The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, June 04, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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JUNE 4, 19 03.
First Malay Repubii
Editor Independent: Senator For
aker's public declaration, in the early
portion of hi3 first senatorial terra,
that, In his opinion, Emilo Agninaldo
compared favorably with, any living
statesman, not excepting President
McKinley, may furnish food for re
flection. It is not the least of the misfor
tunes of national crimes that they in
evitably obscure personal wrongs. In
the closing years of the nineteenth
century a drama was being enacted In
a distant southern sea. It, was that
national drama to which a people
looks back through the vista of what
ever national achievement, as thj
proudest heritage cf their national
life that drama of such surpassing
Interest to the Father of men and to
the brotherhood of the Just through
oat the earth, when a people, true to
the destiny of. all peoples similariv
situated, throws off a foreign yoka,
and proclaims itself, under its own
constitutional government, a free and
independent nation.
The destruction of the Spanish fleet
on May 1, 1898, and the subsequent co
operation of our marines with th3
Filipinos in the investment of Manila,
by destroying the-'last stronghold of
Spanish power, had enabled Aguinal
do, Mabini, and other patriotic states
men to convene a Filipino congress
and themselves assume executive pow
er until, as they declared, their succes
sors should be elected under the
forms of a constitutional government.
A provisional constitution, modeled
on our own, was promulgated, and the
fruition of the aspirations and strug
gles of two hundred years seemed at
, But just at this time, certain gentle
men, 8,000 milea away, the beneficiar
ies of every opportunity for personal
honor and emolument which a great
and free government can afford, not
content with guiding the destinies of
their own country; suddenly imagined
that by seizing some tropical islanla
on the other side of the gTobe, over r
throwing the first republic of the
Orient, and shooting the people inta
sabmission, they would, aggrandize
themselves and incidentally the United
States. So- the Filipino congress wa3
dispersed:, the provisional president
of the republic, was hunted into thi
mountains, and the secretary of state
was exiled to a lonely island of the
Pacific, 2,000 miles from his native
land, to muse on the hypocrisy of
American liberty.
The Filipino people were thus de
prived of the able and patriotic lead
ers given them by Providence. But tho
wickedness of our course Involved still
more.' The reasonable and honorable
ambitions of the men comprising the
first and only Filipino congress and
cabinet ambitious not so much for
personal honor a3 to lay broad and
deep the foundations of constitutional
liberty for ten millions of their fel
lowmen the same ambitions whose,
realization had brought imperishable
honor to the fathers of the American,
republic it was such honorable am
bitions as these that were condemned
to failure by the contemptible selfish
ness of the politicians who disgraced
our government.
Agninaldo, Mabini, and their do
voted compatriots may not live to
see, in this life, the fruition of their
hopes. But one day they will fac3
William McKinley and his associates
before a tribunal not of man's estab
lishment And not the least of the
indictments to whieh the Americans
on that dread day, shall, bow the head
with shame unspeakable, will be, that
they, in the pride of their power, a
the chief representatives of a great,
free. Christian nation, hesitated not,
in the furtherance of their own un
holy ambitions, to crush the fair pros
pects of the first republic-builders of
4the Malay race, and, by so doing, deny
to those, their weak brown brothers
of another clime, the realization of
some of the noblest ambitions that
can stir the human heart
Washington, D. a
Mark Hanna shows republican wis
dom in rejecting Roosevelt for h3
knows eastern millionaires, trusts
and corporations will not shell out five
cr ten millions to carry Roosevelt's
election. Mark knows there is no
way to beat Bryanism,- only to use
lots of money, just as he has the last
two elections and more will be need?d
to carry the next election. Roosevelt
is- wise to fish and hunt among west
ern voters, he knows all the fish of
the east have gone into deep water
and all the game has gone over the
ther side of the mountain.
If Cleveland and Hanna are nomi
nated for president, neither of them
will get my-' vote, neither will men
like, them get it. A man standing
with, and for; the common people is
the kind of man that some party
should nominate, then the common
people being largely in the majority
can elect them if they choose. Our
government is collecting too much
tariff and tax from the common peo
ple ' while the wealthy ones are let
out Then- the money i being spent,
! the most of it, to increase the num
ber of millionairess
The opinion and estimsfte of Alas
ka as aa inhabitable country Is un
doubtedly about as far off as it was of
Nebraska. The opinion once pre
vailed that the great American desert
was a desert as much so as any des
ert in Africa. We were told in Lin
coln, in 1870, by every citizen we con
sulted that thre was no plow land
twenty miles west of the Missouri..
