JULY 9, 1903. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT and fellow committeemen; Wliat of the west? Can we once again reclaim the congressional and state legislative seats we once had? . .. Isn't it plain that the path of victory does not lie through combination with those who tolerate our principles only that our votes may help them to secure office? We know where the south will be when Wall street regains control of the democratic party; but Is the west ready to sound the note for an advance?"- ("The People's Party," pp. 1,-2, Independent, May 28.) R. C. Crenshaw, R. F. D. 4, Hopkins ville, Ky.: "If the democrats adopt a platform along the lines of 96 and 1900 and nominate men in sympathy with the platform the populists will vote witli them. But if the reorgan izes get control of the convention and make a platform in the interest of trusts and money combines, and place a reoreanizer of the Cleveland type at the head of the ticket, then all pop ulists and democrats with .. populist tendencies will bolt, or revolt, and act independently. If the populists have an organization sufficient to form a nucleus it is more than probable that the disaffected element would rally around that rucleus and try and build a party of sufficient strength to carry enough states to hold the' balance of power and throw the election into the - house of renresentatives: as we tried to do in 1832 A short platform cov ering a few of the most important is sues, clear cut and distinct, from the old isms of the past should be the policy of the populist party. If the break comes next year, as t believe it will, who will be the Joshua to lead us to the land of promise? This ques tion Is important Keep your eye out for him." ("Kentncky Populists," p. 5, Independent, May 28.) Mark Foster, Washington, D.-C: "Populists, where they are numerous enough to elect their men, can ar ford to put up independent candidates, but in the very many places where ttey are only a third party, and a small one at that, it is discouraging to work for candidates whom they know in advance will b defeated; yet by selecting and indorsing the best can didates of the old parties, the populists could assume the prerogative of decid ine the election every time. Then the old parties would defer to them, and put up their best element; for in both the old parties are plenty of men who personally are superior to what their rarties in general have hitherto been. Such men would be put up more and more; the old parties would do the nominating, and the populists would do the electing, and we would have the offices filled by men holding populistic views. What difference then if they are not members of the party?" ("Tac tics for Populists," p. 10, Independent, May 28.) .Hugo Preyor, 74 Muirson st, Cleve land, O.: "There is still a populist organization in this state. I am the secretary. We have, however af filiated with the democratic party since the first Bryan campaign. I do Dot know of any populists who have gone into the republican party; some, perhaps one-tenth, have joined hands with the socialists. Our future action will depend upon the action of the . democratic party. If that party will in national issues favor the Bryan platform we can indorse it; or if in slate and local issues it will advocate the platform of Hon. Tom L. Johnson, who favors home rule, single tax, mu nicipal ownership of ' all public utili ties, who opposes trusts, combines and traitors in office, we can support it without sacrificing one iota cf our principles. The financial question is in my mind still the most important question and until that is satisfactorily settled, not only along the silver, but the absolute fiat line, the country will Witness in the future what it has in the past panic, bankruptcy and ruin. The present tariff holds the structure only temporarily." ("Ohio Populists," p. 1, Independent,' June 4.) v Laurie J. Quinby, Omaha, Neb.: 'I believe that the people's party today occupies the only rational ground be tween the outrages imposed by the re- i publican and gold democratic parties ana tne insanity oi me sociauai par ty." ("Populist Duty," p. 3, Indepen dent, June 4.) ' just the ground on which to stand. Those principles meet the demands of the masses today." ("Michigan Populists,'", P. 1, Independent, June,. 