June 25. 1903. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT 7 f 1 Th9 Religion of Humanity Cincinnati, June 21. "The Religion of Humanity." This was the subject of the sermon of Herbert S. Bigelow, at the Vine Street , Congregational church, today. "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Jesus. . "He's true to God who's true to man." James Russell Lowell. These words of the Hebrew preacher and the American poet carry the same message, said Mr. Bigelow. What is the distinctive service which Jesus has rendered the world His fame cannot rest upon the pro foundness' or originality of his thought He was essentially a Jew. SU-. ft. ' ex" t c j-frj. ill . f Ik '4 HERBERT S. BIGELOW. The most quotable things he said had been said in substance by the proph ets before him. In what respect did be differ most from the teachers of tis time? Read the story of his life with the question in mind and the answer will be plain. He is unique because of the emphasis which he placed upon the humanities as con- s trasted with the forms and doctrines ' of religion. Do w love our fellowmen? Do we .Wish them all well? Have we uni versal good .will? Are we willing to fght for their rights? Do we make their wrongs our own? Are we friends of the stranger, of the naked, of the Bick, and the prisoners? Is our heart with the emancipators? Do we feel it to be the supreme mission to preach the pospel to the poor; to preach the gospel of justice and hope for the poor; to heal the broken-hearted; to preach deliverance to the captives; and liberty for the bruised and op pressed children of toil? That is enough. That is religion. That is the badge of discipleship. To reduce the. elaborate doctrines of the ology to tjiat simple formula of good will to man, and to exalt deeds of lov ... ing kindness above the worship of the temple, that is the service which Jesus rendered the world. To the people of his time he said: ""You who worship tne letter without the spirit; you wLo have embalmed truth in the tombs of deserted tem ples; you who have divorced religion from life; you poor, fettered, formal souls, break the yoke of the past, de clare your independence of dogma and creed, come out from the shadows - of authority, stand up like men in the majesty of your own souls, know that wherever reason is respected, wherever freedom is courageously as serted, wherever human needs are served, Wherever through the ages arise The alters of self-sacrifice Where love its arms has opened wide Or man for man has calmly died, there is religion pure and undefiled. there is One greater than the tem ple." A week day spent in honest, earn est work is holier than the Sabbath of the Pharisee. The fittest place, to worship is at the altar of human need. No man is saved until he becomes a savior. A redeemed soul is one that is inspired with aspirations for the public good. I was standing on a street corner waiting for a car. Beside me were two young men. .There came along a squatty little man, with red face and large stomach. He wore the collar of some religious order. On his" vest there was displayed a gold cross. The two young men looked at the wheezy cleric, then looked -at each other-and laughed. Why did they laugh? .. . I suppose they were struck with the incongruity between that stomach and the cross. These young men got their car. "All about , the awful accident!' cried a newsboy. They bought a paper. They looked over the same page and read. Two men had been working in a boiler. One wa3 white and the other colored. The white man had a fam ily and the colored man was single. Some one, forgetting that the men were there, opened a valve which sent a rush of scalding water Into the boiler. Both men sprang for the lad der. "Go first" You're married," cried the colored man. The white man es caped. His black comrade perished. The two young men, after reading the story, looked at each other. They aid not laugh this time. They were sobered. They were moved by that sublime sacrifice. Neither would they have laughed at the , cleric, if they could have felt that he would have given his life, or even sacrificed a dinner, now and then, for the sake of truth and humanity. In the city of Cleveland, last win ter, a man was taken to the pest house and died of , smallpox. This man's neighbor was very poor. But not so poor as the widow. So the neighbor made a home for her and tried to com fort her in her sorrow. In a few weeks the widow died in child-birth. The neighbor and hl3 wife called on the director of charities. They told their story honestly as investigation proved. They did not ask the direc tor to help them to any charity. They merely wanted to save the body of.the widow from a paupers grave. -They could not pay for a grave. But they wanted to arrange to buy it on the i: stallment plan. They not only did this, but they adopted the baby. What are the li braries and universities or our mil lionaires compared to the benefactions of these heroic poor who bury the dead and feed the helpless out of their pitiful store? . To many it would seem strange to speak of the sacrifice of the black man in the boiler as an act of worship. When we speak of religion we think of stained glass windows, and elo quent sermons, and gold crosses and catechisms. We -do not think of the poverty which shares Its crust with widows and orphans. Ah, how suffer ing humanity ought to love those heavenly words: Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these. The religion of humanity! Would you know what it is; what it hopes for and what enthusiasms it kindles in the hearts of men? Listen, then, to these words of the revolutionists who died in the streets of'Paris: "Citizens, do you picture to your selves the future? The streets of the cities flooded with light the green branches upon the thresholds, the na tions sisters, men just? the old men blessing the children, the past loving the present, thinkers in. full liberty, believers in full equality, for religion the heavens, God priests direct, human conscience become the altar, no mor3 hatred, the fraternity of the workshop and the school, for reward and pen alty notoriety to all, labor for all, law, over all peace, no more blood shed, no more war, mothers happy." PETER KARAGECRGEVITGH IS A HEAVY .PATRONYMIC FOR A KING TO CARRY TO A ' THRONE,; BUT THE SERVIAN SKUPTSCHINA O) iindleo0 Twin (So Farmers wanted as agents. AUGUST POST, Moulton, Iowa. TRESTER SUPPLY COMPANY, BEE SUPPLIES. CATALOGUE FREE. 103 So. 11th St. Lincoln, Neb, BECAUSE THEY ARE PREPARED TO DO SOMETHING WELL Established 20 Years. OUR GRADUATES SUCCEED. Complete information in oar BEAUTIFUL ILLU TKATEI) CATALOGUE. Address Students assist ed in securing employment. LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE, Lincoln, Nebraska. 