The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, July 09, 1903, Page 15, Image 15

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oncWite Goocls. Laces, Em
broideries;: -Muslin dUrtder
c wear, Curiam Swisses,-JLacc
iOurtainia b he Linens,c
C-Napkms," cTowels rarafeols.
IFansiUnU Sun Uinbrellaa.
and Stock Reducing Sale.
One-Fifth Off
on Worsted Dresa Good9,
Wool . . Skirtinga, such . as
Venetians, Home Spun, Co
verts, Chambrays, y; Dress
Ginghams, Silk Mitts, Fab
ric Gloves, Sunbonnets and
Children'8 Ileadwear.
A Snsp in Percale Wrappers.
l Our.reg. 89cland-tl.Cpqu8lity of jrrappere at 75c
jRepJlVim0!kofility p wrappers at.08o
Washable Gingham Fettfcoats.
Our 50c quality f gingham petticoats at 39o
Our 7fequality gingham petticoats at..... ,59c
Our tl 00" qoalitj mercerized c gingham at. . lIBc
4 c3 n "'
Dotted or plain sacks,' 50c qualityat ...39c
Plain. White, sacks, 75c quality at.. . t. . . . . . 59c
i ;c Ghllflren's Dresses. 0
'; Colored percale or white muelin, worth 30c,
. clearing up price. i . . :-. . .: . . lQo
4 Colored dimity and white lawn dresses, nicely
;- trimmed, -worth up to 75c; aU.:.0.;. ......43c
...Colored lawn, very, tastily j'trimmiBd, ,reg.
v Jl!5 Value, clearing up price. J ....... . . 79c
SPECIAL?' Dis&UWroniadies Sateen Pet
ticoats; Ladies' and Men's Mackintoshes and Rub
ber Coats; Leather Bags,, Telescopes and Trunks.
Clearance of Men's Kegilgee Shirts.
. ' Y ;:;r;iNFOUR LOTS.o, :
50c men's shirts; cleariDgrsaIe price. ,: 39c
75c men's shirts clearing sale price. 573
fl.OQ men's shirts, clearing sale price . 79c
: f 1.50 men s shirts, clearing sale price J .. .. .$1
20 per cent off on Men's White Shirts and Boys'
Dress Shirts. 0 ' -&v J
. Straw and Crash! Hals.
One lot boys' and misses' straw hats, worth
;;up to 40c, your choice, each .". .', J3C
One lot of girls' straw hats worth up to 75c,
, sale price . ; , ; . ; o-;v-i . . ,. . . . 39c
50c men's and boys' crash hats and children'
braided Tarn O'Shanters. ; ..0. oo
O o
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? Sirapftcn's and American prints, mill lengths,
:S'n worth 6c, sale price.,.. . . . .s ..T0...?. i..44c
? Bleached, muslin, mill Iengths,'Vorth 7c, at,.5Jo
iS inch" 'pillow case muslin, mill lengths'
v ? worth : 121c, sale pricev .. JQc
.12Jc fancy ticking, per yard?. i !. 1
::10c Eussiarf crash, per yard'.-. i. . .c. 7C
9c 'Gincharns: dark.v;'. f. ?. .'Ik??;. Xt. . Qic
10c 31 inch dark -percale . . . .. 6?C
.12ic 3C-inch Jight; percale. .. t.SHo
A July Shos Clearance
. You know , what that means, r Its a clearing
up of the spring and summer shoe stocks. "Six
months arid out" is the rule and here they go.
High shoes' and Oxfords every pair good, reli
able shoes no trash all our regular stock. Its
the opportunity of the season to get good shoes
at little prices.
Misses 'and Children's Shoes and
Child's kid, one strap and colonial slippers, sizes
2 to 8, 60c, 75c and 90c values, to close
out 49c
Child's kid and patent leather strap and colonials,
sizes 5 to 11, regular price 90c and f 1.00, sale
price . . . ; 73c
Misses' shoes and slippers, kid and patent leathers,
this season's goods, sizes Hi to 2, 11.25
values .....98c
Boys' Shoes
Youth's Satia Calf, medium heavy sole, lace shoes,
' solid. leather inner sole and counter, 13i to 2,
11.25 values.. . ,. ....99c
The same shoe in Boys' sizes 24 to 54, $1.35 value
Little Gent's low heel kid shoe, English last, ex
tension sole, sizes 9 to 13, good $1.35 value
sale price ....;...$! 09
Cloak Department Offers Great Bar
gains During This Sale
1 LOT of Eta mine dress skirts in blue, brown and
black, beautifully trimmed, a splendid value at
$7.50, sale price $4 98 ,
1 LOT of Sicilian cloth Dress bkirts in blue and
black, our regular $5.00 value, clearing up
price..;............ $3 08
ao Per Cent Discount on all other lines of dres
and walking skirtH.
