The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, September 17, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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    ! . .. . . ... .'- - . r-
ti:e kechasxa iri defer deht
CSPTElIBEn 17, 1S03.
i . . : . D..iiv vifn) Nmwabv the Editor y
( A weeaty kbshwo v . - "r
One of the most violent and destruc
tive storms ever known swept over En
gland last week. Many ships were lost
and hundreds of bodies have washel
ashore. Great damage was done in
the interior. In the parks in London
many trees were destroyed and much
d:mage done to buildings. The crops
in many sections were ruined. In
Montana there was also severe dam
age done by a snow storm. Snow
. .. ... (nntioa it
ieii to ine ueyiu w tis" w.w
the uncut wheat, which has been
ruined. There seems to be no end to
the disasters by storm and flood this
year all over the world.
The refusal of Governor Durbin to
honor requisition for ex-Governor Tay
lor and other criminals from. Kentucky
is liable to produce a sort of anarchy
iu this country. A requisition made on
the governor of Arkansas for a crim
inal from Indiana has been dishon
ored, the governor of that state de
claring that he would return to crim
inals to Indiana until the Kentucky
criminals are returned. If that prece
dent is followed, a criminal will only
have to make his escape from Ind
iana to some other state to escape all
Orders have recently been sent to
all recruiting officers to hasten enlist
ments as there is urgent neea oi in
treaty by the Colombian congress.
1 he sympathetic writing in some ui
the dailies of -this country is .ivi&
the movement much encouragement
Thorn bapttis also to be troubles on
the southern frontier of Colombia and
Castro is sending large bodies ot Vene
zuelan troops in that direction.
A suit has been instituted against
Mr. Gompers, other officers of the
federation of labor, the united hatters'
union and the members of the local
union of hatters at Danbury, Conn.,
claiming $125,000 damages for boycot
ting that firm, which caused wholesale
lealers to refuse theit goods and re
Mll dealers not to offer them for sale.
The case is brought in the United
States court, where capitalists al
ways have a pretty sure thing. , The
Aim bringing the suit claims that its
business has been damaged to that ex
tent by the charges made against it,
both in this country and Canada. If
the court decides in favor of the firm
it will destroy organized labor, for
the only weapon they have against un
fair employers i; the boycott.
Radium still keens all scientific cir
cles in a tumult. The scientists have
drnnned the term "mystery of radium"
and have substituted "the miracle of
radium." An English scientist says:
"The discovery of what seems to be an
TncTira n i iihi h in m lcul uvvu i - . .
fantry soldiers in tropical countries, everlasting production of neat m an
wnat na aaypeueu -rl Isfft ' n, of radium compound is fo
P;np to cause mis uruei ju uc wouvv. - - .. .
nes to c-use tmo oi amarine that even now that many of
no one Knows. opportn-ity ot seeing
Three million dollars have been with our own eyes a heated thermo
ac'ded to money in circulation during meter, we hardly are able to believe
tfce last five years by tne coinage oi c. lou
me ldbi ve yeai ... t, ,gh d from the discovery of per
ceni . petual motion, which it is an axiom
The United States transport ship of science to call impossible.
.. J.-I 3 -. - 1 l Tinr VvtOr 1 Q Bt I ' "
iiiDainuiv urn veil- i" cw ... i
- xu o.. i Mn,ino ihe After much braeeine: over the cup
bodies of 300 soldiers who had given defender as a Yankee boat with a
xi.. i- . notuHsm That Yankee crew it has turned out there
. i x v. woo oirrlwas not a Yankee in the crew. The
bi ought home in one ship. Meantime captain of the Reliance .? Scotch
recruiting stations are being estab- man. The first, second and third mates
,, rmn-irniiT,r men wt-re Norwegians. Of its crew of for-
tJ go over thero and sacrifice their ty-two men; thirty-seven are unnatur-
i 1J.. MnM. j. v Anion
I niiKed and two naturalized Norwegians.
lives iu me a.iue uuuuij wiuovt i . ,
- twA iinnatiiTnU7.ftfJ Swedes, and one an
The Scotch are not relishing the po- unnaturalized Dane. There was -not a
ultion of paupers that Carnegie nas s:ngie Aiueuwu wudiu
mTnTooo-VS KiS"
tcking Americans, incl iding this city Hawkesbury in New South Wales
of Lincoln which is adorned with one Australia, for some months between
of the Carnegie libraries. A writer, in egg-laying hens. Jhe hens sent from
. t,....! tLt,i T?a-Dttanif I.oun Citv. Neb., by Mrs. A. H. Hansle
, . ... , i . A.oct arp sn far a lone wavs In the lead.
nim ann ms kiiio 111 ucxvicoi, muu- -
It calls him "a corrupter" and The contest is under the superv s on
other things of that sort He says that of the Australian gover nmen t At tha
Carnegie's gifts to the Glasgow uni- end of the first month (the contest is
-Vih. .i.iu..ii r-iaA tn t last ; for a year, ending April 1,
sVcur yaeTubeUncJ or thT unlve? 1904), Mrs. Hangers hens took the
sity" and are "a sure preparation for lead and have held it. ever since. At
i p ott,'cVi eota iho last reDort they were 21 esgs aneaa
i wmi Gtioni disdains of. all com neti tors. The. third In tne
AlJ i mn.i.n, imarinr. TfirR are also from the United States.
