the most effective manner, namely
Jo A. Parker, Joe D. Brad burn and
Wm, B. Bridgeford. Headquarters will
be at the Enterprise hotel, 242 E.
Market st, Louisville,-and the active
support of every friend of majority
ruie 13 solicited. Let us. nave your
name and address at once as a worker
in this cause, for we have much for
you to do. Address,
General Organizer, Louisville, Ky,
Such is the Kentucky program. It is
pratically sure that a constitutional
amendment for majority rule will be
secured from the legislature to be
elected. Two years ago a first effort
was made but as the questions asvel
included several of a partisan nature
there were fewer replies than would
otherwise have been made, and the
questions were asked at a late day in
the campaign, at the instance of the
state committee. Two years' experi
ence has shown how to improve the
(Continued Next Week.) .
H. E. Leisy, of Wisner, Neb., culled
out the poor end of the cattle in his
feed yard and put same on the South
Omaha market Tuesday last week,
where they brought the very satisf'ac
tory price of $5.40. Nye & Buchanan
Co. made the sal3. Mr. Leisy expects
to ship the heavy end soon.
Col. Feller Delighted . .
Editor Independent: I was much de
lighted reading the letters from the
old reformers that came "over the
trail." Grand men, good men, noble
men, men that had moral sense and
courage. In all ages such men have
blazed the way and made progress
possible. In all ages God has had
few brave spirits that would not bow
their knees to Baal. Such spirits are
God's lever with which He moves the
world. God bless the Old Guard and
may their spirit still walk the earth
until populist principles regenerate
America; when moral cowards and
political buzzards fade out of our sky,
and a redeemed manhood look bscV
with pity on a generation with special
privileges, and marvel at their stupid
ity. I ever look through the telescope of
justice to the dawn where mingles the
forces that impel the onward march of
man. and by faith in the final triumph
of right, catch a glimpse of a grander
civilization in which "equal rights un
der the law" shall crown and glorify
the efforts of man. Such is the faith
of all reformers that strive to better
the conditions of their fellow man. and
without such faith progress would be
impossible. The populists of Amfrlr
have already made contributions to
Is) ft
u u
u u
D 0
Lincoln's big mail order procery
house has been instructed by the
factory supplying them paint to
cut and slash prices for 15 days.
Well, w'v obeyed the order and
here offer thr se who are interest
ed in high grade paint some re
markable values. Send a draft,
express or money order and buy
Purity IIoui?e Paint, per gal. $1.15
Purity Barn Paint, per gal. . .52$
Puritv Floor Paint, rer eal.. .98
Carriage Paint, all colors, per
fl OS-ft,
Wagon and Implement Paint
per gallon ............ .... .98
Top Dressing, finest in the
world, per quart .40
Asphaltum. per gal... 50
First Coat Primer, per gal.. ; .68
Furniture Varnish, per gal.. 1.00
Hard Oil, per gal. 1.15
Wood Filler, per gal......... 1.15
Wood Alcohol, jer gal 95
China Wall Brushes, best, 21
inch, each' .22
China Wall Brushes, best, 3-
inch. each .30
China Wall Brushes, best, 4
inch, each .45
American Venetian Ked, per
English Venetian Red, per
French Yellow Ochre, per lb.
Firench Gray Ochre, per lb. .
Linseed Oil, rer gal
Price on oil subject to market
Al) point warranted or money
returned. Address Mail Order
226-2ii:-'2P-tS4-lfi-S2- No. 10th Street,
L Union Pacific ,.
-Round Trip
San Francisco or Us Angel::.
Account American Bankers As
sociation. Tickets on a!e Oct 8
the science of government that have
been appropriated by the old parties
and what was once denoiinceu
"fads" and their advocates 'denounced
as "long-haired men" rnd "short
haired women" are now operating to
bless. The rural delivery is here, mu
nicipal ownership of internal improve
ments is here, it won t be long until
government ownership of all means of
transportation and communication
will be here; and it can't be very long
before the producers of all the wealth
will see that the government must
coin the mcney, and that every dollar
shall be eoual in debt-paying power.
I say it cannot be long, for the peo
ple are beginning to understand and
panic will finish up their education
True, it may be slow, but come It
must; and when it comes, what politi
cil party has the argument but the
populist'.' Yc-s, brethren, we have ev
er7 reason foi being hopeful, for now
all discord within has ceased and truth
stands at the helm of common sense
while experience points the way. The
buglf notes from Omaha are ringing
ovtr -the land ; and the west has heard
it as never before, the south and north
have caught its sweet notes of con
cord, and the east sheds its dim light
in recognition of the oncoming host.
The banner from Omaha again
sweeps the heavens, carried by beat
ing hearts and loyal hands: cheered
by our wives and loved by our daugh
ters, and honored by patriots, and who
dare to pull it down? Yes, brethren
line up for country, line up for home
and loved ones, line up for truth and
justice, line up for the greatest politi
cal battle the world ever saw; line up
and be counted, for now you are need
ed; line up and pass "the word all
along the line forward, march! and
move on the enemy, and publish to all
the world, we shall never turn back
until victory comes. Line up, leave
all grumblers behind to mingle with
sore heads and kickers, to go where
they belong.-
I appeal to men of heart and brain,
to men of honor, to men that love
principle, to line up, that the gospel
of Omaha may be heard throughout
the world. J. S. FELTEE.
Springfield, 111. .
to 17, inclusive,
vember 30th.
Return limit No-
For full iniormatlon call on or address
E.B. 5L0SS0N,
Gen'l Agent, Lincoln, Neb.
mi O Street.
Spt. ist, 8tk, lstk.sMOct. 6th-Rtura Limit
nmnTnifln t2r.67. Urbana J27.R4. Marion
f27.i!4, Columbus f2. 4, sprinsfieH 27.34.Dayton
26.7, Cincinnati fl7 84,8andu ky fi8 0 .Lima.
fc!5.84, BelJetontalner-'fi.KJ.
INDIANA Hammond S'.7.S(i.?omh Bend J20. 40,
Ft. Wayne i'22.94, Marion S23.27, LaFayetteJtfl.U,.
TndlnnHr-olis 23.?0.New Castle 24.0. Evansville
$22.(0, Richmond Vih.'iA, Terre Haute 21.H, Lo-
gansport 21.67, Kolsomo tzieu, viaoasn rc.u,
Laporter.iO.fft, Crnwhrrdsville 2M7, North Ver
non J25.67. Vincenncs rl.0.
KENTUCKY Louisville $26.00.
This is only a partial Ust of points to which
rate will apply.
Full information at Illinois Central Ticket
Office. 1-102 larnaiu St., Omaha, or write
w. II. Bwii,
Dist. Pass. Agt., Omaha. Neb.
40Acre Tracts
At all tfmg stem.
2S Dome 25.
Peach Belt of Alabama,
. This Is a rare opportunity for profitable
Investment, if you have idle money; a bettof
opportunity if you are looking for a goo4
home and steady income In a nealthfuT elk
mate and pleasant environments.
To get In touch, write
Iss't Gen'l Passenger Agent, M. A O. S. M
The Port of Peace
Then let us live as If no death could
The aspiring soul from frail and mor
tal frame.
Then let us die a3 if to live forever
la this unfathomed All from whence
All came.
Enough to know, wherever be tho
Twill be the port of Peace past un
derstanding. From The Outlook.