The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, June 11, 1903, Image 1

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Vol. XV.
LINCOLN NEB., JUNE 11, 1903.
No. 3.
Those energetic gentlemen who
telped make the Henry George Edi
tion may be interested in knowing
that that , issue has caused the Third
Assistant . Postmaster General to
threaten The Independent's "pounds
rate privilege." The difficulty-ostensibly
is that "large numbers of copies
of the issue of May 14, 1903, were
mailed at the pound rate of postage to
mames furnished by persons inter
ested in the circulation of the publi
cation" but in view of the treatment
accorded Wilshire's Magazine, tha
Appeal to Reason, and other publica
tions, reasoning men can scarcely fail
to see why the attacks should almost
invariably be made upon publications
onposed to the plutocratic republican
party. The correspondence to date
' Lincoln Postoffice. - Office of the
Postmaster, Lincoln, Lancaster Co.,
Neb., June 2, 1903. The Independent,
City. Gents: I hand you herewith
cppy of letter received from Third As
sistant Postmaster General in regard
to the mailing of your publication to
.persons who are not legitimate sub
scribers inviting your attention to cir
culars III. and VI and paragraph 5.
section 456, of P. L. & R- .
"Par. 5, Sec. 456. Extra copies of a
second-class publication sent by the
publisher thereof acting as the agent
qf an advertiser or purchaser to ad
dresses furnished by, the latter, are
not sample copies; but postage there
on at the rate of one cent for each
four ounces or fraction thereof (see
sec. 455) must, be prepaid, the same
as if mailed by the advertiser or pur
chaser himself; and, where a pub
lisher issues a large edition contain
ing an article or articles obyiously in
tended to advance private interests.
'and circulated uireetly or indirectly
Jhrough some arrangements with the
larties concerned, or . where the per-,
iodical contains advertisements secured-under
an offer or agreement to
distribute a given number of copies ii
excess of the number of subscribers,
the extra copies sent out in behalf of
the advertisers or other parties inter
ested, and will be subject to postage
at tne rate of one cent for each fou.
ounces or fraction thereof sent to a
single address."
and to inform you that unless the
circulation of your publication con
forms to the requirements of the P.
L. & R., the department will be
obliged to take further action. Pleasa
advise me in regard to this matter
at your earliest opportunity. Respect
Washington, D. C, May 27, 1903.
Postmaster, Lincoln, Neb Sir: Com
plaint is made to the department that
the publishers of "The Independent"
published in your city, regularly mail
copies of that publication to persona
who are not "legitimate subscribers"
tinder the law, and that large num
bers of copies of the issue of May 14,
1903, were mailed at the pound rate of
postage to names furnished by per
sons interested in -the circulation of
the publication, in violation of para
graph 5, section 456, P. L. & R.
Please invite the attention of the
publishers to enclosed copies of de
partmental circulars III. and VI. and
to paragraph 5, section 456, P. L. &
R., and inform them that unless tbs
circulation of their publication con
forms to the requirements of the pos
tal laws and regulations the depart
ment will be obliged, under the stat
ute, to take further action. Respect
Third Ass't Postmaster General.
The Nebraska Independent, Lin
coln, Neb.. June 9, 1903. Hon. Ed
ward R. Sizer, Postmaster, Lincoln,
Neb. Sir: I beg to acknowledge re
ceipt of your communication under
date of June 2, 1903, enclosing copy of
a letter , to you signed by Edwin C.
Madden, third assistant postmaster
general (C. D. No. 75584), making
comnlaini that
The publishers of The Indepen
. dent . . . "regularly maircopies
of that publication to persons who
are not legitimate subscribers un
der the law . . ." '
to which I reply that, this complaint J
has no foundation In fact The reg
ular editions of The Independent are
mailed only to bona fide subscribers,
exchanges with other second-class
publications, and to advertisers for
proof of insertion; and each week,
after our own file 3 are filled, a few ex
tra copies sometimes 25 to 50 and
sometimes 100 to 150 are sent out at
our own initiative and. expense. as
sample copies for the purpose of se
curing subscriptions and advertising,
not exceeding three copies to any one
person within the year. .
As to the second part of the com
plaint, that
... "large numbers of copies
of the issue of Ma yl4, 1903, were
, mailed at the pound rate of post
age to names furnished by persons
interested in the circulation of the
publicetion, in violation of para
graph 5, section 456, P. L. &. R." .:
I beg to make the following statement
of fact: - .
A considerable portion of our sub
scribers are believers in the economic
teachings of Henry George and from
time to time in the past have sent
in communications , on that subject.
Finally, in the issue of April 9, 1903,
announcement was made that
. "the issue of May 14, 1903, to
be known as the 'Henry George
Edition,' will be devoted exclu
sively, to a presentation of the
single tax philosophy a sympos
ium of articles by eminent single
taxers . and those more humble.
. . . Sample copies of the edition
will be mailed either in bundles
or in single wrappers to lists of
individuals at $1.00 per hundred."
