The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, June 11, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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    JUNE .11,,. 1903.
Independent School of Political Economy
nrt III nirt History
. w Vf.-
Monev. S2 : Hist.
Monetary Crimes, 75c ; Science of
Money, Ji ; Hist Money in America,
J1.50; Hist. Money China, 50c ; Hist.
Money Netherlands, 50c. CAM
New York.
: That is a head-line you don't see
in the news columns of this paper.
The trusts are not breaking up into
the - smaller concerns that were
merged into them. The trusts are
the greatest labor-saving invention
yet made, and they will stay till
they can be replaced by something
There is only one trouble with the
trusts. They enable men to pro
duce more wealth with less waste of -energy
than was ever possible before
but they take most of the wealth
away from those who do the work
and give it to those who do the own
ing of stocks and bonds. - "
Suppose that we who work for a
living should decide to do the own
ing ourselves, and to run the trusts
for the benefit of all.
That would be SOCIALISM.
If you want to know abont it, send for a
free booklet entitled "What to Read on
Socialism." Address
This book, the donation of Bolton
Hall, came to hand after last week's
Independent went to press. Its au
thor is Lawson Purdy, secretary of
the New York Tax Reform associa
tion. It is published by Public Pol
icy Pub. Co., 132 Market st, Chicago
111., and is a reprint of an article
bearing the same title, published in
Public Policy, February 23, 1901, to
gether with several pages of com
ments by professors of political econ
omy and others interested in the sci-'
ence of taxation.
Among these are Edwin R. A. Selig
man of Columbia university. New
York; Jesse Macy of Iowa college;
Ernest L. Bogart of Oberlin college;
Wheeler H. Peckham, New York;
Geo. L. Rives, New York; Milo R.
Maltbie of the Reform club, New
York; John B. Clark of Columbia
university; Edward R. Bemis of
Cleveland; T. Jefferson Coolidge, Bos
ton; M. B. Hammond of the Univer
sity of Illinois; F. R. Clow, state nor
mal school, Oshkosh, Wis.; Henry
Gannett, Washington, D. C.; Rev.
William Copley Winslow, Boston; H.
T. Newcomb, editor Railway World,
Philadelphia; E. Dana Durand. secre
tary industrial commission, Wash
ington; Charles H. Hull, of Cornell
university, and a number of others.
Mr. Purdy is one of the best known
single taxers in America, but in this
discussion wisely refrains from harp
ing of the favorite string of taking
economic rent alone for all public rev
enues. He simply inquires into the
incidence of local taxation and by
masterly logic determines who bears
the tax levied on this thing or that.
"The solution of the problem of tb'j
shifting of taxation," he says, "is to
be sought always by an application of
the principle that price depends upon
?3mand and supply. If demand in
creases without any increase in sup
ply, price rises. If supply- increases
without any increase in demand, price
falls. In the case of a monopoly when
the price can be determined arbitrar
ily, price determines demand, and the
amount which can be sold is deter
mined by the price. A larger quantity
can be sold at a low price than at a
high price."
Taxes on household furniture ani
other chattels in final consumers'
hands are not shifted, but everywhere
are uncertain and light. Upon live
stock and farm implements, shifted
to consumer of farm products (which
includes the farmer himself). Upon
manufacturing machinery, to the final
consumers of the manufactured goods,
partially at least. Upon "goods, ware
and merchandise" the same. Upon
mortgages, to ie borrower. Like
wise, to the debtor if upon notes, book
accounts, etc. .
Mr. Purdy, touching on taxation of
public service corporations, says:
"Public service corporations, which
have no competitors or whose power
to charge is limited by law, have no
power to shift a tax upon their prop
erty," prefacing this by the observa
tion that "as a rule mere i3 no gen
uine competition between (such) cor
porations" and suggesting that to
limit charges by law "all accounts .
necessary to determine cost (of the
service) must be kept as -public ac
counts in form prescribed by th'j
state, and audited by state authority."
