JUNE 11, 1903. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT 9 THESIHGLK TAX . That the single taxers have just reason to be proud of their work in connection with the Henry George Edition of The Independent, I believe is conceded; and I give a hearty sec ond to the praise accorded them by my brother, Mr. Tibbies. As was said last week anent the forthcoming Karl Mars: Edition: "Jefferson democrats, Lincoln repub li:ans, Karl Marx socialists, Henry George single taxers, and Tom Wat son populists can all agree that 'equal rights to all special privileges to none' is what they are all striving for. .Tier. disaTeements are- over the best .methods of securing the' equal rights and abolishing the special privilege 3. Accordingly, whatever criticisms are made of the Henry George phiiosoprij of freedom will be in the spirit of in vestigation to ascertain the truth, and not a prejudiced attempt to discredit it Without entering into a metaphysi cal discussion of Mr. Post's definition of "value" which in the main I re gard as correct I consider his open ing speech in the Post-Clark debate (Henry George Edition, p. 2) the most convincing I have ever read. "What we tax," he says, "is neither property nor the values of property, but men'' .a proposition that The Independent has asserted many times in its discus sions with the single taxers. Men are taxed. But upon what ethi cal ground? Plainly, either upon abil ity to pay, or in proportion to benefits conferred. Present systems of taxa tion violate both of these canons ami conform to neither. Mr. Post makes a distinction between "benefits" and "advantages." One's education is a "benefit" conferred by society, but it cannot be "swapped" directly ' for bread and meat and is, therefore, not a tradable "advantage." a weu paveu street is a "benefit" to every person who travels over it, but the traveler cannot secure coal and kerosene ii exchange for the "benefit" he derives and. hence, it is not a valuable "ad vantage." ; But the owner of abutting the street, had conferred upon him by society a tradable, valuable "ad vantage," for which, Mr? Post argues, he should reimburse society. This is t n a rr til n ii' uf. i" -'--'- - ' benefits" canon of taxation is th benefit one which can be exchanged for the labor-products of othes? Is it merchantable,, marketable, trad able? " - - Men being taxed, it follows that all taxes are really income taxes, no matter whether specific or ad. valorem, Or hOW caiCUiaieu, uecauoc be paid out of income. It is not de nied that some taxes will not "stay put," and. that; the nominal taxpayer shifts his burden to the shoulders of another or others. But all taxes final ly come out of the incomes of the real, ultimate taxpayers. Although paid out of income, the payment is made in a roundabout way. That portion of the income whkh must be handed over to government as taxes must, in. nearly all cases, be converted and transformed into a spe cific thing coined money; and this, no matter how great the sacrifice may be, owing to a plethora of the partic ular things constituting the given in come or a scarcity of the thing exclu sively endowed with power to cancel tax levies. Being calculated in terms of money, and payable only in coined money, the single -taxed fanner would be obliged to sell his oats and corn and hogs and cattle just the same as now, and to buy coined money with which to sat isfy the claim of society against him for "economic rent" Although in terms of dollars and cents his single tax might be tLQ same during a per iod of years, yet the actual percentage of his income taken to pay taxes could vary greatly. A decrease In the sup ply of coined money would require an increased portion of his corn and hogs to pay his "economic rent" In the course of time, no doubt, the economic rent would decrease; but it would las behind the fall in prices of farm prod ucts. Studies In the incidence of taxation (its ability to shift or refusal to "sta7 put") doubtless point to a tax upon land values only as the fairest meat's of computing what each should con-' tribute to the support of government. But so long as government compels men to secure a given thing and that only with which to satisfy a tax levy, no matter upon what basis it may bj calculated, no radical cure of present evils can be effected which disregards the sovereign - power to "coin money and regulate the price thereof" and permits'that power to(be usurped an exercised by private persons. ' The power to coin money and the power t j tax are correlated a fact which", sin gle taxers are prone to ignore. t ...A more extendad study of populism especially of the questions of money and transportation, would be benefi cial to single taxers, just as a study of the philosophy of Henry George has been of benefit to populists. r C. Q. DE FRANCE. Henry E. Allen, who replies to Em est Crosby's article in the Henry George Edition, uses a neatly printer envelope in his correspondence con taining this Inscription: ; ; Henry E. Allen, fruit grower, . Benton Harbor, Mich. South Mail Route- Pearl Road . . . We will always have monopoly; but we can decide whether it shall be public, like the