THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. APRIL 2, 1901 'I 4 1 sJt ; f Independent School of Political Economy At last the Independent School of Political Economy in under headway. Two books have started out on their missionDel Mar's "Science of Mon ey" and Parsons' "The City for the People," both the very best of their kind. The Director did not expect to do much in the actual work of circulating ..books for some time yet, although he had so arran&td that all who desire books may be accommodated. Tn'ere is much yet to do in arranging a neat list of books m pamphlet form, giv ing also the membership to date, etc., but all this requires time, especially where one haa other duties to per form. In some respects just criticism might b3 made of the plan. It requires m initial outlay of money as great for the borrower as if he purchased the book outright; but it has this advant age that after he has had the book thirty days, the school affords him a means of disposing it at 90 per cent o? the price be paid. No other , plan seemed quite so feasible, because the deposit made insures a return of the book; it" furnishes - an Incentive for remembering to return it and book borrowers are noted for a defective memory in this reipect But not all the books will be cir culated in this way. Last week Mr. Shandrew, of Germantown, Pa., made inquiry if the Director would accept a. gift of some of Henry George's books and circulate them. Of course, lue answer was in the affirmative. The Director has not fully determined just what the conditions will be, but these books will cost the members no .rental fee for reading them. All he desires to do, is to make some rule which will insure that the books are kept going and performing their mis sion giving instruction in political economy. And as has been said before, as soon as any book has been paid for by rental fees, it will be known as a "free book" thereafter. No additions will be made this week to the list published in The Indepen dent last week except that the de posit on Cowles' "A General Freight and Passenger Post" will be $1.2E. MEMBERSHIP. Although every subscriber of The Independent is a potential member, yet he will not be so regarded until he asks to have his name enrolled. The following have done so: A. L. Caskey, Oregon, Mo. Thomas Childers, Jamestown, Mo. W. S. Dean, Delhi, N. Y. F. E. Dodson, Trenton, Neb. " C. E. Doty, R. F. D. 12, Nehawka, Neb. Frank E. Dowd, Blcomington, Neb. II. C. Dwiggins, Petersburg, Tenn. John D. Edwards, F.aden Station, St.. Louis, Mo. H. Ellingston,-Minnehaha, Minn. Dr. F. Engelhart, Rising City, Neb. E. W. Ferguson, R. F. D. 1, Harting- .ton, Neb. George Fessant, Springview, Neb. Howard Fields, Bedford, Ind. -Alfred Hallman, Granite Falls, Wash. Wm. Jordan, Odessa, Neb. T. J. Killion, Prosser, Neb. Francis Leander King, 8 Downing st., Worcester, Mass. Joshua Leonard, Emerson, Neb. W. E. Moore, Blossom, Tex. J. C. Owen, Bui'nside, Ky. E. J. Payne, R. P. D. 1, Clayton, . Mich. Perry D. Plain, Atwater, 111. Mrs. Fannie Gray Wheeler, 515 Mc Clure st; Bloomington, 111. Del Mar. JOSHUA LEONARD. Emerson, Neb. "THE CITY FOR THE PEOPLE." Editor Independent: Find enclosed 35 cents, for which please send -me "The City for the People," by Frank Parsons, in" paper binding. A. L, CASKEY. f Oregon, Mo. C. E. Doty. R. F..D. 12, Nehawka Neb.: Am pleased to get the chance to read the standard works on politi cal economy. Count me as one of the members of the club. .Wm. Jordan, Odessa, Neb.: I am quite sure that your proposed educa tional campaign would be a success If you go on with It. J. C. Owen, Burnside, Ky.: Your suggestion as to school of political economy is in the right direction. Will get up a club here if you carry out your idea. T. J. Killion, Prosser, Neb.: I am -most heartily in favor of your plan for the Independent School of Politi cal Economy. Thomas Childers, Jamestown, Mo.: Send information of your reading circle. . "SCIENCE OF MONEY." Editor Independent . I wish to be come a