The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, June 25, 1903, Page 16, Image 16

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JUNE 25, 1 903.
Nervous, Chronic,
Other Dictate? of
Men and Woman wa
t. F. L. Searles.
-y cures guaranteed:
Ym, we gnnrantce to cure alt curable eases
of the Noe,- Throat, Che-t, Stomach, Liver,
Keajrt, Paralysis, Bowel, Bladder, Fimplea on
face, Blood, Skin and Kidney Diseases. Piles,
Fistula and Rectal Ulcers. Diabetes and Brigbt's
Xiseasc. . . : -
$100.00 for a case of CATARRH, RHEUMA
' hoMe treatment by mail.
Kiam;natkn and comultation free. Call or
address stamp, P. O. Box 224.
Drs. Seatles & Searlcs r 83
Hye &: Buchanan Cos,
Best possible service in all departments.-Write
or wire us for markets
or other information-.' 7 ' . ?
, , - Long distance Telephone 2305
TIFPANY'5 Sure Death ta
Lice (Powder) sprinkled
in the nest keeps your
fowls free from lice. Sprinkle
hen and the little chicks will
hare nolice. Tiffany's Paragon
"Liquid" kills mites instantly.
Sprinkle bed for hogs, roosts
for fowls. Box powderfor lit
tle turkeys and chicks post
paid 10c. We want agents.
Lincoln. Tieb.
Us No Oil Mix With Water
A. 12 rear old boy can apply this paint successfully.
BHtUhtetlon cuamaterd. We pit r tha freight.
Paint your houses inside and outside. Your barbs,
fences and agricultural implements. This Kich
Tasean Red Mineral 1'nlnt is shipped dry in 100
lb. packages. J00 lbs. will cover 1000 square feet or
rough surface such as rough boards and undressed
stone and 2000 square feet of smooth surface such as
walls and ceilings. This paint will not wash, rub
or peel oS and can be polished like hardwood finish,
PRICE $3.00 PER 100 LBS.
delivered in Iowa, Kansas or Nebraska. We pay all
freight charges and guarantee safe delivery. Re
mit by Draft, P. O. Order or Express Order to
B. M. & PAINT CO., Railroad Bldg., Oenver, Colo.
- Paid up Capital 150.000. . i '
are given a liberal stock bonus
for each share of stock you have
A new prospecting company,
recently organized, is. offering
through us, a limited amount of
underwriter's stock. WE RE
COMMEND 'this stock to our
clients:the company owns val
uable mining properties and
has no liabilities.
. Write for particulars.
Fiscal Agents, Box E 1006.
112 Clark Street, Chicago, 111-
Save 25
per Cent
"by purchasing paint of us. We sell
direct from the factory, avoiding
the middleman's profit. Color cards
free. Drop us a line.
Farmers Grocery Go.
Money and the Taxing Power
All Rights Reserved.
" BOOK 2. Chapter VII.
The force of demand for it, which
maintains the quantity of human val
uation of that force at the "value"
stamped upon each coin, Is a statutory
force of demand, resulting from its en
dowment by Maw with exclusive power
to perform a beneficial statutory ser
vice for men, which they are com?
pelled by statute to perform. It is
placed beyond question that the power
"to coin 'money" is simply a portion
of the machinery for exercising the
taxing power; and that the govern
ment no wore owes a duty to supply
the American people with "a circulat
ing medium" than it owes the duty to
furnish to American poker players the
"chips" used in operating the game of
draw poker!
The power to coin money is a power
to be exercised simply for the benefit
of the government possessing it In
properly exercising that power, the
government is enabled to "anticipate
the revenues" and to bridge over a
deficit by coining its money symbol
and giving these coins in exchange for
the things needful in its operations.
