The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, April 02, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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    APRIL 2, 1903.
Gonverneur, X.T.,Polatsthe Way for 1904
The Independent ft Power ."
At the charter election lately held
here, the democrats carried their full
ticket for the first time in over a third
'of a century. The normal vote is lour
republican to one democratic, yet we
elected a mayor by over 62 per cent o
the total poll. This victory was
achieved in spite of the boltirvg of 30
machine democrats upon ever candi
date save the mayor. The bolters were
the Cleveland-Hill goldbugs of 1896
and 1900 and they voted solfdly
against the democratic ticket as they
did then.
The' victory was achieved through
fusion of the democratic democrats
and the labor unions. The 30 traitors
' voted with the republicans as they
voted twice for McKinley.- Here is the
way to a rout of plutocracy in 1904.
The large circulation of The Indepen
dent here Is to be credited with the
victory. . And . Gouverneur is to be
credited with pointing the way for
1904. J. S. CORBIN.
Gouverneur, N. Y.
Unite, Unite! -
Editor Independent: A few weeks
ago a short article appeared in your
paper over my signature and as I
have received letters and cards from
different parts of the country express
ing approval of that article, I am
prompted to try it on again along the
same line.
Of course the republicans are ex
pecting to elect a president in 1904,
and it is more than probable that they
will succeed, for the Indications are
clearly demonstrated that the fools
are not all dead. I want to lay down
a few propositions, and I desire the
readers of The Independent to give
them the strictest scrutiny. My first
proposition is that if the republican
party elects a president in 1904, it
will be by a minority vote of the vot
ers of the nation. My first proposi
tion is founded upon the truthfulness
of my second proposition which is;
that a majority, of the qualified voters
of the . nation are not in accord with
the republican party, and will not
cas,t their ballots for a republican
president -,in 1904; and yet a republi
can president may be elected. -
In a former article I stated that it
looked to me as though it was the
republican ; party against the field;
and if this 'is true, why, is not the re
publican party doomed to defeat? The
field against the republican party vis
going to carry with it. a majority of
the voters ;-and if it does, why will it
not elect the next president? I an
swer if the field, against the republi
can party, fails to elect the next presi
dent, it will be because its forces e
divided.' "United we stand, divided
we fall," is an old and true proverb
and it is as true in politics as in any
thing else. If the political field, pitted
against the republican party, would
organize and consolidate Its strength,
and put one good, strong ticket in the
field its success is assured. And is
not that business? Is not that an
exhibition of good sound sense? - Is
not that the identical thing that ev
ery voter should desire to see, and
that every voter should labor to bring
to pass; I mean every voter who does
not desire to see the republican party
elect the next president
There are some things that are po
litical impossibilities; the Bryan dem
ocrats cannot elect a president next
year. The Cleveland-Wall street dem
ocrats cannot elect a president next
year. The populists cannot elect a
president next year. The socialists
cannot elect a president next year.
Now, if all these that I have named
should each (independently) nominate
a ticket it Is certain that in the aggre
gate they would poll more votes than
the republican party would poll, but
because of the divisions in their ranks
they would fail to elect Now sup
pose that these various factions should
consolidate their strength, and unite
upon a single ticketr is there . any
doubt about their being able to elect
a president next year?
Unfortunately for the people and
for the common good of our country,
the field against the republican party
is divided, and herein lies the hope of
success of the republican party. The
republicans are pleased, yea, rejoiced
to see their enemies cut up into slices
and bits. With proper intelligent ef
fort I feelsure that the anti-republican
element that exists in our country
could be so firmly united, and so com
pletely welded together that next year
a president could be, elected that
would be a credit to the country and
a blessing to the people. Shall we hope
for such a healthful change? Yes, we
may hope for It, and we may realize
It if we work zealously and faithful
ly for its accomplishment. The bank
ers, millionaires, trusts, corporations
and syndicates can pleasantly endure
a prolongation of republican rule, but
It is sapping the vitality outs of the
wage-earner and the common people.
It is said, that in a general way, those
who dance pay the fiddler, and so it
is the workingmen, the wage-earner
that has the fiddler to pay in running
a government, and as we have the
fiddler to pay it stands us in hand to
be careful, very careful, who we se
cure to do our fiddling.
Ashtabula, O.
Referendum Vote In New Hampshire.
