10 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT JUNE 1 1, 19 0 3. JEFF DAVIS TKIVMPn A reader of The Independent resid ing in a southern state to which he emigrated from Nebraska a few years ago. writes to the editor that there i3 a distinct revival there of the doc trines held by southerners before the war, excepting the doctrine of the right of secession, a thing which none of them now desire. He says that men openly proclaim that the wholn north has come over to their idea that the Declaration of Independence was never intended to apply to any but the white race. . Not long since a southerner in con versation with the editor boastfully proclaimed that the south had at last conquered the north, not ' with arms. hut with necessary soundness oi inea MniPR. Ha said that the abolition ist had disappeared forever and the government itself had prociaimeu, auu th siinreme court had sustained it thut tho doctrine that all men are created equal applies to none bu; white men. The north was therefore administering the government upoa hat nHnHnle and was holding the Inferior races in subjection, denying to them the right of seir-governmem. ta-rfne- them without representation and administering law by the force of arms. -He said any man or common sense ought to have known that Iho Old northern theories were aDsoiuieij impossible of application to the in farlnr rnnPH. TIa thOUEht the aPPlIca tion of these doctrines in the Philip Tiinna and Pnrto Itico was an ac- trTmwlftrttrment to the whole world that Jeff Davis- was right and that snmnor wn?i uTons. Ilis closing sen tence was: "Jeff Davis Is triumphant, thnne-h in his crave. That the followers of Jeff. Davis iiavA ermindg for their boasting, can not be denied. If imperialism is to be the permanent policy or tms gov ernment the doctrines held by the old confederates concerning superior and tnfAHnr rnres will. finally become Uni versal. Snmner. Seward. Philipps anl hoir theories will be universally de- nouncetl. and Lincoln will live only hA nrevented the establish ment of two republics in the place -f the one which has become so pow erful. t A Rhnrt time aeo It was announced that thA trust class factories had shut down for the purpose of installing new machinery for blowing glass am that hereafter a common laborer could make as much glass in one day js fourteen of the hitherto high- nrlred and skilled glass blowers could make. Last week the trust sent out notices of a rise in the price of glass. ThA Hka is enulvalent to an advance of 20 per cent in the price of the email sizes and about 7 per cent in all the larger sizes.- It would seem that the dullest intellect ought by this time to have comprehended the fact that trusts were not organized to low er prices. Readers of The Independent wi.'i find the ballot articles by Mr. Wake field full of interesting suggestion? He says that in Kansas, ever since 1888, a minority has hiied the omces. Further, that if the populists ot Kan sas, when in nower. had had less urn iditv and fear of republican criticism. ' they would have enacted a ballot law - which would have kept them m pow eran effective ballot which will not iiermit a minority to1 capture th.i offices against a divided majority. But they didn't do it and as soon as tne republicans got in power again they bad courage enough to enact a ballo law which guarantees a divided ma jority and permits the minority to win. Since Aldrich has assumed the au thority to formulate an asset cur rencv bill without consultation with any member of the house and which he expects that body to pass whenever he gives the nod to them, there has been a little squirming, but it will amount to nothing. The house hav ing abolished the right to discuss leg islation and delegated all business to . a little clique of politicians, has lost its prestige. Aldrich rules the roost both in the senate and the house by the aid of the banks, the trusts and tariff grafters., The inviting of Alli son, ana Spooner to a conference on --the money question at Hot Springs, Va., was only a mere matter of form. . Allison never had an opinion and Spooner would not dare to raise a finger against Aidricn The gambling in cotton has pro duced some strange results. Several nia hnvA sold their cotton at an ad vance over what they paid of 4 to 5 cents a pound and closed aowir. in thia wnv many thousand operatives have been 'thrown out of work for the whole summer and much suiter ing must result. When next winter begins these families will have noth ing with which to face the rigors of winter. There ought to be a gallows erected in Wall street as high as Ha inan's and the gamblers on the board of trade who brine this suffering on helpless women and children should be swung up on it. News of the Week There is an epidemic of strikes all over the United States. Some of tha labor unions are doing