4.) Alex Kent, Washington, D. C: "Personally, I think tup people's par ty as & party is dead. But all tnat was true in its principles remains true still, and will to the end. I do not, however, look for. any embodiment of these principles in any party plat form that can possibly be born out of present " conditions. Those in the democratic party who are in active sympathy with populist principles are too few, In my opinion, to warrant eny hope of victory through fusion in 1904." ("District, of Columbia," p. 1, Independent, June 4.) IT A BUSHEL BASKET FULL OF GOODS, 99 Gents. i Send no money, but send your name and address to us on a postal card; and we will send you the following big assortment of reliable, nseiul merchandise, all packed in a bushel basket, subject to examination at your own home.' Take them home, examine fully, then if you are entirely satisfied, and think it the biggest burgain you ever saw, send us a P. O. money order for 91e. If not satisfied return the goods. Tula it our new plan of selling; no C. O. V., no money in advance; pay after you get the goods. Write , today, as they won't last long. $3.00 U what they would cost you at your local store. 1 bushel basket. 25 white envelopes. i ins iHDiei. 1 potato masher. . 1 wire strainer. 1 nutmeg grater. 1 ien and nenholder. 1 Move lifter. 1 bottle Ink. 6 tea spoons. 1 bo. crayons." 6 table spoons. Head pencil. - 1 sponge. i leather pocketbook. l kite. 1 7-inch comb, 1 pocket mirror. 1 spool crab, cotton 1 box tacks. 1 screw driver. 1 egg beater. " 1 1 pair scissors. 1 pocket knife. 1 shaving brush. 1 watch chain. 1 scarf pin. 6 shelf papers. STANLEY CAMPBELL CO. 4 lamp wicks. s collar buttons. 2 shoe strings. 1 paper pins. , 1 box hair pins. 1 aluminum thimble 1 cone lroninir wax. 1 white handkerchief. 1 heart patty pan. . 1 pair black hose. 1 star patty pan. 1 needle cabinet. 1 wire coat frume. I combination tool, can 1 yd. French lace, 12 agate buttons. 2 hut pins. 12 Hooks and eyes. 1 boxwood whistle. 1 brownie mask. 1 dressed doll. opener, glass cutter, F. S. Merrill, S. 7 Post st, Spokane, Wash.: "I am not much in politics now. While I am as firm a believer as ever in the principles advocated by the populist party, I am of the opinion that several generations more fools must br raised before the people at large will vote their own welfare and inter ests. The populists are .not. strong in this state; I think, to some extent for the reason that about ' six years ago we unfortunately elected a few bad people to the legislature who through their action brought the party into disrepute. I take some reform litera ture because T feel as, though I ought tc support the movement; but I do not read much along that line as it makes me mad and interferes with my f peace of mind to see what chunips people are in. whooping it up for the old parties and nothing." ("Wash ington Populists," p. 1, Independent, June 11.) . '' . Edward S. Grece, 34 Hodges bldg., Detroit, Mich.: "I am frank to admit that I have not faith sufficiently con vincing to me, to assure me that Mr. Bryan and his supporters can, or will be able to resist the power of money and promises bit, advantage,'-1 office, emolument, 'success' which the'reor ganizers are able to make and fur- , nish. In my' judgment the people's party should be reorganized in; every state where possible. The next d6ni6 ciatic national convention will doubt less split in two; the reorganizes ob- , taining control. ' Two democratic par ties will not do; followers of the Kan sas' City platform must have a place to go. The people's party standing on the grand principles of the Omaha platform "and other national platforms since that of 1892 will afford them El tweed Pomeroy, East Orange, N. J.: "There is not any of-the populist party left in New Jersey; it was never very large, but I do not .believe that a meeting called at present would bring together, ten men, and there is no use trying to revive it at present; it would be impossible. . The socialist party has absorbed the radicals and the demo cratic party the conservatives of the old populist - party, , and a few have gone republican. . Of course, I , would be very glad to see it revived, but one man cannot make a public movement I think the same is true of all the Ftates east of the Alleghanies and probably also of, many of them west" ("New Jersey Populists," p. 4, Inde pendent, June 11.) Diicr. etc. igood hatchet. - . . ." Dept. 6, Mllford, Neb. as they may be, taese are the facts, and nothing Is to be gained by.