16 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT JULYS, 18 0 J. IIITIII SEARLES & SEARLES SPECIALISTS' IN, NencGS, Chrcnic, ' ' AND Otbf DUwt t - A, Mn mod Wemen we . . cure -. PHS!5 1 1 i ii ruin ALL mtll'd DISEASES Or. F. L. Seertes. T CUNCS.aUAflANTCCD. - Yea, w marantee to care all curmble cas of tfat No c. Throat. Chrtt Stomach. Liver, Krert, Paralysis, Bowel. Bladder, Pimples ont lace. Hood, skin awa Kiatury uiacaac.i. tiki, Viritelaaad Rectal Ulcere. Wabete ad Bright' Unw "f vs ,- St00.9 for lOM'f CATAJIRH, RHEUM A TISM. DY3fCrsA ON BLOOD JOISON w CAM MOT CUMC. ir CUftARLC. . .; HOME TREATMENT BY MAIL. Viae nation and cotuultatfon free' ' Call ' or ddreaa w.th stamp, P. O. Box 224. Dis. Seailes & Suiks ''82 ' LINCOLN. NEPRASKA. f f Ufa Stock CATTLE y SHEEP Com- missions Kys & EcGhanan Co., SOUTH OMAHA, NHBKA8KA. V Best possible fitrvico iu alt depart meats. YV rite or wire us for markets t'other information. ' . . . 1 Long di,siuiu.e Telephone 2305 SiWi-tfti'ViW"., TIFPANY'i Sure Death to Lice (Powder) Bprickled in the Dent keeps your fowls free from lice, sprinkle hen and the little chicks will hare no 1 lee-. Tiffany's Paragon "Liquid" kills mites instantly. 8prlnkle bed for hogs, roosts for fowls. Box powder forllt tle turkeys and chicks post paid 10c. We want arenra. . THE TIFFANY CO., Lincoln, Neb. COLORADO RED MINERAL PAINT UsaNo Oil-Mil With Water A 12 rear old boy can apply this paint successfully. SntUfuetlon guaranteed. YV. pay the freight. Paint your houses Inxids and outside. Your barm. rnet and agricultural implements. This K;eh runcan Ked Mineral ltl nt is shi Nied dry in 100 In. packages. IUO lbs. will cover luOO square feet of rough surt'HO suoh as rough bard9 and undressed itOne and 201)0 square feet of smooth surface such an wall and ceilings. This paint will not wash, rub or peel off and can bit polished likehardtood finish. PRICE $3.00 PER 100 LOS. delivored In Iowa, Kansas or Nebraska. We pay all freight chaaces and guarantee safe delivery, lie mit by Draft, P. O. Order or Express Order to B. M. 4 PAINT CO., Railroad BlrJg., Denver, Colo. Paid up Capital 6150.000. UBOMUIJ; -V AS AN UNDERWRITER you are given a - liberal stock bonus for each share of stock you have 'underwritten. A new prospecting company, recently organized, is offering A through us, a limited amount of Underwriters stock. WJS KE-: COMMEND this stock to our ' clients: the company owps val- liable; mining properties thd has no liabilities. , V h Write for particulars. -::" I -THE MINES EXCHANGE, Ltd. fiscal ; "Agents, Box E 100G. 112 Clark.Street, Uhicago, 111 toHl Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure Dr. UltcheU's Lumpy Jaw Cure H guaranteed to cure or money refunded. One application is enough. One bottle is sufficient for 4 head or more. You can buy it at your druggists or he can get it from his jobber. If he won'L write us direct and we will send you a bottle for $1.25 delivered. Marshall Oil Company, sole sale agents for the ;United Stages, Marshalltown, la. Special subscription rate to singla taxers, 5 months 25cJ'i,"i - Money arid the Taxing Power BY W. H. ASHBY. ;i- ' , All Rights Reserred. BOOK 2.Chapter IX. The overpowering force of demand for coin thus limited, created by world-embracing statutes and thus ex clusively empowered, drives mankind, belpless, to the, feet of the gold trust It is here that the foul den of the usurer is excavated. The power thus conferred upon the gold owtier to com mit the crime of usury (which Is a crime -violative of natural law) Is an tccursed Incident attending the ' evil and iniquitous system of taxing ALL things- and de p r i v i n g - ALL tbingg of the po we r to PAY tax ltvies and judgments, except the tax receipts conferred as a gift and stamped upon the gold ' owner gold alone. ' .' ; . ; t Iniquity thus crowned and en throned brings forth after its kind. The gold owner refuses to sell the tax- raying power,' made a gift to him, and by means of his monopoly of it com pels mankind to borrow it and pay ,ilm usury for it. It was reserved for our own time to produce men of sufficient effrontery tri attempt a defense of usury in the fcrum of reason. It has heretofore, when submitted to, been merely tolerated as a con fessed but necessary evil and crime against mankind.' But latterly the triumph of Mammon has been so com plete, that men have been found cap able of actually writing and speaking it.