The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, July 30, 1903, Page 15, Image 15

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    JULY 30, 1903
For Everybody.
? at
Land Values Increasing.
The west is rapidly increasing in population and
everything indicates that the tide of immigration is
only commencing. Foreign immigration to the
United Statea this year will far exceed that of any
like period in the history of the nation. The east ia
already over-populated. The next five years will add
more to the population of the west than the past
twenty-five yean. The eyes of the nation are look
ing westward, and the center of population of the
union is drifting toward the setting sun.
The unprecedented activity of the great railroad
corporations- of the country in the construction of
new roads in every part of Nebraska and the west,
at a cost of hundreds of millions, is ample proof of
its rich and inexhaustible resources. The American
railway magnates are the shrewdest financiers in the
world, and when they invade a country with their
bands of steel it is safe for land buyers and business
men to follow them. The better parts of Nebraska
&re today a network of railroads.
Agricultural land in the east has reached its
limit of valuation for agricultural purposes; it will
no longer pay a reasonable interest on the money in
vested; hence little if any profit will be realized from
investments in land in the east. Rich agricultural
land can be bought in Nebraska now for one-third of
what it will be worth in hve years; so that, aside
from the profits realized from the crops raised on
Nebraska farms, substantial returns will be received
from the increase in the value of the land.
A Partial List.
The following described property only represents
a small part of the lands we have for sale. In mak
ing these selections we have endeavored to make
them as representative as possible of the land in the
various counties.
We have resident representatives in each county
in the state: these men are thoroughly familiar with
their respective counties have been over every foot
of the land and will give prospective buyers abso
lutely reliable information.
Twenty Years Experience.
Twenty years experience dealing in Nebraska
real estate enables us to give more valuable informa
tion as to character and value of land in the various
parts of the state than anyone with less experience.
We cheerfully give the benefit of this experience to
all customers.
Fillmore County.
This county is located in southeast Nebraska, 80 milerf west
of the Missouri river and about fifty miles southwest of Lin
coln. It is convenient to the Omaha stock markets, and en
joys a grain rate to Chicago on a parity with western Iowa.
The soil is a rich black loam, gently undulating surface, clay
subsoil, and no soil known will stand more moisture or drouth.
There is less land unsuitable for cultivation in Fillinore county
than in any other county in the state. .
No. TOO. 100 acres close to town; 110 acres under cultiva
tion, 20 acres in pasture. House, barn, granary and corn crib.
Close to school. Price 80,200.
Best watered, best improved and most productive county
in the west. Come and see it.
No. 761. 200 acres 6 miles from good town on two rail
roads; close to school; 176 acres under cultivation; small grove
and orchard; good 6-room house, barn 82x40, new; granary,
double corn crib, etc. This is an attractive farm. Price $8,500.
No. 702. 100 acre8, 120 in cultivation; good soil; 6-room
house, barn, granary, cribs, etc. 4 miles from Geneva, half
mile to scnooi. rrice sw per acre.
No. 763. 100 acres finely improved; house, barn, granarv,
cribs, hog house, chicken house, well, wind, mill, etc. 3 miles
to good town, near school. This farm is cheap at 57,500.
No. 704. 80 acre farm, 3 miles to town, one mile to school,
rich black soil; 5-room house, barn, granary, etc. A good farm.
Price 83,750.
No. 765. 80 acres near town, 65 acres fine hay and pasture,
3 acres alfalfa; 10 acres cultivated; all fenced. No buildings.
$2,400. ' '
No. 766. 80 acres 2 miles from town, all under cultivation,
small house nearly new, barn and granary. Price $3,000.
No. 767. 100 acres, 1 mile from town, no buildings, 15 acres
pasture, balance cultivated. Good investment. Price $40 per
No. 768. 80 acres, 2 miles from town, all cultivated, small
house and barn. Price 53,500.
