I 1 , .... v THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT JULY 9, 1903. in . - MMW 's f j f i f f- ii i Lk J s i vfc I i if!! POPULIST PRINCIPLES APPLIED Socialist Principle IlHtinfiraUhed-Kadl-Ml Dlffrnc PolnUd Oqt Major Hy Kale th V1U1 Iia - , ' Editor Independent: In my letter oMast week, I outlined the develop ments in the majority rule program, showing how the people's party in state and nation, even though its membership is nominal only, can se cure constitutional amendments from the legislatures elected this year, and next year can insure. the installation of majority rule in national affairs. Furthermore, the people's party platform conforms to the principles of progress, while the socialist platform is out of line. It follows that there is urgent need for the continued exist ence of the people's party, either un der its present name or a term that will be more satisfactory to the lib eral hosts that will be looking for a home should the next democratic na tional convention be controlled by the reactionists. t The fundamental difference between the people's party platform and the socialist platform is that the one is the natural evolution of free institu tnno while the other is a product of a people who have never lived under free institutions, permit me 10 The "English and American people have inherited and live under tree institutions. The people are the Bmirrp of political power. In Germany the opposite system pre vails "fiprman science declares au- ihm-itntivelv for the prince, whose will it considers the' highest in the state, which latter is itseit sover eign." It is patent that in Germany v.o ronnio arp not the source of power. liav. l- ," ir - Germany has not reached the stage of free institutions. The few rule the many in all things. Practically ev erything Is determined by officials rulers are divine appointed or elected. Necessarily the future of society as viewed by German students and American scholars is vastly different. ' The American sees the people of to day in power theoretically, and he observes a tendency to an effective majority rule, and experience shows that under majority rule certain kinds of legislation prevail, namely, a ten dency! to abolish the legal advantages of the few and in other ways the ' eak and helpless are protected, . yet i nor to an extent that interferes with social efficiency. There is religious lib erty also, free 'speech and voluntary association. These are the resrlts of the sovereignty of the people the products of free institutions, But as yet these principles are absent in the German state. This fundamental difference and its effect on German thought is pointed out by the political scientists of Eng land, Switzerland and America. Prof. Borgeaud of Switzerland in a prize thesis awarded by the law faculty of . l:aris in 1893, "Adoption and Amend ment of Constitution in Europe and America," says in the concluding chap ter of the history of the American constitutional system: "The sovereign people itself estab lishes its constitution. . . . Except in case of urgent necessity, justified by cne of those revolutionary crises in : which force necessarily has precedence over law, no convention in America would dare arrogate to itself the sov ereignty of the people, the exercise of .which belongs to the electors, and to ' them alone." This view, Prof. Borgeaud points . out ,1s disputed by Prof, von Hoist, "whose remarkable works on the United States have brought him fame on both sides of the Atlantic." The German professor's criticism is di rected at Judse Jameson's work on Constitutional Conventions, and the judge's reply is that the von Hoist ihoorv would make the constitutional mnvention the master and the people 5ts slaves. This is quoted by tho Swiss professor and he follows Jt with TnmeRon's comment: "That he (Prof. von. HolsU failed in some respects properly to appreciate those (American) institutions ought not to he deemed remarkable, when it is remembered that, before him, De Tocaueville also failed. That my critic must have failed, that his brie sojourn among us could net have fitted him to dogmatize in regard to the practical operation or tne consti ri-tionni convention a perfectly un ique institution seems to be certain, if the Judgment pronounced by . one rf the most, learned English Historians Mr. E. A. Freeman, is to be taken as eoimfl. In a recent work that writer says: 'A Swiss or a Norwegian may hidtre of the workings of free lnstitu tions, because he, like the Englishman has dailv exDerience in his own land Ttnt these thlners are mysterious to German professors, because they are mysterious to German statesmen also. The German scholar simply reads in a. book of thines which we are always wiring o nnH anting in. He there-1 W B " " ' ' - - "- -' fore utterly fails to understand many things at Athens or Rome or anywhere else, which come to us like our A, B. C After referring to Ranke and Cur tius, as illustrating thi3 general de lect, he closes a high eulogium upon Mommsen with this statement of the points in which he fa3 as a histor ian: 'What is lacking in him (Momm sen) is political and moral insight which is born with a man, the political insight which is gained only by living in communities of freemen.' (Free man's Methods of Historical Study, pp. , 89-291.) Where Curtius and-ltanKe rert.lv the simple and ordinary machin ery of free communities, it. can hardly be deemed remarkable, as