14 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT JUNE 18, 1903. CMGN BrJOLM PARTY Dr. mil Vrgr the Political ttrm, Direct LegUlatioa, Befor Attruiptiua; teonoinle Reforms. Editor Independent: Enclosed fln.l copy of the platform of the union re form party which has only one plank. Experience has shown that a multi plicity of plan.s in a reform program instead of adding strength to a party movement does exactly the contrary. Every plan. containing a debatab'3 question adds . probably more to the cumbers of the political enemies of a party, than it secures frlemld. Again, to declare ior gen fine ulrec; legislation it is illogical to declare for anything else. When the full initia tive and obligatory referendum vre secured, then is the time for citizens 'o trganize and declare for certain spe cific reforms long as the people are disfranchised They must be invested with the power to make their own laws before they can have laws made in their own in terest So long as the people have no voice in legislation it is useless for them to contend among themselves regard ing the legislation which they need, but cannot enact. ' . . That we may ' have a government conducted In the interests of the peo ple, and which will provide for the peace, prosperity, morality and happi ness of the entire nation, we muxt have a government which Is In fact of the people, by the people and for the people, and in which the peopls shs1! rill. We, therefore, reserving to ourselves the right to our individual opinions ot. all questions of legislation, unite for the accomplishment of this end the enfranchisement of the American people and the establishment or a gov- prepaid for one year, and we will at once mail you, postage paid, a Brownie Camera. The subscription price of the WEEKLY WORLD-HERALD is $1.00 per year. Address WEEKLY WORLD-HERALD, Omaha, Neb. I am a siugle taxer, but I do not trnment in which the will of the peo want any partj" ueciaruuOaii in r of the single tax or a new party -base! upon that issue. Party declaration would probably do the single tax more harm than good; no matter what par ty or parties declared for it. A partv the people shall really rule by direct- lv ma inri t.ie hw or -..'a govern them is a totally different mat trr. I do not believe that the benfits to come from the initiative and referen- posed political expedients to secure a p're democracy witabjt a g.eatly Itcreased education of the rP"lace upon what is possible to be done by pie shall be supreme. And to this do pledsre our united labors.. And we Invite all persons who b? Ibve in the principles of libortv and the Declaration of Independence o unite in support of the following plat form: Direct legislation under the svstem Inown as the initiative and referen dum. Under the "initiative" the people en compel the submission to them selves of any desired law. when, if t receives a major! tv of the votes cast, it i thereby enacted. Urer the "refernd"m" the people cfin compel the submiion to them- svpe. of arty law whirh has been Our subscriber, R, Luchau, r Rindal, Minn., has taken charge of the Gary Graphic and is making x bright newspaper of It W. H. Lurdyfhaw, j'onesboro. Ark.: I have looked anxiously, through your paper to so a call for v the reformers t) "crganiz". Do not believe it good nolicv to wait until the gold bugs cap ture the democratic organization. liy that time manv of our men will nc with the socialists not as a matter of choice, but because the populists are too slow to act If Butler an I 'f-rker and manv others in the move ment would come together, it wouid giv encouragement. r i t f ritroct 1H -it UflHoritAfl by SUV le1!3nve DOHV, wnn such popular teaching the people 1' "eh law fails to receive a morit vould ? in Vi. j o t , or tn votes casi, xl win uc in jected. possessing tools without the Knowl edge of how to use them. Now, a political party is the very best of all means to drow the atten tion of the public to any particular matter. If the populists wo ild cen ter all their, pnergies upon direct leg islation and leave out all other plan! s of their lenathy platform. I belle" e that now is the time f-r l of their activities as a separate party. The platform of the , r.icrm party contains nothing which can be - constr"ed as an offense to any one Let reformers study this proposition p rnr-rf nf "n'iTl T "M?Mg that my special hobby In economic re form sho ld be let alone b any new party movement. Why, cannot thosa who differ from me on the single tax, but agree to direct legislation. omit their special hobbies in econ croics and go along with me? Of one thing I am positively assured, that neither they or myself will ever live to see any economic reform of real importance adopted until the peop'o .ave gained greater power In making the laws. WM. N. HILL, M. D. Baltimore, Md. NATIONAL PLATFORM Df the Union Reform Party, Adopted at Cincinnati, March 1, 1899. Our Dresent svstem of eovernmeut vests the entire law-making power in representatives. The people elect ( these representatives, but have" no control over their actions. An experience of over a hundred