-i d... 8 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT JUNE 25, 19C3. the tlebraska Independent Lincoln, nbrika. LIBERTY BUILDING. 1328 0 STREET Entered according to Act of Congress of Marcb S, 1879, at the Postoffice at Lincoln, Nebraska, aa tecond-clara mail mitter. ' PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. FIFTEENTH YEAR. $1.00 PER YEAR When making remittances do not leave money with news agencies, postmasters, etc., to be forwarded by them. They frequently forget or remit a different amount than was left with then, and the subscriber fails to get proper credit , - . . ; Address all communications, and mak all drafts, money orders, etc., payable to . the lUbraska Independent, ' Lincoln, Neb. Anonymous communications will not be noticed, jiejecieu oinuuiuiiiw " r returned. T. H. TIBBLES, Editor. , C. Q. IE FRANCE, Associate Editor. F. D. EAGER, Business Manager. The thrifty Yankee has denuded the hills of New England of the forests and that part of the country is becom ing as barren and desolate as ancient Palestine. That, the United States treasury de partment has been the right hand of Wall street is shown by the fact that the great officers go, as if by prear rangement, from there to New York's financial center. Besides the comp trollers that have gone to Wall street, two of the former secretaries of the treasury are the presidents of trust companies there. Ex-Secretary Fair child is president of one and Lyman J Gage of the other. G rover Cleveland has given "out an other interview in which he says it is perfectly absurd to .think that he would re-enter political life, that he has never written to any one express ing such v a desire, that no leader of prominence is endeavoring to advance a movement to nominate him, and several things of like nature, but no where declares he would not accept a nomination. That very important statement he omits in all his inter views and publicstaements.- ' It is the farmers who pay the tri bute of $500,000,000 a year to Europe. According to the latest statement of the treasury department, the exports of cotton for the last year were of the value of $317,000,000, of grain and treadstuffs of. all kinds $213,000,000, and of provisions, including cattle, hogs, fresh and canned meats and lard and dairy products, were $230,000,000. That is what makes the "favorable balance of trade" and prevents the shipments ofgold If8 some of theca imperialists will stop a moment and think they will see that crime is an injustice or cruelty inflicted by one man upon an other," and that the Deity is not in volved in the matter at all. To charge the crime of murdering 300, 000 Filipinos to "destiny" ' or "the guiding hand of Providence" is non sense. A man cannot commit a crime against N God, he can only commit it against his fellow man. It would be vell for some preachers to learn that fact. vw Two of the unfinished war vessels Of the United States were seized un der the orders of state courts last week to secure the payment for ma tc rials furnished by sub-contractors. Dispatches from Washington an nounce that the government will not recognize the processes of the state courts and will tnke the vessels even if the military forcei have to be used to do it. This raised the old question that the exactions of the steel trust has bankrupted a good many con tractors. , v THE LIGHT IS BREAKING From many sources there comes to The Independent evidence . that there if,, to be a revival of populism. Men have been trying the worship of Mam mon, -devoting th.mselves to greed p.nd accumulation of money and they are finding, not comfort and happi ness, but hatred, malice, disappoint ment, and that the prize when cap tured turns to bitterness and ashes. Signs of revolt are appearing every where. .Populism has , been a great moral and ethical movement When all the nation went mad after gold and em pire, the populists stood true to the old principles. They have said that the "real" thing In life was not mon ey, and that good government was not a government of "force," and these lofty principles are attracting tc the party men in every walk of life. Formerly the pulpit, the press, influential society in the cities, were all arrayed against populism. Now that solid line is being broken in many places. In what are called the "high class'J magazines for many years there has been a truckling to wealth and sneers for everything ad vocated by populists. Lately in. many of these magazines there have ap peared articles attacking with vigor the truckling to men whose only claim to recognition was that they had accumulated by special privileges, bribery of legislative bodies and ex tortion large amounts of money, and the turning over to them the control of he government That is one sign - V of revolt. - ' The upheaval against corruption in the cities, where men who were here tofore pointed to as "leading citi zens" and recommended as models for the youth of the land because they had accumulated millions, have been convicted and sent to the peniten tiary is another sign of the coming revolt. Still another is that - some of the ministers are beginning to denounce the worship of monsy from their pul pits in no uncertain terms and also the men who have destroyed the high ideals of this country with their greed and imperialism. The editor of The Independent has heard two such ser mons during the last month. .The pulpit is no longer solidly against us. Letters are coming from every state in the "Union assuring us that writ ers never propose to surrender. Be sides that, every populist who comes into this office is still as full of fight as he was. from 1893 to 1896, and they all feel that there is something in the air that assurc3 them that there ia a revival of populism near at hand. All the news that comes from the eastern states and the constantly in creasing circulation of The Indepen dent in those states is good evidence that populism 'has tal en deep root there. From the indications now, it appears that