we have said, that von Hoist should have mis apprehended the novel and peculiar in stitution presented him for study among us." (Jameson on Conven tions, p. 658.) - This is the American, English, and Swiss view of the criticism of the Germans when they venture an opin ion concerning free institutions or their product. If so strong a case is Made out against the German histor ians, how much stronger must the criticism be of German thought which attempts to deal in futures forecast the political and social institutions? The German socialist's forecast is ut terly vitiated by his surroundings The tendency of the universe is away from the German political system and toward the ' sovereignty of the people, and as the ideal commonwealth will be controlled by the sovereign people it follows that the present-dav Ger man concept of the ideal state is al most sure to be erroneous. For ex- r.mple, the German concept usually ex cludes voluntary association, voiun tary association is the bed-rock of our lihorHea Tt follows that, the Ger man idea of industrial organization1 is erroneous. Self-government will pre vail, which always results in liberty liberty to work where one may choose arid live where one may choose, and in such manner as one may choose provided he does not. infringe the rules laid down by society for the voTv",t.irn of oenowi welfare. This and other principles of liberty, which result from the sovereignty of the neoDle. are the basis of the &ng lish and American system of society, but are unknown in Germany, Russia, f:hlna and manv other countries. It is impossible, therefore, that the Ger man socialists can have forecasted the state of society which the American and English people are to develop. Scannine the views of American so cialists we find one faction fighting against the adoption of majority rule the referendum and initiative. Mr A. M. Simons, editor of the Interna tional Socialist Review, is of this school. Another portion of the so cialist partv base their philosophy on the sovereienty of the people. Mr. Wilshire is of this school. Mr. Wil shire has worked and is working for he real sovereignty of the people, whereas Mr. Simons and his co-worK ers are laboring for the sovereignty of the socialist party the rule of the fw. The highest conception whicn Simons and his comrades have is par ty government, whereas the American school of thought stands ior enngni ened maioritv rule, which, when it is established, will as unerringly root out egal privilege as gravitation brings riown the apple. This leads to another fundamental ciistinction. Americans aim to abolish legal privilege (private monopoly), and this has been the demand in fcng land and America for the past three hundred vears. The German socialists rim to abolish private capital, having no arlenuate conception of free tnsti tution and .the great corollary, "equal rights to all, special privileges to none." The . American remedy is to ebolish private monopoly. Private monopoly is the crying evil of the day nnri is tendine: to produce a serious (Vnression. vet the aim of the sociaiis.. nartv is the immediate public owner ship of not only the monopolies, nut or all the means of production and dis tribution. The reason assigned is that competition has been and is the cause of industrial depression, and therefore to remove these depressions it is nec cssary to terminate competition be tween organizations within each in dustry. This is refuted by the history of the "auantitv theory," also by the fact that today the evil is private mo- r.onolv. while the "surplus value" the ory is refuted in detail by Prof. Bohm Tlawerk. A more detailed statement of the American principles of social progress, anri which underlv both the political parties of America, and which, when applied, may lead to a co-operative commonwealth, is, as follows: -AMERICAN PRINCIPLES The ' sovereignty ,. is, the, people; ait One minute spent in reading this ad and acting promptly will save you $50 in the purchase of a piano or $25 on an organ. We are now holding the greatest Reduction sale of pianos and organs, ever held in Nebraska. Beautiful pianos and organs are now being sold at prices and Bargains Unheard of Prior to This Sale. We have instruments of ten leading manufac-. : turers; our instruments are as fine as can be found in the west. A good, 'solid walnut case, double reeded brand new, $28.00. A good new piano, elegant case fully warranted, for $150. . Don't delay, this sate only lasts fewdys longer. Write us for particulars. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. PRE5C0TT MUSIC CO. Established 1876. 138 to 142 S. 12th St., Lincoln, Neb. Telephone therefore they have the right to alter their system of government at will. The final enactment of constitutions is by direct vote majority rule. The system of voting is termed the ref erendum. Statutory laws are also enacted by a majority -rule system, but woefully crude: Each political party enumer ates a series of legislative measures, pledging that if agreed to by a ma jority of the voters, fthe party will carry out the people's will. AH po liticians since the disintegration 1 of the federalist party in national af fairs in 1817 have stood for the doc trine of majority rule. Majority rule, then, is a fundamen tal principle in both the great parties. An improved form is obtained by add ing to the representative system a peo ple's veto (through the optional refer endum) and direct initiative. THE RESULT OF MAJORITY RULE. The aim, under majority rule, is: 1 To secure eaual rights to all. The result of this will uimately be (a) the ownership of monopolies Dy a public corporation a corporation in which each adult casts one vote; (b) equal opportunity to serve the puDiic -competition in the puDiic service. 