1309 O Strttt, Lincoln, Nebraska. A business or shorthand course lias become a necessity to every young man or woman who expects to enter the business world. It affords a young person very pleasant and pay ing employment and there is no course a person cun take that will be a better stepping stone to apermaneut business. The Modern Commercial School offers the complete business and shorthand courses given by competent instructors. Individual instruction is a specialty with us. Write for free announcement. School in session until August 7. Fall term opens September 7. ' J. L. STEPHENS President, 1309 0 Street. Has Perpetrated Him Upon the ;Worll As" Successor to the Murdered"' Alexander. t In the annals of the last ten days has been recorded a cold-blooded as-r sassination. The king and, queen of Servia, together with, , a part of their private bodyguard, were hilled by revolutionists with ' unpronouncabla names. The parliamentary body of the kingdom promptly , elected Prince Peter Karageorgevitch as ruler. The people of Belgrade appear to.have re garded the horrible crime with utmost complacency and the ' . , ; i WORLD LOOKS ON 'AMAZED that the twentieth century should witness a regicide so grossly cruel and barbarous. And this leads ono to rej mark that crowned heads in 'Europe, are far from safe. 1 The 'world had progressed rapidly, but the divinity which hedges about a king is a poor protection to the life of the monarch. King Alexander and, Queen Draga seem to have inspired no respect or of Omaha .... makes the best lice and mite killer; the easiest to use; the most certain in results LEFS LICE KILLER. A liquid; simply spray or sprinkle it on the roosts for poultry it does the rest. No handling of fowls, no labor or bother. Sold by 10,000 dealers at 86 cents per at, $ 1 per gal. Don't economize a few cents on lice killer and lose valuable fowls. Send for free catalog of poultry and stock supplies, poultry calendar and egg record, list of 300O agencies, and special $2.00 free offer to points where we have no agent. CEO. H. LEE CO., Omaha, Neb. 4.07 0 TOTAL, $11 ,323 PRIZES Large Four-Seated Long Distance Tunnean Automobile, f 1,400 Upright Grand Pianos, $000 each Upright Grand Piano, $350 Sclf-Playin2 Organs, $250 each Typewriter Large Expensive Cameras Dinner and Tea Sets Piano Player, $275 Largo Billiard Tables Large Columbia Phonographs Bicycles, Gold Watches TWO LARGE FRUIT FARMS Thousands of other Valuable Presents EVERYONE GUARANTEED A PRIZE We have recently distributed many valuable prizes to workers and will send a list of prizes and namet of winners to all answering this advertisement. ( We want our friends to help us reach a circulation of 200,000 copies a month . We propose to pay every worker well for the work. Some will receive bonanzas. Think wbat you can do with the $1,400 automobile lecturing through the country. The pianos, piano players and self-playing organs will add greatly to the interest of public meetings or the enjoyment of the home, and mind you, every worker is guaranteed a prize. Do you wantmore than this? ,'. ' - The price of Wilshire's Magazine is now one dpllar a year cannot be produced for less. We fell yearly subscription cards to workers at 0 cents each. Sill the cards at a profit If you can, but tell them. Our magazine can be sold to many who will not buy other Social 1st literature and now is the time for workers to '' plug".for all they are worth ;the result will oount heavily In the coming presidential campaign. The prize will be given to those selling the largest number of yearly subscription cards or sending ns the largest number of yearly subscriptions before December 1st, 1903. Get busy and get a prize. Everyone sending ten yearly subscriptions or more is guaranteed a prize. ' - You surely do not wantmore. i ' '" ', Four cards for $2, fen cards for a fiver and ten'cards insures a prize. v How many? lour move I When in New York seo me, ' H.1 GaySord WilsSiire, 8 25 East 23rd St., Hew Yorf; affection among their subjects and j THE BANKERS RESERVE LIFfii company of Omaha feels that risks on foreign potentates are extra haz ardous. However, in America every citizen is equal before' the law. Life isas safe for one as anothea, and with a good family record anj q healthful 'condition, of body 'and min i any man of proper age can secure pro tf ction'for his family and investment fdr himself at 'rates which are rea-1 sonable. The policies of this company are up-to-tlate in all particulars The favorite options, cash and loan val ues, and certainty of payment ' com mend this home company to all. B. H. ROBISON, PRESIDENT," reports his excellent field force ac tively campaigning in all the western states entered. Each mail brings Its proof of their success and activity in premium receipts. : When 1903 closes the Bankers Reserve will have, passed the $10,000,000 mark. Additional ter ritory is demanding competent under writers. Profitable contracts are still cpen. Write for particulars. Be sure you have policy and recommend th3 aggressive young company to you? reighbors. - Karl Marx Edition, matter all con tributed by socialists, July .23, 1901. Keep within a thousand word3 if-possible. . - . .- 14