As the charge here Is. uniformly "all
that the traffic will bear, so that au
increase in the charge would reduce
the, business and actually decrease the
net profit," it follows that Mr. Pur
dy's reasoning sustains my positio.t
in regard to railroad taxation here in
Nebraska: That the roads cannot
shift an increased tax by raising rates
which accounts for the selection cf
"our man Mickey" and his associates
by John N. Baldwin & Co., in ordei
to keep down the railroad taxes.
An ad valorem tax upon land, whe.i
there is no speculation In land, does
not affect rent or land prices, is paid
entirely by the owners and cannot bs
shifted. Where there Is speculation,
the same is true; but rent and land
prices fall.
An ad valorem tax on improve
ments on land is shifted to the user jr
final consumer, either Immediately or
eventually, except where population Is
A tax on real estate, therefore, -.3
the result of these two opposing
forces, falling partly on the land and
partly on the improvements. As a
general rule an Increase of real es
tate tax falls on the owners and is hot
shifted. "
"The general conclusion of the
whole matter," says Mr. Purdy, "U
that taxes upon things capable of
leproduction are paid by the consum
ers of the things taxed, and that taxes
upon things not capable of reproduc
tion, but of fixed quantity, are paid
by the owner and only by those who
are the owners at the time the tax
is imposed."
Printed on fine paper from large,
clear type--and written in a style as
$lear as the type it is a pleasure to
read this little book of 48 pages. I
want ten members to ask for it right
away, each to keep It just a week
ample time to read it. Postage will be
5 cents. Wno will be the ten?
Passenger Strviee Exclusively ?JgSSi&F
STEAMSHID For those Seeking Health in the balmy
For the Business Man to build op bis.
shattered no ires.
Three sailing eneh week between
Chicago, Frankfort, Charlevoli,
Petoskey, Harbor Springs and
Mackinac Island, connecting for
Detroit, Buffalo, etc. Booklet ires.
in L-B. ii t 11 rr
gJHEftN 1
CURY as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be used except
on prescriptions from reputable phy
sicians, as the damage they will do is
tenfold to the good you can possibly
derive from them. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, nl&nufactured by F. J. Cheney &
Co., Toledo. O., contains no mercury,
and is taken internally, acting direct
ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. In buying Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine
Ii is taken internally, and made in
Toledo, O., by F. J. Cheney & Co.
Testimonials free.
Sold by druggists, price 75c per bot
tle. Hall's Family" Pills are the best.
C. D. Bar, Oakdale, Neb.: The In
dependent is both able and fearles,
and also has the gift of prophecy. For
a populist I consider it the best paper
This week starts out with a snap
py .active market and fully 15 to 20c
higher, and this in the face of the
fact that Chicago had 29,000 on sal?
Monday, and 16,000 Wednesday. With
Kansas City and St. Louis shut put by
the nood3 Omaha packers have a
greatly increased demand for their
products and ought to make this a
good market. Receipts are running
much lighter here this week.
We quote best beef steers $4.75 to
$3.10, fair $4.40 to $4.70, warmed-up
$4.00 to $4.30. choice cows and heif
ers $4.00 to $4.40, fair to good $3. CO
to ?4.00, canncrs and cutters $1.50 ';o
.00. Good light stockers and feed
ers are selling from $1.40 to $4.80,
fair $4.20 to $4.25, stocker heifers
$3.25 to $3.40. Bulls $3.00 to $4.00;
veal $4.50 to $6.50.
Hog receipts fair. Market a shad 3
higher. , Range $5.70 to $5.95. -
There is very little doing in sheep.
Liberal shipments are expected fron.
Texas again soon. Market stronger. '
Alfalfa Farms
CSO-acre farm mile and quarter from
Huntley,. Harlan county. Exception
ally choice farm, well improved, rich
productive soil;. 200 in pasture, bal
auce cultivated. This land is . worth
$i'0 per acre, but the owner's wife is
daage. ously sick and must seek a dif
ferent climate and he . offers It for
ouick sale "at $23 per acre. This is
No. 14(.