there will be a large number of populists at the Denver conference on July 27. The Indepen dent looks forward to one of the old and enthusiastic meetings like those held in Jthe early years of the move ment at Cincinnati and St Louis. The grafters that attached, themselves to us in the hope of obtaining office have deserted ' during the last two or three years and we will have at Denver only those who are working for the good of mankind, "for which the Lord be thanked." Populism is taking on new life in every state of the , Union. - ; MR. WARREN'S CRITICISM Mr. Warren's criticism of The In dependent's editorial, in issue of July 3, 1902, (See "What Is Populismf this issue), fails.. in this, that he .seems not to understand that the principles of. a platform do not necessarily em brace every word of the preamble; or that while it is an eternal principle that an Increase in the supply of money must inevitably result . in a decrease of the - : value of each dollar,, and a consequent increase in Would You? Would you pay ten dollars for five-fifty suits? Not if you knew it. There are men who are paying that four and a half dollars too much, but they are men who don't know it.. We want those don1 iknotoit fellows to know it. We are selling genuine all pure worsted serge suits for $5.50. Nobody else is. We know it. We want you to know it. There are serge suit sold for less than $10. There are worsted 8iiits sold for less than $10. But we are selling genuine pure worsted serge suits. The ideal, dressy," comfortable, summer suit at $5.50 per suit. We have plenty of them, for such a price is possible only to a concern that is a big buyer, and a concern that is not profit greedy. Look on page 2 of our spring catalog. If you haven't our catalogue send for one at once. prices, yet it does not follow that at the time such statement is enunciated in a platform that any preambulary statement as to the then supply of money is also eternally true. The supply of money changes as the years , go by. The principles governing val ue do not change. A reaffirmation last year of the "Omaha platform" instead of the "principles of the Omaha platform" simply reiterated , this statement in the preamble of the Omaha platform: "We meet in, the . midst of a nation brought to the verge of moral, politi cal and material ruin." The "material ruin" was last year not discernable. to the average' man, and not nearly so plainly to be seen then by the far sighted man as it is today. We had had then no coal famine, no car fa mine, no great slumps in stocks; prices were high and showed no im mediate signs of failing. Conditions in 1902 were not identical with those of. 1892. But the great fundamental truths enunciated in 1892 (the "prin ciples") can never change. Mr. War ren fails to distinguish- between the enunciation of great natural laws and mere statements of fact concerning material conditions. It is also true that Mr. Warren seemingly ignores totally the velocity of coined mone., in circulation as an element to be considered. Bank de posits constitute a device to make each dollar of coin travel faster. Ten dimes changing hands each five times a day in a month of 26 days do the same work in exchange that 130 dol lars would do if each of them changed hands only one 1. the same time. In the given illustration the "per capita" would be as 1:130; yet in ef ficiency as one to one. Never in the history of the United States have tank deposits been so great, "either ab solutely or relatively, and every dol lar' of bank deposit for the time being is just as effective in exchange as if it . were stamped on gold or silver or printed on "greenbacks." The per capita increase in ten years, Mr. War ren says, was $3.96 about 16 per cent for the decade; but the velocity of each, dollar in 1902 was much greater than ili 1892 hence, the increase of prices cannot be accounted for whol ly by simply looking at the per capita increase. This,, however, militates in no way against the Omaha demand for an in crease in the supply, for the device of bank deposits,-using manufactured bank credits to unduly increase the velocity of actual coined dollars, us ually has a reactionary effect as wo found out to our sorrow in 1893. Ev ery dollar lost in l.-Icen banks in that panic was a bank credit dollar for the supply of coined money was still in existence, except such Insig nificant amount as might have been actually destroyed by fire, lost, or shipped out of the country. And the existent dollars traveled exceedingly slow for some time afterward, Mr. Warren must admit. A FINE EPITAPH Mrs. T. H. Tibbies, wife of the edi tor of the Nebr-ska Independent, died recently at her home near Bancroft In an interesting review of the lif3 of this good woman the husband says: "She did all that she could to make the world happier and better." No better epitaph than that coul-T be desired by any man or woman. If everyone, did all that he could to maka the world happier and better, what a fine old place this sad old world " would be. World-Herald. PLEASE GIVE THE NAMES In speaking of Madden's 'attempt to suppress The Independent, the Lin coln Star says: "Thousands of newspapers and periodicals who were escaping full payment of postage have been hauled up and forced to conform to the rules. Among them it would appear is The Independent. It seems to imagine that it i3 about the only victim. The truth is that nearly every newspaper in the United States has had to be called down by the department in one way or another." If the Star knows of even one re publican or plutocratic democratic pa per that has been called to account by Madden for selling extra copies and sending them through the mails, it will confer 'a favor on the public by giving the name of the paper and the date of the orders from Washing- . ton. Several reform papers have been refused the mails by the arbitrary or ders of these Washington imperial ists, but if there has ever been a re publican paper so treated the fact has been kept a secret .