postoffice, or pri ' vate like the oil trust. So, let the nation own the trusts. SENATOR ALLISON There, is no place in the hearts of men, or in history except as a warn ing, for men who have no principles They may ride on the tide for many yeSrs by truckling to every interest that will work for their own advance ment, but at last the fabric out of which their ' seeming greatness Is woven suddenly falls to pieces and there is nothing left but dust. . Such a man is Senator Allison of Iowa, who has never taken a decided stand on any question. He is always on tin side, in a half-hearted way, of the powers that he thinks will keep him in office. Ten years after he is dead no man among the common people, except the few who have lived beslda him, will know that there ever was such a senator. And Allison is to draw the tariff plank of the Iowa re publican state platform. Every in telligent man trows now, just as well as he will know after it has beei published, what tho nature of thr.t plank will be. Twb'Iowans got into a dispute about the character of Sena tor Allison. Said one of them, Sam Swopes: "He's a trimmer, he is. Why, that man, he never made a statement in his life that wasn't qualified. " 1 don't know where he stands. No more do you- He don't know himsel. And you've elected him senator." All of which was flatly denied by the other, Ike Peters. A crowd gathered. Swopes wagered $10 that Peters could not bring the senator to make a "plain, definite, unvarnished state ment" in fifteen minutes of conver sation, and the senator was soon brought into the company. There 1 passed at the moment a flock of sheep just from the shearer, and Pet ers started in with the following re sult: "You know something about sheep yourself, don'tyou, senator?" There was even a little compassion for Swopes in his tone. It seemed such an unfair way of taking a fellow citizen's $10, even such an exasper ating fellow-citizen as Swopes. A pause ensued. Allison looked thoughtfully at the flock. "I was raised in a sheep country," he said cautiously at last "Ten dollars, Peters," muttered Swopes vindictively. The crowd shouted. Allison lookeJ bewildered, peters was red and sav- GROCERIES OF THE BEST POSSIBLE QUALITY AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. it fin rvn JJS All grocery orders an accepted under our binding guarantee that, if tha rood we Band yon are not satisfactory in every particular, they can be returned at oar exprnie. and we will refund your Dour without delay. Ve not only am ran tee to rive yon a better quality of foods, for tha tame price than you ran get elsewhere, bat also guarantee you a are saving in time and trans portation charges, if yon dtsire to tf core the best possible value for your money, yon will Bond ns yoar order. Note Send ns your order on say ordering blank for anything, and we wilt guar antee to bill the order at the lowest possible prises. TEAS There are many re sons why yon should send ns your tea order, but the great reason is to be found in the quality of the goods we give you. Our bargain, tirecn Jupau, a very good drink, perlb. 3fc;31b. 1U. Our Westeru Leaf, a good draw with a delicate flavor, per lb. 4S!e; 5 lb. &2.00. Our Superior Mm Dried Japan, desirable leaf, Onr Clean Leaf Haslet Fired Japan, imperial draw, per lb. 48c; 3 lbs. $I.S5. "Over the Ocean Fr.sket Fired Japan," an excel 1 lent tea, pr lb. 5o ; 3 lbs ftl.to. Young Hyton. Dig "H" brand, fair style, a good . steaper, per lb, 32c Young Hyson 8uperfine none better for the price, per lr. 4'c '. s " ' Taney Young Hyson, warden grown, per lb. 6foj 51bs.J2.6U;101bs.fl0. Gunpowder, old ro'iaUe, an honest draw, green, per lb. &rc;3lb. !(. Gunpowder, Liayden Bros, finest, a pood drink at a moderate price, I er lb. 44c; 5 lb. $2.00. Our true Nankin Mojuuo. the perfection of tha Gunpowder 'lea, none better at any price, per lb. Olio; 10 lbs. SfiMAi Haydeu Bros. Oolong, black, a plain draw, per lb. 33c; 10 lbs. IV 0. Tha Sun Harvest Ooloeg, King of Black Teas, packed ami import id for the liig Store by the Ceylon & India Tea Company, our price per lb. 6rc; 10 lbs. $ 00. ' Hayden Pro. Enplisii breakfast, good enough for anybody, cheap enough for all, rer lb. 4.5c; 10 lbi. ?4.0l'. Western Star of India, a fancy quality, per lb. : v75c. : .; ... . , Queen of Cey!on, first crop, garden grown, per lb. $1.00. Light of Aia, a $1.00 tea, onr priee per lb. 85c. Hayden Bros, special eylon and 1 odia Tea Sift- ings, first crop, gm den grown, not better, per lb. 22c; 5 lbs. 2.W. COFFEE Green Onr Coffees are alt of the best roib1e quality and should not be compared with the cheap f rsdes offered by other lion-.es. State whether igbt or dark color is desired, backs JZ' lb. fcjrtw laula Hayden Proa, Rio, ordinary, per lb.. . 