The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, May 21, 1903, Image 1

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Vol. xv.
uncoln, m:i; may l, ,,);li
tl I
I ', ' ,
1 ' !
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, ' ' "Hl'l(f)'
!'' ' 'Wrf'' '"
- .' , i" nth ffnj"') u
'' "', ., , ,..tU'ih of Hi".
en) f"iwi', U"f- u
. , . . ,, ),i.ipi- thfi)!'U Ui" Id
. .' .. f, ; : iri -vi )JTjUV"
, . , v;, .,.. )', !
' j,,;, alii l)Hl-
;. z )v)i!' mw I ',
, . . ;cl I '! ! II 'a
' '., i'u-i'-tmii'uK i Ui"
, .. . i :, p' Ojii'',
, , wl " ? 'f
;;, ill" U)lt ot III ta
4,'j liilllOX'l WaK'Htl"
,,' t$''itt""i Hint. fh'Hv wa
. , , : ',;i4 wt ')" fr"l Omit.
, ) Wit H""4! hi Ul 'IIIIJU'H
..f . Tii rt ! iii"
-., j ! Ktvatly )ii"iv ii
t ',;) Mul if'iubJ) llx'tll. Ill '
; ir)tiin w pi ii ly
4- 'ilV ll Hi" 0l ll'lll
, h"lt m-nnliy liiiiiint)
,, ;)) r'J III" t'Hill" 'nal
: ,IMJIH )l(fiK Ul' llll'
, . iy,- I.')M"I HUM.
"' .; .v-J;j'I, lijyl)ly !'"' Ii"
, :.., a rintJS' In f' ittHiY
,! -'l' l "j'ii(li nil'"! liy
' v;'?,:,)'ll1( 'I'" K'V-H'
, ; ;.- .! nr-til i ))" i I'1'
" ) ;?, f lr l( Uls I'l
an vt-w Un Bx-ni
I,' Ij!llii )( I ' Hi ll
' .'..!-rfy ;r;riM;ius Hi
.i-.! StKHtm III" i'' )
' N M mi
i ;-y'. nil!)' It f'l'li l"J"il
, i,,i :;.,! f l(i' fclrlln', 'Ai''
V. 'I I'"'. I It'll '4 IHill,
i' Jt( l(. fC a' ''111' K I
; -., .. u V't I 'liy'W)') vw JJ ll''f .
,-;,.. :( wli" rnlirmi inc'
. Iii' '!.'',
, yi,i-ti of Uf l.'iiMvl iiiai4,
'-- ii? K'yf Hi. Ki-'iliil"-'1
inii'-iiu'ltry in 1')" t'' li'"1 ''I
v. ;, y f;H! !) )!' r''' I
1 :! 'I;') w H;'nHM'( 'I'l
IV '; ll'H" 'V"H II'J U ''I'"1 .
, m ';' . l'lliiJT K '!,
v fr." Wltllh Jal R'HI,!!!"1,
oth'.or. wii'l 'JM' f -f
'. ; .; Aiw rl''i "ijil" )"
' ' ;' :!) liji!j UK Hi, 'if I ll '
u ;)(' ijjf'jsij i' r'i'ns-'
;;m) f :()):) fliUiCli-'l 1 ' ' I
. i',. ;;; i 'V.'CM 'f ,N'(. Am W
. v. j :in )s I ' Iiii1'!!'
' ' ) uf !!' I' mi" 111
i(i '. .,fi I .ii K'A lilll''Hl
. ' ;,.,( ji i. ami )' - ti ' ' '.
' ,: .,!,. l.'i) MM lU'"l-l "II :
',.!, ' 1 1 I Im f ! I Hi' il i ll'' lI'lM
r.,'- iv.: )i:,li:ir ' IJI'Ul
, (."iilji ') 1 1: yi)l'. : II tllns
' I ';'. I.llh willuil 'illy
i. ii i l)i i "('l;)' vmiiiIi) liU
' i ' j' itii'l i-a' II
' -..". (i I hi' ll.'Mjde 4 Jl'lllll
llllllii'.liuli y 1 III' ItnlKI''
.'!' in liini'i Mill) Hi" W''l
I I.. ; ' l ! OVi'l WlHllll
i.' j"ir aii'l In' lining w i'
Ik I'll i .
