The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, June 18, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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JUNE 18, 1903.
1tta Goverament's Eternal rlTr Aboat
CItIIUIbs; sad EdecatlBg lit "SabjeeU" )
Kadi la Groans aad Savage Yelle
Some time ago a gentleman residing
In Boston, Mass., requested the editor
of The Independent to publish one of
the speeches delivered by Bright Eyes
in that city, in 1879, because most of
them bore so powerfully upon the
present course of the government in
the Philippines. He said: "The prin
ciples upon which Bright Eyes mad3
her contest for her race are the ver
same Involved in the holding of the
rilipinos as subjects. She won, and I
only hope that some Filipino may
come to this country who can speak
with the same force and power for
the people of the islands of the south
ern seas that she exhibited in the de
fense of her race. -The foundation of
all her pleas was law, the constitutioi
and the Declaration of Independence."
In searching through one of ha"
portfolios for an address the follow
ing i speech, which was delivered in
Tremont Temple, Boston, was ac ;i
dentally found. It is in her hand
writing. ; It was entitled, "Civiliza
tion." "What is civilization? Is It so
much the end of life that human be
ings who have hearts and minds and
souls are to be slaughtered? Is it
civilization to coop them up on re
serves, place them under the power of
one ' man, refuse j them a market for
-their produce, compel them by law to
buy and sell to only one man and for
bid them intercourse with the outsida
world? Is it civilizing them to refuse
the protection of the constitution and
the law when they are robbed, starved
and murdered and then when the
rebel, exterminate them? The gov
ernment speaks of the Indians as sav
ages. It must then follow that the
government is civilized. Is it civil'
zation for a powerful government rep
resenting forty millions of people to
force from their homes at the point
of the bayonet a tribe of seven hun
tired unarmed people? Then I had
rather be a savage.
"A government officer says: 'The
Poncas are good Indians. In mental
endowment, moral character, physical
strength and cleanliness of person,
Jthey are superior to any tribe I ever
met' Is it the civilization of the
nineteenth century that when the
Cheyennes, cooped up on a barren
reservation and were starving, re
sorted to the rifle to maintain theii
right to live as any other human be
ings, ; were exterminated, and when
the Ponca tribe resorted to the courts
and the constitution for justice, they
were told that they could not appear
in court or Lave any one appear for
"Because the Indians had intelli
gence enough to cry out and even
, fight against a system that was mak
ing slaves of them, (I forgot, I should
have said civilizing them), the cry
has arisen: 'Exterminate them.'
'The only good Indian is a dead Ind
ian. For every idle word that men
shall speak they shall give - an . ac
count thereof in the day of judgment.
"The question has narrowed down
to this alternative. Either external
. nate the Indian or give him the pro
tection of the constitution and the
law. Even though we were below the
level of brutes you would have no
right to exterminate us. We have
souls that belong to Gdd our Creator,
and you have no right to take our
lives as you hava been doing for the
last hundred years, by following the
policy which you say is for the pur
pose of 'civilizing' us.
"You say that the Indian is not In
telligent or educated enough to have
the law and the constitution placed
over him. I should rather sav that
that was the very reason that he
should have the protection of the con
stitution and the law. I should tMn'c
that If we have had ability enough to
hold our own against a powerful gov
ernment for 100 years, if we have had
brains enough to learn that your 'civ
ilizing' system was making slaves of
our people and to fight against It. if
we had intelligence enough to make
treaties and were honorable in keep
Ing them, then we certainly have ca
. pacity enough to claim our rights un
der that constitution and the law an1
by the law defend them.
"The commission authorized by act
of congress. .Tnlv 20, composed of
Generals .Sherman, Harney, Terry,
Augur and four eminent civilians, re
ported to congress in these words:
" 'It Is said our wars with them (the
.- Indians) have bee- almost constant
Have we been uniformly unjust? We
answer unhesitatingly, Yes.'
"General Harney himself said before
a congressional committee: 'I have
never known an Indian tribe to be
the first to breafc a treaty and I nave
never known the government, to ( keep
one If civilization consists in mak
lng solemn treaties and breakins
them, if the civilization of the govern
ment consists in making Its army
hold the arm sof a weak people while
its civilians rob them, then I had
rather be honorabla than civilized. I
had rather be brave and die fighting.
I think It Is cowardice in a powerful
government to refuse the protection of
the constitution and the law to the
last helpless race to whom it is deniel
The present policy with its eternal
palaver about 'civilizing' and 'educat
ing' has resulted only, in groans and
savage yells for revenge. Many Inno
cent ones, both white and red, have
been placed in bloody graves. For
many years the cry of . the helpless,
'savage' if you will, has gone up un
heeded by all but his Maker.