The people of New Hampshire have
recently voted on 10 proposed amend
ments to the constitution. The vot3
is notable, not more . for the things
it decided than for the illustrations it
gives of the working of the referen
dum. In the , first place the number who
turned out at the election was about
half the total vote in the preceding
state election. Those who remained
at home were principally the Ignorant
and careless voters. This is shown b
the fact that the largest majority on
the ten amendments was for an edu
cational qualification for voting.
That half the voters stayed at home
demonstrates that there was no vote
purchasing in the election, although
one of the amendments places in the
legislature the entire power of the
state to prevent the operation within
its borders of all persons, associations
and corporations, who endeavor to
raise the price of any article of com
merce. It was because of the absence
of money in the camaaign that most of
the ignorant and careless voters re
mained at home. This self-disf ran
chisement of unfit electors Is one of
the strong features of the referendum.
Under the optional referendum scarce
ly a bill goes to a vote of the people
the mere existence of the system is
The voters who go to the polls take
an intelligent Interest in what they
are voting upon. In New Hampshire
not only was the highest majority for
an educational qualification for voting,
but 20 per cent of the voters refrained
from voting Yes or No on five of the
questions, owing to their abstruse na
ture. And more than one-half of the
entire number who voted Yes to any
proposition also voted ; No on some
other proposition. They did not vote
Yes for everything or No for every
thing, as some theorists say who are
opposed to popular government.
Criticises Clark's Plan
Editor Independent: In reading
your call for suggestions along the
line of Mr. C. M. Clark's suggestions
for subject of debate, this occurs to
me: That organized labor and or
ganized capital should never be placed
in the same relative position to the or
ganized people. For this reason: that
organized labor is organized people
organized capital never is. Their
good and their evil should never be
considered on a plane of parity.
We do not think of organized capi
tal existing at all except in the form
of an extraordinary dummy created
in violation of all law by the courts
and legislative bodies. Organized la
bor can became such a dummy, it is
true, by availing itself of the legisla
tive regulations for such a purpose,
and when it does it must be damned
with all the other dummies; but my
understanding is " that the striking
unions under Mitchell, like honorable
men, persistently . refused to 'avail
themselves of all dummyfication legis
lative acts and remained every man of
them to the last responsible for his
own acts. They are therefore in the
position of human beings in the act of
exercising their own natural rights.
Now, the corporations or organized
capital have no such rights; if they
had, what honorable need could they
have for a legalized charter that gives
them that they never possessed a
human right? Without it they have
neither presence nor defence In court
It is a self-evident fact that any court
or any legislative body that has at any
time endowed them with such rights
are guilty of the blackest crime known
to man treason against the entire
human race with cannibalistic results
accruing to the beneficiaries. Such
acts by courts-or congresses or by a
unanimous vote of a people are plain
outlawry. There is no logic that can
disentangle them from the horrible
We do not need to draw such lines
as that between the good and evil of
labor unions at all; but to indict the
courts, high and low, and the legisla
tive bodies that have been the sources
and abettors of this unspeakable
shame, of high treason against man
and other misdemeanors, after having
taken the official oath to support the
declaration that denies human rights
to that which is not human and to
prepare by arming to execute all con-
Baby Cabs,
at from 20-40 per cent, less
than you can purchase from
your home dealer.
80-Page Catalogue Free.
We Guarantee Safe Delivery.
Pay the Freight.
Dept. 7, 1126 N St., Lincoln, Neb.
Furniture and Hardware Catalogue Free on Request.
Fir. Best Early Field Varieties la h.
World. Planted, tried and tested in every
county, without exception, in low. Ills., ana
Indiana, by more than Fifty Thousand farm
cm during the last At. yean. Net a bad re
port from a ainKl. customer. Our sale of
seed corn thi season double that of any other growers, seed house or seed Arm In
th. world. "RaUklns' Pride of Nishna" yellow "Imperial" White and "Iowa Silver
Mine" are otir three leaders, and will mature in my county in Iowa, or that latitude in
from 90 to ICO days, (rood corn weather. Price $1.25 per buihel, 10 bushel and over $1.10.
"Kateklns' Queen i f Nishna yellow, and early white ' mature 15 days earlier, price $1.25
per bushel, bags free on board cars here, in all cases. Every bushel guaranteed satisfac
tory on receipt of same, otherwise to be returned at our expense, when purchase priee will
be refunded. ;
103 1-9 Bnahola Per Acre.
