The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, June 25, 1903, Page 13, Image 13

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    JUNE 25, 1903.
The Fairview Celebration
Men unaccustomed to newspaper
work frequently fail to understand the
necessity for promptness in deciding
matters. Last week there was talk
of cancelling the date of holding the
state committee meeting and . fixing
upon July 3 instead, in order to take
advantage of excursion rates and al
low the members of the committee an
opportunity to remain over and take
iu the Fourth of July celebration at
Fairview. - It was decided to make
this change, and The Independent an
nounced the change 'and the celebra
tion in one item. .
After the editorial page had been
sent to the stereotyper, the powers
that be again changed their minds
and concluded,, after all, that the
meeting must come as originally set.
And the forms had to be hauled back,
chariges made in two different ar
ticles, one "killed" and a new plate
made. The result was that no men
tion was made of the Fairview cele
bration last week. The following,
quoted from The Commoner, is self
explanatory. It is only necessary to
add that populists generally appre
ciate Mr. Bryan's enterprise in secur
ing the noted speakers he has for this
occasion, and that they will come
fjom far and near to hear them:
The Fairview Jefferson club will
hold an old-fashioned Fourth of July
celebration at Fairview this year. The
readers of The Commoner will remem
ber that Fairview is the name given
to Mr. Bryan's home and, is situated
about four miles southeast of Lin
coln. The exercises will be held in a
grove close to the street car line and
about a quarter of a mile from Mr.
Bryan's residence.
Mayor Tom L. Johnson of Cleve
land, O., Col. Richard S. Wynne of Ft.
Worth, ex., and Dr. Howard S. Tay
lor of Chicago will deliver addresses.
Professor Hagenow's band will furnish
music for the occasion and a choir
selected from The Commoner office
force will lead in the singing of pa
triotic airs.
The celebration of the anniversary
of the nation's birth has in too many
places degenerated into a day of sport
for the people and into a day of money-making
for merchants.
The Fairview Jefferson club desires
to return to the simplicity and sincer
ity of the earlier day celebrations
when the people were wont to gather
together on such a day to renew ac
quaintances, exchange opinions, sing
together inspiring songs, heai the
Declaration of, Independence read, and
listen to the discussions of questions
affecting the national welfare. The
club is fortunate in being able to se
cure the attendance of the distin
guished citizens whose names are
mentioned above. Of Tom Lu John
son it is not necessary to speak. His
able and courageous defense of the in
terests of the masses has earned for
him his position of leadership of the
Ohio democracy, an he is using that
leadership to bring about public re
forms. Col. Wynne is one of the most
prominent lawyers of Texas, an ora
tor of note and a citizen of high
ideals. Dr. Taylor is city attorney of
Chicago under Mayor Harrison, and
is not only an able speaker, but is so
accomplished a writer of verse that
he has been dubbed poet laureate of
the Chicago platform democracy. All
are " cordially invited. ;
And the thousands of acres of Ne
braska's fertile soil, covered with this
life-giving plant, is a beauty to be
hold, standing from 2 to-4 feet high
and yielding from 4 to 10 tons to the
acre, and sells readily from ?4 to $8
per ton on the farm. Here is a gold
mine for any man who wants to in
vest a little money, and then put
forth a reasonable ; amount of energy,
to look after the harvesting and han
dling of the crop'
It keeps bees, chickens hogs, horses
cattle and sheep and they keep man.
Here you have the one! plant alone
that is equal in its qualities Jo and
stand side by- side of King Corn. Yes,
alfalfa only has to be sown once In
100 years. It is harvested from May
to December.' ' ' ;' "
We have 50,000 . acres of the best
of alfalfa land ranging in price from
310 to $40 per acre. Much of this is
on easy terms, making it possible for
any industrious man to own his home.
This class of land is rising in value
fast, and it will be impossible to buy
thi3 kind of land in a few years at
any price. Now is the time to take
advantage of these offers.
No. 113F. Here is an alfalfa farm.
320 acres, on Sappy creek, 7 miles
south of Lebanon, Neb.; new frame
house, 7 rooms; new barn 28x34,
sheds 14x28,. 450 acres in cultivation,
balance in pasture; plenty of timber
and water, all fenced and cross fenced,
hog pasture of 25 acres fenced with ,
woven wire; 100 acres of alfalfa; all
land in cultivation; good alfalfa land.
Price, $15 per acre; a snap if taken
at once.
No. 86.- Examine into this Platte
County Farm. It has 160 acres of
good farm land, 3 miles south of Lind
say, four-roomed house, well and
wind mill, granary, hog -house, barn
for 6 , horses, buggy shed, cemented
cistern; all fenced. This is a bargain.
Price, $45 per acre.
No. 504. Farm in the Sugar Beet
Section, Hall County. Farm contain
ing 240 acres; of this 1C0 acres are in
cultivation, 60 acres in pasture, 15
acres in alfalfa; house 16x22, with ad
dition; barn, well and pump. It is
located 3 miles from Grand Island,
and will be offered for the low price
of $22.50 per acre to July 1.