things that will be more damage to organized labor than anything that employers ever have, or can do. When an em- Dlover aerees to recognize the union .ind the union scale of wages, extra. Dav for over time and all other tninga in regard to rules and regulations, for that union to refuse to arbitrate ana to strike in order to force the em ployer not to employ any one not be longing to the union, It is a thing that the public will not stand for. ine waiters' union of Chicago did that very thing and chose to order the strike in the middle of a meal, leav ing the guests unserved, in several laree hotels and restaurants. The men of sense, by whose work organ ized labor has reached its present status, all denounce such proceedings. To trv to force employers to compel persons to join the union, which th union itself has failed to influence, ii only another application of the black listing of which labor, has compiair.eo. If labor organizations are to De over thrown, it will be bv the action or tne unreasonable fanatics in the ranks of labor. f It to. 353 TRESTER SUPPLY COMPANY, BEE SUPPLIES. CATALOGUE FREE. 103 So. 11th St. Lincoln, Neb, -., nr-mn m i miai niiiiiriinwiiriinii i nr ir hiii.i .in . BECAUSE THEY ARE PREPARED TO DO SOMETHING WELL OUR GRADUATES SUCCEED. Established 20 Years. CompUte Information in onr BEAUTIFUL ILLUS- Studentsassist ed in securing employment LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE, LincolnNebraska J 1309 O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. 1 Rfhnnl fa a hiirh cradft nrivate school offering the Commercial, Shorthand, Typewriting and English courses. OUR STRONG POINTS: Individual Instruction. Well Equipped Booms. Well Qualified. Instructors. Personal Interest in. Our Students. Ihorwgh Courses. ri. o.immn oiccinn mill Viorrin Mnnil .TnriA IS nnrl cnnt.innfi R wfifiks. Make I your plans to take work with us. Fall term opens Sept. 3, 1903. Write for catalogue. There is more trouble in the anthra cite mining regions. Baer and hii friends refuse to recognize the mem hers of the conciliation committee nrnvided for under the decision of the commission appointed by the president and another strike Is threatened, me public is very highly taxed to pay the losses of the last strike with an ad ditional profit added by the operators in the high prices charged tor an thracite coal and the people don't pro- 1 11 ' 1 i. t. A nose to oe muiciea again vy auuiuci scarcity of coal and still higher nrices. Even some of the dailies arc warnine Baer that he better look out or the proposition for government ownershiD of the mines will he in sisted upon. The limit of exactions ot the coal trust has been reached and the people will find a way of escape before they will submit to any more robberies. o o 0 1? re The republican state convention of Ohio met last wejk, nominated Myron T. Herrir.k for governor, indorsed Roosevelt for nomination for a second term, Hanna for re-election, and then put out a platform which consists in lniiriatlnn nf the remiblican Darty. pro tective tariffs and condemnation c? democratic free trade to which they attribute all the sufterinsr which to- Inwed the mnic of 1893. The self- laudation and the lie about "free trade," when instead of free trade the ripmnrrafs under the lead of Gorman irtuallv increased protection, although they lowered some of the schedules, makes it the most disgusting docu ment that was ever issued by a politi cal convention. r i? O flP-a W 11 Q? IT ITXL U &n & 9 . TOTAL, $ I 1,323 Ijiree Four-Seated Lone Distance Tunnean Automobile, f 1,400 Upright Grand Pianos, $000 each Self-Play lna Organs, $250 each Large BllUard Tables Typem-lter Large Colombia Phonographs T.arcre KrnRnslve Cameras . Dinner and Tea Sets TJIct cles. Gold Watches TWO LARGE FRUIT FARMS Thousands of other Valuable Presents , 9 We have recently dlatributed many valuable prizes to workers and will send a list of prizes and names Oi winners to an answering mis aaverusemenc We want our friends to help us reach a circulation of 200,000 copies a month. We propose to pay every ' worker wellfor the work. Some wtll receive bonanzas. Think wbat you can do with the $1,400 automobilo lecturing through the country. The pianos, piano players and self-playing organs will add gretly to the 1nipt, of nublic mfiPtlHETS or thn f nlovmpnt, nf t,h hoinfl. and mtnrt von. everv worker is auarantftd a. prize. Do you want more than this? The price ot wnsnire-s aiagazine is now one dollar a year cannot Deproancea ior less, ve Feu yeanv subscription cards to workers at SOcentseach. S-11 the cards at a profit If you can, but tell them. Our mae Azinn pan hn nld to itinnv who will not buv other Socialist literature and now is the time for workers to " plug" for all they are worth ; the result will count heavily In the coming presidential campaign. The prlzei will be given