12 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT JUNE 18, 1903. News of the Week The latest news from the Philip pines is that the regions inhabited by the Moros is to be made a colony of the Philippine colony. A colony of a colony is a new thing In the world, but the attempt of the imperialists to engraft colonies upon a free republic I likely to produce many entangle ments such as statesmen never dreamed of in all the history of gov The Chamberlain proposition to es tablish protection in England has met with almost universal opposition in parliament and the ministers were ob liged In order to save the government fiom dissolution to declare that it was not the policy of the cabinet, but only the private opinion of Mr. Cham berlain and Mr. Balfour, and was not to be adopted as a government policy. In the discussion, Sir John Gorst re peated a statement that has often been made in these columns. He said: "A great portion of the rising generation in the United Kingdom Is already so degenerate and poverty stricken that anything tending to in crease the price of food would threaten a national disaster." The later speeches of the president on his recent trip were all non-political and consisted for the most part of trite aphorisms with which all would agree, pertaining to the same truths that we were all taught in our youth and read in the school books. Then? was one sentence delivered at the dedication of the new church to which the president belongs in Washington worth preservation. He said: "Ona sad, one lamentable phase, of human history is that the very loftiest words implying the loftiest ideas have been used as cloaks for the commission of dreadful deeds of iniquity." No ppp ulist can help reflecting that just such words as these wore used as cloaks for the dreadful deeds of Iniquity which has accompanied the whole imperial policy from the beginning. Th3 slaughter of 300,000 innocent people waa called "benevolent assimilation," "duty,", "destiny" and "the guiding hand of providence." The president U a supporter of imperialism. as the state of Nebraska' and lies be tween Austria and Turkey. There were only six passengers killed on all the railroads last year In Great Britain and the year before none at all. Compare that with the slaughter of thousands by the Ameri can railroads run to make dividends on watered stock. Reports are being published charg ing the most inhuman treatment of military prisoners at Malahl military prison, located at Lruna Bay, near Manila. The prisoners have been able to smuggle out a report of their treatment (which is most horrible and make a plea to the authorities at Washington. But what hope is there that any relief can be obtained from imperial authorities 10,000 miles away? An army serving in a foreiga country where it has despotic power and where the people are looked upon as an inferior race always has and always will become brutalized. From torturing Filipinos it is a natural step to torturing prisoners of our own race. The massacres of Christian Mace donians by the Turkish troops is mucn more extensive and horrible than that of the Jews at Klshineff and there are no public protests in this or any other country. The reason of that is that the German emperor is a friend of the sultan and stands every other country off that would be Inclined to interfere. The Germans have large interests and many special franchises In Turkey. The degree of horror ex pressed for massacres of innocent peg pie Is mainly gaged by money inter ests. If there were no immensely wealthy Jews In this country, the great dailies would treat the murder and outrages in Klshineff in an en tirely different manner. The poor Macedonians have no wealthy friends anywhere. King Alexander and Queen Draga of Servia were murdered in their pal ace last Thursday night and new government under a new dynasty was set up. It was a plot entered into by some of the king's ministers, an aid-de-camp and others within the palaca and the military outside. It appears that, the people made no protest and quietly ' accepted the change. Kin;; Alexander has been very -unpopular. Tie overthrew the constitution of the country in an arbitrary way a few months ago and had married a disre putable woman. The person to be pro claimed as the new king is very friendly with Russia. Servia is a lit tle country about one-fourth as large Henry Watterson advocates the nomination of Attorney Folk of St Louis, the man who has convicted s many boodlers and bribe givers, by the next national democratic conven tion. Whether Folk has any qualifica tions for the office or not Is not known. That he Is an able lawyer and an honest man everybody agrees, but the people would want to know what he thinks about asset curjency, trusts and tariffs. Tom Johnson has made good hi3 threat to drive every democrat out of the party who voted for the fifty-year- franchises. He made the fight so hot that six of the eight who so voted did not attempt to secure a renomination and the other two he defeated. Tom made a three days' campaign in one county where one of these democratic republicans seemed likely to get a romination. If the whole democratic party , had followed the same policy iu regard to the Hill-Cleveland group of republican-democrats the party would now be in a position to win the next national election. During the last five months the holders of U. S. steel stock, preferred and common, have suffered a loss "of $61,000,000. The dailies are all nor." declaring that the bottom has been reached, but. we will have to wait to see. Lord Rothschilds has joined the other great financiers in trying to bolster up the market He declares that prosperity has come to stay and that stocks will now advance aaln. It looks to The Independent very much like Rothschilds gave out that interview for the purpose of prevent ing a panic. The position taken by the waiters' union of Chicago that they would not arbitrate and denying the right of employers to organize, while they claimed that right for themselves, ha3 resulted in their complete overthrow. The conservatlveness of the real la bor union leaders in that city was shown when the denounced the wait ers' union and declared that they had no sympathy with it Labor cannot adopt the policies of rapacious capi talists and succeed. . Some time ago The Independent in formed its readers of the fact that the decision in the Northern Securities case had been brought about by the Harriman and Rockefeller Interests and that the object was the overthrow of Hill. Now it is announced in Wall street that Hill has absolutely lost control of the