. Lewis, Cass Co., Ia. Feb. 1, 1903.
J. R. Ratelcin & Son, Shenandoah, Ia.
Dear Sirs: We planted fifteen acres to
your "Pride of Nishna" and "Iowa Silver
Miae" and we hare just completed gather
ing it. On five acres which we measured,
the yield wa8 103V4 bushels per acre, the re
mainder of the field was equally as good.
With kindest regards, I am,
Sincerely yours, Olivbe P. Mills.
100 Bushels Per Acr.
Lancaster Co., Neb,, Feb. 2, 1903.
J. B. Ratelcin & Bon, Shenandoah, Ia.
Dear Sirs: You doubtless remember my
order for 10 bushels of seed corn, sent you
last spring. I found the corn all right and
as good as advertised, especially your
"Pride of Nishna" and "Iowa Silver Mine."
Some of my crop from your "Silver Mine"
went over 100 bushels per acre.
Yours truly, C. H. ARMiJJtr.
cerned in the culture of the nefarious
schemes wherever found, if they do
not stop it These are the only lines
that the matter can ever permit of
being drawn. To compromise with
cannibalism is to compromise with
death. There are no half-way posi
tions that death does not hold. The
irrepressible conflict is pressing and
one or the other of those two lines
must before long be deliberately chos
en. They will not be evaded by such
makeshifts as placing labor in the
non-human class, and Mr. Clark is vir
tually doing the same with his class
of the organized people.
Minnehaha, MintL
Government Paternalism
The Independent acknowledges re
ceipt, through the kindness of Con
gressman Stark, of House Document
No. 323, 57th congress, 2nd session,
showing the national banks holding
United States deposits. The Nebraska
national banks, specially designated as
depositories, had each $50,000 of gov
ernment funds which was neither in
creased nor diminished during the
year 1902. These were:
First National, Beatrice.
First National, Hastings.
City National, Lincoln.
Nebraska City National, Nebraska
First National, York."" .
City National, York.
For the $300,000 so deposited the
banks paid $3,000.01 interest to Uncle
Sam, the average time being about
six months; and the customers of the
banks paid probably $13,000 for the
privilege of using it, counting simply
once loaning and taking no account
of the reloading of the same money
as it was re-deposited.
The regular depositories were as
Average balance.
1st National, Lincoln $ 59,370.25
1st National. Omaha........ 85,892.64
Merchants' Nat'l, Omaha.. 100.000.00
Omaha Nat'l. Omaha 257.C31.02
Nebraska National, Omaha. 125,762.26
U. S. Nat'l, Omaha........ 100,000.00
Total ............ . . . . . $728,656.17
For this sum the regular deposi
tories paid Uncle Sam the sum of
$14,375.22 Interest. There wa3 prob
ably a profit of $40,000 to $50,000 in
this transaction for the banks.
, The populist sub-treasury scheme
was the height-of financial folly
but this sort of paternalism is patriot
ism! What fools these mortals be.
Postscript: Just wait a minute
there is a mistake somewhere. These
banks did not pay a cent of interest
to Uncle Sam for that million dol
lars. ' That $17,375.23 which it 13
stated above the eleven banks paid,,
is simply a calculation of what they'
WOULD HAVE paid if they had been
required to pay TWO per cent on av
erage monthly balances. Accordingly,
whatever interest they got from their
customers for the use of Uncle Sam's
money was all clear profit.
Majority Rule the Slogan.
Arkansas is among the states where
there is public speaking for the estab
lishment of freedom. Mr. L. W. Low
ry, of Little Rock, is holding meet
ings for majority rule, writing for pa
pers, distributing literature, and talk
ing. He has secured in the-legislature
the introduction oi a bill for the
referendum and initiative. The mem
ber who introduced it, Hon. J. A.
Burke, has been billed to speak at a
public meeting in Little Rock on
"Majority Rule, or Where Should the
Veto Power be Lodged'
Hurrah for Arkansas! When the re-:
formers in other states begin speak
ing for the termination of the rule"of
the few and the establishment of ma
jority rule, the people will come out
to hear them and will contribute to the
work of a state federation for major
ity rule, and for a .local federation.
They are tired of party politics sim
ply a squabble to elect rulers The
people want to be free. Freedom , Is
dear to every human breast When
will reformers learn to address them
selves to this strongest of all desires V