9o 10c Bay den Bros, b io, prime, a good dark brown, per lb.......; 11c 12o Ssydea Bros, ilio, estra !wt Oold. - , en. per lb 12c 13a . Hayden Bros. Rio Golden Qaeeo, gar den grown, per lb .......14c 15 Hayden Bros. Diemond"R" Java, ex tra choice, per lt. ......lCc 17e Hayden Bros. O K. Java, a heavy drinker, prr lb ...18c 19o Hayden Bros, private grown Java, a good quality.. u1 20c 21 C Hayden Bros, genuine Mocha, a 3Cc coffee, per lb 21c 22e The Western Srecial.Vlb sack H.00.. Zi Polished Mocha & Js vs. a bargain, lb.lOc 12e C FFEE-Rousted Bulk 80 AND 100 POUND SACKS All'fresh roasted daily by the most BjUi, uwsm expertcoffco rca'ters in America. -u Big"H" Rio. agodvalue at bar gain price, per lb ...9c 10c Golden Hen, a special value, per lb.. 11c 12e Hantos Pride, a slronsrdrinker, pcrlb.!2c 13o GovernmentSfundani Mochn A Java. 14c Ho Liayden Kros. Special Mocha & Java.Lt'c 22c Omaha Mixed Mocha A Java, per lb.2:;c . 25e Garden grown MrthnA Java, per lb.. 2rte 28 (4 n'ine private gard ngrowa Mocha. 30o 32c Big"H" Golden licaii special. An extra fine coffee, per lb , only 3rc. . " t Farmers Kelei-t, special brand, a good reliable coffee, per lb He. rife a til only 18c. Boutewi iend coffee, a 25c coffee, our price Big "H" brand packsge Coffee, lib pkgs, lb 12o. SEND IN YOUR ORDERS. HAYDEN BROS,' "o m aha"."' age. "''Fifteen minutes ain't up yet,"' he snorted viciously, "Sheep " have just been sheared, haven't they; senator?" he suggested, desperately, reluming to the charge. Again Allison looked over the flock with that reflective air. "They do look as if they had from this side," he admitted. 'Ten dollars," repeated Swopes. Ho got his money. Such men as Allison made imperial ism possible and have brought on th? present awful contest between capital and labor which has swept the land with Strikes and the end of which vo man can tell. POPULISM IN ILLINOIS A majority of the legislature of II linois, composed of men of all pa. ties, united during the last session and enacted some distinctive populist legislation. To. do it they had to drive the republican speaker from hia desk with clubs and chairs on account of his refusal to call the yeas an J nays and for declaring bills passed on a viva voce vote, when there was' a large majority opposed to them. The principles underlying this legislation were first declared In the Omaha plat form.,. Among, other things, the leg islature of Illinois enacted: 1. Every city shall have power io own, construct, purchase, and operate street " railways within Its corporate limits. 2. The city shall have power ; to lease the road3 for not longer than twenty years upon terms prescribed by Its council. , 3. The city shall not-operate tha roads without a referendum at which three-fifths of the voters favor mu nicipal operation. 4. The city council shall not lease the roads for a longer time than fiva years without a referendum if ten per cent of the voters demand it with- n sixty days after the passage of the ordinance to lease. 5. The city may buy or build roads by issuing interest-bearing "street railway certificates," payable out of the revenues of the system, or, with he approval of two-thirds of the vot ers, may issue ordinary city bonds. 6. Every city owning or owning and operating street railways must keep and publish the accounts thereof n such form as will show the public the exact income and expenses, mak ing reasonable Jlowance for inter est, for depreciation, and for the los;s of taxes which a privately owned road would pay. 7. The act si: all not come In Jforce in any city except with the approval of a majority of the voters. When such laws as these are final ly In force, they will make life eaeli.' and happier for uncounted thousands. Thei terrible drain on the thin purses of the poor for street car fares will be greatly reduced and the money thus saved from the coffers of the franchised millionaires will go to add to the comfort of thousands of humble homes. Those, who enjoy those com forts will perhaps never know that they obtained them by the sacrifice and work of populist speakers, writers and voters, but nevertheless that will be true. It is a comfort to many of us who have come all the weary way over the trail, to think that our labor has not been In vain. Many a toil ing wife and little child will be hap pier for the work that has been done. While we may all be thankful for the results accomplished, yet every pop ulist should remember that the mis sion of populism has not yet been ac complished. It has only just begun. . Perry Heath and others of the higV officials in the postoffice department who have been charged with boodling are very profuse in their statement.3 and criminations of those making the charges, but not one of them so far has made a statement under oath. It would be well to place some of thesu officials in a position where a false statement would be perjury. Now they can talk without restraint and with no fear of punishment for any false statement that they may make . Through the power of the trusts the cost of Jiving has advanced 49 per , cent The "full dinner pail" has not materialized. The only advantage that labor has secured is that now nearly all can find employment while formerly hundreds of thousands wero relegated to forced idleness. Where one in a family could formerly get work, now three or four are employed. The result is that capital takes all tha Increase of wealth resulting from invention, the discoveries of sclenco and education. Against this distribu tion of wealth there is a growing pro test As the years go by it will In crease. '