' . ii'ii all. Tin hirIK 1
.ii 'I Hii if ri'd'i' HI 'I"'
' 'I M,c M-lli' III 'III' II ' I III I III' I
1. :.H'l IH'IM'IIIM uf III" Kf l1 I'Ull
)a, wllc !!' Hi" llll'I'li'A
nil ir.Mi'l. Mill III" fnt'llii'l
' "in- ii' h nun H' in 1 rf I Ii"
Mi n) inn- uf Hi" r'ii'f ii"l
'i liiii i i (t iii'i I'M ) l mI'I
ll III lllllllilllM llllilllllll 1i'
' iii . I H i mi i-li'i lurai", !.'
' I I'lll Mr! llllll 1 1 i in I
i In j r i I
t llll. Ill II, III
lirliy jus
' M l I llllll' il I lull I In In! H
f t 1 1 1 1 iii i-!ili t
i'l Hw il i'l t it If I Itui'
III III. -It ill lull Inl ('mi I Ii
1 I -l.i VN lln liilllli'illil! I)
Il il I III' . nilr ill In'
1 1 nn Ii, I il linn. .i . i". L I
I '
, I
i Ii
.!l.t II. ll il,lMl:.i'
(iii.l i r pli mi I'l I
I ' ! Ml . M ' I ,1 . i I
,11 I - 1
.1. I . t.,,1
II I ll. I I I
I . I
I., Ml
' 111
I I ' I'l
V I I ll. I .
I I'.' . I
I mi M
, ll '
III 1 1.
t'l .
Ill II
lI' Di'y 1 1' 111:11 rhl !.). I M i:iici
K'lilll l.-niii' n Uoyn-'w WYi'hly;
I'lli' mil lnll;i I li'i'.i Mill nr., w a:,
i Vlliii Hi i, iim iiii,ti-i t In- S:i,'i hyMli'lli
of llli' Ilillliillvi' llllll I'l'li'l'iinlniii l
;i In- i uiiiit'ili',, i.i H'i'i,'ui, anil Mi,
mil in iiii' niiiii' rui' iiii ir mi I'lituii, ,,
or rrji'i l Inn a MTii .i uf lit w.s fur 1 1,
IHii'liui-n, l)i. ,,f Hi,':.,' Imwm ilil !
ili'l' hll),l I i'l' it In i lull Iii,. niiiiilicr In
IHUrl Liiii 1 1 1 1 1 1- iii'
IHI'M'lll llii'lll ll'u. 'I
I" 'l.n rn a." In i.nnv
1 1, 1' I III' lll lu:,l' ill
-I ' . ft 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in pii)
won Ii. An
liuiiih mil
wli)i Ii riiilriiail".
iuuiiIk IIiIh In
fal llyliif- Hun
OiUUuiiM inulii.-;
i uiiiii llliK Ilii'
JIIUM' I llllll I III' lllllil-i Will
Mill t law iH'i iii i ilii'il Hi
vvayin ul lln ini'ii, in thai Hi,, run'-
).'ll)l'.-. ilulli Mill llli l',l:,i llli'ir I'l'-
"Ijiia ul lln' mjii iim' uf I heir fin.
(iluyrij lur lln' saiiii' ii.ii'iiu.-"."
Aftvf Hii'Si' iii'i'i'iiui liiiiary tiitiHM i-irt
W'l'l' IllJil'll, llll' ll'ilil. vull'il Ull llll'
(Jli'lull 11.1 lu wlirll'T Ul' Ilill I III'
l'i'lllllr sliulllil I ulvii iivi-r III" I'llllilH,
iiiii) liy uii liiiiiHMi; i' majority lln
mii'i Ii.iki' uf all Hi" i'uiuIm wim unli i'i'iI.
"i in i fiirvMiiil,'' olisi'i'vuH Mr. I.luyii,
"Hi" iiiaiiiiH'iii''iil if Hii HwImm liinh
wsyn will Ii" lu tin' lunula uf tin
Wwln nuii' iiul nf rlrli ini'ii, Swlaii
ul lul'i'lKU' r . , rtwlli'l'laiiil will
Inn' U'aii'Miui latiuii uf I lu ii'ti,ilt', liy
Hi" i 'iii!i', fur I Ii" n'tiili',"
Aii'l, wliat s iiiui'i', thi' luriuiTa uii'l
(iuiiin'iK ul Hi,' uiif i'iii an I Hi" run
flllllt'l'.i III till' Ullll'l' will mil Iiiim lu
sulnuil lu I'Xtui I lullati' fl'i'lulil
' linrt!"!'; or, In n wutil, Hn'y will mil
Ivk lu nay "all Hi" li'alllr will lii-ar"
In fiil'lii -ll illvlili'llila "ll Wllti'l'i'il Him h,
:illi I linn fill I In I' l lll'lrll IIIIMrl'llllllilllM
lln ii v.liy linw iilnvnly Iii'iiiiii" III"
Mljil rli,,' ini'li.'ii i' lu il'i'i' 'l lltlli'UI.