Now what a change in opinion.. Back
still further we remember the opinion
of Illinois and southern Wisconsin
was almost as bad. It was thought
the soil must be worthless or timber
would cover it, and farmers must
have timber.
The hundreds of islands along th
coast of Alaska and back for miles
on the main land the warm China
sea current of water and air must b?
felt The west coast of Europe ia
wsrnwj by tri American current tha
same way. Maine is not near as warm
as the same latitude across the At
lantic. Grass, wheat, oats, rye and
barley are reported to grow well
wherever they have been tried. Gold,
coal and fish With agriculture and
health are going to populate the coun
try equal to Norway and Sweden. , In
Ies3 than ten years it will be pleading
to eome in as a state.
The most severe dry spell, of forty
days, has pinched the eastern an!
middle states. A" million of acres o
woodland in northern New York have
been burned over. Wild game and
almost everything valuable has been
destroyed excepting trout If there
is such a thing as a firmament, divid
ing the waters" of the heavens from
the waters of the earth, we suspect
the western end has dropped dowu
a little and the waters of New York
and other states are falling in Nebraska.
Churches and school houses make
a fair showing in Lincoln.- The pur
est water is supplied at reasonable
figures. Better conveniences should
be supplied for watering horses on
the street. Our city library we now
are proud Of. There is oner thin?
short and that is public parks., We
were in hopes the city ' dads would;
take charge of four or five blocks for
delinquent taxes and make public
parks of them. A quarter block would
make quite a pretty park. Parks for
play ground for children is almost as
necessary as pure water and air.
Why spend so- much money on our
navy and army and at the same time
not allow them to do anything to ben
efit the people only in time of war?
Our navy could do commercial work
from port to port just as well a3 to
stand idle all the time. So our sol
diers could do some work for their
own support and to benefit the peopla
Then there is another class that could
be made to earn their own living just
as well and better for them than to
do nothing, our criminal prisoners.
It rakes our sensibility ta be com
pelled to work for their support
The referendum doctrine and gov
ernment ownership of public utili
ties, the corner stone of the first pop
ulist platform,, is being put into use
more and more every year. The cor
porations and trusts are fighting it
harder, and harder. They know that
laws referred to a vote ef the people
will be more likely to be just and
right Just laws are not pleasing to
them. The republican city of Phila
delphia failed to enforce justice irt
granting street railways. The demo
cratic city of Chicago has come out
better. All the eities of Illinois are
now under the referendum law. The
governor has signed the Mueller bill
the one that, the speaker undertook
to trample underfoot '
The frauds and thefts now discov
ered in the postoffice department are
strong evidence in favor of changing
all the clerks every four years, at
least every time the president i?
changed. The unlawful salaries of
clerks commenced soon after McKin
ley came in. W ed onot believe in life
officeholding. A change is the best
way to discover fraud and the most
likely method of correcting it
Benevolent Vandalism
The action of President Cassatt of
the Pennsylvania railroad in ordering
out an army of axemen to cut down
the poles of the Western Union Tele
graph company along some twelve
$15.00 TaBiUbg.
$20.00 Battei Helena, Salt Lake and Ogdenv
S22.50 Ta Spobme.
$25 Portland; Seattle, Tacoma, San Francisco and
Los Angeles, via the Burlington dailr until June
15th, 1903.
Cily Ticket Offlcs
Cor Tenth, and O Streets
Telephone No. 235
Bcrisngloa Depot
7th St., between P and Q
TeL Burlington 1290.
P&SS6RPSF SinrlCt Exdusir&IV ,Por the TMr,t, vho desire to oniteW
rvnsr sviiivw fcAbiuiireiJ pleasure with comfort at moderate east M
STEAMSHIP For those Seeking MeSIth ia the bahnyfcl
For the Business Man to build tip big N
snatterea nerves.
Three tailings each week between
Chicago, Frankfort, Charlevoix,
Petoskey, Harbor Springs and
Mackinac Island, connecting1 for
Detroit, Kuttalo, etc. Booklet free,
jiauimiBH mm,
The United Mutual Hail In
surance Association the larg
est and most successful hail in
surance company in the state.