to those selling the largest number of yearly subscription cards or sending us the largest number of yearly subscriptions before December 1st, 1903. Get busy and get a prize. Everyona sending ten yearly subscriptions or more Is guaranteed aprlze. Vnn oitvaln rls m J- rravt --vswm Four cards for $2, ten cards for a fiver and ten cards insures a prize. How many? Your move I When in New York see me. H. Caylord Wilshire, 1 25 East 23rd St., New York The usual amount of fighting oc curred in the PhiliDDines during Ui3 week. There is no jmore prospect or neace over there than when General OHa was in the habit of sending lis daily cablegrams announcing that the "war is over." In the recent case from Hawaii which involved exactly the same is sues that were decided in the former imnerialist cases, the court stood a3 before, five to four. Justice Holmes of Massachusetts taking the imper ialist side the same as Judge Gray d'd whn nreoeded him on the court Many people had been hoping that Judge Holmes would stand by the .Declara tion of Independence. .Tncitifft Harlan savs in his dissent ing opinion in the Hawaiian case: '7 Ptnnd bv the doctrine that the con stitution is the supreme law in every territory as soon as it comes under the sovereign dominion of the United States for purposes of civil adminis tration, and whose inhabitants aro under its entire authority and juris diction." There stand with him Chief Justice Fuller and -Associate Justices Brewer and Peckham. ad mitted to be the ablest men on the supreme bench, besides a vast ma jority of the people of the United States, which fact would be instantly proven if a referendum vote was taken. " THE BEST OF EVERYTHING." SUMMER TOURIST RATES: Hot Springs and Return $15 50 Deadwood, Lead, S. D., and Ket $17 85 St. Paul and Minneapolis and Ret.. .$15 15 Above on sale June 1st to Sept. 30. Return limit October 31st. City Ticket Office 1024 O St The Indenendent has never believed that an isthmian canal would be built as long as the trans-continental road3 maintained their nower in the remib lican" party. The dailies now begin to express doubt whether the Hay-Her ran treatv will be ratified by the Co lombian congress. The Idea has been R. W. McGINNlS, General Agent, Lincoln, Nebraska. generally accepted that the payment of $10,000,000 dollars would induce the rviinmhiAn erovernment to ratify the treaty, but the men who indulged in that hope did not take into considera tion the money which could be fur nished by the railroads to onset it. An unknown reporter's lie with an editorial or two in the great dailies to boost it along, settles things tor the American people. The country press of Nebraska all take it ror grantei that Chancellor Andrews has "gone back on silver," when in truth the address of the chancellor which the Lincoln reporter lied about, silver was not mentioned at all. The drouth still continues in tha eastern states. All last week forest fires raged unchecked in Maine, New York, Vermont and Massachusetts. The smoke was so dense in New York city and over a large part of the state that lights had to be used in many residences and business places at midday. Everything appeared a: invested in a thick fog and the sun looked like a great red ball. With the exception of the loss of life, the drouth in the eastern states has been as destructive as the floods of the west. .' About two.years'ago The Indepen dent warned Its readers, and has fre quently referred to the matter since, that the European countries would be diiven to the adoption of retaliatory tariffs against this country. Most of the European countries have raised their tariffs and now England is about to follow. Chamberlain's addresses show plainly that the tory party in tend to adopt tariffs against this country and give preferential dutir.i to Canada and other denendpnries. Whatever other duty the English put upon grain and at the same time ad mit free colonial pi-oduce, will be just mat mucn aiscrimmauon against tie farmers of the United States. Therj will no longer be free competition b3- tween tne products or uanada and tna United States in the English markecs. The result will be an additional bur den laid on the farmers of the Units! States by the Aldrich republicans. The trans-Atlantic steamer Deutsch land got aground in the lower bay of New York on account of the dense smoke from the forest fires and was detained 24 hours, which created great excitement on Wall street and on the stock exchange in London. Ladeii with $1,250,000 in gold bullion and carrying in her strong boxes securi ties the value of which is estimate 1 at from $3,000,000 to $3,000,000, every hour of delay, means a heavy loss to bankers. If the Deutschland does not arrive in time to allow a delivery of the stocks and bonds, according to contract on June 11, there will be In terest charges accrued until settle