,Nul' will III,' l-ivil-n l,i:illl ili'l!ll I llli'll
lit' ii'ir.iii1iil ul' millions of dollar liy
i niiiiii'iiiiiii' Vlimj-'i-a fur lln' i iirli'li
iiii'iii uf iuMvaii' i iii jH i rn i imiM, aa M
I n' i an1 In t Ills rutin! I'J .
lli'H', iis III utli'l' I'HM'S, SwHi-r
laiiii jiuiniM Hi" way to f oiiomti' fn-o-iluni,
J 'rii mis of ili'inoi r.u y. wo liavo
fcli'til uvur Ihiib! Tli" (.'.iivi'i'iinu m ul
Him I'lirjiuriiiioiin, by Hi" luiiiui'iiiluim
ful' Hi" r'll'liul'lU Inns, llirough tlif
im!' Hinf "Miluiiaiiuii ami upprrnnlun
uf lln' l.'tbiiivrs ami iiiimiiiiii'it, la a
Mini fii't, as Hi" Iti'if IiiihI, ll."
Hiaiiilanl nil trust, Hi" nial trut, inn!
Hf rallruini . uniliiiH's amjily allivl,
anil as la fiirllii'r wllm-asi'il liy Hi
i. i cnl i-tii :im 1 1 In 1 ft t ami uiiti"l'iilil,v tin
j -iii'iil trm-l I"!- isiailon wtilislitiili'il liv
Hi" If ii' linu'ii uf Hi" trusta for an
n allv Hal i'Ikii tiiM iiiH in "urn lln
I : 1 1 1 1 . I" ul III" pi'illll". Hilt Hll'OllKt)
ma ! nil) rui" u inl a "i'.-.hti'lit I it
i niiumil a-'Miaiion Hi" rriulilli' I'nn Ii,'
t-.s-iii'il, iiihI Hiat williiiut tli" hIiu.U
uf hi ins, if t-iu li Miti f from now on
a.ii-iiis lln- suli'iiin uliilKiiiion of Hi"
liu'ir mi'l 'Iiii'm Ills iHmoM for Hi" ll'l
timiili of r'n i- In-1 1 1 ul ions ami Hi" n-a'
i; of a i ni" ili'ino. riu-.v in Hi"
v.otiit. it. (). i''i.ovi':i(.
I'Muor Tin- Ari'iui.
At in invi rliil 1 nliir II U Toll Kill
ii , t n il (i'l ' t'0lr'li.
hl,u.likiiiin mnl !, IM'
I , mMiiii'. i i' ii i til i i alls all iimt Hi"
niiiniiy ai" .'."IMiim v. i 1H",l of Hus
'liilii)lii" liuiiiii'ss. aii.l lai.'ly soui"
uf ( li. ii- ilaiii..-, ai" lApri'sslnn Hmir
ilisKHi-t in nun'.' 'ii"'l ti'iius. Tli"
riiilai. lilil,i NoiHi Aim-rl. .ni. alaf
a Maum Ii .1. t, u,l"i' "I il"' ivi'Mlui. an
i, , . ml) ,ii!,!i.-!i.-'l tli" toli''-
III.', i . Illi'l ml
",;. a "inn" i ' i 'l v ' ''i
,,'ilMiiuii ..i Hi, I'litlii'i'Mn'-i I- a !i'-'"
lallui". II Ii.- '"I '
...IIV ll,, IliM ll. I"-' il.. I'a
I,- I..I-, I" ' 11 ''M"i;
I,, i . M iii.I- . "ii-: M i':iti'--t v I" '
.,- ,u il' ati.l i" " '
I, , , , i' ! ::--i" l
,, siii lirt l.'i
III.' .l I". w
M.iiula ,i'i.l i
1 1,, Ii il i
,tl rn , 1
I ' - "" 1
i .i-. i
, i i 1 , 1 1
. .1...1
,"' i:
i i
ur an
liianaK" llii'ir nun nl'Liirs in tin
'"'in Moliam Man failonn.
