The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, July 16, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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    junb .16, 1903. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT n "
Great July Clearing Sale
will be continued for another week. Do not fail to take ad
vantage of this opportunity to get the best class of merchan
dise at these remarkably low clearing sale prices. Come early
while the assortments are large.
es2o to 40 Per Cent Discount...
Wash Goods, Ladies' Waists, Wrappers, Washable Petticoats,
Children's Dresses, Men's Negligee Shirts, Summer Corsets,
White Goods, Lace Embroideries, and Silks at 20 to 40 per
cent below value. 30 to 50 per cent discount on odd lots of
Shoes, Slippers and Oxfords. We also give a special discount ,
on our regular line of Shoes and Slippers.
XW1 D ia AUIfU 1MIUIH. -.
field's Discussion of Tbl N..d.d .
Editor Independent: To properly
understand the effective ballot, let-us
svppose we had as we will have
automatic voting machines that re
cord and display in sight of each
voter the full vote of every candidate
up to the time he reaches the polls.
Suppose a populist voter at the polls
late in the afternoon and he sees
there can be no hope of electing any
one on his own ticket, but that re
publicans and , democrats are running
Tery close, what will he do? If rankly
partisan, he will under preser.t ' sys
. tem disfranchise himself by voing an
already beaten ticket, but under tne
effective ballot he "can stand up and
be counted" for his principles without
danger of disfranchisement, by mak
ing the populist candidates his first
choices and the democratic ones uu
second choices, his second choices in
such case being as effectual as if it
bad been his first, yet the poll will
show the full number of populist vot
ers who went to the polls.
Let us suppose such voting machines
in use in 1904 at the presidential elec
tion and the candidates are: Roose
velt, ' plutocratic republican; Tom
Johnsonradical democrat; Tom Wat
son, people's party, and Cleveland,
bolting plutocratic democrat; and the
voter sees (the consolidated result of
vote in all other states and precincts
being telegraphed and displayed on
bulletin boards hourly or oftener) that
Roosevelt and Johnson are neck and
neck and the others nowhere, what
-would an honest, intelligent voter do?
He knows that Watson and Johnson
bave substantially the same principles
and are equally honest; that Cleveland
is only running to help Roosevelt, that
Watson cannot be elected, but that
Johnson probably can be, and he votes
for Johnson, either as his first or
second choice, either being effective.
This is precisely what the effective
ballot enables the voter to do in the
absence of such voting machines and
hourly record on bulletin boards.
Fusion is an attempt to reach this
tame end by a clumsy, difficult, less
effectual method.
Fusion has prevented republicans
from controlling some state govern
ments "by a minority plurality and en
abled the majority of the people to
elect state officers,- county and city
officers, judges, etc., hence the deadly
hatred of plutocracy for fusion and
the criminal election law of Kansas
that prevented fusion and gave the re
publicans control of the state through
a minority plurality. Had the pop
ulists, when in full control in Kan
sas, enacted the effective ballot, as
the writer of this earnestly ujged
them to do, republicans could have!
regained the state only through a ma-!
Sority of the total vote, and then would j
have had only their proportion of leg
islators, senators, etc., a proportion
that could never have become large
enough to give them control, even
ihough they had the state officers.
As will be seen by those who have
read thus far, in counting the vote
where but one candidate is to be
elected, all but the two highest in first
choice ballots are eliminated from the
count to start on, and while their
number of first choice ballots is re
corded and published for the people's
information, their second choices ar?
transferred to that one of the two
highest candidates for which they were
given and counted for such candidate
exactly as they would be if given to
him as first choice ballots.
In England, France, Germany and
Sweden this same result is reached by
a second election between the two
highest candidates when no candidate
has a majority of total vote at first
election. Is it not a shame that we
let these "effete monarchies of Eu
rope" so far surpass us in registering
the people's will?
The effective ballot1 is not intended
to take the place of the initiative and
the referendum (direct voting) but
to do what direct voting cannot do
that is, give the people control of their
representatives and executive officers,
the ones who must frame and submit
laws to be voted on at the referen
dum. Twelve years experience in the
f wiss cantons that have adopted the
effective ballot shows that so perfect
ly is the collective will represented
by it that scarcely any demand is made
for the referendum.