111-. n h fJ tha mminn- The hens of Mrs. Hansel sent were
aires with servile thanks and hold out rose combed Leghorns.
Pif-rpRnfirtlne Notts' . The decadence and superstition In
high society grows more alarming eaca
Morgan and Baer have defied the year. The Chicago newspapers an-
that. : there are ten times as
j. it. i0 v,oari manv "nalmists' in that city as there
lllt'lll ui wmtu whw;vu io "vu ... .jr. . ... ;, ... .
" the Information that it is entitled to vere a year ago and tnat all of them
under the law and now the railroads are mahing money mu t.uui aumu
vo ic,A ,t,f, Aafv Thov havp U.tinc fortunes. Books on the subject
nfupcd to bid for the transportation fiil a large space in the putlic library
. . .c o. 4T, ,rtT,D,w,cci iron. land are read bv thousands of the
Ui UUUjJO W VllO lilA 11 V- II I .v " (
tucky and have formed a pool in which youth of that city as well aa by
they agree not to put in competitive adults. God made the country and
b:ds at all and make the government the devil invented the city. In the
pay the same rate for the transporta- cities Is where superstition reigns su-
tion of troops that is granted to the pi erne,
general public This government is
getting to be a mighty weak thing in Some of the Bostdn teachers who
the hands of the republican party, were induced to go to the Philippines
"What do you suppose would happen have got back and they are talking
to the railroads under any other gov- pretty hot about the way things are
ernment that should attempt to act run over there. They have brought
that way? b&ck the circular which Sunertnten-
Affairs In the isthmus of Panama i tteir accusations by quoting from the
I tto Fall and Uinlor Fa8lite.g
v l. - -
o -
$ Skim.
Our new Fall and Winter 1903-1904
Catalog i now being printed and will be
mailed within the next few dayi to all
patrons. If yoilr name is not already on
the list send it in at once. Every staple
and every new novelty will be found
among it's many pages while if you are
in the market for a
New Jacket
Or a Fur Scarf
our price on same will be found to be 25
per cent cheaper than quoted elsewhere.
Send for a copy at once and compare our
than ever. The eastern Pennsylvania
state nenitentiarv. where counterfeit
ing was extensively carried on by tne
convicts, was investigated ana every
officer was summarily .removed. The
institution is now in cbarg- or tne
chaplain and some doubts are ex
pressed abcut him.
There is a great social democratic
congress in Dresden. It is announced
that a new program will be promul-
gs ted consisting in a "change in the
theory of socialism, which has been
made necessary by modern conditions,
especially those affecting industry and
agriculture, to which the socialist tne-
ories of the past were no longer ap
plicable." That iu .what The Indepen
dent has been saying an tne ume
about the German social democracy.
Tho Tipvt 'dav after the landing of the
transport that brought the bodies of
SEC dead soldiers from the Philippines
was a day of great sadness at the
pier where the ship lay. it , is saia
trnt the shin and the dock was cov
ered with weeping women In black
vho had come to claim tneir aeaa.
The sorrow was one of the fruits of
imperialism which is being constantly
witnessed, although suDsiaizea, imper
ial, plutocratic papers keep very quiei
alout it - .
glove." Of the platform that seems
to have been prepared longln advance,
the same paper sayst "As a literarv
production, shorn of the one live Issue
f Ti state affairs, the nlatform will no
dfubt be ably composed and read beau
tifully." The "one live issue" referred
to is whether the Massachusetts laws
preventing the issue of watered stock
shall be repealed and the state turned
into a plutocratic mill to turn out
I trusts on the same plan as New Jer
jsey. The Gastonites will not object
and that is the uind or democracy tnat
they have done in Massachusetts.
seem to be in a very precarious state
There is talk of secession there on ac
ctunt ot the rejection of the Panama
C (
circular. They say as long as a teach
er wants to draw United States pay,
that teacher must turn a blind eve to
the tragedies going on under Ameri1
i- -iis . can rule. Any blabbing to people in
Hnrhnra VI liters . tht United State, will be followed by
a . . ... n . I rl.Mtnr.Al T n far cnwia raanrinra xar Vt ri
or A History or Monetary urimes," I uiciuina. - iu im i., oumv. .i. "
by Hon. Alex. Del Mar, formerly U. J have written home how they were
f. uommissioner pi vmmer una i ArCiivai arA wirnlnf? other tearhers
Navleation: member u. s. Monetary ' . , . 1 .