Insuring: crops agaiust los3 by
hail is becoming more popular
every year. The United Mu
tual Hail Insurance Company
organized in 1899 is the largest,
best and most successful hail
insurance company doing busi
ness in the state. It paya all
losses promptly. Since its or
ganization it has written 9,066
policies, of insurance aggregat
ing $5,310-,OOO of risks. It has
paid 1,94$ loss claims amount
ing to $147,315,10. The insur
ance has cost the policy holders
only one-half as much as old
line fire insurance companies
receive proportionate to the
amount of fosses paid. No oe
raising crops can afford to take
the risk of losing his crops by
hail when he can get this pro
tection with thousands of the
best farmers' of the state. Last
year the United Mutual carried
$1,740,694 insurance and paid
$27,710 in losses. They paicf irt
losses more than four times as
much as the combined payments
of all other hait insurance com panies
doing- business In the
Good, reliable representatives
are wanted In every township
United Mutual Kail las. Association,
116 So. 10th St, Lincoln, Nebr.
hundred miles of his road, as soon a3
the United States circuit court of ap
peals had rendered an injunction pro
hibiting the removal of the poles, will
elevate him not at all in the estima
tion of his countrymen. The act re
sulted In the destruction of about a
million dollars' worth of valuable
property; and not only this, but it
deprived a considerable section of the
country of the larger share of its ac
customed telegraph facilities. Having
won his case in court, and being
clothed with absolute power in the
premises, he might well have avoidei
any such vindictive course, and al
lowed the defeated corporation the
privilege of removing its property ir
such a way as to involve the smallest
loss bearing in mind, also, that In
appeal was pending, and that a re
versal of the decision by the supreme
court might result in costly penalties
for hasty action. The loss by the act
of vandalism falls mainly upon Helen
and George Gould and their family
who are the largest stockholders in
the Western Union; and it Is needless
to say that the sympathies of th3
country are on their side. St. Paul
To a man up a tree it looks as if
the loss would eventually fall on the
poor devils who do the world's work.
George and Helen haven't lost their
monopoly franchise yet.
In another column of this Issue a
fine half section stock and grain farm
near Hastings, Neb., is advertised by
Cornelius & Brown of Hastings Neb.
They are making a specialty of im
proved farms, . alfalfa and stock
ranches and will gladly give you ad
ditional information. They are a re
liable firm to do business with.
40Acre Tracts
Peach Belt of Alabama!
This la a rare opportunity for profitable
Investment, if yon have Idle money; a better
opportunity if yon are looktoff for m good
UOIOe &nd Stead V fnftniTlA In a. harkMhfnV nit.
mate and pleasant environmenta.
To get in touch , write
sst Gen'I Passenger Agent, MT. & O. B. BV
If you are looking for a home amt
want to visit the west you can do
with very little expense as the
UNION PACIFIC will sell one-way
colonist tickets EVERY DAY at the
following, rates from Lincoln:
$25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles
and many other California points.
$20.00 to Ogden, Salt Lake City,
Butte, Anaconda and Helena.
$22". 50 to Spokane and Wanatehee.
$25.00 to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle,
and many other Oregon and Wash
ington points.
July 1 to 10, inclusive.
$15.00 to Denver, Colorado Springs and
June 1 to September 30, inclusive.
$16.75 to Denver.
$17.35 to Colorado Springs.
$17.50 to Pueblo.
For full information call on or ad
dress, E. B. SLOSSON,
General Agent
8ons in each state to travel for house estab
lished sieves years and with; a larg capital, t
call upon merchants and agents for successful
and profitable line. Permanent engagement.
Weekly cash salary of J18 and alt traveling ex.
penses and hotel bills advanced in cash each
week. Experience not essential. Mention ref
erence and enclose self-ad i rcssed envelope.
THE NATION AL, 33 Dearborn St, Chicago.
TIFFANY'S Sura Death to
Lice (Powder) sprinkled
In the nest keps- your
fowls free from lice. Sprinkle
hen and tho little chicks will
have no lice. Tiff a ny s Paragon
"Liquid" kills mites instantly.
Sprinkle bed for hogs, roosta
for fowl. Box powder for lit
tle turkeys and chicks post
paid 10c. We want atrents.
Lincoln, Neb
The readers of The Independent
should remember that one of the best
methods for favoring the paper is to
examine the advertisements carefully
and make purchases from advertisers
when possible, always mentioning the
fact that the advertisement was seen
in The Independent Write today for
the several catalogues advertised and
look them through for what you want.