No. 769. 320 acres, gently rolling prairie land; 270 acres cul
tivated, good buildings; 3 miles to town. This is a very choice
farm. Price $42.50 per acre. $5,600 cash and balance on time.
No. 771. 240 acres mostly in cultivation; orchard and small
grove; house, barn, granary, etc. Extra good improvements
and a splendid farm. Price 810,100.
No. 776. 325 acres 6 miles from Geneva; one of the best
farms in the county; 210 acres nnder cultivation; 12 acres of
alfalfa; Large fine buildings. Price $50 per acre.
No. 780. 320 aens 6 miles from Geneva; 225. acres culti
vated, two sets of improvements. Will make two good farms.
Price $15,100.
No. 508. 200 acre farm, well Improved, 3 miles from town,
close to school. Price $10 per acre.
No. 500. 480 acres in high slate of cultivation; 30 acres in
alfalfa; two sets of improvements; grove and nice bearing or
chard; 4J miles from town and half mile lrom school. Price
$45 per acre.
No. 510. 490 acres, 100 in meadow and pasture, balance
cultivated. Good improvements, 5 miles from towu. Price
$37.50 per acre.
No. 599. 100 acres, 1 10 cultivated, 4 miles from Geneva; well
and wind mill; clear of incumbrance. Price $6,500. Easy payments.
No. 643. 280 acre farm joining the town of Shlcklev. Fairly
good buildings. Will divide if desired. Kwecdish settlement.
Price $46 per acre.
No. 782. 100 acres, 3 miles from Strang, 7-room house, barn
for 10 horses, hog house etc.; some alfalfa, fine ash grove, fruit,
fenced, 100 acres cultivated; rural mail delivery: telephone in
the house. Price $15 per acre. Mortgaged for $2,500 to run for
4 years at 5 per cent.
No. 889. 80 acres 4 miles from Geneva, all under cultiva
tion and all fenced. Fruit, good improvements, rural mail de
livery. Price $3,500.
No. 892. 160 acres, 4 miles from Geneva; all nnder plow,
tame grass and alfalfa. A large barn, granaries, cribs, well and
wind mill, all fenced. Price 17,000.
VA miles
No. R97. 100 acres, 100 nnder cultivation:
town, fair buildings, small orchard. Price $5,200,
o. 909. 160 acres joining the town of Fairmont, fine large
uuuuiugs, a. moBi aesirame iarm ana home, Price 59,0.
No. 911. 160 acres, no building but all under plow and all
No. 916. A fine creek farm, 160 acres, 1 miles from Geneva,
uuiutir ana running waier; nne Dottom land with good bulla
Ings. This is an extra fine place for stock. Price $8,800.
-o. 109S. 320 acres, all line land: 290 acres under cultiva
tion; o-room house, barn lor lfi head of horses, double granarv,
etc. 1 mile from market, 1 mile to school, well and wind mill.
small orchard; good grove. Price $10,000. $8,000 cahh and bal
ance io suit at ft per cent. or corn crop goes to purchaser.
Saunders County.
This is probably the leading agricultural and stock raising
county in uie wnoie state. All kinds ot grain and grasses grow
abundantly. Timber, orchards and splendid water. Thrifty
umii.i, very ucsi scnoois ami a aesiraoie ana prosperous class
of citizens. Can't miss it if you located in Saunders county.
No. 671. 320 acres, 1 miles from Valparaiso, and 4 miles
nwiii vv, igm. a ii acres cumvaieu; icneea; nouse, Darn ana
flowing well; buildings in good repair; near school; some tim-
oer; on wesi uau erect Dottom. l'rice $46 pei acre,
o. 536. 80 acres, all cultivated but 12 acres: all fenced;
ucunng orenara; spienam ounaings; 4 miles to town or Agnew
A bargain at $45 per acre.
No. 515. 80 acres, splendid buildings, nearly all under cul
tivation; good neighborhood; close to school. Price $45 per
No. 508. 80 acre farm, half tame grass and half wild grass;
no buildings: 3 mile3 from Valparaiso. Price $35 per acre.