On May 14, 1903, the "Henry George
Edition" was published according to
previous announcement, and in addi
tion to the copies sent to our regular
subscribers, -copies were purchased by
the-persons' named below and mailed
at the pound rate to lists of names
furnished by, the purchasers as fol
lows, to-wit: -
. No. No.
names, copies
Geo. E. Brittain, 1130 N.
Main st, Dayton O..... 17 : 17
Aug. Dellgren, 620 7th st,
Minneapolis 13 1 J
Lawson Purdy, 52 William
st, New York city 100 100
A. C. Allison, 209 Central
ave., Newport, Ky... .. 25 25
Robert Carter, box 1273,
Durango, Colo 10 50
F. W. Maguire, 508 Schil-
ler bldg., Chicago. ..... 47 47
L. J. Quinby, Omaha Neb. 32 1
W. H. T. Wakefield, M'd
City, Kas ... 82 82
A. Freeland, Mt Pleasant,
Tenn. 85 5
E. C. Clark, Syracuse,Neb. 119 119
F. Burgdorff, 58 Walllng-
ford st, Cleveland, O.. 400 400
H. Ellingston, Minnehaha, .
Minn. 11 GO
F. T. Moreland, Ports
mouth, O 25 - - 25
Geo. J. Menger, Palmyra,
Mo 98 98
Frank K. Ryan, 506 Olive
st, St. Louis, Mo. 100 L00
J. B. Sharpe, Pittsburgh;
Pa. 22 90
E. C. Clark (for Dr. Hud
son), Syracuse, Neb.... 97 97
E. B. Swinney, 1467 Bed-
ford ave.,Brooklyn,N.Y. 310 SjO
A. Freeland, (supra)...... 3 150
rf. W. Allen, box 98, El
Paso. Tex 41 41
F. H. Augspurger, Tren
ton, Q.. 60 60
N. H. Hyde, Manchester,
Iowa 100 100
Georga L. Rusby, 128,
Franklin St., N. Y 125 125
F. W. Maguire, (supra).. 81 81
L. P. Custer, 1203 Miss.
ave., St Louis, Mo.... 16 16
J. H. Sheets, Browerville,
Minn. 450 45C
John Filmer, 753 Classon
st. Brooklyn, N. Y.... 24 33
F. W. Maguire, (supra).. 100 100
E. Kenney, Creston, la. .15 15
John F. Conroy, 56 Mur-
dock st, Youngston. O. 100 . ICO
John F. Conroy, 56 Mnr-
dock st, Youngston, O. 100 100
J. S. Corbin, Gouverneur,
N. Y. 250 250
J. B. McGauran, 4146 Gal-
liip.ave., ..Denver, Colo. ...8, 8
Perry D. Plain, Atwater,
Illinois 20
F. W. Marquis, Station A,
Milwaukee, Wis .110
F. W. Marquis 16
F. W. Marquis..... 6
F. W. Marquis........... 128
F. W, Marauls. 11
F. W. Marquis........... 27
James Bartley, Amster
dam, N. Y...... 19
James JJartley .......... 30
James Bartley . 16
James Bartley 104
James Bartley .......... 105
V 20
. 1!
; ic
Totals ..... .i. ....... .3b53 410'S
In addition to these some 5.000 or
6,000 were mailed in bundles direct to
the purchaser. ,
These are the facts bearing upon
the second part of the complaint The
publisher had no intention of violat
ing any of the. postal laws and reg
ulations, but believed that the test
of violation hinges upon the "inter
est" of the persons purchasing coplei
and having them mailed as a compli
ment to lists of friends.. None of tin
persons named above had advertising
in the copies sent out, or were direct
ly or indirectly pecuniarily concerned
in any advertisement or article in the
Henry George Edition of May 14, 1903,
with the possible exception of Mr.
Maguire, who is an officer in one of
the Cnicago single tax associations.
An examination of the Henry George
Edition, a copy of which-accompanies
this letter, will show that it is made
up of news items, biographical and
historical sketches, and discussion oi
economic questions, : contributed for,
publication by the persons whose
names are signed at the foot of each
article, and the sole "interest" any of
these purchasers (excepting, possibly,
Mr." Maguire, as above stated) could
have in the circulation of the Henry
George Edition would be to secure a
more extended dissemination o
knowledge regarding the single tax
theory of political economy, inasmuch
as no one of them has any pecuniary
interest whatever in the publication
and circulation of The Independent.
On the part of the publisher he had
no intention of trafficking In 'his
pound-rate privilege, but made the
price uniform whether sent in bun
dles or single wrappers in order to
secure valuable lists of names of pe.
sons who might be induced to become
subscribers. If such a state of facts
constitutes a violation of the postal
laws and regulations, then the pub
lisher is guilty," and. he cesires a rul
ing whereby he may avoid any future
infraction of the rules. Does para
graph 5, section 456, P. L. & R., abso
lutely prohibit a publisher from send
ing at the pound rate a copy or copies
of a single issue, paid for by one per
son and sent to another or others, re-,
gardless of the interest of the pur
chaser, even where there is no other
intention than to compliment the re
ceiver? .
