JUNE 11 , 1903. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT HOT WAGES BUT CHRIST Paitor Bigelow' IprleBe at a Prach rs' Monday Mornlnj Meeting La borer Need Jeu Bather Than Better TVagei Cincinnati, June 7. "A Morning With the Preachers." At the Vine Street Congregational church, the pastor, Herbert S. Bigelow, told of a morning which he spent with the members of aministerial association, discussing social problems. Mr. Bigelow said in part: It was in the city of J . I hap pened to be There for. a course of i lec tures and accepted an invitation; tD speak at the preachers' Monday morning meeting. 'A My theme was the labor problem. I ottomntPii tn sh.Yw that mllliCUS Cf our fellow creatures, by reason of their scant , wage, are compelled; , to work and live in conditions which stunt the mind and discourage if not. prohibit, the formation of m.oril character. I declared that it was the plain duty of the preachers, to en- courage every wise and just plan oi economic betterment, in order that the discouragements to right living may be diminished and a more wholesome environment provided for the masses. According to the custom in this as sociation the address of the day .wa; followed by a general discussion. Then it was my turn to listen. That general discussion threw no light o a the labor problem. But it threw a flood of light on the preachers. Without the slightest shade of col oring I want to report the substance of their remarks on this - important theme. One preacher, with breezy optim ism, brushed aside my contention as to low wages and bad conditions, with the assertion that the miners in the neighborhood of J were getting J31 a week. It seems that he had heard of some miner who was said -to have made tiat much. He could not tell how many weeks during the year he had made that. He could not tell hovv' many, if any, helpers this miner had with whom he was compelled to di vide his $34. It is true that the spe cial commission, appointed by the president, reported that the average wage of the contract miner is from fourteen to sixteen dollars a week. This commission ought to . know. But this preacher thought the .commission must have been mistaken because Le had heard of a miner who got more. How trustful men are of any evidence which . justifies their prejudices! The next speaker was still more optimistic. His assertion was that laborers in and around J were mak ing from $2.50 5to $10 a day. "More over," said he, "if there are a feV who do not get enough, we can't rem edy the matter. I believe Baer and Morgan and Carnegie and Rockefeller are good conscientious Christians and are dping as well as they can for thi workingmen. What do we know about business? How can we give them any suggestions? I tell you the preachers are all right. The trouble is with the people. They need mori of Jesus in their heart. That's what's the matter. If the people will treat Jesus right, he will treat the people right." This remark elicited vigor ous Amens from the brethren. Almost every preacher who took part in the discussion voiced this sen timent that the thing needed was not economic betterment, but Individual salvation. One and all they declared "The great need of the workingman is Jesus Christ and him crucified." What truth is there in this jthread bare ohrase? If a workingman were dissipated and conversion to Chris tianity made him sober, to that ex tent his economic condition would be improved. But suppose he is already a sober and hard-working man. How will his conversion raise his wages? There can be no general and perma nent increase in wages save through legislation which destroys mpnopoiy and thereby increases the opportuni ties for remunerative employment. But that cannot be done without, a iknnwledere of oolitlcal economy, vvi t to Christianity teach a man political economy? Will it teach him to run an engine? Will it teach him to pilot a steamer? It requires fcrnjrhf to exerr.isfi intelligently th'i rights of citizenship. The man wro does not give earnest thougnt to tne rrnhlpm nf imnroving the social con ditions of his fellowmen is a bad citi zen, although he may be a goo! rhnrrh member or even a nreacher. Another preacher referred in his remarks, to the parable of the man who, having been relieved of one riovii was nossessed of seven other devils. The application he made ol the parable was this: xne working men, many of them, get a beggarly wage. That he conceded, lie ai firmftd that thev ought to get more. Indeed he went so far as to assert You to Be the Judge, - m "VW have the broods here arc the prices. Will it not oav vou to do business here? JUDGE 1 OK YOUKSELF. Baby Shoesi We have everything that mothers like in Baby Shoes. We have slides, sandals, slippers, tiny ones, soft-soled, patent leather, colored top3, soft kid,, and colonial - slippers. The prettiest, assortment of Baby Footwear a moth-. , er ever laid her eyes on, and not high in price either, 30c to $I.G0 a Pair.; 43c fra Men's Shirt made out of black hide twill, 3 in. long, double over the shoulder and full size sleeve, worth 50c; sale price 43c 10c Stark Mills Russian crash 18 in, wide; no Btarch in it; sale price, per yard 7o 17c per yard for Silk Gingham, 40 pieces in all, in solid col ors and stripes, worth 25c and some 35c; this week only, per yard . 17c 6?q per yard for dark Percales, 31 inches wide, good pat- terns, 05 pieces to select from; price, this week oniy . . . . QHc 900 yards Simpson's and American Prints in blue, black and gray; these are mill lengths from 1 to 9 yards ina piece, worth Gc. Pick out what you want at, per yard ........ 