Half section stock farm in Ante
lope county, mile and half southea t
of Clearwater; right in the heart of
the alfalfa district of the Elkhoru
valley, with one farm adjoining that
has 80 acres in alfalfa and another
with 140 acres, and near the great
Huffman , Rowlings ranch with 1,800
acres in a beautiful field of alfalfa.
First-class buildings. Only 40 acres
under cultivation, balance pasture.
Price $7,000, half cash. No. 712.
1,560-acre hog ranch in Harlan
county; 400 acres in timber, 600 acres
including the timber, in pasture, bal
ance cultivated. About 80 acres in
alfalfa, and balance nearly all good
alfalfa land. Price $18 per acre. $16,
000 cash and time on the balance. Th's
is one of the most tempting invest
ments in this state to the man who
can handle it. This land will dou
b.e in value in a few years. No. 700.
A quarter section farm in Harlan
county, 4-room house, good barn, weU
and wind mill, etc. Creek runs
through the farm and plenty of timbe
for fuel and posts. A1J. good bottom
land and particularly fine for alfalfa;
75 acres in pasture balance undv
cultivation; 2 miles from Huntley.
Will give possession at once with all
crop for $4,000 and will give on
third of the crop and possession next
March for $3,C00. No. 70G.
This Is one of the choicest farms n
the state: 300 acres as level as a floor;
80 acres in pasture. Frame house,
barn, cribs, etc. Quarter of mile to
school; some alfalfa; rented for this
year and one third of the crop goes to
the purchaser. Price $23 per acre.
No. 707.
240-acre stock farm 2 miles north
of Huntley, 80 acres in cultivation.
w acres level, balance rolling and
in pasture; fairly good improvements,
near dairy and would make splendid
dairy farm. Price $4,500. No. 680
160-acre farm, 70 acres under plow,
three miles from Huntley; plenty of
hay; no buildings. Wheat on this
70 acres last year made the owner
half the price asked. Best of reasons
for selling. Price $1,800. No. 679.
320-acre farm in Harlan county; 1C0
acres under plow and balance in pas
ture; splendid buildings; 3 1-2 miles
from Huntley. Price $15 per acre.
No. 661. , ,
880-acre stock farm in Harlan coun
ty; new 15-room modern house and
all other buildings to match. 400 acres
under cultivation; 400 acres In pas
ture; half mile of creek; 40 acres in
alfalfa; 200 acres very choice alfalfa
bottom land; large orchard. Pric?
$20 per acre. Certainly a snap. No.
This is only a sample of the alfalfa
farms we have for sale along the Ra
publican river. If nothing here pleases
you write us just what you want. It
only costs two cents for a stamp to
get our best bargains and may save
you several hundred dollars in the
price of a farm.
Lincoln. Neb.'
D. Bartlett, Niangua, Mo.: I was a
populist until the scalawags of the
populist and democratic parties killed
the party as an organization, fyr
truth cannot die. I now want no po
litical paper unless it be strictly the
mid road or socialist If the populist
party cannot live, the next best thing
for m is something like WilshircY
So please stop my Independent. (Glad
ly. The populist who, pretending to
believe in majority rule, pouts be
cause he can t have his own way, wi.l
be sure to kick up some sort of ri
rumpus in the socialist party. Wil
shire's is all right but at least ono
of its readers isn'tAssociate Editor.)