2. The second great aim is to pro tect the weak up to the point where to go farther would interfere with the efficiency of the service to the public. These are the mam teatures or leg islative policy under majority rule. Tn applying: these principles, we nna a tendency to a development of monop olies in- transportation and an oiner means of communication, also a ten Henv in manufactures and trade. As rapidly as monopoly develops it will be necessary, of course, to cnange me ownership of the monopoly from a pri vate corporation to a public one. "Furthermore, there is a tendency co abolish, private profits in the liquor traffic in ereat cities, as a means to ward its complete eradication. And as competition between organ nations within an industry entails much waste and a low grade form of competition, the tendency, under tne effective business organization of ma jority rule will be to estahiisn legal monopolies as rapidly as the cut throat staze of competition is reached. And when the majority rule system is fully developed we can conceivt tnat it. will be likely that legal monopolies will be decreed before the cut-throat stage of competition is reached. As to the land, its value apart irom improvements is due to the presence of society, therefore the application of nai rights will result in the eventual ownership of the lanl by a corporation in which each of the adults wui own share of stock. This will increase the income of all workers, for under private ownership the product ot tne poorest land in cultivation is the av erage wage, which will be greatly in creased when rental values are applied to the payment of public service cor porations such as the school, etc. Furthermore, majority ruie to develop co-operation, namely, that . .i form of mutual helpnuness in wnicn the corporation Is composed of volun tary associates. In the course ot years it may De tnat there will be developed a co-operative wealth. But in reaching it,' If we do, the aim each year will not be A da l to develop such a system, but to pre serve equal rights in the changing con ditions and protect the weaker mem bers of society. This is the legislative compass of the scientist, and of dem ocracy. Whether or not the Creator designs a monopoly in this ot that in dustry is no concern of the framers of human laws. Their duty is to apply the principles of liberty and brother hood to the ever-changing conditions 'which the Creator provides. In other words, the Creator changes the condi tions, and it is the duty of the' legis lators to mee these changing condi tions with laws that preserve equal rights and duly protect all. The socialist party leaders, such as Mr, Simons, have a different concep tion of the principles of progress. Such of the legislative nominees of the republican and democratic parties as pledge to , immediately install an effective majority rule will help to in stall a system that will immediately result in the termination of private monopolies and in progress in scores o' other directions. The system of government will be radically changed. It will be the twentieth century revo lution. The people's party can force the adoption of this great change. It has only to declare for majority rule and that it will nominate legislative candi dates wherever both the old-line can didates refuse, to pledge for majority rule. Success can be secured, doubt less, without the nomination of a pop ulist candidate. Ten states are to elect legislatures this year: Ohio, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, New York, New Jersey,. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Mississippi. The Ken tucky populists have ordered their state convention for July 4 and doubt less will force the fight along the lines above described. They almost won out on these lines two years ago. . - Let the populists in the other nine states call conventions or conferences. Don't mind if the attendance is small. Secure expressions of opinion by let ter. Our strength lies in our program. Last year a majority in seven legislar tures were carried by, organized labor and referendum leagues and - the Washington state . grange merely by questioning' candidates. One or two men in a state did practically all the work. Let the people's party join in the work and stand ready to put up legislative candidates. The chairman or secretary can do jll the work and at slight expense. The people's party has before it an opportunity for great usefulness. It should enunciate the platform that is tc prevail and then should help to complete the installation of majority rule, which will be the greatest change the world has ever experienced. GEO. H. SHIBLEY. Bureau of Economic Research, Washington, D. C. ' ' ' The readers of The Indepcndert should remember that one of the best methods for favoring the paper is to examine the advertisements carefully and make purchases from advertisers when possible, always mentioning the fact that the advertisement was seen in The Independent. Write today for the several catalogues advertised and looVthem through for what you want i X m i i "II '" ii