Northern railroad sit uation and that J. Pierpont Morgan hap also been eliminated so far. that he can act only as a banker. The Northern Pacific railroad control goe3 into the hands of Rockefeller, Gou'd and Harriman. If the information that The Independent furnishes its readers was distributed to all the people of the United States, in five years the whole political and economic situa tion could be changed. It seems that the corner in cotton will work a world-wide disturbance in business and cause immense losses to manufacturers and wage-worker alike. It is said that D. J. Sully, W. P Brown and the McFaddens have a compact which covers the whole cot ton producing world. The suffering will not be confined to this country and Europe, but will be most intense in Asia. (CL BAB Y CABS GO-CMS 4 The insidious and silent manner in which the Servian army was won over b the assassins who murdered Kin? Alexander and Queen Draga has pro duced a state of alarm In the capital of every crowned head of Europe. Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria has fled the country and refuses to return. In Berlin, Vienna and Rome there is al most a panic in the palaces. The tax ing of the people to create and main tain immense standing armies may be the downfall of several dynasties and Europe may become a sea of . blood. The people of Amesville, O., as "a joke," elected a tramp who had just spent fourteen months In the work house, mayor. They relied on the new Mark Hanna law, giving the gov ernor power to remove mayors, think ing that the tramp could be removed, but it was found that he could not bo removed until he had done something while, in office that could be charged against him. The scheme was to have him removed so that the old mayor, who was very unpopular, could be re tained for another term. It was a nice republican scheme, but it did not work. It is announced from Washingtoi that great efforts ro bein" rio o suppress a full publication of the facts UNDERPRiGED. Our special 100-psge catalogue of Children's Car riages free on request. Complete rubber tire Go Carts from $3.00 up. We Pay the Freight. Refund your money if you want it. Furniture, Hardware and General Catalogue sent Free if you ask for it. & GUENZEL CO. Lincoln, Neb. Lincoln, Neb. JQL in regard to the postoffice scandals. The suppressed matter relates to Per ry Heath and several members of the republican national committee. The Interstate commerce commis sion has hauled up the Burlington, the Rock Island, .the Frisco, the Missouri Pacific, the Union Pacific, the Mil waukee, the Alton, the Santa Fe, tho Wabash, the M. K. &.T., the North western, the St Louis Southwestern, and a number of scalier lines of rail roads and demands that an answer be made why they have recentlj ar bitrarily raised rates. If that com mission had any power to control rates, something might come of it, but it has not. All that the investiga tion will amount to is a pretence of doing something In the interest of tho people. The railroads control the body that created the commission, namely, the congress of the United States, and will continue to control ic as long as the republican party re mains in power. The modern "devil wagons," as au tomobiles are called, are creating more havoc in Great Britain than iu the United States. The matter was brought up in parliamnet the other day and the following statement was made: "Every day harmless and in offensive persons, who presume to think they have some right -to the public roads, have to fly to the hedge3 and ditches for refuge. No one dare ttke his dog for a walk without run ning grave risks of seeing it reduced to a mass of blood and bone. In the villages a reign of terror has set in. Neither riding, driving, walking nor ordinary farm occupations, necessitat ing the use of the public roads, are likely to be undertaken." The selfish rich having gobbled almost every thing else in this world, are now taK ing the last refuge, the public high way, from the use and enjoyment of the poor. Will the patient masses for ever bear the tyrannies and exploita tions of the rich without protest? Postoffice stealing has been traced to New York and the whole republi can machine of that state seems to have been engaged in the thieving business. There was never such a morally rotten organization on the whole earth as the republican party. While there are good, honest men and even officeholders In its ranks, the managers of the party seem to be degenerates. : The last boost that the plutocratic papers have given Cleveland since his nomination for a third term by the democratic party ended in such a fiz zle, Is to announce that he is to be offreed the presidency of the Univer sity of Virginia which Thomas Jef ferson founded. The propriety of making a man who never attended college and is not even a high acho. graduate, the head of a great univer sity Is in accordance with many of tha ideas of plutocratic writers for tho great dailies. After the awful floods that de vasted Kansas and portion of St. Louis the country drew a sigh of re lief In the thought that such calami ties for the season were over. But there comes a tale of disaster from Oregon where the town of Hepner was struck by a cloudburst and a wall of water rolled over It said to be fifty feet high. Something like 500 people were drowned, whole families bein? swept off at once. It is the saddest disaster of this year of disasters. The town was situated in a valley and the water came down so suddenly that there was no chance of escape. Cholera has again broken out among our troops in the Philippines. Six deaths are reported for the week ending June 10. The punishment of this nation for its imperialism seems to be never-ending. Of what benefit to us or the Filipinos is it to keep thousands of soldiers in those islands to die of horrible tropical diseases? Berlin dispatches up to noon Wed nesday showed sweeping gains for the social democrats in the reichstag elec tion Tuesday. In twenty places the election must be held over because no candidate had a majority. Of 198 dis tricts the centrists captured 60; so cialists, 53; conservatives, 21; other parties, 24. Four agrarian leaders, Hahn, Roesick, Lucke and Ortel. were defeated. At the 1898 general election in Germany the reichstag election stood: Social democrats, 16; cen trists, 108; national democrats, 56; national liberals, 49; conservatives, 62; Dcnulists. 30: free conservatives 20 ! , anti-semites, 3; people's, 14; total, 358.' HARNESSor HORSE COLLARS e fit - I'Hl .Idfll fOU&DEALERTOSH BEFORE. YOU BUY. MANUFACTURED BY HARPHAH BROS.CO. Lincoln, Neb.