The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, June 25, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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JUNE 25, 1903.
1 m4.
-r . . - . . mi 14.
Fii.A Llahtnmg winasxorm yz
Safe v Economical
i nn
Home Office, 130 No. I3th St., Lincoln, Neb. Phone 660.
Omaha; Dr. C. E. Coffin, Treasurer,' Lincoln; Dr. B. L. Paine, Chairman' Executive Com., Lincoln; D. C. Strat- c
rir i-i-i . t tt n t m .. - a : . T T xr.., . T nr atv, ..i, n:v. w
ton, X awnee VyHY, da8. Xl. vaseueer, xiue ounugs, ucu. oj. uwuns, auciuuui, j.v. au.. jLagLraii, xeuiasiYU, v-'itj' , js
J. L. Mabie, Omaha.
1 Jt
-w - ,
Xl - - - A ns.jw4- nrwUn 4 Vl A AAmrOHtT TT O 7 fff -rlirtTT Tl rtl A ATa ltl
v jj lucre 18 I1U JCUI lu uui IUWU vviitc ilic uuiujjaujr uiiivv. i ,uuu jjvuvjr uujucio iu ncuiacaa jjju-
7 posed of her best citizens. Has SIX MILLION DOLLARS insurance in force on the best of properties. Does
P huflinVas in Nebraska onlv: there is none better. It keeps the money at home. Your liability cannot exceed the.
I. board rate. It has saved money annually to its policy holders; pays its losses promptly and in full. Try them.
y ; M
The boss-ridden condition of the re
publican party was exhibited to all the
world in the dispatches from Wash
ington last Tuesday. It was asserted
the Iowa tariff plank had been at last
rerfected by Senator Allison, after
ward submitted to President Roose
velt and other republicans in Wash
ington receiving the approval of them
all. Then Congressman Hepburn
etarted with the precious document to
Icwa where it will be promulgated by
the Iowa republican1 state convention.
It will be seen that, the republican
, party does not pretend to retain more
than the mere form of representative
government- Conventions under a free
government are called to , nominate
candidates and frame platforms. The
platforms of that party are prepared
long before the convention meets and
the delegates have no duties to per
form in connection with them. In Ne
braska the candidates are named by
the corporation lawyers long in ad
vance of the conventions and a sim
ple formality is gone through with
when the delegates are assembled who
have been brought to the place on
passes furnished on the recommenda
tion of the same corporation lawyers.
. That was certainly the case with
-Mickey and Judge Barnes, although
.the last formality has not been gone
through with in tin 'case of Barnes.
As Xar aS any effect upon platforms
or nomination of candidates is con
cerned, republican conventions in
Iowa and Nebraska might as well be
dispensed with altogether.
Rockefeller in his interview with
Wilshire said that it was the trusts
that had produced prosperity and giv
'en the Deonle work. Aldrich and Han
na declare that it is the tariff that
diJ the whole business. The truth
is that the prosperity that the million
aires enjoy has come about by the
tariff and the trusts and the more gen
eral employment of the people" resulted
from the enormous increase in the
volume of money in circulation.
. : The Chicago Record-Herald re
marks: "Some people are predicting
a populist revival in 1904," Not only
"some people" are making such pre
diction, but some hundreds of thou
sands of people are doing so. The
principles of populism have spread in
; tc the ranks every political party in
this country, and largely into the par
ty of the , Record-Herald, as was
shown! when the populist demand for
the public ownership of street car
lines .was adopted and advocated by
its candidate for mayor. Yes, among
the "some people" who are predict
ing a revival of populism is The In
dependent and its readers know that
its predictions always come true.
The habit of the tyrant and oppres
sor of attributing the most henious
crimes to God instead of to those
who commit them, has an illustration
in th" "words employed by the, crown
heads' 6f Europe in welcoming Peter
Karageorgovitch to the thrdne of
Servia. He obtained the throne be
cause of the 'most cowardly assassins
tions-in all history. They all tell
this new thing that "God has placed
the responsibility upon you." The re
sponsibility Vas placed upon him by
the cold-blooded murder of the prev
ious king and queen and according to
their theory God committed the mur
der. That was the same accusation
that was made against the Supreme
Eeing in this country in regard to
the murder of 300,000 Filipinos.
The animus of the republican press
in regard to the punishment of the
.thieves who have been robbing the
people in the postofflce department is
correctly shown in the statement of
the Lincoln Star concerning Fourth
Assistant Ppstmaster Bristow, who
has uncovered the thievery and ob
tained the evidence upon which they
are to be prosecuted. It says: "It is
now about time to investigate Bris
tow" and "he is about ripe enough to
club off the tree." It is not to be ex
pected of any . Nebraska republican
paper that it would have any sym
pathy '"with a man who helped to
bring republican rascals to justice.