"'I'1'" l"'"ii' ul i his ,uinilr ai'" no
loiim-i- lnii'ivsii',1 In Hi" ailMMiiiii" as
a riiiiiiniMi lal "ioii ur an x -1 1 n i -i 1 1
In i'iansliiii,' ami llicy will In- rr
lit'Si'il uf an Irrltatiii;'. irohli'in wIiimi
Hi" i Ml f.oMu nnit'iii lid Mail's lis work
llnlshi'il ami Hi" riiilii'ini's in-" liaml
"'I ovi'i' lu a ,',)i,, ,1,.,'lari'il III lu
MuM'in ilii'iiisrlu'n alirr tin v lasliloii
ai all."
to I Ii" "lli- ani l' I
lit" ri'liublli'au rill
some nf I In-ill. I noi,
f iiioni'y Miit'siiun o
l i'.ll llln r l l
lu llx liy law a nil in
ami Kulil. a tliini; that
'I'll" ri'l'M I'll,'"
Iii'imi" show,-, i ha
1'H'M, ur al Irast
liuiiih llltolll III
uiiili'i-siiiml Hi,'
III" IIIOM'llll'lll
lii'lwi'i'ii hIUii-
Hi")' Imvo always ilrilai", totilil not
In' iluiii', lCvriiis h ii v i shown tlia;
Hi" ioiiiIImIs wi'ii' not unly iIkIH In
liu'ir lij.'.hi iiKiilnsi liii"iiallsm, I n -Hiipri'iiH'ly
rli'lil In Hii'lr oppusi t Ion
In Hie utti'inpl to "i.lalillsh u nni vrisal
Kohl stamlar.l fur money. Tin n--li'ilillruiiH
haw ri-vi-rsi'il Hii'lr iiulliy
in i"i;aril to momy ami lu Ih" mui'
fiitiirn will lui i to revt'isa Hii'lr lui
i"fiiillsni liliiis.
liiii (ioerniiicnt to Be
'I'liroiiiOi Hi" iliunor ami Hi" rlnt
'I'liat Ik lu anl from siai lo sea,
1 llll) fi'i'l 111,' rullilllf', illii'l
(if Hi" MoMrnimnl to lio.
Vain Hi" iM'foii lo illssiunlili",
l''oi' tlio iriiili Is rlt'sir to all.
Ami Hi" nli! cumin Ions trcmlil"
I, ike a ruin iluouic.l to lit 1 1 .
Vain Hi" veiling ami illsmiislm;
(If Hi" e lis l hat exist.
I'm' new s.iMiiiis are upiislni;
l-'rotn Hie w ivcli.'ii;i' anil the mlsi,
Ami Hie mills ni Co, I are slowly,
Sulci) Ki'lii'liUK out their fcdst.
As the sun lirsi tin's the lioi-iler
nf the ilati.iicss wlih his llnbi,
Sn the faint, lur itleain uf onler
C.iUls ihn chaos uf Ihe night.
Ami the dawn shall Rrnw lu spleinlni'
To Ihe fullness of the .lay
When the hamls of ureeil surrcmler
What from toll they tot" itway.
Imii' Ihe laml m all was nlven--It
lieloius to ou an, I me; ni.inop.ily he .Inven
I'Viiui the iorircss nf the free,
Ami let iiliiu't) lu,l welcome
To the i;.h cnitlicnl In lie.
IMitor Imli'i emie'it :
Spreads Ihe l.ljilit
ll isivcs me
satisfai lion to no'." the wtite
of Iho'iglu, supporteil by lad)
Willi which The Independent
to enlighten the hood-winked
of this nation ami induce Hu'in
,i stlll e tor noeny neiore itie ni-i
to act and the ri;;iu io speak and ot '
are taken from I hem,
The art i. lea on national tluam
hum the pen of Klavius Van Vorhis
are worth more than the subscription
price of Ihe paper, and I thought s
1 re. i, . How ni'i, h we nee. I such a
mail in the chair of Hie chief execu
tie of this miM'uie.l republic.