The new method of smoking meat has
come to ftay. It has already come and staid
bo long in many parts of the country that
there is no longer any more thought of going
back to the old method than of returning to
the old-fahioned ox cart. When you smoke
your meat with our M-dern Meat Smoker,
you accomplish all that could possibly be
done by the old method, and something that
the old way does not accomplish. The meat
is better protected agaimt decay and against
the attacks of germs and insects. It tastes
better, it looks bttter, and it will bring more
rw ney. The old method of smoking dnes
out the meat and reduces the weight. The
ihrinkngeis often cne-fifth, and this runs
Into money when you consider the amo unt
of meat the 1 vet age farmer usually smoke?,
Our Modem Meat Smoker is practically cou
(Jeufcd liquid Ftnoke which can he applied
in a minute with a brusth or a sponge, and
that ends the process. You run no danger
of losing by fire or theft, aud save both time
and moruy. Our Modern Meat Smoker is
put up in quart bottles only. One bottle
will cover 250 to 300 lbs. of meat. Regular
price, 75c; cut price, 59c.
We Cut Everything la tbs Drag Line.
The Drug Cutter.
New location, 1321 O St., Lincoln, Neb,
TV. M, Morning, Atty., Rooms 310-31.
. Richards Illoek.
In the District Conrt of Lancaster County,
Nebraska. Oliver r. carter, r laiatin, vs.
' Martha Carter, Defendant, to Martha Car
ter, Nonresident Defoodant,
You art hereby notified that your husband,
Oliver P. Carter, haa commenced an aetion
against yon in tha District Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska, to obtain an absolute di
vorce from you on the gropnd of wilful deser
tion and abandonment on yonr part for mors
than two years last past, and aluo to obtain tha
custody of yonr daughter Ina M. Carter, . You
are required to answer plaintiff's petition in
said action on or before the 20th day of July,
1903, or the allegations thereof will be taken as
true and decrees rendered accordingly.
Oliver p. carter, ,
By W. M. Morning. His Atty.
8. B. llama Attorney.
m ... 1 1 . y-i T . 1 "J . , .
10 wuuaip i. israei, mra-rpunieus, aeien
dant: Yon are hereby notified that on June
10th 1903 Martha A. Israel as plaintiff filed a
petition against yon in the office of the clerk of
the district court of Lancaster county Nebraska,
the object and prayer of said petition being to
obtain a divorce from yon on the ground that
you bad been wilfully absnt from plaintiff
without just cause for more than two years im
mediately last past and that you have been
guilty of wilful and utter desertion of plaintiff
for more than two years immediately last past.
Yon are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday July 27th, 19C3.
Dated June 8tu 1903.
Estate No. 17fi5of Jesse E. Shotwell Deceased,
n County Court of Lancaster Couaty, Ne
braska. The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said
estate will take notice that the time limited for
presentation and filing of claims against said
estate is January?, 1904, and for payment of
debts is July 1, 1904; that I will sit at tbs county
court room in said county, on October 1st, 1903,
at 2 p. m., and on January 2d, 1904 at 3 p. m. to
receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all
claims and objections duly filed. Dated May
21, 1903. FRANK R. WATERS,
County Judge.
I. II. Hatfield-Attorney.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
have formed a corporation under the laws of
the state of Nebraska under the style of Points
Coupee Plantation Company, having its princi
pal place of business at Lincoln, Nebraska, with
a capital atock of $35,000, of which $7,000 shall
be paid in before the beginning of business.
Said corporation has power to buy and sell real
state, Merchandise, lumber; own and operate
factories, cotton gins, aud saw mills, and sued
railroads, and tramways with their equipment
asssay bis necessary to operate the same; to
borrow money and mortgage real estate to Be
rare the payment thereof.. Said corporation
began business on March 28, YJS and shall con
tinue for 50 years; its highest amount of indebt
edness shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital
stock; and its affairs shall be managed by a
board of seven directors. C. S. Allen, I. H.
Hatfield, John Carr, Will Owen Jones, Paul F.
Clark, J. H. Humpe, H. C. Eddy.
Particular attention is called to tin
special bargain offered by Branch &
Miller Co. in their grocery combina
tion advertisement in this issue. Tim
goods are first class and full weight.
Send them your order today. The In
dependent will guarantee satisfaction.
Your money back if you are not sat
isfied. The Branch & Miller Co. arts
valuable patrons of The Independent
and we want them to have the libevtl
patronage of our readers ttu.t they