Trusting . that the foregoing may
be satisfactory to you, and the depart
ment, I am, your very truly,
National Committeeman Merrill Bel ley
Several Generations More of Fools
Mast bo Raised Before People
Wilt Vote Right
Editor Independent: Your various
favors have been duly received. I am
not much in politics now. While I
am as firm a believer as ever in the
principles advocated by the populist
party, I am of the opinion that sev
eral generations more fools must ba
raised before the people at large will
vote their own welfare and interests.
The populists ae not strong in this
state; I think, ij some extent for th?
reason that about six years ago we
unfortunately elected a few bad peo
ple to the legislature who. through
their action brought the party Into
, I take some reform literature be
cause I feel as though I ought to sup
port the movement; but I do not reil
much along that line as it makes me
mad and interferes with my peace of
mind to see what chumps people are
in whooping it up for the old parties
and nothing. F. S. MERRILL.
Spokane, Wash. S. 7. Post st
The theory of "surplus value"--see
Karl Marx Edition,. July 23, 1903., ,
Mr. Vance Discusses Governor Pointer's
Letter aud Touches up the Single 1
Taxers and Socialists
Editor, Independent: Let me say
frankly that I do not believe-politi-.
cal conditions warrant either the op-
timistirt vipwB nf ex-fiovernnr Pnvn
ter respecting the future of the In
dependent party, or his pessimistic
prophecies respecting that of the' dem
ocratic party. Mr. I'oynter forgets that
at another time in his life, when fu
sion "brought grists to his own mill,"
he was quite as ardent a fuslonlst as
Mr. Cleveland is now a democrat.
I deny ex-Governor Poynter's right
to assume that the democratic party
will "turn down Mr. Bryan;" that it
will repudiate the Chicago or Kan
sas City platform; Indorse the re
publican asset currency scheme, -or do
any of the foolish and wicked things
the governor assumes it will at its
next national convention in 1904.
Hal there been no fusion with the
democrats in the past we would have
never tad an ex-Gvernor Poynter n
Nebraska. Fusing with the democrat?'
on the part of the independent party
was not as fatal a mistake as fusing
with the negroes and white republi
cans of the south. While it may be
physically possible to "serve two mas
ters, ' it is difficult to carry transpar
encies in both the republican and
democratic processions!
Reformation in government Is the
sole, object of all good men. Mr.
Poynter proposes, if I understand him,
to bring about the reformation with
out disturbing either the trusts or tar
iff robbers. Such a reformation would
doubt'ess receive the hearty indorses
ment of both Senator Hanna and J.
Pierpont Morgan.
The trouble with this dear country
acuta attack of republican blood poi
son. A bad complication of imperial
ism, tariff robbery, trust robbery,
govc.nment by injunction, asset cur
rency, and a ger eral declension of
Our only hope for amendment 'and
health lies in a return to the sober
methods of the old constitution, to an
assertion on the part, of the common
people' of their constitutional right tc-self-government.
Let the $ and ths
lawfully created corporation take Its
rightful place as the servant, and not
the master of the man.
The independent party should be
ware the rainbow-chaser. The singld
tax theory, while in many respects
leautiful, has too much of the cuckoo
in it. It conflicts with that instinct
of nest and home building that is com
mon to all life, bird, beast, insect cr
human. The adoption ,of Henry
Georgeism l,y the independent party
will drive from it that great body of
conservative agriculturalists and me
chanics who own the little farms they
till, and their own cottages they live
In. A fusion with the socialists, t
which all this middle of the road fol
ly and rainbow chasing Is tending,
will "be as fatal to populism as would
the nomination of Grover Cleveland as
its presidential candidate by the dem
ocratic party. There is really nothlnq
in socialism that appeals to the en
ergy, manhood or ambition of the av
erage American citizen. It indeed
promises to Increase wages and short
en the hours of labor by the rules of
arithmetical progression, "To feed,
clothe and educate the children," to
furnish a man with work while he 13
ypung, pension him when old, and
bury him when dead.
But the average American would
hardly thank you for the black broth
with which Lacadaemon regaled her
Spartan citizens i.l her common ta
ble. It is well in this connection to
remember that socialism as practiced
in Lacadaemon was founded on hu
man slavery, and is only possible
where slavery exists. Wise and great
as was the grand old man, Lycurgua.
I doubt the wisdom of experimenting
with his system of government here in
the United States.. Democracy as laid'
down in its national platforms of 1896
and 100 was simply a return to first
principles, ;., a renunciation of the
Stuffed Prophet of Buzzard's Bay. The
democrats who had the courage to re
buke' and condemn an administration
they had placed in power will scarce
ly be deterred from following their
honest convictions. ,
As to the governor's denunciation
of them as "pie-eaters," my personal
recollections of the governor are, that