With the hope of sproaditn: the
light, I mail each v' "f l"1!"-1"
soon as 1 hae read it to some oil"
of mi n lends kH.r-Nl in Kaode Islan I
in, I in ai ton- pel" .on of t
New cr
I ' . K:(s
O S M. lx ' :'. - I''. '-fold Mi'h
, ' i iv I can ("it -i Inn'
, ,. .,! . V I i I'.U W .I-'''
,r j i! in ' l' ' : t " -" "f
...-, ' ' I V ;f ' II tl'!"'" -'" '
, ; :.. i- i ' ' '
' , -,. . . i . i'i t-.
. j i - ..i ,-i i -. i
M m -..'....!. A ..1 . . ...
".i. i tu.MK aiin Milt
Ihfi In impllv t.aml.lluK tonlrl
vur rld hy I. an
I'lditnr lml'ipemliMit : The cxpi'. ia-
linn uf the New York hanks Dial they
uinihl ci. sum,, assistance by ilcpus-
Iih from banks nulsiile has been, in
some degree, n'.iliztil during the week
ending May L'. The iinrease of ie-
i . .. . . , - , . . .
pusus, i.i. i. hi. iiii, i. is a paniai recov
ery ol Hi" loss nf nearly $7tl,iiiiu.iiiiii
between February HI nni April ITi.
There was pract Ically no increase of
l'lliteil Slates ilepnsits. The Increase,
therefore, must have come from Ihe
west ami wiiith. While il Is impos
sible to It'll the exact suur.e uf Ibis
increaae, lu all probability il is mon
ey that, lielungn tu the r.'M'i'vcs nf
oilier banks, ami which uimhl to have
been kepi at hnme. It has been sent
In New York under the permissiun of
the national bank law by which it
can be loaned tn the banks there, aril
lit the same time cnunteil as a part nf
Hie reserves nf banks semllnji if.
Th" spirit (if Kliniblillg the desire
In get Kuinething fur nothing, ami the
hope tn do sn appears to permeate
almost every field uf business in New
York city. This spirit Is certainly
very manifest among what Is called
the llnamial Institutions of that eiiy.
It is this same spirit among banker
elsewhere that. In large pari, ac
colinlS for tills tlow of money tu the
New York banks.
The 1 .7' 1 1 minimal banks outside of
the central reserve cities (New York,
Chicago ami Si. I.utiisi had, on Feb
ruary i',. $7s,r.''.."i.:iis of their reserve
deposited with so-ialleil reserve
agents, of this amount the 7 re
serve city ban krt uf Hi" second class
had deposited $-.,r.,!iin.sii:i; the re
mainder was the deposits made by
the I.IJTi country banks. Some money
from the otitsii" banks will, of course,
be kept on deposit In New York as a
matter uf convenience In making nm
menial No one will be
lieve, huwever. thai a constant de
posit of over ouii. imii S required
for such business purposes; nor will
any sensible man believe that such
deposits are sent tn New York for
The reserve city banks are prohib
ited by law from loaning al hmne over
7.'i per cent and country banks over
sr, per tent of their deposits, but the
one may loan one-half of 2," per cent
ami the other three-fif'hs of !," per
cent to other banks, and still count,
it as pail uf the reserves as il it were
cash on hand. It is an absurd ami
dangerous legal contrivance Hint can
hae no rational purpose ex.fpt to
benelit New ork banks.
The reserve rt quire I to be held in
cash, on February a, b. the i',. cen
tra! reserve banks In Hie central re
serve tities (New York, Chicago and
St. 1 ouis) was $:'i;.'.i,i:i.:n,:i. These
banks are repoiue,l to have held in
cash $J!Hi,ii"7.7l! or $-.'. 717. 77.'. more
than required. The total reserve re
quired In he h'i.l by the cnu.i
try banks and -7'.i reserve city bank.
was, on the same dale, $.'. I'.7..!'i.
They had more than one half of this
amount --7!,tti.:iii,s -on .eMsir with
reserve agent banks, ami reporre.) by
such banks as a pan of their .'epos
its. ami included by Hutu in their
. alctilaiinns by which they determined
how mu. h ivm'i v e they w, re r.-q me.!
!t !ui, I. This .Iflliiicruus p-rniis kei
of the hanging iiiw eitab:
X.'l'k batlhs I-.. i!r;iw i".'o
p.'stts a '.tlx"' uf 'h'
-.!' I V '
S, r
r:- of
miorv iMim-. an I
v aii'l ii"-' :' !
in '. i ; 1' m M' i'
f r-
. I I