Commission; author of "A History not to fall into the same trap, have
of the Precious Metals," "iTiatory of Den discharged. The teachers are not
v. . : ..... i enit mnrco fiTT man anv mnpr PTTiTiinvPH
of lifir sliver: tub uoininj? mil buj r. -
Trade; Parbarn illlerg, the King's Mistress; presg free gpeeca and a free press.
The CoinaKe Bill; Surrender of the Coin- r. r ,V Jit :Ltcf , if AtA f .
wb Prerogative by Charles II: ' Bribery; It could not exist If It did not
rrimo nf 17? Olme of lfi.H: Crime of 1870: ;
Crime of 173: Equitable Money: Crime of iwo. scandals In Quay's baliwlck have
cambriie E!WTCLbpjiA company, I always been numerous, but of late
.Box 160, Madison Square p. o., New York. J years they have been more numerous
nurtntr thp last twenty years Ameri
can girls have transferred In dowerles
something over ?200,uw,wu to me
titled husbands in isurope, tne ias.i.
9M ono.OOO of which goes to the im
pecunious Duke of Roxburge, whom
May Goelet has agreed to marry, .oium
Goelet beinj the only heir to her
fthpr's millions, she will transfer the
whole fortune to England. Engli ti
oTicrr.rafir heinsr nut on a souna
basis from the proceeds, of the toil of
American workers,- which s has been
filched from, them by tariffs ana spe
cial privileges. And the toilers con
tinue to "vote er straight"
a Tninn rkbk cram says that a ship
carrying a regiment of English sol
diers to India was lost m a storm anu
the whole regiment drowned. That Is
what will happen to some of the trans
ports carrying soldiers to our "colon-
itP" some of these aays. iney nave
to be transported 7,000 miles over the
open sea. v ; I " .
After mature consideration and. con
sultation, In person and by mail, with
hora nf hoth the senate and the
house of representatives. President
Roosevelt- hai abandoned the sugges
tion that congress be called into ex
traordinary session in urrooer. ine
extraordinary, session which he an
nounced many months ago would be
held this fall, will be called according
to present plans to meet on Monday,
November 9. . -
The mrnnrations have complete con
trol of the democratic machine In
Massachusetts. Gaston sun runs
thlnes. In commenting on some or
the latest tricks plaved s there the
Ft.ringfield Republican ; - remarK?:
''What fools these mortals bet Sub
stitute for the word mortals, Gaston
ired democrats of Massachusetts, and
you have a comment which fits like a
Admiral Dewey wants a larger navy
larger than it will be even when the
erormous reinforcements now in pro
cess of construction are complete. Flf- "
teen cruisers of 5,000 tons displacement .
are to be recommended to the L next
congress by the chief of the hureau of
navigation, and twelve of 3,000 tons
displacement It seems the Oregon,
which gave the nation so much reason
to be proud of -er in 1898, when she
rounded Cape Horn in record-breaking
time, is now "obsolete" and may soon
need to be replaced as well as supple
mented indefinitely. New invention
make old fleets obsolete. Armies of
men are taker, from productive em
ployment tv produce these Instru
ments of death, another army is re
quired to man themand so the world
is robbed of the services of its chil
dren, while the burden of. the supporC
of all their unproductive armies must,
fali on the shoulders of the remain
ing citizens. "
Senator Clay of Georgia . has also
gone over to the republicans, for he is
advocating the nomination of a man
for president who favors everything
a man who is a high protectionist,
gold standard, railroad man. This is
what ' Senator Clay says: "Wc nave
! talked the subject over among our
selves, and we have about conciuaea
that Senator Gorman is not only , the
strongest man in the party we can
nominate, but we believe there is an
excellent opportunity of electing him.'
4 ."-.-"' in - - t -
A detachment of cavalry rode up to
the residence of the county commis
sioner of Teller county, Colorado, sur
rounded the house and a sargeant weut
to the door and knocked. The weathsr
vas very cold and it was snowing. The
commissioner was sitting by the tire
holding his baby, his wife having
gone to a neighboring store. When the
knock was heard the commissioner
went to the door with the baby in his
aims. He was made to mount a horse
and the cavalry rode away with their
prisoner. He was informed that he
was arrested because he had denounced
tho militia for breaking up a
meeting of the citizens. The commls-
sirrer claimed that free speech ana
the "right of the people to peacefully
assemble" was guaranteed ty the con
solution. He was informed that the
constitution did not follow the flag of
the militia, and that if he made an
other remark against any action of the
militia he would be permanently con
fired In the guard house. What great
; n J 1 1 1 v win tail aiiruuuii vuia unuir
pllng of the constitution under; foot
by a military satrap? But you find it
in. The Independent.