No. 5C5. 160 acre farm 4 miles from Valparaiso; first-class
house and other outbuildings; good orchard. This is a beauti
ful home. Price $45 per acre.
No. 506. A snlendid Quarter section farm! hitrhlv Irnnrovpi.
It is cheap at $50 per acre,
No. 1070. 80 acre farm 2 milps from Valparaiso! hnnsp
barn and all necessary buildings; $40 per acre. Will trade this
with fine residence for larger farm.
No. 1071. 4'X) acre farm, or can be divided into 240 and 1fi0:
good improvements. Price all together $-15 per acre.
No: 1072. 100 acre farm, small house, trood barn. 75 acres
under plow, all fenced, good water. 3 miles from Valparaiso
and very cheap at $35 per acre.
No. 1073. 80 acre furm: all bottom but about 4 Aerps: pood
house and barn; orchard; all under cultivation; 1 miles from
Valparaiso. Price $4,500.
No. 1074. KJOacre farm; honse, barn, orchard, well and
wind mill, 110 acres nnder plow, all fenced, S4 miles from Val
paraiso. Price $42.50 per acre.
No. 1075. 80 acres; good house and barn; nearly all under
plow; good neighborhood. Price $10 per acre.
1076. 80 acre fruit farm, house, barn, well, 40 acres in fruit
sold over 3000 bushels of frnit last year. Mile and quarter
from Valparaiso. Price $5,000.
Harlan County.
This we believe to be the banner alfalfa county of Nebras
ka. On every foot of land in cultivation in Harlan county, the
crop this year will sell for as much as is asked for the land. Lo
cated in the great Republican valley, and some three hundred
farms have changed hands in the past eighteen months. Land
values have increased 2) per cent in the same period and any
one who wishes to buy land there at prevailing prices must act
at once.
No. 617. 160 acres on Republican river south of Republican
City; all level, all bottom land, 7 feet to water; 26 acres in al
falfa, ail fenced, good house, barn and other necessary farm
buildings. Price $40 per acre.
There is not a foot of waste land in this county; the soil is
rich and productive.
No. 027. 880-acre stock farm, new 15-room house and other
good buildings; 400 acres under cultivation; 400 acres in pas
ture; -to acres In alfalfa; half mile of running water; 200 acres
of alfalfa land; fenced and cross fenced. Price $20 per acre.
Bearing orchard.
No. 628. 260 acres 6 miles from Huntley; price $2,000.
No. 629. 10) acres 9 miles from town; 40 acres in pasture;
55 arces cultivated; price $1,500.
No. 618, 320 acres, new frame house, barn and other build
ings; 200 acres cultivated; 8 miles from town; price $7,200.
No.' 661. 320 acres 1C0 under cultivation, 7-room house,
good barn with large hay mow; V miles from town; price $15
per acre.
No. 678. 175 acres: 125 cultivated. 15 in bcarintr orchard.
good frame house, pasture fenced, all level land except 10 acres;
a choice farm: price $1,000. , I
No. t.79. 100 acres, 70 in cultivation. ulentv of hav: 1C miles
from town; price $1,800.
No. 68'"). 240 acres 2 miles from Huntlev: 80 acres eiiltivfif erT
100 acres level, balance rolling; fairly good buildings; a good
dairy farm; price $4,5 X).
No. 681. 10'Vacre farm 3 miles from town: llOneres nnlti-
vated,2 acres in alfalfa, 00 acres bottom land suitable for al-
iana, plenty oi timber tor tuel: price $4,000.
No 705 400-acre stock farm: new 8-room house nvwl r.ther
buildings; 140 acres cultivated, 8 acres in alfalfa, 10 acres ash
timber; near school; 220 acres pasture; owner's wife sick and
must seek different climate; price $14 per acre.