The average American congress or
legislature cannot be relied upon' to
frame and submit laws in an honest
manner in a way that will stand in
the courts. If these representatives
really represented the people they
would not wait for the initiative to
urge them to action and would not
purposely submit laws through which
the courts could run a train of cars,
as they so often enact laws now.
The late lamentable republican leg-
A n-ann wva0
icialuie ui uauoao, uuuci (ivat ynu-
sure from the people and against a
strenuous ' fight by the railways and
other corporations, passed resolutions
to submit two constitutional amend
ments to vote of the people "to take
effect when published in the statute,"
tut the statute has been published
and they are not in it, nor are the
The effective ballot is the only per
fect system of proportional represen
tation, and proportional representation
is the only truly democratic system
the only one in which all the people
are represented. Any group or shade
of thought having votes enough for
an electoral quota can elect one mem
ber at least, with a possibility of two
or more through other than first choice
ballots. The high water mark of pop
ulism was eight representatives in
congress, when if chosen in propor
tion to the percentage of populist votes
it would have been forty-one. Social
ists and prohibitionists have never
had a congressman, though casting
votes enough to entitle them to sev
eral each. It is estimated that under
the effective ballot single taxers would
elect at least twenty congressmen, but
none as it is. "
In pur opinion the greatest value of
the new system of voting would lie in
its destruction of political machines
and bosses, neither of which could ex
ist under it, and partisan prejudice,
the bane of good government, would
speedily fade away.
Another most important feature is
that practically all voters would ex
ercise their right of franchise when
assured that they could do so effec
tively. Little wonder that only talf
or two-thirds of a full vote is polled
in off years and but three-fourths for
presidential ones, when about one
half thg voters know they must waste
their ballots on a hopeless candidate
or cast it for one that does not rep
resent their principles at all, or pnly
The effective ballot will be found
especially useful in primary elections
and nominating conventions, and yet
more so in legislative halls.
We hope the readers of The Indepen
dent will give this question careful
thought and then write their views of
it to the . paper. I will answer any
further questions by letter or through
the paper, and reply to any valid ob
jections. It is the reform which makes all
others possible.
Mound City, Kas.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. '
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props,.
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney fcr the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation- made
by their firm. .
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo. O
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and , mucous .surfaces of the system.
Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all drug
gists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills ar the best.
Mr. Gooch Has a Word t. Say About the
Fntur. Want Straight Party
" Editor Independent: Am in receipt
of sample copy of your very interest
ing paper. Am glad to note that you
recognize the time has come of op
portunity for not only all populists,
but all who favor the perpetuation of
American institutions, to come to
gether on common grounds, battling
for a common interest which can be
done by placing populists in the fore
ground and on the ground floor where
they justly belong.
Every day, every hour, that we try
to follow the leadership of the old
parties we are but extending or hold
ing back the dawn of liberty. You
can no more marshal the forces of re
form under the banner of the demo
cratic party than you can. under the
Now as to Mr. Bryan and those of
his followers, they have had their
say; we went to them once, many be
lieving it was best for all concerned.
They not only failed as they have for
sixty years to do anything, but turned
their backs on us and treated us with
vile contempt. If the democrats of
Nebraska are not guilty of this charge,
you have something different from the
common product. (Missouri kind
Here all roads that do not lead to
the democratic camp have been wired
up. They are right in for the people
ruling, but you are to understand they
are. the people referred to; and if
they have a man in their party out
side of Bryan that stands for any
thing worthy of mention as true pa
triot and statesman, I would like you
to cite him.
I have never turned back. Gbing
back is all right if you have left any
thing of sufficient value to go back for.
However, the future and not the. past
is our goal. There are more men ready
for a new deal now by far thau ever
before and nothing but a new deal
along such economic lines that the
masses can see or grasp at this time
would seem safe.