-, favor of this crime as a righteous system. ' ' - Let us look into this sinister and iusidious crime and discover if possi ble what is the secret of its malign power, which brands it with the curse of mankind and of God. Moses forbade the taking of any re turn whatever for the loan of coin. This is a great authority. While the laws of Moses in their details, and in the method of their application, have been greatly modified, yet there is not a single i : great principle laid down by him which has ever been repudiated without being followed by a train of evils to the common mass of men. He was wise enough to devise a system of land tenures, supported by limitations upon the greed' of credit ors, contained in an automatic bank ruptcy law relieving hapless debtors by its own proper vigor, without ex pense or aid of courts, every seventh j ear j and culminating in the resti tution of the land inheritance, when lost through - mortgage of otherwise, at the end of each fifty years: thus making a semi-centennial jubilee and year of universal deliverance,' thereby defeating the tendency toward "con centration of wealth on the one hand a'nd toward pauperism, crime and con sequent' social decay and ruin on the other found in every governmental system. Surely such a man is en titled to respectful attention. - The fact that . one who displayed such deep insight into human con duct, ad such a far glancing eye to guard against its evil consequences, prohiibted the taking of usury or in terest, as a high crime against the community, should cause us to pause and hesitate before we agree that it may be done without public injury. : It '-appears to me that the weakest, reasons against usury alone have been put ; forward; And yet, weak as they are, they are strong , against any ar guments offered , in its favor. Bacon, ttho had felt its malign power-to de stroy' it3 victims, in his own xper fence, points out such reasons as he found. - These are weighty and cor rectly stated.' The ' avoiding of all chances of loss ! Incurred-, by -'.engaging in useful enterprises and compelling thosewho do so to pay tribute; ' the usurer's share 1 ' depending upon J the flight of time, alone, and not upon any accidents of trade, must end. in put ting alLcoin in?th hands' of the us urer. - 1 ': --vf.i'.' :; : - . . : ' The argument in the Merchant of Venice (if "also written, as many be lieve, by Bacon) is along the same line, and contrasts the lack of reprd-, ductive -power of "barren metal" with the fecundity of animals and plants. A statement by another represents the agriculturist using as his imple ment," In his efforts at dominion, a plow which will wear out in ten years, and "then ceases to be; while the us urer's implement, coin, is just as new and efficient at the end of ten years as at the time -of the loam ' The average life of a horse is said to be twelve years. To be of any benefit to his owner, that owner must join his own toil to that of the horse; otherwise, the horse is worthless. Be sides, the owner of the horse is com pelled to incur the burden and the ex pense of caring for the health, and providing food, shelter, harness; shoes, etc., lor him-all iHVolving greater or less care and outlay. And when all has been done, the life of a horse is only about' twelve years; while the usurer's loan of coin renews its youth and lives forever. - The tendency of usury is to with draw men from engaging in the pro auction; preservation and distribution of useful things, thus to that extent tetarding progress. Another objection to it is its essen tial inequity and unfairness. -No us ury can be collected without the aid of the laws and courts. If, therefore, lending at usury gives to the relative ly rich an advantage over the relative ly poor, it is because the laws to that extent help the relatively rich against the relatively poor. None but the relatively rich can en gage in the business of lending for usury. It is only one who has a sur plus of wealth which he can store up and invest in coin, who can lend for usury. . It is simply brutal effrontery to say, as the defenders of usury and of national banks do: .."It is a busi ness open to all; if it is so profitable, why don't everybody engage in it?" The . reason is that nobody can engage in lending for usury unless he is comparatively wealthy, and nobody can - set up -a national bank without possessing the required quantity of coin; and these . conditions, thus cre ated, exclude the great mass of man kind from engaging in the business as effectually as if the statute empow ered the rich alone, by name, to do so. And as both are created and made profitable by statutes, it is clear that such legislation Is favorable to those who are relatively rich and unfav orable and injurious to those who are relatively poor. - v- It reminds me of the banquet pre pared by the fox,. to which the raven was invited. There was nothing of the banquet but soup in a shallow dish; and the raven, owing to his con formation, could get none of it. But the fox, possessing the appropriate ap pliance of tongue, ate it all and, with a hypocritical pretense of fairness and of mock politeness, pressed the help less raven to partake with him of the banquet! . t It is simply mockery to speak of equal opportunities for all to profit from lending at usury; and without the aid of statutes and courts, usury cannot be collected. The needy; who constitute the victims of usurers of the world, have no ' opportunity ' to lend; because they have nothing to lend and are compelled to borrow because tax levies and judgments r e- q u i re coin; ' and coin is accessible to no one unless he 'is the owner of gold." ' ! .. ' ! It Is asserted by the brazen, but