years in the practLal operation of this system has proved that it does not rrovide a govrnment of, by and for the people. Representatives cannot always know certainly the will of their con stituents, and even where . that will has been clearly manifested it .has been continually disregarded. , Legislative bodies, from municipal councils to the national congress, haw been controlled by corrupt influences. Legislation has consequently been in the interest of the corrupt few and against the Interest of the voiceless masses. . Under this system the people are disfranchised on all matters of legis lation. They are allowed to vote for men, but are denied the right to vot-3 for measures. The people are gov- erned by laws which they did not en- . act and cannot repeal. As the result of this system great abuses have arisen and politics has become a synonym for corruption, i The people have seen these abuses but being disfranchised on all legis lative questions have been unable to provide a remedy. They have become divided into parties and factions con tending with each other in regard to the leeislation needed. Thev have overlooked the fact that under our system of government they have pow er neither to enact legislation which they desire nor to prevent legislation to which they are opposed. In search for relief the people have turned from one party to another and have organized new parties with out number. But all such efforts have been fruit less and must, continue so to- be as The union reform party .stands for dirort iprlsjqtion and fof direct legis lation (oie. What d'rprt lpfrltlnTi will do It will purify the ballot! It will broaden manhood! It will prevnt revolution! It will accelerate prosrees! It will establish home r"le! It will simplify coverment! It will caue reonle to .think! Tt wMI sever partisan bondage! It will eliminate plutocratic dicta tion! -Tt will make good citizenship effec tive! . . It. will prevent, lobbvism and brlb rv of lawmakers! It wMl srive the neon! t.her rights and honet men to serve the reonle! It will eive us a government of.-'-for and bv tb peore, with equal and ex ft Instke to all! Tae thte meafe and carrv t into vrv home difnose It, discuss- It with vo"r neighbor, and remember that, he who would be free must first rtrike the blow. STOP AND THINK Homes for Everybody We have 6,000 acres of NEBRAS KA'S BEST FARM LAND for sale it $12.00 per acre. You cannot afford to rent when the crop off this land will oav for it in two years. Your earnings are going into wrong pock ets. Write us at once. No. 1. HERE IS THE FARM YOU ARE LOOKING FOR; II S A MO DEL HOME: Joins a good town and has excellent school and church privileges; It has S20 acres, of this 220 acres are in a high state of cultivation, plenty of timber, all bottom land. The price to July 1 is $25 per acre. Don't let this bargain slip. No. 17. THIS DAIRY RANCH AND FARM COMBINED is thrown on the market at less than the cost of the improvements. Failure of health the cause. It consists of 320 acres- deeded on the Middle Loup bottom; the river runs through it There are 3.000 acres of range fenced. Price, $1,500. No. 23. RANCH TO TRADE FOR STOCK OF GOODS. We have a good ranch and farm com bined that we would trade for a good tocV of goods. Price, $12,000. CENTRAL-NFB-PEAL ESTATE CO. By J. H. EDfllSTEN, Pres. Do You Want a Camera? Boys and girls, here Is a chance to secure a good camera absolutely free. We will give you a Brownie Camera, made by the Eastman Kodak Co. This camera is not a toy, but is a reliable and accurate instrument making pic tures 2 1-4x2 1-4 ." iches, which are aa sharp and clear as pictures made by most $10 and $15 cameras. - Send us three new subscriptions to the WEEKLY . WORLD-HERALD, HALF RATES JJt via : : : WAB ASH t RAILROAD St The Wabash offers many rates to the east from Chica.go: $1 9.00 Boston, Mass.. and retura; sold June 25, 26, 27. $21.00 Boston. Mass., and return; sold July 1 to 5. $17.45 Saratoga, N. Y., and return, sold Jnlv 5. 6. $6.75 Detroit. Mich., and return; solj July 15, 16. . .All tickets reading over the WabaFh between Chicago and Buffalo are gord in either direction via steamers be tween Detroit and Buffalo without ex tra charge, except meals and bert'v Ston overs allowed. Remember this i "The Cool Northern Route' and all aeents can sell tickets from Chica go east via the Wabash. For folders and all information address HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D.. - Omaha. Neb. The single taxers told their story in the Henry Georce Edition. The so cialists may tell theirs in the Karl Marx Edition. July 23, 1903. MORE CHEAP EXCURSIONS On sale June From Omaha Chicago. 111., $14.75. Dn sale June 30 and July 1. Atlanta, Ga., $32.1U. un saie ouiy 5, 6 and 7. ' Boston, Mass., $3i.7&. 24 25 and 26. Boston. Mass.. $33.75. un saie June SO .Tnlv 1. 2. 