"God help us all to bear with each
other, for what are we that we should
spend our lives in conflict with each
other." ' ' - - ' .. -:'
The reason why this speech is al
most as applicable to the Filipino pro
blem as it was to the Indian problem,
when this Indian girl delivered it in
Boston 24 years ago, is because truth
is eternal and never dies.
A little while ago Bright Eyes re
marked: "It is impossible that you
can sympathize with the Filipinos as
I do. I have lived under a despotic
government under an Indian agent
whose word was law and 1 know a3
you cannot, what it is to long to be
free. Because the Indian agent might
be a kind man, did not repress that
Mr. McCnlston llelleves All Chairmen and
Committor Should be Ignored and
a Signed Call Made.
Editor Independent: When you
called on the people's party national
committee for their views, I hoped to
see quick responses and harmonious
views; but, instead few responses at
I great variance.
I now believe the only hope of a
populist revival is for a signed call by
the voters for a convention at a cen
tral point; then and there ignore old
chairman and committeemen and or
ganize for the future (along old lines)
where fusionist and anti-fusionist can
take each other by the hand as broth
ers standing around the grave of fu
sion, plant thoreon the white rose of
peace with a united prayer that it
shall bloom perpetually and forever.
I fail to see anything practical in
socialism or. equity in the single tax.
I believe a great many t)f the leaders
of both old parties have secretly licked
at the same lick log since 1S76. I be
lieve the salt for 1896 was the ziost
delicious. These Judases planned the
defeat of Hon. W. J. Bryan and put
populism in the background, where it
awaits a call to arms. Until that
call Is made, leave me off of The In
dependent's list or until some of the
papers I now have is out; my purs
and eyesight is taxed too heavy at
present I have no criticism for the
paper. Neither do I write for publi
cation. Permit me to drop one idea
here: instead of a single land tax on
land, why not have a graduated land
tax very light on the first 100 acres
and increase on each succeeding; 100?
Paris, Tex.
Convenient Stock Farm
One thousand acres, all bottom land,
fenced and cross fenced with tlnve
and four wires; 200 acres under culti
vation; 100 acres in alfalfa which
produces over 400 tons of hay per
year; 3 groves that furnish an. abund
ance ot shade, shelter, fence posts and
wood. Frame house story and half
18x26, frame barn 24x28x18, cattle
shed 50x50, hog pens, chicken houses,
granaries, corralls, etc. This land
lays' on the Republican river; ths
deepest depth to sheet water anywhere
on the farm is 28 feet. Two wells and
wind mills to supply water back from
the river. This is nearly all good
alfalfa and sugar beet land and U
only 4 miles from a good railroad
town. Price $12.50 per acre. With a
reasonable cash pr.ym.ent time will h'J
given to suit on the balance. This is
certainly a snap. It is only a matter
of a few years till this choice bottom
land will sell for $50 per acre. For
sale by Weber & Farris, Lincoln, Ne.
The Lincoln Postofffce
,. .... "X '
of : Omaha
makes the best lice and mite killer; the easiest
to use; the most certain in results LEE'S LICE
KILLER. A liquid; simply spray or sprinkle',
it on the roosts for poultry it does the rest.
No handling of fowls, no labor or bother. Sold
by 10,000 dealers at 35 cents per qt., $1 per
gaL Don't economize a few cents on lice killer
and lose valuable fowls.
Send for free catalog of poultry and stock
supplies, poultry calendar and egg record, list
of 3O0O agencies, and special $2.00 free offer
to points where we have no agent.
, CEO. H. LEE CO., Omaha, Neb.
Passenger Service Exclusively pSluSKot mdSA0ru
STEAMSHIP For". Seeking Health in the balmy
For tba Btuiness Man to build no his
snaitered nrves.
Three sailings each week between
Chicago, Frankfert, Charlevoix,
Petoskey, Harbor 5prings and
Mackinac Island, connecting for
Detroit, Kuttalo, etc. Booklet free.
Chicago. ,
A J ANrrvVlT
$35.1 5
With a Long Limit.
N. E. A. at Boston, Mass.
. Tickets on Sale June 30th to July 4th.
Return limit can be extended to Sept.
1st, 1903.
City Ticket Office
Cor. 10th and O Streets
Telephone No.' 235.
Burlington Depot
7th St., bet. P and Q
Tel. Burlington 1290
J. W. Wolfe, R. F. D. 1, Eagle Lake,
Minn. : I would like to understand the
single tax doctrine better than I do.
You preach a good doctrine and I
hope you will make many converts
and put a good, honest, conscientious
man in for president next year one
that will care ; more for the welfare
and happiness of the people than he
does for money and his own pleasure.