41c 14c for 32 in. Mercerized Black Satine.good quality and worth 20c In a Great Variety. AT $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 $2.75 $3.00 $3.75 lit V-JT J"T- h MM s; 411, tiM-wv fJ Ill .xFm Children's Dresses. t ' A nice line of them. 25c 'or Dresses made of colored jercale and ' white muslin, nicely trimmed; price, only 25c 50c for white lawn Dresses.made with tucked ' yoke and finished with embroidery, a very nice garment; price 50c $1 25 fr colored Lawn Dresses in blue and pink, made up with tucked yoke and finished with ribbon and lace, a showy garment, at $125 Summer Corsets. 1 lot of Summer Corsets in sizes 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 white worth 50c; to close out at. ; . 37c 1 lot of Summer Corsets, in small sizes white regular 35c quality to close them out 25c A Great Selection of Colored Wash Goods. 27-inch Tissue, solid colors, silk embroidered dot and lace stripe; GOc a yard. 25-inch silk dot Tissue, solid colors, GOc a yard. 27-inch mercerized Gerandice, solid colors, 50c yd. 29- inch lisle Tissue, with satin stripe and floral de sign, 50c a yard. 27- inch silk Tissue, with silk dots, 50c a yard. 30- inch Madonna mercerized Novelties, iOc a yard. 28- inch silk Tissue, solid colors, 35c a yard. 22-inch Larraine Swiss Novelties, 35c a yard. 32-inch St. Gall Swiss Novelties, 35c a yard. 27- inch Persian Foulard, 30c a yard. 30- inch Tissue Massu, solid ground, with 1-inch mercerized lace stripe, 30c a yard. 28- inch silk emb. linen, natural color, 30c a yard. 28-inch lace embroidered Swiss, 30c a yard;' 31- inch lisle Tissue, 28c a yard. 30- inch pineapple Tissue, 23c a yard. - 28-inch mercerized Soie Tricote, 25c a yard. 28 inch mercerized Manru, 25c a yard. 28- inch Tambour Batiste, 20c a yard. 31- inch lace Tissue, 20c a yard. 29- inch Swiss Silks, 20c a yard. 28-inch mercerized Lace Fillet Baye, 20c a yard. 29 inch Thistle Crown Dimity, 15c a yard. - 28 inch dotted Swiss Muslin, lc a yard.' 28- inch Windsor Batiste, 15c a yard. 29 inch Point a Jour La ce Stripes, 15c a yard. 27-inch Cordelia OrgandieJ 124c a yard. 31-inch Fauna Batiste, 124c a yard. 30- inch Mousselaine Romaine, 124c a yard. 29- inch Gortel Batiste, 10c a yard. 29 inch blue bell Dimity, 10c a yard. 29-inch Polenta Dimity and Sligo Dimity-, 8c a yd. Other Lawns and Dimities, 7 and 5c hi K I 917-921 0, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. K 1 14 that it was the duty of the preach ers to see that they got more. "But," said he, "suppose we should increase their pay, what then? There would be- just that much more that they would have to squander on the sa loon and theatre. If we did nothing more than to increase their wage we would make them seven times more devilish. Let us preachers demanl more pay for the workingmen, but ldt us also demand that we have som3 control over their wages; let us havo charge of their money; let us save it and invest it for them, for we know better than they how to take care of it." These preachers look upon them selves as the shepherds of their flock, until they get to thinking of the peo ple as sheep. They are long on ben evolence and short on liberty. They never doubt their fitness to manage the affairs of others. They would be foster-fathers rather than brothers to the multitude. The preacher who thus delivered himself was one of the leading clergy men of the city. If the teachers aro capable of such childish utterances, what can be expected of their pupils? 'If the light that is in thee' be dark ness how great is that darkness!" !t the men from, whom light is supposed to come are so hopelessly Ignorant, what chance Is there for the illumina tion of the mass? Still another preacher deprecated the agitation of these questions since there was danger of the poor becom ing discontented. When Hager ned from her jealous and cruel mistress and took refuge in the desert it is said that she was vis ited by the angel of the Ixrd. "And the angel of the Lord said unto he.', return to thy mistress, and submit thyself under her hands." That vas a bogus angel. To the workingmen who are trying to escape from a con dition of virtual slavery this preacher like that false angel would say, "Re turn to your masters and submit yourselves under their hands." Too long that has been the coward ly advice of the clergy. And still th; preachers wonder why workingmen shun the church! Jake Robey. Ben Davis, Ind.: The Independent is good but too many good things spoil the soup. If demo crats, populists, jsilver republicans an! all other elements that mean good would unite, then we might do some thing. But we fight one another. Karl Marx Edition, July 23, 1903. Yellowstone National Park "The Yellowstone Park is some thing absolutely unique in this world, as far as I know. Nowhere else in any civilized country is there to bo found such a tract of veritable won derland, made Accessible to all visi tors, where at the same time not only the scenery of the wilderness, but tito ' wild creatures of the park, are scrup ulously preserved." President ItoocC velt. . This delightful spot is more easily reached via th-3 Union Pacific than by any other line. The stage ride from Monida, by the splendid Concord" Coaches of the Monida & Yellowstor.u Stage Co., is through scenery hardly inferior to the park itself. The popular route to Yellowstone Park is now via the Union Pacific. Very low rates during June, July and August. For further information call on or address E. B. SLOSSON. 1044 O st, Lincoln, Neb. II. M. Looney, Gering, Neb.: Am sorry to have to leave the populists, but see no- other course, as I believe fusion has wrecked the populists. In future shall cast my lot with the socialists.