Ladies Waists
Women's Shoes and Slippers
150 pairs lace and button, kid and Kangaroo calf
shoes, all solid $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 values, sale
Pc ....41 28
75 pairs lace and button kid shoes, light and
heavy soles, patent and kid tips, good styles and
good values, sizes 3 to 8, regular price $2.00,
saie price 39
115 pairs Vici Kid, Welts, McKays and turns, all
good toes, all good lasts, sizes CI to 8, $20
value - 97
65 pairs high grade patent Ideal kid, and Vici kid
shoes, heavy and light soles, in welts and turns,
patent and kid tips, sizes Z toB, regular price
$3.50, now 2 85
Kid oxfords and one strap slippers, sizes i to 8,
$1.25 and $1.35 values 98c
Special Discount on all Prints, ainghams,
Percales, Muslins, SheeUngs, Denims, Tjck
Ings, Dress Linings, Silkalines, and : Drapery
00-' i'-r-i: " P' u. .u 1 . a'--.,'.' . ,v.,; . ',"11.
c, f
' .-.'j--) ( .... -'i ';;." ,- i. ,m
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; Jen's Shoes
Satin calf, a good, solid $10shoe,this sale $1 Q
lO'J pairs vici, box calf, colt skin and -kangaroo
calf, lace and congress, heavy and light soles,
cap and plain toes, all sizes, all widths, regular
$2.50, sale price
178 pairs vici kid, box calf, patent enamel, velour
calf shoes, good up-to-date styles of $3.50 values,
clearing sale price..... ....$2 78
18 pairs men's fine quality patent leather, heavy
sole shoes, B and C widths, all sizes except 9,
$5.00 values, clearing sale price 3 95
.. Canvas Shoes and Slippers
Child's Oxfords, sizes 9 to 11, regular 75c
now" 49c
Misses Oxfords, sizes 11 to 2, reg. 85c, now 58c
Women's Oxfords sizes 5 to 8, reg. $1.00, now 79j
ad Per Cent Discount on all better grades of
canvas shoes and slippers.
Special Discount on all regular lines of shoes
and slippers during this sale. '
Mail orders receive first attrition.
1 LOT of Percale and Madras waists, striped or
, figured, worth up to $1.00, clearing up
price 39c
1 LOT of colored novelty, percale and white linon.
waists, worth up to $1.25, clearing up price 05c
1 LOT of white linon,. colored lawn and batiste
waists, our regular $1.25 quality, clearing up
price.... 4... 89c
1 LOT of white and black linon and embroidered,
front grass cloth waists, our regular value, $2.00
and $125, clearing up price. .......... $ . f 1 59
1 LOT of China silk waists in assorted colors
worth up to $3.75, clearing up price $.2 20
1 LOT China silk and white washable silk waists
,worth up to $5,50, clearing up price. ... $2 98
Z0 Per Cent Discount on all other waists. ; -
T)NE-FIFTII OFF on men's Cassimere, Cordu
roy, Jeans and Cottonade pants. Boys' knee and
long pants, and men's ladies' misses' boys' and
children's underwear. -
Wash Goods
AH 5c and 6c wash goods........... ...... .44c
AH 7c and 8c wash goods... ...... ......U..5C
All IPc and 124c wash goods. 70
All 15c and 20c wash goods, . ....... . . . . . ,2Hc "
All 25c, 28c and 30c wash goods.. -19o
All 35 and 40c Novelty wash goods........ . .25c
All 50c and 60c silk tissue and novelty goods 36c
17 pieces silk ginghams in nice stripes and plain
colors, worth 25c and 35c, take your choice, per'
yard........;..,.... .-15c
Summer Corsets in 2 Lots
35c Summer corsets n 23c
50c Summer corsets. 34c
ONE-FIFTH off on regular line of corsets.
Ladies'; Belts in 2 Lots
Lot one worth 25c tnd 35c, your choice.. .... 19c
Lot two worth 40c and 50c, your choice.... -29c
20 per cent off on all others.
White Goods
Mill lengths from 2 to 14 yards in a piece in 2
Lot I India iinoa, stripes and dots, worth 12c
15c and 18c, your choice per yard... ...9C
Lot 2 Mercerized stripes worth 20c, 22c and 25c,
your choice per yard...., "15c
Silks in Short Lengths..
. Suitable for waists or trimmings in 2 lots.
Lot 1 50c and 60c silks, your choice per yard 35o
Lot 2 regular 75c, 85c and $1.00 values, your
choice per yard.. 55c
20 per cent off on Other silks.
Special Discount on Bed Spreads, Rugs, Che
nille and Tapestry Table Cover.
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