il logical, defenders of usury that it is the wealthy who pay the bulk of the usury: ' They speak of toe great mer cantiie, manufacturing and transports tion companies as constituting the principal borrowers upon usury. . In the first place; it is not- true that these companies are the principal borrowers. Add together the , small but innumerably sums borrowed by the Vast ; multitude of the needy, not to engage in speculation 'or productive enterprise but to meet tax levies and judgments, or claims threatening to become judgments," or to mee their daily wants, secured by notes signed by trusting friends, or by real estate or chattel mortgages, or-by a pledg ing of valuables to pawnbrokers; and It far exceeds at any 'given time all sums Jorro wed for business purpose.", by the' great establishments. - (Continued 'Next Week.) N ti m "' s i 1 r 1.4' .'' j:l. a... -i.-r4 a raiienger dsmei exclusively purTwira V AiArWTf STEAMSHIP Frh.e SeeSr Health in the balmy i 22ZZZ22 SlhEftH ' ALWAYS ON TIME. For the Baslnes Man to build np bis N shattered ccrras. . ... sti Three sailings each week between Chicago, t-rankfort; Qharlevolx Petoakey, Harbor. Springe and Mackinac Island, connecting for .Detroit, tsuaaio, etc. Booklet fret. JOS. BEROLZHEIM, 0. P. A., - Cticairo. VTtl 7m " From Inflammatory Rheumatism Would Have, Killed Our Son. Dr. Mifes' Anti-Pain Pills 1 Saved Him. "We began to use Dr. Miles Nerve end Liver Pills sii years asjo. My wife had liver trouble and a 'neighbor gave her some of . your liver pills to try, after which we bought ' a bottle of th;m and my wife used them" un til cured; Since then 1 have used them and I must say that I have never, used any pills that rave me the satisfaction these have. We also use Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills with greatest satisfaction. Three years ajo our sou Harry had inflammatory rheumatism, lie had suffered so much that I believe if we had not given him Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills which relieved him almost instantly he would have die 1. I am always plad of the oppor tunity for praising Dr. Miles' Remedies' James Evertt, Alton, Ills. . , - "I was afflicted with' neuralgia 4for yean and never found any permanent relief till I began using Dr. Miles'- Anti-Pain Pills. They are a sure cure for headache and neu- . ralgic pains. Only , this morning I recom mended them to a friend with a severe head-9 ache and in a half hour he came. into the store smiling. The headache was gone. We use them in the family and find them excel lent for the women folks. This high altitude makes them very nejvous. Grandma says I should tell Dr. Miles she could not live hero -were it not for the Anti-PainPills that she takes occasionally." L. B. Morris, Helena, Montana. - " All druggists sell and guarantee first bot tie Dt. Miles' Remedies. - Send for free book on Nervou? and "Heart Diseases. Addfesa Dr. Miles Medical Co Elkhart, Ind, , Splendid Farm bamain. . FOR SALE. Farm 400 acres, near Frank-, fort, Marshall county, Kansas. Improve ments cost $7,000; seven-room house, Btone cellar, cemented floor. Water piped into house. . Wind mill, supply tanks all steel 17i bbls. in fact, complete water, works. Barn boldingl6 horses; 2 hOg houses, planked flooring; cook house; - boilers and scales; granary and self feeder holding 10,000 bush els grain; two bay barns, cow barn, S corrals, complete with racks, hog pastures, 880 acres in cultivation, 20 acres wood land. A most complete stock and grain farm, strictly first class. Price 845. Cash $7,000; balance, time 6 per cent. Interest. ;. Woods larestmeflt Company, Lincoln Hotel, Lincoln, Neb. SEVEN GREAT Cbillicotbe Normal College Chiljicothe Commercial College Cbillicotbe Shorthand College ' Chillicothe Telegraphy College Chillicotho Pen Art Colleea PM f CGCQ Cbillicotbe Musical College bULLLULO Cbillicotbe College of Oratory For free catalog address s ALLEN MOOltB Pres't, Chillicothe, Mo. Car fare paid. Paint at Wholesale Prices BVy Buy Black Roof Paint.. 7.... 40c. per gal Red Barn Paint ........ .58c per gal Slate Color Barn Paint. .78c. per gal Shingle Slain. .3oc to. ..60c. per gal 5heep Dip. . . .. . .;.. . . . .65c. per gal Excelsior Disinfectant. , . 60c. per gal Superior Disinfectant. .. 7 sc. per gal EXCfcLSIOR DISINFECTANT will kill lice oa hogs and cattle; prevent and cure hog cholera, bam pies, circulars and color cards free. We guarantee everything we sell. Terms chsIi on receipt of goods. As to our responsibility, we refer you to any commercial report or any bank in Findlay. Ohio. . . . . THE OHIO PAINT & VARNISH COMPANY V ' FINDLAV. OHIO. U. S. A. . ' Fiurnbing- and neatingr .. Estimates Furnished : J. C. COX , '.lsi North i4th StttH, Lincoln, Neb. 5 A CANN1N6 FACTORY . at home. Farmers don't delay. ,. Investigate. Save your surplus fruit by cannmg. Easy to learn. ' ' , Catalog free. M. F0ER6, -Meridian, Bfisalsalppi. V -3 If you want a pig tight and bull strong r . fence inquire for the ' " , . : j BOSS FENCE , manufactured at Fremont, NebrM by F. M. Healy. ' ); - r TT