Postmaster Sizer has sent out a
comparative statement of the business
done at the Lincoln, Neb., postoffica
for the month of May, 1903, as com
pared with the corresponding month
last year. The total postal receipts
for this May show an j increase of 8
per cent
Special subscription rate to single
taxers, 5 months 25c
The Lives of 4,154 American Citizens and
$190,326,580 Ilasides Xhaiisaads of
Deceased and Wounded
We think that it is time for the
American people to begin to count the
cost of their little experiment in the
direction, of imperialism. The so
called insurrection in the Philippines
began February 4, 1899. Between that
date and April 30, 1902, when the in
surrection was practically at an end,
69 of our officers and 936 of our en
listed men had been killed, or had
died of wounds received 'in battle. Of
the officers 47, and of the enlisted men
2,535 had died of disease, and, includ
ing deaths from accident, murder,
drowning, etc., we had lost 139 offi
cers and 4,016 enlisted men. There
were 190 officers and 2,707 enlistel
men wounded. Thus the total cas
ualties directly traceable to the war
were, up to April, 1902, 329 officers and
6,728 enlisted men. Many have been
killed and wounded since April of last
year. We have been fighting with
the Moros, ladronism still continues,
and, above all, the deadly climate is
still ruining the lives of our soldier.
We make no argument now, but
simply call attention to one factor of
the problem which the president and
those who agree with him seem prone
to push into the background. It is al
ways well .to look at both sides of the
question. Possibly in this connection
we may be permitted to mention the
fact that thousands of Filipinos have
lost their lives either in battle or by
disease and starvation consequent on
the war. Nor should it be forgotten
that we paid Spain $20,000,000 for the
islands, and that the war up to April,
1902, had cost this nation $170,326,583
in gold. In other words, we have
pai dmore than 7,000 lives of bravo
Americans, over $200,000,000 in money,
and thousands of ' Filipino lives on
account of our experiment in the
Philippines. - . .
As we say, we make no argument
Our only purpose is to give the people
the facts that are necessary to th3
formation of a sound opinion on this
important question. All we ask Is that
sensible men should think of what the
Philippine experience has cost us ia
piecious lives an din money. Surely;
human life is worth something. Even
in these prosperous times money la
not so easy to get that men can af
ford to throw it away. Yet the presi
dent talks as though there were noth
ing in this question except the estab
lishment of American sovereignty ia
the Philippines and other distant re
gionsfor he says we belorfg to the
expanding nations and never say
one word about tLe dreadful cost.--Indianapolis
W. M. Morning, Atty., Rooms 310-312,
Richards Block.
In the District Court of Lancaster County,
Nebraska. Olivor P. Csrter, Plaintiff, vs.
Martha Carter, Defendant, tp Martha Car
ter, Nonresident Defendant.
You arc hereby notified that your husband,
Olirer P. Carter, has commenced an action
against you in the District Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska, to obtain an absolute di
vorce from you oa the gropnd of wilful deser
tion and abandonment on your part for mora
than two years last past, and also to obtain tha
custody of your daughter Ina H. Carter. You
are required to answer plaintiff's petition in.
said action on or before tha 20th day of July,
1903, or the allegations thereof will be taken as
true and decrees rendered accordingly.
By W. M. Morning. His Alty.
8. B. Hams Attorney.
To William C. Israel, non-resident, defen
dant: You are hereby notified that on Juna
10th 1903 Martha A. Israel as plaintiff filed a
petition against you in the office of the clerk of
the district court of Lancaster connty Nebraska,
the object and prayer of said petition being to
obtain a divorce from you on the ground that
you had been wilfully absent from plaintiif
without just cause formore than two years im
mediately last past and that you have been
guilty of wilful and utter desertion of plaintiff
for more than two years immediately last past.
You are required to answer said petition oa
or before Monday July 27tb, 1903.
Dated June 8th 1903.
I. H. Hatfield Attorney.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
have formed a corporation under the laws of
tha state of Nebraska under the style of Pointa
Coupee Plantation Company, having its princi
pal place of business at Lincoln, Nebraska, with,
a capital stock of $35,000, of which $7,000 shall
be paid in before the beginning of basinet.
Said corporation has power to buy and sell real
estate, merchandise, lumber; own and operate,
factories, cotton gins, and saw mills, and such
railroads, and tramways with their equipment
as may be necessary to operate the same; to
borrow money and mortgage real estate to se
cure the payment thereof. Said corporation
began business on March 28, 1903 and shall con
tinue for 50 years; its highest amount of indebt
edness shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital
stock ; and its affairs shall be managed by a
board of seven directors. C S. Allen, I. H.
Hatfield, John Carr, Will Owen Jones, Paul F
Clark, J. H. Humpe, H. a Eddy.
The class struggle see Karl Mars
Edition, July. 23, 1903.