No 706 16:1 acres, 75 pasture and balance cultivated; run
ning water; plenty of timber for fuel; 2 miles from town; price,
$3,600. This is a snap; good bottom land and plenty of alfalfa
No 707320 acres, 300 as level as a floor, 80 in pasture; small
frame house, barn, cribs, etc.;some alfalfa; i mile to school;
this is a choice farm; price, $23 per acre.
No 7i.9 1560 acres in this stock farm; 1400 acres deeded land
and 150 ceres school land leased; X) acres of fine timber which
is a continuous source of revenue; acres including the tim
ber is in pasture, balance under cultivation; 2UU acres bottom
and suitable for alfalfa; 80 acres in alfalfa now; bearing or
chard; good frame house and other out buildings; y miles
from town; easy terms, price $18 per acre for the deeded land
andwill assign the leBse to the school land.
No 743 680 acres 1 miles from good town: exceptionally
fine improved farm; 200 acres cultivated. Sickness in the fam
ily cause for selling. Price, $23 per acre.
Red Willow County.
Here are to be fonnd some of the most tempting invest
ments offered in the west. The crop on any piece of land in
this county will sell lor morcthan is asked for the land. Prices
are rn pidly advancing, and the amount of land changing hands
is surprising. Many farmers from the eastern states have
within the past few weeks bought large bodies of land in this
county; the snaps are being gobbled up. The outlook is bright
for a beet sugar factory at the county scat, as the sugar beet in
dustry is developing rapidly. Last year only a few acres were
put out as an experiment and this year there is a large serfage
in sugar beets and the yield is much better than was hoped for.
No 711 37Ji acres joining the town of McCook; 10-acre or
chard 14 years old: 9 acres in alfalfa: acres in nnst
house, barn, and other buildings; 2 wells and overshot irriga
tion ditch; one mile to the postoffice; price, $3,700.
You can plow every month in the year.
No 742360 acres; 110 acres nnder Plow, balance in rinstnre-
16 ) acres level, balance rolling; sod house with shingle roof
frame stable, granury, cribs, etc.; all fenced; 7 miles to McCook;
price, 2,200. j
Wheat averages 20 to 40 bushels per acre.
AO i l l 100 acres. 10 miles from McCook and sir mtlo. frnm
railroad town: 125 acres under cultivation, sod house, frame
granary, well and windmill; price, $2,200.
Von will be welcomed by all. A more hospitable people
never lived.
No 715160 acres i miles from McCook; TOacres cultivated
60 acres first bottom and 83 acres second bottom; all fenced
splendid alfalfa and sugar beet land; price, $2,250. '
We have more sunshine, pure air, good water and happy
people than in any other state in the union.
No 716 221 acres, all bottom, 100 acres under cultivation
fenced, frame house and other buildings: 15 acres of hay. one
mile from railroad station, 7 miles from McCook: price $li per
You can make more money raising alfalfa and small grain
tuuu 3 uu iau uiuKU iiirnuntr in rn rout nn hio-h iji;ed JUtic!.
m,Nou717";!rftPCf'-S0 cultivated, 143 tillable' 15 rough;'
miles from McCook; price, $1,700. ,
our lands are increasing in value every year. Tempting
io HM,iucrc8 4 miles from Indianola, 200 acres culti-
v TV; uaia"ce pasture; irame house and all necessary farm
"u"v,",e"- ""c iarw. anu niceiy locatea: price. $1,000, ,
Purchasing land ir, this country Is like buying young stock:
feivna iiiiu imuiry uuy anu nignt.
io 49?o acres, 200 cultivated, all fenced; 2K miles of
timber along the creek. Good house and barn and other build
ings. liiKu acres i ceded land and 640 acres school land leased,
l'Lin nf 1 . ... I 1 i v i . . .,.. .
. ... o vi uC w miie rancn, snyw. i.ow interest ana easy pay-
imtn in m'I , I. ... ..... ....... e l. i 2 . ... - '
uiuia mm fay uit-llt Ul Ilttll CHSI1.