Governments are thus armed with
the power of self-preservation and by
exercising that power for their own
benefit they can "choke the deficit"
It Is simply the power to anticipate
taxes, by collecting them in advance
and giving out to the people, who thus
pay. in advance, tax receipts called
"toins," which are by law made con
clusive proof of such payment by their
tender in favor of the bearer,
against all tax levies "in the public
offices," and against all judgments "In
the courts." No coin., in the world j
today has any other power except
this, no matter what substance may
compose the vehicle upon which it
tides. "" --.;
It is the evidence of extravagance
or misfortune whenever a government
is compelled to "coin" its money. It
is likewise a misfortune to a country
whenever coin is issued. ; The reasoa
is, that coin, being Jmperishable and
always in urgent demand, becomes a
secure investment for the surplus per
ishable commodities of the greedy and
selfish, : of which Jhey immediately
avail, themselves; and by storing up
their surplus In that imperishable
commodity, protect and secure them
selves against loss through the nat
ural F inability of commodities' en
dowed with utility. ;? :
The poor,?. on- the other hand can
not avail themselves of these advant
ages ,because they have no surplus to
thus store up. Nature herself, by in
cessantly devouring surplus perish
able products, "tends continually to
lnain.ain equality of wealth amons
men, which tendency Is overcome by
the possession of imperishable "coin"
as an investment in. which to storj
up tho surplus of the rich. Storing up
their surplus thus in' imperishable
coin, enables the relatively rich to
command the services of the relatively
poor and thus to create a form, of ser
vitude not beneficial to the race as a
whole. . :it. :
s All the excited discussion about the
power of a government by its "fiat" to
"inject value" into such things , has
been a waste of energy. "Value" can
not be injected into things. "Value"
is simply our appraisal or "Valuation"
of the quantity of the force of demand
for possessable things endowed with
utility; which force is generated by
human energy in action in a combat
between individual men, stopped short
of violence by law, and expending it
self in that struggle in efforts for ex
clusive individual possession of pos
sessable commodities, either naturally
or artificially endowed with power to
lender beneficial service to mankind.
It is our "valuation" or appraisal of
a force in action in the presence
of those commodities, but it is
never IN them. It emanates from
selfish man brought Into collision
with all other selfish men, "by the in
stitution of private ownership and ex
clusive Individual possession of com
modities endowed with utility.
Whether "value" exists among us
is a question that depends absolutely
upon whether there is a force of de
mand for a possessable commodity
endowed with utility, and in Its pres
ence. It matters not what the -nature
of the perishable commodity may be,
nor what may be the nature of the
benfiecial service it is capable of ren
dering if there be a force of demand
for it, the quantity of that force of
demand," when it is mentally appraised
or "valued," constitutes what we call
the "value" of that commodity. It Is
our estimate of the quantity of the
force of demand for it, made in its
presence. y V ;
The necessity to obtain food sets
human energy in operation, and under
the system of exclusive private owner
ship, exercised under laws restraining
violence, the force ;cf demand, and
consequent "valuation" of it, follows
Che intensity of the force of de
mand must necessarily correspond
with the Intensity of the struggle thu&
carried on for exclusive possession of
the commodity in question, no mat
ter what it may be. Where one pos
sessable article alone is endowed with
exclusive;, power to perform a given
service, beneficial to, all mankind, and
the performance of that service Is by
statute in every nation made imperi
ous and urgent, as well as .universal,
it ..cannot avoid coming to pass that
the force of demand for tnat possess
able article must be '. strenuous and
the resulting "valuation" of the quan
tity of that force great.
When it is called to mind tnat ev
ery inhabitant of the civilized world
is imperatively required every year to
perform the act of paying his taxes,
and that no commodity within his
reach is endowed with the power to
perform that service for him, except
ing "coin;" and when it is further re
membered that by a universal con
spiracy against mankind among all
civilized governments, no coins capa
ble of performing that, urgent service
are issued, except upon a fixed and
determined quantity by weight of the
metal gold (which is a scarce metal)
it must be evident that a struggle for
its possession thus by statute tn all
those ; nations : made : worldwide . ana"
intense, must generate a quantity of
the force of demand, for the receipts
thus limited, that- is overwhelmingly
great ;
Add to this, the fact that the same
"coins'' which can emanate from no
source except government, are, by
reason of the . same world-wide con
spiracy, hy statutes in . every civilized
land, given exclusive power as a re
ceipt by tender against all the Judg
ments of the courts of the world, and
how can we express the volume and
intensity of the force or demand thus
concentrated by statute upon that
scarce metal, which alone , the con
spirators against humanity will per
mit those receipts to be stamped!
Add to this that all those govern
ments, as a result of the same world
embracing conspiracy against man
kind, no longer make those recipts
called "coins" to meet' their own
needs, and exchange them for the ser
vices and commodities required to
carry on their-own operations.' They
have abdicated the rfght to coin mon
ey for the purpose for was
Instead of stamping those receipts
and exchanging them for the quantity
of value expressed upon their face, fo.
services and commodities required for
their support and .maintenance, gov
ernments have everywhere ; by- that
climax of "iniquity working' mischief
by a law" ' called "free coinage,"
adopted the plan of "giving away"
those receipts "free of cost" to whom
soever .will bring to the mints of the
civilized world a piece of gold of the
regulation weight and fineness, as a
platter upon which to carry it away.