pupil in your school of politi cal economy and enclose a dollar bill as deposit for "Science of Money" by Do you want to understand the aims and objects of the single tax? If you do, you can obtain literature on the subject free of cost by writing to the Brooklyn Single Tax League, 1467 Bedford ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 221 i i lv,t k' 1st. precluimptalf3;Wst money Lil 111 Ml O l; hist. Monetary crimes .75; fi euco .Vonoy fl; List. Money In America $1.60; Hist mey( hina.50; Jilst. Money Netherlands .50 Cam- ' ox IfiO M. K N. Y. lioi'essor Simon N. Patten of the University of Pennsylvania publishes through The Macmillan Company a new volume on Heredity and Social Progress. Professor Patten's other books on The Development of English Thought and The Theory of Prosper ity have already given him a place among original and forceful writers. In his recent book, The Theory of Prosperity, he endeavors to show that prosperity depends on two factors existing economic conditions and heredity. Prosperity- and the progress depending upon it seem therefore to oepend upon two groups of laws those of economics and those of biol ogy. This independence of the two parts is, however, only apparent. Eco nomic laws reflect environing condi tions; biologic laws are those of the adjusted organisms. The peculiarities of the adjusted organisms must match tnose of the environment to which they are adjusted. If this is true for each, law in economics there should .e a parallel expression in some biol ogic law. and biologic laws should con versely have some expression in the realm of economics. An endeavor is made in the present book to correlate these theories and thus to show that the laws on which social progress de pends have a real unity. The Issues of the book are clearly presented in the following questions: How is the social surplus of an epoch trans formed into permanent conditions and mental traits? Does progress start from a deficit or a surplus? Does edu cation improve natural or acquired characters? Does progress come by strengthening the strong or by helping th" weak? Hon. Flavius J. Van Vorhis, one of the best writers in the United States on political economy, has been pay ing his respects to those pretended democratic journals that are more re publican than democratic, and the Ind ianapolis Sentinel is no exception to the rule. We need more Flavius J. Van Vorhis. R. A. Winn, in Marion (Ala.) Democrat A new work by Lester F. Ward is on the press (Macmillan) for imme. diate publication. Its title is Pure Sociology: A Treatise on the Origin and Spontaneous Develooment of So ciety. The work disnlavs the author's characteristic originality and bold ness. It differs from his ' previous works in dealing exclusively with tho pure science. It is all that its title implies and much more, as no title could fully express its eharartpr ami scope. Its thesis is that "the subject matter of sociology is human achieve ment," and it deals with the funda mental conditions to and results of human achievement. It is divided into three parts, the first of which deals with method and taxonomy, called "Taxis." The sec ond deals with social "Genesis," and plunges deep into the problem of orig ins. The third deals with the factor of intelligence, called "Telesis," and portrays the workings of the higher mind. The titles of the last two chapters, "The Conquest of Nature," and the "Socialization of Achieve ment," express well the climax of the author's thought J. O. Smith. Ord, Neb.: I com mence on the first page of The Inde pendent and read it just like I would a book. Think every issue gets bet ter. It is the only paper in America I can rely on for truth. HEADACHE 25 TkoaJLSc.J 3 At all esug tier?. A SPECIAL PAINT OFFER We have just received word from the manufacturer who supplies ug with paint, that in view of the fact that their warerooms are overtaxed and in order to reduce stock immediately we can make a special 10 day discount of 5 per cent on all house and barn paint listed below. This re duction is good for but 10 days. No orders honored after this time. All ourptints are guaranteed to be absolutely the purest to be had. Your money back if this is not true. In ordering remit by draft, express or money order. Color cards free. Pure House Paint, per gallon $1.35 Standard Barn Paint, per gallon 65 Pure White Lead, p lb ,. 