Sell your high priced land and come out here and make an
mvcMiueni mai win make you money every day in the year.
No. 50. 326 acres nearly all smooth, 220 acres cultivated,
all fenced, 7-room irame house, barn, etc. 100 acres in pasture.
4 umin iium .ucv-UUif, 4 Tice J.UUU.
iv ny rent land; be Independent; labor for yourself. Once
nere you wui never leave. Our farmers are making money.
-o. ibi. kh) acres all level, 100 acres cultivated, balance
pasture, trame nouse, stable, etc. 9 miles to McCook. Priee
Our lands arc so situated that we can locate several parties
uigcincr n aesirea. see your neighbors and ask them to Join
yon in buying one of these large tracts. It is cheaper in large
No. 752. 1.000 acres, all bottom, all fenepd nd crow fonoil
200 acres cultivated, 130 acres in alfalfa, which makes 4 to 6 tons
lcr acre eacn year; a groves that turnish abundance of shade.
shelter and ience posts. Frame house, barn, cattle shed, hog
pens, chicken house, grannries, corralls. This land lays on the
jktuum.-ttii river, sreaicsi oepm to sneet water ai leet. fsearfy
every loot ot this land will raise alfalfa and sugar beets. Price
jj.iju per acre, with reasonable cash payment will try to
muKe terms to suit purchaser.
No. 753. 160 acres all level, nil tenet 1m o,.rt
Frame house 30x40, 7 rooms, brick foundation, and other build
ings, nan iii44e io scnooi. rrice $.i,iuo.
JSC 7;4. 160 acres, 93 in cultivation, 155 tillable. Frame
nouse, oia; well and pump. 0 miles from McCook. Price $1,400.
ao. 755. 160 acres, 100 acres eulivated, 130 tillable, small
nouse, wen and wind mill. 9 miles from McCook. Price $1,000.
io. 756. 320 acres, all fenced, 230 acres in cultivation, 90
uuren pnvure, rougn. i gooa soa nouses, irame harn for 8
horses, granaries, cribs, 5-acre hog pasture; five miles to Dan-
nury, church and school across the road from house. Prim s?. -
No. 767. 400 acres. 175 nnder cultivation npnrlv All Hllo.
uie, uu leiiceu, m acres cotionwooa errove. sma 1 henrtni? or
cmira, 4j acres aitaita, frame house and barn, 2 wells and wind
mills, granaries, cribs, etc. 8 miles from town. This farm is
In the famous Heaver Valley.
No. 1029. 480 acres. 301) under cultivation, frnmn honsp.
Well and Wind mill. Stream crosses one fnrrnr nf mmtnro Tho
The crop on the farm will bring as much as we ask for it; good
nuiHiiiuMioou. nyii mnes io town, rrice Jtu.000.
NO. 1(1.10. OfI Aprou nno mflo frnm lnn K mllna fW.m
Cook; nearly all tillable; 400 acres under cultivation: 640 acres
fenced; 240 acres alfalfa land. 320 acres of this is school land
leased. 'A) VPnra In run at a rmitul nfdi no .ram. r.s.nm V
stable and other buildings. Would make two or more splendid
farms. Price $8,7(50.
No. 1031. 32J acres all alfalfa land, nil IavpI Invs nnfnthn
depot, 120 acres under cultivation: some hay land. Btone house,
tnua, gmuary, etc. z wens anu wina muis; price $8,000.
No. 1032. 480 acres. 2-16 in cnltivntion hnl
frame house, granary, cribs, stable, etc. 4 acres alfalfa; some
trees and orchard. 6 miles to town. Price 88 ncr acre.
A o. 1033. 640 acres, 6 miles to town, 800 acres smooth bal
ance rough. Some improvements; 160 acres cultivated. A
splendid stock farm. Price $5 per acre.
No. 1034. 160 acres, 150 under cultivation, all fenced and
all smooth but 30 acres; sod house, other improvements good;
10 miles to town. Price lm).
