MAY U, 1903. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 23 5 -I 1 4 i r i - Beginning at Lincoln, MAY 18th and lasting till MAY 23d. m A SOLID WEEK OF HIGH-CLASS AMUSEMENTS AT A 1 JjUW rClUJij. A1jJ-i JKAJLLj W ii X itiUUUJbi ItATJlib. AO.- A S mission to Grounds only 10c. : 1 COME IN AND SEE THE SHOW AND SAVE MONEY BY SHOPPING HERE 8 We offer you the following bargains during this week of FESTIVITIES: g S A Snap in Walking Skirts We will make a special cut price fo. this week on 3 lots of our regular line o1 spring and summer, weight walking skirts, if you want to secure a good gar ment at a low price come early. - -.. Lot No. 1 Our $2.75 Half wool Venetian cloth Skirt in black, made up in 5 gores and large flare, trimmed with buttoms to match, cut price ........... $2 28 Lot No. 2 Our $6.00 Walking Skirts, consisting of all wool coronation and all woo Homespun cloth, made up in seven and nine gores, slot or kilted seams, some tailor stitched seams, trimmed with but tons in grey, blue and black, cut price ..$4 98 Lot No. 3 Our $9.50 and $8.50 Walking Skirts consisting of excellent quality, Green, Venetian cloth, made up in seven gores, kilted at bottoms, tailor stitched. hir yoke, and black broadcloth, seven gores, straped over seams, rimmed with silk and finished with buttons, cut price.... $7 49 Silk Monte Carlos For the coming warm season.'iust the wrap you want to exchange for a heavy one. Here is your chance to get one at low price which we will quote for one week. v, Our' $6.00 Taffeta Silk Monte Carlos will go at.. . ... . ... . . . ... . t ... . $4 98 Our $7.50 Taffeta Silk Monte Carlos will go at .................... $5 98 Our $10.00 Peau de Soie silk Monte Carlos will go at. $7 98 Shoe Specials For Carnival Week Children's Kid lace and button shoes 5 to 8, regular 60c for.;.. 48c Children's kid lace and button shoes 8 J to 11, regular 90c, for ...... . ,79c Misses and Children's kid, lace and button shoes, sizes 8i to 11 and Hi, to 2, regular price $1.25, for 1 98c Boys' Shoes Boys are hard on shoes. No one knows this better than, the mother who searches and tries to find a place where she can buy shoes that will wear & reasonable length of time, at least. We have studied the Soys needs and the BOYS' SHOES wo sell are as GOOD AS IT IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE. Try a pair at these special prices. A fine, dressyVicl shoe, sizes 13 to 2, price $2,00 for,.,.. ...... ....$1 79 The same ho, sizes 2j to 5, $2.25, for ... .. qq Box Calf and Russia Colt ba!s 13J to 2, price $1.75, for. . . ... ...... fl QQ The same shoe in sizes 2i to 5i, price $2.00, for . J 80 Navy calf shoes, IZ to 2, special $1.22 2Ub .$ 35 "Little Gents Marine Calf Shoes, just like papa's 9 to 13, special 15 Ladies' Vici kid Oxfords, So. button and Bo. tie, including Goodyear welts. B to EE, all sizes, $1.75 and $2.00, special 8 Ladies' Booths Ideal Patent Kid bals, Mat kid top, Medium welt sole, Mil itary heel, Chicago toe, B, C, D and E, 4 to 8, regular price $3.50, special r Pce ..$2 98 Men's shoes at the following SPECIAL PRICES. These prices will take the knots out of your purse strings: $1.50 Norwood, $1.20. $2 00 Kangaroo Calf, $1.65. $2.50 Vici and Box calf, $1.95. $3.50 Enamel, $2.95. $1.00 Patent Colt, $3.45. $5.00 Patent Kid, $4.50. 1 V , Spring Styles in Shirt Waists With us mean what you cannot help liking. Examine our bargain counter, where you will rind splendid values." We quote you prices on a few of them. :'.;. . ':' r-'-'i'r.-: . A Lot of Mercerized Duck Waists Worth 75c , closing out price . . . . . . . . . ... . , 59c A Lot of Madras, Linens and Percale Waists Assorted colors, worth $1.25 and $1.50 closing out price ........ 9o $1.00 Black Satine Waists, with white dots, sale price, each. 85c A Lot of Black Satine Waists Mercerized Worth $1.00 and $1.25, sale price. 89o $1.75 Black Satine Waists, mercerized at (1 B8 A Lot of White Linon Waists Worth 90c and $1.25, closing out price 69 A lot of $1.75 and $2.00 White Linon Waists, closing out price.... $J 25 $1.25 and $1.75 quality at... 98o $3.00 and $3.50 quality at.... $2 48 Besides we have a large assortment of Linon Waists in white or black at $1 25 $1 50 $2 00 $2 25 d $3 OO A Lot of China Silk Waists In Red, Rose, Green and Black, a very nobby garment, regular $3.75 value special for this week $2 89 Ladies' Dressing Sacques A cpmfortable garment for warm weather. We have them made of lawn in white and white with polka dots. Price -75c and 50c Wrappers Wrappers We will give a special discount on our i'er- r. cale Ladies' Wrappers. They are all clean, made in the newest designs and nicely trimmed with Braid in all standard colors, as blue, grey red, and black figured. Here are some of the prices: 75c quality, special G7c 89c quality, special 8O0 $1.00 quality. . 89o vi mbJt Snaps in Colored Lawns and Dimities 12-yard Dress Pattern of Scotch Lawn, worth COc, for.... .. .... ...... 43o 12-yard Dress Pattern of Organdie, worth 85c, for ... . 63o 12-yard Dress Pattern of Blue Bell Dimitiy, or Lawn, worth $1.20 for.OOo 12-yard Dress Pattern of Talma Batiste and Rosalind Dimity, worth $1 50 English Lawn Cloth No. 155 Sterling English Lawn Cloth 12 yard3 in piece worth $1 90 piece. Our price this week $1 50 piece, or per yard ""120 No. 135. Sterling English Lawn Cloth 12 yards in piece worth $2 15 piece. Our price this week $1 80 piece, or per yard ..... . . . ... . . . . 15c 10 dozen 50c Shirts, well made and full size, black with white stripes, on mn .............39o Domestics 1800 yards American Prints Mill-ends, from 2 to 10 yards in a piece, in black, gray, or blue, worth 6c, at. ...;...;........ .." AUn 2000 yards Standard Percale, 31 inches wide, a good 10c value, now on sale at ti3. 600 yards dark Dress Ginghams, worth 9c, sale price B&c 8c Fine Brown Sheeting, at per yard,.,....... ,,, fln 12e 45-inch Pillow Case Muslin, per yard ..7.7. lOo 500 yards Madras Cloth, nice patterns, worth 10c, sale price . . . . .7.7 'lAn j niuu wiuyuBuia, uuriug inis sale, per yara. 12c Fancy Striped Ticking, per yard ..9o $ tSts?tP nmff If You Cannot Call at the Stoje order by Mall. 917-921 0, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE; WWW Lincoln, Web. mmmm