A - trust exists in Pennsylvania in
defiance of the common law, the laws
of congress and the laws and consti
tution of the state of Pennsylvania:
That trust controls a sufficient por
tion of the coal fields of the United
States to in a groat measure fix the
price of coal for every household in
the nation. The cutting off of the an
thracite supply will of course raise
the price of soft coal as it dfd last
winter. No effort is made by the. ad
ministration, the state authorities and
the prosecuting attorneys of either
state -or nation to bring this set of
robber trust magnates to justice and
none will be made while the republi
can party feels that it is safely forti
fied in power.
It seems to The " Independent that
the only logical position that any
man can take under our constitution
and laws in regard to the Bible is to
treat it just as any other book is
tieated. No one has authority under
our laws and constitution to say this
book is inspired or that it is not in
spired. It stands before the law exr
actly as do the Koran, Science and
Health, the works of Confucius or
those of William Shakespeare. For
those who believe the Bible to be .
$35.1 5
With a Long Limit.
N. E. A. at Boston, Mass,
Tickets on Sale June 30th to July 4th.
Return limit can be extended to Sept.
1st, 1903.
City Ticket Office
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Telephone No. 235.
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7th St., bet. P and Q
Tel. Burlington 1290
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For the Buslnes Man to bnild nn hi N
shattered nerves. Ati
PfiSSillPir StrvfCA Eieluiivilv ,For the Tourist who desires to unite
. " - SB,""IJ pleasure with comfort at moderate cost,
Three sailings eaeh week between
Chicago, Frankfert, Charlevoix,
Petoskey, Harbor Springs and
Mackinac Island, connecting for
uetroit, tfuttalo, etc. Booklet free
Olw. in.
fciliffERN lE-2!i -M. RPDOI 7HPIM n D A
fcj MliiIM I 9 M f II nfl Ca vuimiUi
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a blood or constitutional
disease, and in order to cure It you
must take internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and
acts directly on the blood and muc
ous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
not a quack medieine. It was pre
scribed by one of the best physicians
in this country for years, and is a
regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined
with the best blood purifiers, acting
directly on the mucous surfaces. The
perfect combination of the two ingred
ients is what produces such wonderful
results in curing Catarrh. Send for
testimonials free.
. .F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props,.
.. . Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
' Hall's Family Pills are the best
Yf IIot Springs and Eeturn'. . . .$15 50
WffS Dead wood, Lead, S. D., and Ret $17 85
. St. Paul and Minneapolis and Ret. . . $15 15
" THE BEST OF Above' on sale June 1st to Sept. 30. Return
EVERYTHING." limit October 31st. City Ticket Office lf)2i O St
R. W. McGINNIS, General Agent, Lincoln, Nebraska.
bad book, to ask the government to
take any other position is certainly
to abandon the fundamental principles
of this government in relation to the
absolute separation of church and
state, and in an indirect way recog
nize the claims of those who belieVed
it to be the "word, of. God.".
The Star says in answer to the
Beatrice Sun: "According to it, if
the Nebraska republican convention
does, not indorse Roosevelt, it will be
because the railroal corporations dic
tate its action. If it does indorse him
it will be because the convention is
dominated by the railroad corpora
tions.'" It calls that foolishness and
says that the people of the state have
grown weary of such nonsense. It
thinks that it has presented a para
dox from which there is no escape,
and $hat the Sun's statement' is. self
ccntradictory. The simple truth is
that the ' republican convention will
do just what the corporations de
mand. It will do nothing contrary
to their wishes. If the corporations
want Roosevelt indorsed, the conven
tion will indorse him. If they dj
rot want him indorsed it will repu
diate him. That's all there is to it
Notice Probate of foreign Will
Estate No. nf Tlmilnl J tij
in County Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, to all persons interested
in said estate, take notice that a petition has
ueen meu ior prooaie oi me win oi said aeccflBed,'
with finthPTilifMitpfl rnnv nnrl mnil
, : - r j 1 v iv! t i n-
ings thereon by the Court of Probate of Essex
tuumj, xtiassHcuuseus, as a ioreign will wluca
has been set for hearinr herein on July 23d 1H3.
oi a u tiuti a. iu, .tuieu .nine ZL, lvva.
t, . . r i' bounty Judge.
By Walter A. Leese,
TT. A A - VT llUe .1 T i' 1 j 1 1
isiaw i iwui cic8j: ouoiweu uecessed
in County Court of Lancaster County, Ne'
The State of Nebraika, si: Creditors of said
estate" will take notice that the time limited for
presentation and filing of claimg against said
estate is January 2, iy04,and for payment of
debts is July 1, 1904; that I will sit atthe county
court room in saiu county, on UctOber 1st, 1903,
At 2 n. m.. find on .Tannnrv 1QD1 f 9 ,
. . j ' VJ " ti 111. IU
receive, examine, bear, allow, or adjust all
oiaims anu oDjocuons auiy niea. Dated Mar
seal County Judire.
By WALTER A. LEESE, Clerk. b
Send an order to the 'Farmers' Gro
cery Co. for one of their combination
orders of groceries. Hundreds of our
readers have found their combinatioa
bargains exactly as represented and
entirely satisfactory. v Mention Tig
Independent -' , .