- shutting our eyes to them." ("uiontana Pop ulists," -p. 3, Independent,. June 18.) i- D. L. Van Meter, Welcome, Wyo.: "In my ; pinion the most important thing to do is to organize, and it should be done soon. Our platform should -be brief, clean-cut and to the point. We need, say notning about trusts. There's only one way to reg ulate trusts, and that's to abolish them by government ownership of all modes of. transportation. The original plat form of the : popufist party is good enough and broad enough for all of us to stand on. I would like to see all the populists get together some time this year and thoroughly reor ganize the party, so we can have at least a few workers Jn each precinct in the United States organized and ready for work next year. There has been no populist party in, th's state since 1898, though there are many 1 voters who believe in our principles. The time is ripe -for. reorganization. Let every man who believes in reform put his shoulder to the wheel and give the car of progres a lift." ("Wyoming Populists," p. 3, Independent, June 18.) S. A. Lowrance, Mooresville, N. C: "I fear we have no people's party or ganization in this state. ... Ridicule has been one of the greatest means used to . put our people back to the democratic party. As for myself, I can never go back to it, especially in this state. The democrats here are rotten to the core, with no hope of reform that I can see, and not much hope in the near future to get a fair election nothing but a revolution can do that ' I should have taid also that another great cause of disruption In our party was the division of the lead ers between 'leading issues and the national ticket." ("North Carolina Populists," p. 2, Independent, June 18.) S. S. Smith, Ogden Utah: (No state organization.) "We hardly know what to do but wait. There are just as many populists as ever, in fact about four times as many as there were prior to the education we gave the democrats "during the campaigns of 1892 and 1896. Should the demo crats" declare -for the initiative and referendum and for the government ownership of railroads, -you could not organize the populists in an indepen dent party in Utah, unless the demo crats were to nominate his royal high ness, Cleveland, to carry out their de mands." - ("Utah Populists," p.. 2, Independent, June 18.) - " T. S. Hogan, Butte, Mont: "I ad mire your persistency In adhering to the party after its death,- but that it is dead too dead to require burial cannot be denied by any sane . man. As for myself, while I vote with the socialists, I-am taking-no public part in political affairs. Practically all of the active populists of Montana have joined the socialists or withdrawn from the field and the name of the people's party Is never mentioned in any serious discussion of political con ditions. ;it Is true that in the past three years some vigorous trafficking has been done with the organization, but even as a commercial commodity it has depreciated to nil. Lamentable Jerry Simpson, Roswell, N. M.: "As to the wisdom of keeping up the fight through the populist party, or rot, in my opinion a good deal de pends on. what the democrats do next year. If the Bryan wing of the party should control the action of the next national democratic convention, I would be in favor of joining forces with them. -However, Ltrust'tbe best counsel will prevail." ("Jerry Simp son," p. 7, Independent, June IS.) Geo. A. Groot, Cleveland, O. : "I believe that the democratic party at its next national convention will adopt the republican party's position upon the money question and will attempt to create a fake Issue over which the campaign of 1904 will be fought. If It should then :t is safe to conclude that there is no hope of relief through the democratic party and the people's par ty must take the "initiative in the great work of revolutionizing the American government at the polls." ("Ohio Populists," p. 1, Independent, July 2.) THE SOUTHERN MERCURY. -Elsewhere in this issue we publish the informal call of Hon. J. A.'Edger ton, secretary of the fusion populist national committee, for a consultation meeting at Denver, July 27.' We have received a personal invitation 'to at tend and shall do so if circumstances permit We are glad to see this" step taken, as it indicates a desire for1 ac tion along Independent lines bylllbose who hitherto have been wont to rely on old party , promises and alliances. Time has shown the mistake of fusion with either of the old parties, and riow those of. both wings of the, populist partyoatj . honorably bury their .; past differences and line uo, together .for-. a united struggle, for .1904, We hope every Texas populi?t wtyo tan will attend this Denver meeting, as