3. and 4. Detroit. Mich.. S21.W. ; un saie juiy 14 and 15. Baltimore, Md., $32.25. On sale July 17 and 18. Saratoga Springs, N. Y., $32.20., On sale July 5 and 6. Buffalo, N. Y., $41.50. Port Huron, Mich., $22.05. Pittsburg, Pa., $38.45. Alpena, Mich., $25.66. Waterloo, la., $11.85. St Paul, Minn., $12.50. Minneapolis, Minn., $12.50 Duluth, Minn., $16.50. Waterville, Minn., i0.50. Waseca, Minn., $10.50. Fairbault, Minn., $10.50. -Northfield, Minn., $10.50. Clear Lake, Ta;, $10.70. Spirit Lake, la. (Okoboji), $9.95. Tickets on sale daily during June, July, August and September. Good for return until Oct 31, 1903. Abort Btes are For Rourd Trip Ticket Homeseekers' round trip tickets on sale to points in the north, northwest, south and southeast, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in each month. Also one way solonist rates to points in the south and southeast on same dates. Summer tours via Duluth or Chi cago and steamer via the Great Lakes. Write me about your trip and let me give you an itinerary, showing time, connections, cost, etc. Sleeping car and steamer reservations made in advance. Correspondence tollclted find information cheerfully given. W. H. BRILL, Dial. Pm. Aitfc, 111. Cent R. R., Omaha No. 1402 Farnam 81. . BUY THE- DOUBLE DEWEY HOG WAIERER from your dealer or write us WE GUAR. ANTEE EVERY Fountain If not satis factory re turn and get another, or your money back. We make this guarantee to every dealer. VERY CHEAP THIS YEAR. THK B-B MFG. CO., Davenport, Iowa No. 76 Masonic Temple. GREATLY; REDUCED RATES..- ,. ? via i' i ""' WABASH RAILROADS t : Below is a partial list of the many half rates offered via the ' Wabash Railroad: : - $32.10 Atlanta, Ga,, and return; sold July 5, 6, 7. $19.40 Indianapolis, Ind., and return; : - sold June 7, 8, 9, 13, 14. 113.50 St. Louis, Mo., and return, : sold June 15, 16, 17. J31.75 Boston, Mass., and return; sold June 24, 25 and 26. $33.75 Boston, Mass., and return; sold June 30 to July 4. $32.20 Saratoga, N. Y., and return; sold July 4, 5. $21.00 Detroit. Mich., and return; pold July 14, 15. $32.25 Baltimore, Md., and return; sold July. 17, 18. $32.25 Baltimore, Md., and return; sold Sept 17, 18, 19. All tickets reading over the Wa bash are good on steamers in either direction between Detroit and Buf falo without extra charge, excepr meals and berths. Long limits and stop overs allowed. Remember this 's "The World's Fair Line." Go this route and view the grounds. For folders and all information ad dress - : ' HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D., Omaha Neb. Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure " Dr. Mitchell's Lumpy Jaw Cure t guaranteed to cure or money refunded. One application is enough. One bottle Is sufficient for 4 head or more. You can buy it at your druggists or he can get it from bis jobber. If he won't, write us direct and we will send vou a bottle for $1.25 delivered. Marshall Oil Company, sole sale agents for the United Stties, Marshalltown, la. Special subscription rate to single taxers, 5 mouths 25c i ; .:: INVESTMENTS IN SOUTHERN LANDS ' Such investments are not pecuintive. Tl south is not a new country. Market and chip ping facilities are adequate and first-elavs. Tha climate is mild and favorable. Notwithstand ing these and other advantages, southern lands are selling for prices far below their real valne, and at present prices net large returns on the investment. For a free set of circulars, Nos. 1 to 10, inclusive, concerning the posvibiiities of lauds in Kentucky, West Tennessee. Mississippi and Louisiana, on and near the Illinois entral Railroad, for homeseekers and invstors, ad dress the undersigned. W. H. BRI ' . District Passenger Agent, Omaha, NV NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate No. 1765 of Jesse E. Shotwell Deceased, In County Court of Lancaster County, Ne braska. The State of Nebraska, ss : Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for Dresentation and filing of claims against said estate is January 2. 1904, and for payment of debts is July 1, 1904; that 1 will 6it at the county court room in said county, on October 1st, 1W&, at 2 p. m., and on January 2d, 1904 at 2 p. m. to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust nil claims and objections duly filed. Dated May 21,1903. FRANK R. WATERv I peal J Uounty Judge. By WALTER A. LEESE, Clerk. ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. LOW RATE BULLETINS No need to stay at home THI3 summer. All sorts of low rates ore offered by the Rock Island and ther apply to all sorts of places. Ncl these: To California, in June, July and August To Colorado, in June, July and August To Detroit and Boston, in July. Particularly low are the rates to Colorado which will be In force, early in July. Detailed information as to through car service, cost of tickets, etc., will be furnished by nearest Rock Island ticket agent, or by writing F. H. BARNES, 1045 O st Lincoln, Neb. The readers of The Independent should remember that one of the best methods for favoring the paper is to examine the advertisements carefully and make purchases from advertisers when possible, always mentioning the fact that the advertisement was seen, in The Independent Write today for the several catalogues advertised and look them through for what you want Special subscription rate to siigle 1 taxers, 5 months 25c