OCTOBER. 8, 1903. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT 11 LICfH ACD RAILROADS Br. Storm CcbUmbm His DlMMla B fr4lie thm Dvtlrablllt of CmW lag th HomJ mmd Traar.pwrt Editor Independent: We should cut loose from the oleaginous politicians of all parties and isms. Platforms are deceptive mirages or alluring Daus fabricated to deceive and lead astray. If we are to save our glorious nation, l America is to perform her God gHen mission of enlightening the world, we must devise new and truer political methods for recording and inaugurating the rational desires of the sovereign voters of our land. Leaders can betray or be betrayed. Plans founded upon Divine principle endure. Hitherto the revolutionary character of practically all reform movements, has deterred conservative voters from rallying to their support. The natural ultimation of the uni versal principle of justice, viz: ac cess upon a basis of equality, can be applied to the domain of human en acted law in an evolutionary and con stitutional manner. Scientifically ap plied the results will surpass the fond est dreams of the most advanced and sanguine reformers. .Vian was not created to mourn, nor to civilize other races by destroying, . enslaving or plundering them. Inaug , urate economic and political salvation and we will open the door so that all humans can strive towards the Divine life which Christ desired that all should aspire to. Whetner constructing an humble cottage, a palace, a sky-scraper, a ves sel large or small, a piece of mechan ism simple or intricate, or conducting an elementary or exquisitely delicate chemical experiment, the nrst essential requisite in order to accomplish true results, is a well wrought out plan. This positive constructive method must be applied to the human law-making domain before economic and political salvation will -be achieved. For years the tendency towards the centralization oi tne control or our railroads has been unmistaiable. J. J. Hill and other merging railroad mag nates profess to be actuated by the most tender and touching solicitude for the welfare of the general public. If the consolidation of competing railroad systems ' aggregating many thousands of miles is to the interest of the dear public, would not the con solidation of all our railroad systems under governmental control be the most beneficent step of all? Immense economies in operating expenses could be effected, the i,one system of passen ger and freight charges established, shorter hours for the vast army of em ployes, in many instances richly de served increased compensation, the blacklist and other iniquities abol ished and in addition hundreds of mil lions of dollars which atpresent an nually find their way to private coffers as interest,' dividends, preferential rates, etc., would be diverted to the national treasury. ' .If the point is raised that govern mental control would convert the vast army of railroad employes into a po litical machine, the answer can be made that the railroad and banking interests already dominate the law making and judiciary departments of our nation. Furthermore the annual reports of the interstate commerce commissioners reveal the interesting fact that for years past the eminent financiers who control our railroads, have set at naught the laws of our land. Preferential rates and favored treat ment have been prominent factors in building up trusis and combines, stif ling - independent competition and bringing financial ruin to thousands engaged in legitimate enterprises. Our constitution does not provide that railroad magnates shall fatten upon tribute levied upon the general pub He, nor is it therein set forth that banking interests must control 0"r Cecal system and accumulate untold millions through their philanthropic measures, which are aimed at secur ing to themselves the title to the wealth created bv our teeming labor and service rendering masses. Upon disinterested investieation of the provisions of the basic law of our land, it will be ascertained that "con gress t shall have power to regulate commerce with - foreien nations an d amone the several states, to coin mon ev and regulate the vl'e tof. to . establish - postoffices and po'M rods, and to mal-e all laws which shill be aecessarv and proper for carrvinfr in to execution the foregoing powers," etc. ' l atent powers of the most imnort ant character are vested in conere" the explicit provision of our con stit"tlon. In another article I will demonstrate that It is clerlv within th nowr of conPToss to rec'bte te . entire apnellate jridIctlon of the (su preme court. Congress should judic iously exercise this latent prerogative and prohibit the supreme court from questioning . the constitutlqnality of acts of congress, unless they be as sailed by a sovereign state of our In a nrior article I submitted unmis takable evidence that the natural ul timation of the principle of justice namely, access upon a basis of equal ityis the non-speculative plumb line of the economic domain. ,If single taxers, socialists and other economic reformers fail to question the accur acy of this development, their silence can only be interpreted as according consent. The true course for practi cal reformers is to bend their energies to devising practical plans for inaug urating non-speculative land, money and transportation systems. Plans submitted should be open for amend ment, but by riveting our attention upon specific plans there will be rap idly formulated proposed laws which will, command the assent of a major ity of the voters. Candidates for pub lic office will then be pledged to enact the proposed laws and the people will regain control of their government. By combining the money and trans portation questions judiciously, our national government can take equit able title to the railroads and pay for them without burdening our citizens with onerous taxation, or loading them down