upon It much will ; depend. - , , Though the meeting is to be infor mal and unofficial , and ,not restricted to populists, it Is hoped that the mem bers of the national committee of. both the fusion ists and the middle-of-the-roaders will avail themselves of the opportunity to hold a joint conference and agree.rupon a line of action which will bury, all past differences and sol idify the army of dissatisfied voters in this country. - The Mercury will be pleased to hear from any of our Texas brethren who may. contemplate attending the meet ing and if twenty or more can be found who will attend, we will make special arrangements for, them. This action we feel will. receive the hearty indorsement of every , man who loves his people better than his party, who U disposed to grant honestv of opinion to those who differ with him. who be lieves In and will labor to bring about unity, harmony and solidity among the oppressed all over the land, Mil" ton Park, in Southern Mercury , June THE MISSOURI WORLD. . - J. A. ; Edgerton, secretary of the , people's party (Sioux Falls organiza-r,' tion), has issued a call for a national ' cr nference of reformers to meet at . Denver, Colo., July 27. Mr., Edgerton stnaa nnf lacita tha noli at SflM'fltnrv hut mordv ) an Indlvlilnall Thfl meeting is. not to be an official, one, "" but-simply an informal conference. We presume Mr. Edgerton issued , the ' call , upon consultation wh others, tut whom he consulted we do., not j know. The first we l;new of the call was when mention of it was made 'n thfl nreas disnatches.. Mi. EJserton invites, fusionists, mid-roaders,., .ad vanced democrats, lovers of liberty, to r.rtpnd thfl rnnfprrtif p. ', We do not anticipate a very, large. attendance for tne reason tnat, it is not official, and for the further reason , that the location is rather to one side. ' .While, the invitation to mid-roadcrsr and reformers generally is no, doubt in the utmost eood faith. , it 'is Prob able the meeting is intended mere for ' a consultation of western populists ' than anything else. Much good may come from the con-, ference. There will be no doubt an attendance of mid-roaders and I the movement of the two wings, of the party : toward consolidation may.' be hastened along. But Mr. Edgprton's call does not take the place of an offi cial meeting of the two national com mittees. What is needed to be done i oVi 4- finm la n sffl n 1 ; ran ri lYi r Yt the party. The ' fusion and mid-road ' commiuees snouia ne caiieu io mr.vi at the same time and place, and these committees should tale such action as 1 will speedily give us one and only one rational organization. As one of our correspondents said a few weeks ago, " 1 We are burning daylight" The 1904 campaign is near at hand, the ' work tbat should be going on is delayed by the continued existence of two separ ate and conflicting organizations of the people's party. ' - , We hope for good from the confer-' opinion the calling of that conference makes it all more necessary for speedy ' official party action. Dixon & Lank ford, in Missouri World, June 24. EDGERTON'S CERTIFICJATE.' , I hereby certify that at a regularly., called meeting of the people's party ' national committee . held at Kansas City, Mo., July 3 to 6, 1900, the fol lowing motions were duly , made and adopted: ' 7 , . J. , . - 1. 'gloved, That in the ,eventof ,a , Vacancy on the national vtlcket;. the rrina nhairman" ta nnihrwir.pH tn rail tl)e committee together." 2. 'Moved, That , the chairman or vice chairman be authorized . to call the committee together." ; 3. "Moved, That the committer now adjourn,- subject to the call of, the chairman or vice chairman." I further certify that the adoption' of-the second motion was for, the pur- pose of covering a defect in the first motion, it having been pointed out in discussion that the first motion only empowered the vice chairman to act in case of a vacancy on the national ticket The second motion was meant to make this power general. This was confirmed by the third motion. I further certify that the said vice Chairman, Hon. J. H. Edmisten of Ne braska, at the, direction of the national executive committee, exercised , this 1jWCI UJ tailing bi, . iuii uai.v.ii v-iii- mittee to meet in the city of Chicago. on August 27, 1A00; that the commit-, tee so met and that the legality -of such meeting was recognized -, by ' present and participating In the meeting. J. A. EDGERTON, . Secretary People's Party Nat'l Com. Denver, Colo. Karl Marx Edition, July 23, 1903.