06 We guarantee the above paints with two coats far three years. Floor Paint, pel gallon. ... . $1.15 Wagon Paint, per gallon 1.20 Carriage Paint, per gallon 1.80 Graph. te, per gallon....... .... 90 Shingle stain, per gallon............ 60 Wood Filler, per gallon.. ........... 1.25 Oil stains, per gallon 1.20 Light Hard Oil, per gallon.. 1.25 Wood Alcohol, per 'gallon. 1.25 Best Grade of Schellac. per gallon... 2.10 Hivh Grade of Exterior Varnish per gallon 1.60 Medium Grade of Exterior Varnish, per gallon 1.45, High Grade of Interior Varnish, per gallon "1.60 Furniture Varnish, per gallon ....... 1.25 Japan Dryer, per gallon 65 Boiled Linseed Oil, Woodman Brand per gallon 55 With five gallon order. one new fifty cent oil can free. One 4 inch China Wall Brush all Bristles 60 One $y2 Inch China Wall Brush all Bristles 50 , One 3 inch China Wall Brush all ' Bristles 40 Genuine Engl's-h Venetian Red, per pound 2c American Veuetinn Red, per lb ic Ft-, nch Yellow O.-hre, per lb.... .... .24c Kr nch Gray Ochre, per lb 2c Putty, per lb 03 THE FARMERS G ROGERY C DMPANY 226 to 240 N. 10th St, Lincoln, Neb. Lowest prices on colors in oil. We have used a quantity of the above paints. They are best quality and we recommend them to our readers. The Independent. $25.00 to California. That is the Rock Island's rate from Lincoln. In effect daily, February 15 to April 30. Tickets are good in tour- . ist sleeping cars, which the Rock Island runs every day : " in the week through to Los Angeles and San Francisco. These cars make quicker time to Southern California than similar cars over any other line. Cars are operated oyer both the " Scenic " and "Southern " lines. Folder giving full information mailed on request. If you are going to California, GO NOW. After May 1 it will cost you nearly f2o more than at present. low rates to Montana, Idaho, Utah and Puget Sound art' t lso offered by tht Rock Island. See nearest Rock Is-lai.d ticket agent, or, if you prefer, write the undersigned. . - F. H. Barnes, C. P. A 1045 O St., Lincoln, Neb. 323 $15.00 To Billings. $20.00 Butte, Helena, Salt Lake and Ogden. $22.50 To Spokane. $25 Portland, Seattle, Tacoraa, San Francisco and Los Angeles, via the Burlington daily until June 15th, 1903. City Ticket Office Cor Tenth and O Streets Telephone No. 235 Burlington Depot 7th St.. between P and Q Tel. Burlington 1290. Probably the richest farminer country open for settlement to-dav on the 9 American continent, is the fine hardwood belt extending along the Minne- apolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railwav f 4,Soo" Line) in northern 4 Wisconsin and Michigan. Acknowledged by good authorities on dairying (f to be the best dairy region in America. A land of Clover and Blue Grass a weu suppuea witn streams, lanes, ana eprinf s 01 pure water W D. HOARD, Editor of Hoards Datryman, says: "I believe that northern Wisconsin ia going to prove the most successful dairy region of the northwest, something like that of St. Lawrence and Lewis counties in New York. "The peculiar salubrity of the air, the moderate heat of summer, the abundant and pore water, the good soil and luxuriant growth, of grasses, all conspire to make it an ideal dairy region.'' CHOICE LAUDS AT LOW PRSCES. If you want a home in the "Great Clover Belt" write for free illustrated , folder to D. W. CASSEDAY, Land Agent Soo" Line, Minneapolis, Minu. TRESTER SUPPLY COMPANY BEE SUPPLIES. ' CATALOGUE FREE. 103 So. 11th St ' Linei n-u ggj f -w",,,B IVWM TO Ours Lave stood the test of SO years. Send for Catalogue. 600 Acres. 13 Greenhouses. Efitebliflhed 1852. PHOENIX NCK8EKY COMPANY, la&O Park St., BloomtartoB, Illinois.