It costs the owner of the gold nothing
whatever to- procure the stamping
upon his metal of the "image and su
perscription", constituting those stren
uously 7 sought receipts against tax
levies and judgments, which are rig
orously denied to the world besides;
and his metal thus favored may be
carried into all "civilized" regions,
and its owner may instantly deWnd
of any one of the civilized nations, and
receive as a gift, -stamped upon his
metal, a receipt conclusively certifying
TO THE LIE that government had re
ceived from him that quantity of val
ue, and made good by its tender
against tax levies and judgments,-at
about the rate of ten "dollars" for each
232 grains of gold he may own.. No
other commodity possessed by men
is thus favored. ..
(Continued Next Week.)
The Hotel Walton
1010 6 STREET,.
the best and most convenient low priced
house in the c ty. Rate $1 per day and up.
Cancers Cured; puud.fl.ti
from cancer? Dr. T, O'Connor
cures cancers, tumors and wens;
no knife, blood or plaster. Address
1306 O St., Lincoln, Nebraska. .
LaGrippe Caused
Heart Trouble,
Nervous Prostration
and-Dyspepsia. -'
My Friends Know Heart
"Cure Cured Me.
; Mrs. C. O. Hurd, 118 W, Third St, Musca
tine, la., is well known throughout her
section of Iowa as an ardent worker in the
M. E. Church. She says: "LaGrippe left me
with a severe case of nervous depression and
nervous dyspepsia, which soon affected my
heart. I suffered from sleeplessness, head
ache, extreme nervousness and twitching of
the 'muscles. The slightest exertion would
cause shortness of breath, a numbness of mv
body and hot flashes with pain. I will tell
you what I am constantly telling my friends
that Dr. Miles' Heart Cure cured me so
that all these disagreeable symptoms left me.
I may add that for severe pain I have never
found anything to equal Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain,
Pills and think the Nerve and Liver Pills are
a wonderful stomach remedy."
"Our son was stricken down with heart
trouble in his - twentieth year. For two
months we.gofiio sleep with him at- night,
so we commenced to use Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure and Nervine with the Nerve and Liver
Pills and today he is sound and well.' In
fact he passed a physical examination since
his sickness and As with the Army in the
Philippines. I desire to add that Dr. Miles'
Anti-Pain Pills have certainly been a boon
to me. -1 am frequently troubled with sick
and nervous headaches and . I. have never
found anything that would relieve me so
quickly and leave me feeling so well there
after." -Mrs. Altee Moad, Buffalo, Mo. .. -
All druggists sell and guarantee first bot
tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book
on Nervous and Heart Disea es. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind.
Splendid Farm mm.
i F(0RME;rFarm 400 acres, near Frank
fort, Marshall j county, - Kansas. . Improve
ments cost $7,000; seven-room bouse stone
cellar, cemented floor. Water piped Into
house Wind mill, supply tanks-all steel
i0 iJTln u' Plete water works.
Barn holding 16 horses; 2 ho.g houses, planked
flooring; cook house; boilers and scales
granary and self feeder holding 10,000 bush
els grain; two hay barns, cow barn, 3 corrals,
complete with racks, hog pastures, 380 acres
in cultivation 20 acres wood land. A most
cpmpletejitock and grain farm, strictly first
class. Price MR. Cash 7,000; balance, time
6 per cent, interest. .
Woods Iavestm'eot Company,
Lincoln Hotel, . Lincoln, Neb.
flfll I CflC rhilliontha Mnei..l rvnJL
UULLCULO (aiUiSthiColleiVof 6
For. free catalog address ALLEN MOOUE
Pres't. Chillicothe, Mo. Car fare paid.
Chilhcotbe Normal College
Chillicothe Commercial College
Chillicothe Shorthand College
Cbillicotae Telegraphy College
Chillicothe Pen Art College
at home. Farmers don't delay.
Investigate. Save your surplus
.fruit, hv (ann?Tiir- TTacir li.r
, Uerldlan, MisslsslppIF'
Buy Paint at Wholesale Prices F"y
t; Black Roof Paint. 40c. per gal
Red Barn Paint.... .... . 58c. per gal
Slate Color Barn Paint. . 78c. per gal
Shingle Stain.. 3oc to... 60c. per gal
. Sheep Dip. , . .... ..... . .65c. per gal
Excelsior Disinfectant. , .60c. per gal
Superior Disinfectant ... 75c. per gal
boga and cattle; prevent and cure hog cholera.
Samples, circnlari and color cards free. Wa
guarantee everything we sell. Terms cash on
receipt of goods. As to our responsibility, we
refer yon to any commercial report or any bank
in Findlay, Ohio.
Plumbing and Heating
Estimates Furnished ",'.
j. a cox
133 North i4th Street. Lincoln, Neb.
If vou want a ti&r tight and bull stroner
fence inquire for the , .
manufactured at Fremont, Nebr., by P.
- HiMi uiI4am t m , u r & tn - - m -