I am not a platform builder, though
having been at several bees of that
nature Omaha for one. You under
stand a majority is a big help, and to
get that the masses must see their way
through. '
Government must issue all money
rnd control same. Public ownership
of public utilities can with proper ef
fort be made a winner. The laboring
classes are ready for this much.
When we have gained this, the way is
open for other reforms and not be
fore this. The money changers and
trust magnates fully understand their
party is to keep this vital point in
the background and has been thus
for centuries; hence, the attack must
be made on the stronghold of the
We can no longer quibble in this
matter. Remove all doubts by a
straight fight and the toiling millions
that have almost lost hope will rally
as never before around the standard
of liberty and equality.
Bearcreek, Mo.
A Hitchcock Populist on a Political Strike
Slates His Position Will Have Mono
" of Socialism
Editor Independent: I have re
ceived three sample copies of The In
dependent and notice in the 18th a call
for a conference by Mr. Edgerton.
That is the right stop to take, wheth
er Mr. Butler approves or not one
thing is certain, Mr. Parker will.
I am a mid-road populist on a po
litical strike until we can have a
straight ticket. I might have voted
with the socialists, but I don't be
lieve in deceiving a party by support
ing it when I have no intention of
joining It I don't believe in two
faced politics,
I have read of the government and
laws God gave the children of Israel ;
the individual owned the land and all
of the means of production; the peo
ple collectively built and owned the
temple and supported the army, but
the records do not show that they ever
had a national debt; they carried on
the government for over 900 years and
then went down, not because of finan
cial panic, but because they refused tn
obey the laws provided for their pro
tection. God knowc the selfishness of the
In Colorado all the conditions of health are
met. There is a suflicient altitude to cause lung
and chest development; there is the dry, exhil
arating mountain air, with an almost absence of
malaria; there is the tonic effect of a bracing
climate without its rigors; an atmosphere filled
with ozone; cool nights in summer; a bright,
sunny day almost every day in the year, condu
cive of cheerfulness and pleasure.
Splendid Train Service to Colorado
Accommodations provided for all classes or
During- the 5utnm.r. 1
Full information cheerfully furnished on ap
plication to
E. B. 5L0SS0N, Gen. Agent,
Lincoln, Neb.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that on the fourth day
of November A. 1). 1901, Charles Hammond
bought at tax sale from the treasurer of Lancas
ter county, Nebraska, the lands as described be
low, all situated in Lancaster County, Nebraska,
for the delinquent taxes of 1900 and all prior
taxes and taxed tothe names of the persons here
inafter set forth and that the time for redemp
tion will expire on November 6tb, 1903.
Southeast quarter of southwest quarter of sec
tion 11, township 7, range taxa to P. Grist
linger. Northeast quarter of section 2, township 11,
range 5, taxed to Robert Inhster.
Southeast quarter of section 1, township 12,
range 5, taxed to II, De Butts.
Northwest quarter of northeast quarter of sec
tion 17, township 8, range 7, taxed to J. W. Mus
Southwest quarter northwest quarter of section
36. township 10, range 7, taxed to Lute C. Young.
West half northwest quarter of sect ion 22, town
ship 7, range 8, taxed to Warren K. I'ickett.
, Dated at Lincoln, Nebraska, this 1st day of
July, A. 1). 1903. ,
human race better than any one else
and if He cannot keep us within rea
sonable limits it is futile for the so
cialists to attempt what He would not
give His own chosen people. What is
the wisdom of man Is foolishness with
God, He says.
Personally, I believe the democratic
party that nominated Bryan is the
same that supported Cleveland three
times; it was merely a change of en
gineers. Mr. Bryan has been running
the engine for the last seven years."
but it seems plain to me that the old
crew will soon take possession again.
Then where will Mr. Bryan go?
If the people's party is not ready for
the bolters they will probably form a
new party of their own. Political his
tory teaches us how useless it is to
bolt We must build; a house di
vided against itself cannot stand.
What need is there of further les
sons; will we never learn enough of
fusion and division? If we don't stop
this nonsense we never will advance a
Hitchcock, S. D.