No. 1035. 100 acres all smooth and level, 143 under cultiva
tion, balance pasture; some timber; good improvements; 9 miles
from McCook. Price $12 per acre.
No. 1036. 210acres, all alfalfa land, 200 acres under culti
vation, 10 acres timber; some fruit trees; good house and barn
and ot her buildings. 10 acres in alfalfa in hog pasture and 50
acres in alfalfa for hay. 2 miles from Hartley. Price $13 per
No. 1037. 160 acres all fenced, 130 acres under cultivation,
6-room house, good, all other necessary farm buildings. Joins
the town of Indianola. Price $ 3,200 . ; .
Buffalo County.
Is located about the center of Nebraska: well watered, rich
productive soil. The Platte river runs through the county on
one side and Wood river on the other side, aU'ording splendid
drainage, and along these streams arc wide, fertile valley lands
that cannot be beat for productive soil. .
No. 793. 100 acre furm, 2 miles from Kearney. All alfalfa
land; improvements worth $2,0 0. 135 acres cultivated; orchard.
Price $50 per acre. $500) cash and time on the balance.
No. 794. 720 acre stock farm, 6 miles from Miller; 200 acres
cultivated; all under fence; 0(1 acres in alfalfa; Improvements
worth $3000. An ideal stock farm. Price $20 per acre, one
third cash and time on balance.
No. 795. 1C0 acres, 6 miles from Pleasan ton. Price $2,000.
No. 796. 160 acres, 3 miles from Gibbon, all in the valley,
100 acres cultivated; good buildings. Price $30 per acre.
No. 797. SS0 acres valley land, well Improved, VA miles
from Elm Creek; 3iX) acres cultivated. Price $37.50 per acre.
No. 801. 160 acres, 8 miles from Kearney, 6 miles from rail
road station; 110 acres cultivated; 6-room house, barn for 12
horses, milk house, etc., orchard. Price $1,500.
No. 802. 80 acres valley land: lA miles from Odessa: 10
acres in alfalfa, no buildings. Price $20 per acre.
No 1004120 acres of alfalfa land, 4 miles from Chapman,
Merrick county; all level second bottom land; 25 acres under
cultivation, balance good hay land. Leased for A of crop and
hay delivered In town . Price $-10 per acre. $800 Incumbrance
due in five years at 6 per cent. Will trade thisfor good income
320 acres in Lancaster county, 2 miles from Ravmond; 100
bottom land and balance upland, rolling. 200 acres under
cultivation all tillable. 5-room house, barn, well, granary,
all good. Price $15 per acre. Half cash.
No 1009320 acres in Sherman county: 200 acres in pasture;
24 acres In alfalfa and 40 acres in line orchard: 50 acres in corn.
Orchard fenced rabbit tight; 2 story frame house and other
necessary out buildings, l'rice $8,.500.
No 10541200 acres 6 miles from Orchard, Antelope connty.
soil black loam, 300 acres cultivated; fine large buildings.
No 1051 Four ouarter sections lx miles from Orchard; 150
ucres cultivated: black loam; no improvements; nice trees; pro
duces good crops and luxuriant grass. Price $8000.
No 7.8 :r20acre farm, 20!) acres under cultivation, fenced;
new 6-room house, new barn and ail improvements good; rents
for two-filths delivered: price 150 oer acre. This Is school land
bought from the state and there Is still due the state $2000 that'
runs ior years ai 7 per cent; no taxes to be paid on the land
till this is all paid and deed given.
Exchange List
We have several fine ranch properties to trade for farm
land or city property: farms to trade for city property; stocks'
of merchandise to trade for farm land; unimproved cheap
western lands to trade for improved farms; in fact we can sat
isfy a man with almost any kind of a trade he may desire. If
you have anything to trade, write us fully and we can un
doubtedly submit some proposition that will meet your re
quirements. -
1328 O Street Lincoln, Nebraska