with enormous bonded indebted ness. All of our gold, silver and paper moriey in existence is but a fractional portion of the volume of money re quired in the multitudinous monetary transactions of our nation. It is the bankers' toast that their own and other credits form the real circulat ing medium of the United States of America. A credit system is a debt system, for there cannot be a credit without a debt A debt system of finance is a dis honest system for the borrower is al most invariably at the mercy of the lender. Our government should take posses sion of all railroads and make equit able payment for them by Issuing bonds to the holders of the various securities, as their interests may ap pear according to present stock marl et quotations. All n bonds- issued should be payable in full legal tender United States money. Privilege of evolution ary payments of bonds reserved by government. The law should direct that as evolutionary payments of full legal tender money is made upon the bonds, that all banking institutions of every character, national, state, and local, should be compelled to carry a larger percentage of full legal tender United States money in their vaults as compared with the aggregate of their deposits, loans and discounts. All banks failing to carry in their own vaults the legal reserve required by law, would be subject to a high tax upon the excess of credits which they had issued. With each evolutionary payment up on the bonds the percentage of full legal tender reserves to be carried by the banks would be evolutionarily in creased. In this simple, equitable and constitutional manner full legal ten der money 'would be substituted for bank credits. The title to the rail roads would pass to our government and generous payment be made to present holders of all railroad securi ties. There would b7 no inflation, merely the substitution of full legal tender governmental money for fallacious bankers credits. If necessary con g-ess could likewise correct the in judicious use of credit in mercantile transactions. This important factor could be evolutionarily corrected by enacting "uniform laws on the sub ject of bankruptcies throughout the United States." Section 8 of article 1 of our constitution. ' - . A cash system of doing business is in every way preferable to a credit (debt) system. I do not assert that the roughlv outlined plan submitte in this article is a final solution of the monev question. It will, however, rlv et attention upon the fact that cred its (debts) play as important (and een more important) part than the volume of specie and paper- money. The enactment of the legislation ree ommended would solve the transpor tation question and partiallv solve the monev and land problems. These statements will be elucidated in sub- seoent communications. In conr-ltieion I wo"ld point out tht hv substitutive the nomination of cn didates FDecinYnlly pledged to enat rtenit. legation, that, the inithtjv "d referendm svstem of govern ment will be nrrtieallv inaugurated, wih requiring enn,Httnnl amend ment. EDWARD STERN. Philadelphia, Pa. partlcnlor attention is called to bar. -fns in rlnVs offered bv Miller Tinfi In their nap'fi ad. In this Ivc Vr( vnr ovrfer trnHv and don't fai to mention The Independent. L!r. Kerr Rsjtliss Our good friend, Charles H. Kerr of Chicago, takes occasion to reply to one of The Independent s editorial par- at)1 apuo. lYcrf uvues iiis an- swer is "a fair one" and so far as it concerns what he has done in the way of publishing socialist books, that Is doubtless the case; but The Indepen dent has reason to believe that a con siderable portion of the "large stock of populist booKs," which he was obliged to sell for waste paper, were not, in fact, populist books at all. A good many so-called populist books were as far from being so, as are "Christian" and "Utopian" socialist books from being the real "scientific" article. Mr. Kerr says: Editor Independent: On the editor ial page of your issue of September 17 you ask a question: "The Independent would like to know where the money comes from to pay for the publishing of the scores of reviews, magazines and hundreds of costly books on socialism that are being constantly put forth. Does the 'proletariat' furnish the funds?" As I happen to bT in a position to give the exact information requested, I trust you will give me an oppor tunity to answer through the columns of your paper. It is probably true that more than half the socialist books is sued in America during the last four years have been put out through the co-operative publishing house of which I am manager. -In 1899 I became convinced that the only possible solution of the social problem was. through the international socialist movement, and oui company at that time made a start in the pub lication of socialist pamphlets. Our assets consisted for the most part in a large stock of populist boo! s, nearly all of which we were later obliged to sell for waste paper for the simple rea son that they could not be sold on any other basis. The money for publish ing socialist books has gradually been raised in small sums, usually jst $10 from each subscriber, in consideration of an agreement on our part to Fell socialist boovs at cos; to each one subscribing: for a share of stock in our company at $10. We have now about 700 stockhold ers who have each taken a share on this plan, and one hundred of there are not individuals, but organized branches of the socialist party. The money thus received has consequently come from considerably more than a thousand different persons, only a few of whom have contributed more than $10 each. We have constantly stated in our announcements that there was no prospect of any dividend on the money thus invented, and the rubscrip tions have therefor been made either because the subscribers desired to see more socialist literature published, or because thev desired the privilege of buvinsr surh literature at the lowest possible prices. , It is therefore absolutely trie tht the "proletariat" hs furnished the funds for the n"blication of the lit errt"re of scientific socialism, anl I bel'eve it mv safely be std that thi? Ii the first instance in which the capi tal for p'lblbh'ne- nolltical literature has th'is been raised in America. T belierve yo'ir nation ws a fair one. and mv answer is alo cert'ulv a fir one. I hope vot reader will see the morl. . CHAS. II. KERR. Chicago, 111. SPECIAL MARKET LETTER FROM NYE,& BUCHANAN CO.. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MER CHANTS. SO. OMAHA. NEB. Cattle Three days this week brought liberal receipts again, there being 9,000 Wednesday. Market strong and 10c to 15c higher all around. Mon day and Tuesday, but weak and 10c lower ' Wednesday. Feeder buying brisk, and best feeders steady, also best beef steers steady. We quote choice corn-fed steers at $5.25 to $5.65, fair to good $4.75 to $5.20, heavy western beef steers $3.75 to $4.15. Choice high grade three-ye?r olds, heavy, $3.50 to $3.85; medium weight, high grade, $3.15 to $3.50; common down to $2.15. Cow stuff still low, but about a dime higher this week. Best $2.5u to $2.80, stock heif ers $2.00 to $2.60, canners $1.25 to $1.50. Steer calves $3.00 to $4.00; vel $3.00 to $5.00; grass bulls $2.00 to $2.75. Sheep Receipts very liberal, but the market Is about steady with last week's close, but slow. . Killers. Feeders. Iambs $4.50-$4.75 $4.25-$O0 Common 3.25- 4.00 Yearlings 3.65t 3.90. 3.45- 3.60 Wethers 3.20- 3.40 3.20- 3.10 Ewes 2.40- 2.70 . 2.10- 2.40 Hoes Receipts continue light. Mar Vet 20c lower. Range $5.35 to $5.65. - Patronize our advertisers. . . - Locaiicn Wanted A thoroughly competent blacksmith, 12 vftarR1 exr?rieiice desires to find & suitable location for a general black smith shop. Would buy a shop al ready established if price and loca tion are satisfactory. For particulars address Blacksmith, care The Inde pendent, Lincoln, Neb. Hnrc T. Hlbp Attorney NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS George E. Wlltamuth Plaintiff vs. Jnmes M. Ir win et al de endants to James M. Irwin and Phoebe M. Weir non-resident de'endants. You and each of yon are hereby notified that , on the Vlst day of September lD03,Oeorge E. W'il tamuih aspiaitift, begun action against you and other defendants in the district court oi Lancas ter county, Nebraska, the oblect and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mechanic's lean " on the following land and building thereon in paid county, to wit: Lot number ten (10) in block number ninety-eight () o the original 4 plat to the city ol Lincoln, Lancaster county, lier. To secure the payment of plumbing supplies, skill and labor tarnished tor said lot and build- . lug located thereon to the amount of in terest and costs. Plai miff prays for a decree of foreclosure and sale of said land and the application ol the pro- ; cecds of said sale to the satisfaction of said lien and tor general relief. , You are required to answer plaintiff's petition on or beiore the i6th day ot November, i!H!5. (JtORGk. E. WLLTAMUTH. Plaintiff. By Horace F. Bishop, his Attorney. The-Independent would like to call the attention of the distinguished law ers who made such eloquent speeches ai the Grand Island convention against indorsing the Denver conference to the way the -word ."affiliate" is u l n the high class dailies of the city of Boston and in the columns of the Springfield Republican, which also prides itself upon the "culture" of its editorial writers. In discussing the recent primary law where a man has to publiclv declare with what party he "affiliates." The following sen tences occur: "Judge Richardson used to participate in the republican cau cus of his Boston precinct, and thus made known his party affiliations." "The new law is less rigid than the old in regard to a change of political af filiation." "In the matter of declar ing one's party affiliation at the pri mary, the new law differs from the old only in form," etc. The culturrd editorial writers of the Boston and Springfield (Mass.) dailies seem to b lieve that the word "affiliate" means just what the editors of The Indepen dent thought it did. The Independent desires its readers to take advantage of the bargain in groceries offered by Branch & Miller ' Co. in their ad. in this issue. If the goods are not entirely satisfactory and your money return the goods and get . your money back. Favor The Inde- ' pendent by sending them an order to day, and do not fail to tell them where you saw the ad. Thre is no more contemptible thing on earth than one of these modern plutociatic judges. When the wage rorkers are concerned, they will is sue injunctions by the wholesale, and then when the plutocrats enter the f.ourts with armed soldiers they will bit andhear cases with bayonets pltcming in their faces. That is what that Colorado judge submitted to. There cund a Call (Tune Die Wacht am Rhein.) There sounds a call from land to land, Ye workers all united stand; "You've nothing but your chains to lose, . The world to gain," if you so choose, ; (Ref.:) So then unite, ye workers strong; To claim your own and right; and right all wrong. A hundred thousand bosoms swell Their voices ring clear as a bell "Ye workers of all lands unite, Reclaim your lost God-given right." (Ref.:) So then unite, etc. Though your oppressors whine and squirm, , It is your duty to stand nrm; Yield not the least to them I pray, Or you'll be sure to lose the day. (Ref.:) But do unite, etc. "No compromise" our motto be, For it alone can set us free; And freedom i what we demand For each and all in every land. 4 (Ref.:) So then unite, etc. The working class must . organize It can do nothine otherwise t It. must direct the battle's course, And guide its concentrated force. (Ref.:) So then unite, etc. A. I A. SCHIERMEYEB, Lincoln, Neb.