ft I IWil III i II I II I I j l I! II ii.ll I! II Hill I II II II, I, ia - No. 8. Vol. XV. LINCOLN NEB., JULY 16, 1903. . TH E D'ENV E-R GO N FE REN C E . St. James Hotel, July 27-9, 1903. JH DENVER MEETINGS. J . 'jH Headquarters, St. James Hotel. 'jt Conference of Reformers, July jt 27-29. j', -V " 'Allied People's Party; National J H ' Committee Meeting, July 27. & V People's Party National Com- j - Mittee Meeting, July 29. J "THE BALANCING PARTY." It will be remembered that The In dependent has frequently called atten tion to the Illogical action of a num ber f populist senators and represen tatives in abandoning their own or ganization and taking part in the democratic caucus. In its issue of November 20, 1902, in an editorial Leaded, "Harris, Heitfeld, Patterson," The Independent said: "No organization was ever so be trayed by its leaders as the people's party has been, and only the undying love of liberty and devotion to prin ciple of the rank and file has -pre served it from disintegration. ... These three (Harris, Heitfeld,- and Patterson) did not desert their prin ciples as did the others (excepting Senator Allen, who remains a pop ulist), but did what was almost as bad they forsook their party and asked admission to the democratic -caucus of the senate. . When the three or four populist senators were accustomed to hold their party caucus in the elevator, as the reporters were in the habit of saying, they were an influence that had to be reckoned with in the senate. When they went over lag and baggage into the democratic party, instead of having more influ ence on legislation, they had less." . Thg reason for caucusing by them selves, regardless of how few or how many, was that by so .doing they held the "balance of poweO, and neither democrats nor republicans could domi nate them. Just as soon as they be came democrats their identity was f.wallowed up in the caucus and they became mere ciphers. Harris and Heitfeld failed of re-election and it is probable Uiat Patterson also would have failed had he been a candidate last year. An application of this idea, of being i true "balancing party,'1 to nomina tions has been suggested by Mark Foster of Washington in several is sues of The -Independent (May 28, p. 10; July 9, pp. 3 and 4), and National Committeeman Elmer E. Thomas, in The Independent of May 21 (p. 2) showed how an application of the idea to Omaha politics had resulted in al most a sweeping victory for the pop ulists, although they cast only about 1,800 votes. Mr. Foster, unable to be present at the Denver conference, has written Secretary Edgerton a letter from which the following excerpts are con sidered pertinent at this time. The keynote is that wherever the populists are not strong enough to elect their man, they are to refrain from any en tangling alliances and pick from the old party tickets the men most nearly populists in belief and nominate them and elect them: . Washington. D. C. July 1, 1903. Mr. J, A. Edgerton, Sec, care Rocky Moun tain News, Denver. Dear Sir: ... Populistic principles are now held by probably a majority of the people: yet it is utterly hopeless to get all these into one party. Tenacious , affection for the dear old party forbids; and still more subtly, hindersome the In ertia created. by doubt. as to just what is best. Before the doubt is re solved, issues change. We can never down the old parties in time to io any gooJl. But we do not nr d to break them down; instead, we can make use of them. We' can make thei- strength our strength; their popularity, our pop ularity; their political skill and adap tation, ours by adopting balance of power tactics. . li; Ihis I men: to pick out the can didates of the old parties who are in dividually most favorable to populist ideas ,or least opposed.' and make these our candidates. We should take from both old parties equally; so as not to be "assistants." Bit there will be no agreement necessary with either of the bid parties; the fleet ing will be in the interests of thfi people's party alone. The result will 1 6 the election, not of populists in name, but of populistic republicans and democrats, everywhere. Everywhere in ihis conEUt-.n m?ars wherover there are two strong parties now. This includes nearly ail of the aorth and w,est, and even some of the southern states. Wherever the populist is the lead ing opposition party, as in the south era states, it can run Its own candi dates; and this may be the case in Eome localities elsewhere. But gen erally speaking, it would be better to balance, and thereby gain access to the ears of both parties, and avoid much of the otherwise bitter opposi tion. Neither old party then will re gard the people's party as its special enemy; . but each will view it as a dangerous ally that must be placated. The split ticket suggested above is available for executive officers, as there am always several of these in the same political division. For leg islative candidates, pledging and ques a h nfiftd. As there is only one legislative candidate in a district, the ticket cannot be split; but taking a whole state together, the balancing party can be practically impartial even with this class of candidates. ... It should be remembered that it takes a great many voters to make a majority; but it takes only a few to hold the balance of power. , Yet the latter can always get what they ask for. "'MARK FOSTER. . AN ANALYSIS. - Editor Independent: In view of the fact that an informal meeting of the ieform forces of the United States has been called to meet in Denver some time this month, it may not be amiss to present to the readers of The In dependent a short analysis of the aims and principles of the various re form parties as they are expressed in their platforms and teachings at the present time. The socialist party, which has made such a phenomenal growth in the last few years in the United States, holds fn thA hhilnsonhv of Ferdinand Lasalle and Karl Marx, that all the means ot i reduction and distribution should oe owned by the state. This demand be ing necessitated by the iron law oi conceived by these gentle men. If the state owns all means of r.rnrfnrtion . and distribution, then It follows that the state must also have the power to assign to each individual the place or station or occupation he is to assume in this communistic so ciety. For if it was left to the choice of the individual,'' very few would choose the hard, the dirty, the dan gerous and disagreeable tasks of life. Would the man who delves in the mines, the stoker in heated bowels of ships, the 'longshoreman, the deck hand, he who wearily tramps knee deep in muddy feed yards for months of the year or toils in the harvest or hay fields - or picks corn from snowy and frosty fields, he who chops timber in th nineries. or works in the quar ries and blast furnaces, be willing to share the products or his ton equauy with him who follows the lighter and more nleasant occupation, the lawyer, doctor, preacher, . professor, artist, etc.? And if the state distributed the product-of the- common- toil equally among all the members composing it, would the toilers willingly and cheer- fully submit or would they forcibly protest? And if' the state made use of its power to make them submit (and it must have that power or that state of society could not exist and would ter minate in anarchy) would it not be ihe most tyrannical government ever conceived? This state of society might be possible 1,000 years hence, If - we ttarted now to breed specific classes, like we breed domestic animals for specific purposes; we might breed be ings who could not do anything but the thing they were bred for and would be content to do it, but would that be i desirable state of society? The followers of Ferdinand Lasalle and Karl Marx do not see the funda mental and fatal error of their phil osophy: the destruction of individ uality, a thing impossible of accom- air ii. j Wnw mC 11 'I'l ' -m ft-- i i l , .. . I ijj . ,1 i i -jay 'i J,.' IWiyHlfa . y -r .j .Hi. . ill i -r-.l,.i , A fVLL LICAL -JEtfDfft ISSUED OW BYWE' dorT. MONEY. The Hosts of Populism and Their-Work to be Done at Denver. 4