No. 522. Choice Bargain in Frank
lin County. Farm of 160 acres, 3
miles north of Naponee, Neb., 90 acres
under cultivation, 70 acres fenced, well
of good water, new house and stables,
54 acres in wheat, balance in corn,
and is convenient to church and
school. Price, $10 per acre.
" No. 55. On Woou" River Bottom.
Farm of 320 acres, joins the townsite
of Lomax, Neb. Good house 20x36, 2
stories and 8 rooms; good barn for 18
horses, loft1 for 10 tons of hay; extra
good outbuildings; grove of 456 Ev
ergreen trees.. Price, $8,000.
No. 87. Here is a Ranch that will
run 2,500 Cattle. It is located in
Thomas "and McPherson counties and
has 1,920 acres deeded, 1,280 acres of
school land leased for 25 years, 35.0
acres of range enclosed, has 5 wells
and mills, with storage, 400 acres in
cultivation, 2,000 acres tillable, 350
acres good alfalfa land, good improve
ments. Price, $6 per acre for deeded
land and school land. This is a
Paradise for a stockman. This ranch
will cut 3,500 tons of hay.
By J. H. EDMISTEN. Pres.
The Fourth of July is near at hand;
it is a noted, honored and glorified
record day. Our early forefathers on
that day of that month in the year
1776 signed a written declaration that
we were determined to have an inde
pendent government, a home govern
ment, and would no longer be gov
erned by a king three thousand miles
away. Now what would be done if a
lot of Filipinos should get together
and sign the declaration and publish
it. Samuel would probably do just
as the king of England did go to
killing off those who wanted to gov
ern themselves.
There were 291 cases of typoid fever
within the last three months among
the students of the New York univer
sity and the inhabitants of Ithaca,
surrounding, and, 29 deaths. It is gen
erally admitted that the trouble came
through the impurity of the water
There Is strong evidence that the
world is . improving morally, relig
iously and politically. Morality has
nothing to do with crime, but does
restrict vice. Personal Indulgence of
appetite and lust is vice, but when
indulgence trespasses upon" the rights
of others it becomes crime. There is
not the Indulgence of appetite and lust
there was fifty, years ago. Many vic
ious people are extremely secret in
their indulgence. In open daylight
they pretend to be temperate and vir
tuous. In former days church men
and prophets believed in polygamy
and sheltered concubines.
. If the state officers who put more
money into their pockets during terms
cf office than the state constitution
specifies are compelled to hand the
extra money back to the state then
the members of the past six or eight
legislatures should be made to pay
back all their salaries received ex
cepting one hundred and twenty dol
lars. The amendment to the constitu
tion increasing their., pay : to three
hundred dollars never was adopted by
the people; it was counted in by re
publicans and is no more a part of the
constitution than the prohibition
amendment voted for.
We hope our governor will not com
mute the sentence of the murderer
now at the foot of the gallows, in our
penitentiary. A murderer should be
put where he could never commit an
other crime. See what a life prisoner
undertook to do this week in Colorado
prison. If there was any doubt of the
guilt of our prisoner it would be dif
ferent. Criminals fear hanging more
than they fear any other punishment
and fear Is what should be sown
among" criminals.' We punish not be
cause crime has been committed, but
to prevent crime in the future.
We have just purchased from the. Wisconsin Furniture and Coffin" Co.
all their furniture that was damaged when their warehouse was unroofed
by the cyclone some time ago. " "
This makes the greatest chance to
get Good Furniture Cheap that has
ever been offered in Lincoln.
The sale includes 1,000 Center Ta
bles, 80 bed room suites, and 40 chif
foniers. In all about .
Worth of
You can get Thres-Pieca
Bedroom Suites Fcr
About Half Price in this sale. '
A suit worth. $25
This sale
A sust worth $3O 0in fl(
This sale... .... .J)! UlUU
Other suits in pro
portion up to. . . ..
A High Grade suit
about like cut
Sale price. .
Wood Bedsteads
We will offer the wood beds out ot
these suites at unheard of low prices.
We have .put the beds into three lots
and will offer them at the sale price
r.k -
V , X&P- ? ? ---1
$1.50 $2.00 $2.25
Never will such a chance to buy
bed so cheap come again.
. The Chiffoniers Include some extra
good ones, and they will be. sold at th"i
,ame low price as all other furrltuie
in this sale. This is about Half Price.
Hardwood Chiffoniers,
a regular $G.50 value, (j i QC
sale Drice. td
$10.00 Chiffoniers,
sale price
5.00 Chiffoniers
sale price. . . .
$22.00 Chiffoniers
v sale price. ,
All these piece3 are in first-class
condition and ars from one of the best
furniture factories in the country. Wo
are not offering undesirable goods at
Center Tables
Some of our best bargains are In
the Center Table stock. We bought
all the Wisconsin Furniture & Coffin
Co. had, about 1,000, and we want to
sell them quick. This" is a great
chance to get a good tabJe cheap.
225 Tables like cut, worth $1.50, QCa
sale price, each OJll
232 Tables like cut, only 16-inches Cflp
square top, worth $1.25, sale priceOUb
Other styles ranging in price from these up to
table at
SI 0.00
This Sale and the Prices Offered are Only Good While Present
Stock Lasts
Hardy Fum
iture Co,
H24 O Street, LINCOLN, NEB.