The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, July 30, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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    JULY 30, 1903,
1 1
1 -V
G. A. Crancer Co, Special Offer
VI A : A"'- ATl..i Tir-1
uuuuic tcuccicu coc, xxi vu&) 1 1 aiaut in jjxauujau .
Ivory keys and good action. Fully warranted.
We Lave purchased 100 of these splendid instruments, which we intend to sell on the "quick sales and small profit" method, and
should any of these pianos prove not perfectly satisfactory in a year's time, we agree to take in exchange at full price on any piano
from our regular line, which comprises the very finest manufactured.
Henry F. Miller,
KrellFrench, Kroeger,
Sterling, Warner,
Wellington, And Others.
We are the largest and oldest music firm in Lincoln and do a large wholesale business over the state, and we are in a position to
sell you a piano or organ at lowest possible prices in fact, we guarantee this. Call and see us or write for catalogue. Easy pay
ments given if desired. We also issue the following catalogues:
Buy where you can buy best and from a firm that will guarantee all goods and prices or refund, you your money.
A m A T T "V rr mr
A weekly Resume or the tieaily vital News by the Edl tor w
(Held over from last week.)
The Russian government is push
ing the prosecution against the per
sons engaged in the murder of Jews
and the destruction of their property
at Kishineff. Reliable information has
teen furnished the state department at
Washington to the effect that so far
over 800 arrests have been made, 352
have been held to answer and remand
ed to jail, among whom 53 are charged
with murder. Meantime many people
are murdered here in the United States
by mobs and no one is arrested or
prosecuted. A petition was in circu
lation in Loudon protesting against
mob law in the United States which
received many signatures. The Rus
sian ambassador in London was re
quested to forward it to the czar and
ask him to present it to the United
States government, but the Russian
minister would have nothing to do
with it.
sona ingrata" with the social demo
crats. .
While Carnegie is the actual owner
cf the United States steel trust hav
ing a first mortgage on its real prop
erty, he may not be so perfectly safe
as he thought he was when he made
the deal. The bonds of the steel trust
which are secured by this first mort
gage went down to 79 the othfr day
and they have been on the decline for
a good while. When the collapse
comes, Carnegie may be. able to die a
poor man without building any more
libraries. ,
state, laid down the doctrine that it
was not the policy of this govern
ment to make suggestions as to the In
ternal affairs of foreign governments
John Hay could learn several things
of great value from Mr. Blaine.
Mark Hanna may "stand pat," but
the stock market don't United
States steel stock continues to make
new low records as the weeks pass
by, while the smaller trusts, one by
one, pass over the great divide in
constantly increasing numbers.
Exports to the Philippines are fall
Ing off at a rapid rate. It appears
that the theory that "trade follows
the flag," was entirely fallacious. His
tory tells us that markets captured
by force have always proved unprof
itable. That is what The Independent
told the crazy loons who were shout
ing for the subjugation of the Pa
cific islands at the time the perfidy
was committed.
The increase In the vote of the so
cial democrats of Germany has made
that party the second largest party In
the empire. That gives to them the
rice president of the reichstag. Some
of the more radical among them are
opposed to accepting the office because
the vice president Is "received" by
the emperor. The emperor is "per-
Cablegrams from Europe all say
that the investing public over there
have lost all confidence in the Morgan
trust stocks and the consequent liqui
dation has been immense. That is
one thing that has kept the decline
going on in Wall street.
When the teachers met in Boston,
several of thg millionaires opened
their palaces to them, among them
Mrs. Jack Gardner, the Williams, the
Bowditches, and others. The first in
vitation was geLerally accepted. The
teachers had not been moving around
among the adornments very long un
til they became conscious that they
were being watched by detectives In
plain clothes, and they did not stay
long. After that but few invitations
were accepted and for the most party
they took themselves to the beaches
where many a western school ma'am
took her first salt water bath.
There can be no doubt that the re
cent lynchings In the United States
and the tortures inflicted has hcrrifled
all Europe. With that state of af
fairs in view, it seems to The Inde
pendent and a great many other pa
pers in the United States that the
president and department of state
have made a very grave mistako In
promising to send a protest to the
czar concerning the Kishineff mas
sacre. Mr. Blaine, when secretary of
Indiana's . reputation rests for the
present on Senator Beveridge, blocks
of five and Evansville riots. All these
things are republican productions and
Indiana proposes to "stand pat."
The want of statesmanship, not to
call it a harsher name, shown by Mark
Hanna and Frye in their attempt to
pass a ship subsidy bill is shown by
the fact that 3,192 ships have been
built in the United States during the
last two years. The claim they made
and which was defended by every
corporation daily in the country was
that ships could not be built and op
erated by this country without a sub
sidy. Men who will plan and urge In
congress such schemes simply for the
toodle thst there is In them, are cer
tainly unfit to be trusted with the
management of the great affairs of
this nation.
General Miles is to be retired In a
few weeks for old age, but last week
he rode horseback 90 miles in nine
hours and then after a wash and a
meal, which occupied just 40 minutes,
he proceeded to review the troops at
Fort Reno. During the ride he changed
horses every ten miles. The next
morning, after inspecting the fort,
General Miles rode to El Reno and
took a train for Fort Riley.
ish nation more than $1,000,000,000,
and brought sorrow and distress to
hundreds of thousands of homes, has
left South Africa almost a howling
wilderness. Commerce and trade ha3
been ruined and the only nope of its
resurrection, the same imperialists
now say, is in forced labor or the Im
portation of Chinese coolies. Not half
of the mines are being worked and
gloom and despair covers that whole
land with a cloud of blackest hue.
The imperialism of Dr. Lyman At and The Outlook grows more in
famous as time passes by. Last week
the following statement In regard to
government by force and the benefic
ence of armies was made: "It (an
army) enters South Africa and when
Hr work was ended the Boer repub
'ic. with its oligarchic government,
it cast social order, its denial of re
ligious liberty, is left a chaos of con
fused debris." "The house-wrecker
had to precede the house-builder."
Imperialism undermines and destroys
every noble sentiment, and being
wicked within Itself, it leads to false
hood and lying of which the above is
an example. The wreck of the Knror
government, which has cost the Brit-
Another New Jersey corporation
was organized the other day which
will issue $1,600,000 of stock for the
purpose of cultivating sugar beets in
Nebraska, Colorado and the rest of ,
the United States. No doubt that
much of that stock will be sold to
poor, ignorant creatures who have
paved a little money by weary toil.'
In providing a government for the
Moros, the Taft commission gave it
authority to abolish slavery. This is
the official announcement that slavery
still exists "under the jurisdiction of
the United States," by the authority
of the republican party, which claims
to be of the party of Lincoln and of
John Brown. If one tells one of the
Ignorant masses who make up the vast
majority of the republican party that
it protects the slave market and that
men, women and children are bought
and sold under the starry flag by the
machinations of the republican party
leaders, he grows furious. But the
poor creature does not know any bet
ter. How could he, so long as he
reads nothing but republican papers?
Rev. Dwight mills, who occupies v
Henry Ward Beccher's old pulpit and
whose utterances heretofore have ail
been In the interest of plutocracy,
seems to have made a discovery and
begins to fear that the worship of
Mammon is not all good. He now
says that a man will go to the devil on
550,000 a year, and adds: "A great
many men I know are going to the
aevil on that sum." If Rev. Hiliis had
teen a reader of The Independent he.
would have found all that out a long
time ago.
From private correspondence aa
well as from the tono of the dispatches
The Independent learns that Sccro
tary Hay and the president spent